So does anyone have any objection to assigning Bronn and Maelor to a long term mission in the City of Brass?
Maelor is a good candidate to be the face for the storefront, dealing with customers who wish to purchase our wares or those who want to sell us something. His Bluff, Sense Motive, and UMD skills are all very well developed, and Air of Nobility and Voice of the Dragon further enhance his social skills. Since he's a Sorcerer on top of being a Warlock, he can also make use of Pages of Spell Knowledge to fill in some of the holes in his skill selection, namely the lack of an Appraise skill.
Authenticating Gaze,
Evaluator's Lens,
Investigative Mind, and
Tears to Wine, will allow him to fake being an expert Appraiser quite well. He can easily make himself appear older with his Greater Ribbon of Disguise.
Bronn makes for effective muscle with a refreshing lack of inconvenient morals, something that will let him operate in the City of Brass a good deal easier than most of our other people. He's also got the skills and gear to be a credible threat as Maelor's "enforcer" slash guard, though the disguised Erinyes will help with that, too.
I wonder if they should use Human forms or something else a bit less likely to looked down upon in the City of Brass? With Alter Self from their GRD, they have quite a few options.