Why?Dragon aging is special enough that I would say no, even dong it with a carefully prepared ritual and the favor of Tiamat is not 100% safe for the dragon.
Eh, fair.
Speaking of, then, can we use Mythic Augmented Sands of Time to turn ourselves into a Great Wyrm at that point?![]()
I want her father to have a fucking heart attack upon learning what we've made of his daughter. We can fix him up afterward.![]()
"I swear, my Lord, your fine nubile daughter just appeared in my custody one day! I assure you, however, there is not a hair out of place!"
"She is garbed for battle! She is at command of vast cosmic powers! SHE WEARS MEN'S BREECHES!!!"
"I know... don't they grow up so fast?"
This plus Aging Greater Curse plus Yss' curse means that we can permakill people, in an ethically acceptable way?
I mean. Without soul destruction
It's been noted that a big part of the benefits dragons get from aging comes from experience as much as simply their body maturing. If we were going to argument Viserys like that, I'd rule that our bonuses would come purely from physical attributes - increasing in size, scales being harder, etc - while the other bonuses wouldn't apply.Dragon aging is special enough that I would say no, even dong it with a carefully prepared ritual and the favor of Tiamat is not 100% safe for the dragon.
I don't think so? IIRC, he knows she's got a Valyrian Dragon and that she's been learning magic, but I thought she was carefully filtering what information he received?
Sadly for your desires, he already knows. We can never have a scene like this![]()
I don't think so? IIRC, he knows she's got a Valyrian Dragon and that she's been learning magic, but I thought she was carefully filtering what information he received?
Seeing her, in armor or possibly hiding in under a Glamer, is a far cry from knowing she's a badass adventurer who makes it all the way to the finals of a melee tournament like ours.They've met in person since she started going out to kick people in the teeth for loot and xp. And I'm all but certain he found out the truth of what she'd been up to there.
As feats go it is pretty tame. I'd say 200 IM should cover it.
For the sake of round numbers, can we instead give them Monkey Grip and full weapon, armor and shield proficiencies for 500 IM, with the Praetorian Blade having the special ability that it can be wielded one-handed by people having Monkey Grip without penalty?
Seeing her, in armor or possibly hiding in under a Glamer, is a far cry from knowing she's a badass adventurer who makes it all the way to the finals of a melee tournament like ours.
@DragonParadox How close is Valaena to reaching level 8?
Neat. If she was willing to use Wraithstrike and Mirror Image in this fight, I hope she'll go the extra mile for the next fight and use Dragon's Hide as well. DR 5/Adamantine can make a huge difference...assuming her opponent isn't equipped with Adamantine or Valyrian Steel.
I thought it already wasAnd this is how our business front turns into a far more efficient Sweeny Todd expy.
Oberyn is competing in the Large bracket, Valaena in the Medium bracket. They won't meet in battle.While I like Valaena, I don't think that she will be able to beat Oberyn. Yes, I'm assuming he will defeat Asha too.
Oberyn is competing in the Large bracket, Valaena in the Medium bracket. They won't meet in battle.
"She met Oberyn" would already be heart attack-inducing, I'm pretty sure.And the results if they did would not be something I'd have any desire to tell her father![]()
Oberyn would crush Valaena, people. He has several levels on her (so good BaB to challenge her excellent AC), equivalent weapons, and an item of Globe of Invulnerability that would shut down all her magic.
By the way, does anyone have Oberyn's stats?
Oberyn would crush Valaena, people. He has several levels on her (so good BaB to challenge her excellent AC), equivalent weapons, and an item of Globe of Invulnerability that would shut down all her magic.
By the way, does anyone have Oberyn's stats?