@Goldfish, how much does a Greater Ribbon of Disguise cost? Market price please. Asking for a friend.
Well, a Drow. Dunno if they can have actual friends :D
1600 if paying market price.

If they're items the Drow already have, I would consider making them Magic Tattoos or something other than a ribbon. You've probably already thought of that, though, I'm sure.
1600 if paying market price.

If they're items the Drow already have, I would consider making them Magic Tattoos or something other than a ribbon. You've probably already thought of that, though, I'm sure.
Yep. Sadly 1600 is pretty steep (I'm already dumping most stat boosters for example). Maybe an item of Magic Aura?
[juggles costs]

EDIT: Or I could dump the PfE, considering his excellent will save!
Unfortunately, this is a Personal range spell. To place it on Mors would require two Blood Wishes, one to cast Imbue with Spell Ability and another to grant him the Age Resistance spell.

It's much easier to just Blood Wish a Chasing Perfection spell on him to grant +4 Enhancement bonuses to all of his attributes. It won't last as long, but it's a comprehensive buff which should get him through the fighting.
Yep. Sadly 1600 is pretty steep (I'm already dumping most stat boosters for example). Maybe an item of Magic Aura?
[juggles costs]
I would keep the basic stat boosters and dump the Greater Ribbon of Disguise for now. They're Drow...who would ever expect them to be anything but Evil? No point in hiding your Alignment at that point. The Wizard of the pair could have provided Magic Aura spells easily enough when needed, considering that it has a super long duration.

As for Alter Self, that can also be provided by spells or items for when it's needed.

Stat boosters, however, are something you want active continuously, IMO.

EDIT: And it's not like we're going to skimp on further gearing them up.
Did we immediately come to the Valley of the Thenns or did we wait overnight and come the following day?

If it's the latter, Dany is going to have a North of the Wall specific spell loadout prepared.
I didn't mean a Dresden type ghost, that spell literally call a soul back for a chat.
You know, I wasn't actually aware that that spell existed. That's neat af.
I have advocated that spell many times, it's a large part of why I think death should be no barrier for diplomancing, as we can have a chat with them with that spell easily.

We haven't used it in character yet, and I don't remember if DP has rolled for if Viserys know it's a thing he can bloodwish, but if Viserys don't know it's a thing, I'm going to campaign for finding a way to learn it at some point, as it's just so convenient to be able to have a full out chat, with someone you are considering reviving.
I don't see why we can't bring them with us. It would be nice if we could kill Mors and do a quick directed Reincarnation on him, but I don't see that happening right now.

I'll add the buffs to the plan in a bit. It's too early for actual battle planning, though.

[X] Allow Mors and Braga to accompany us in our hunt for the Nightrunners.
-[X] Buffs Coming Shortly
Sorry if It feels like I'm harping on this, but: how so? I get how having it work could have been problematic, but what's wrong with having it not work?

In addition to the complaints people have raised about how it worked in this particular segment, I also worry that trying to keep the ambiguity alive will mean not really having Viserys react to what happened or having anything change or develop as a result, since we'd be able to tell what happened from a realistic reaction. At that point, it starts to undercut the importance of the whole scenario: if nothing changes, and the reader has no evidence that anyone even cares about the outcome, then at the end of the day the whole thing might as well not have happened at all. That feels like a real waste of something that was entirely on track to have a ton of impact, bring up uncomfortable questions, and lead to someone having some real character development one way or the other.

Because I like leaving the door open to that hope.

More generally, though, a lot of this feedback appears to focus on what I never really saw as the primary purpose for these sections. Viserys, knowingly or not, didn't actually have a broad and full understanding of what Black Magic did to a person. The White Council wouldn't listen to him until it could be shown that he did, but more than that, he needed it from a character development point of view within the world he's found himself inside. We very rarely find ourselves constrained by the laws of reality around us, and often when we do there's a way to brute force it. In this case...well, I think how I talked to @Sqweaktoy about this in PMs was probably best. This was a Coventry moment for Viserys, where the needs of state and long term planning require him to put the good of the many above that of the few. And it's not as if he's never done that before, let's be extremely clear about that.

He doesn't like doing so, a lot of the time. But that doesn't mean he doesn't go right ahead and do it anyway, if it's felt to be the best way forward for him and the plans that he's laid. He's not immune to the mental and emotional cost of that, though we rarely see it as has been mentioned before. In this set of Warlock scenarios, Viserys has learnt what Black Magic does to people. He's been able to see how it can twist and pull at even the most reasonable people, with the best of intentions. He's seen the depths to which those who practice it can so easily fall to, and he's seen how easy it is for those lines to be crossed. He doesn't like that, but when fighting conceptual grade forces, there are limits to what he can actually do given his lack of access to much of his wider resource net. And he's also now seen what Laws cost. How their improper application, in terms of how the White Council does things isn't working, will doom the Council just as surely as a war might.

Given the example of Kathy, of the New York doctor, of the Warlock nest and the other examples like the last two that I never showed, he's got a much deeper grounding on what he's actually dealing with and how to approach the matter with the White Council. Knowing something is one thing. Experiencing it is another. The narrative consequence of the Warlock sections isn't really about if Ress magic works or not - if Kathy returns to life is entirely irrelevant in that calculus. The consequence is that Viserys has now faced the set of facts surrounding the magic of this realm, and found that he can't change them. This is why the White Council remains important, because it's their enforcement vs prevention stance that he wants to change to help fix things.

DP noted that it's more about Viserys realising the need to at least do all he can to help Kathy, as Naomi put it, than the actual result. That was the ground that much of this was staked out on. Coming to terms with consequences and limits is never fun, especially not for someone like Viserys where he's become used to being able to shatter them - given time, maybe, but still.

When it comes to addressing the White Council, these learning experiences will colour his plans to do so, and in that you'll hopefully see the change I was aiming for. If I do my job right, the first part of that will hit in the next section, where he's prepping for that meeting. That I didn't make that clear is my fault, and one that's exacerbated by your not being able to see what's coming next whilst I can't really explain it without dispensing spoilers. However, whilst Kathy was important, the events taking place around her hold a much greater significance in this section of the narrative than the person herself. Her fate is still tragic, but from that tragedy...well, there should come more than just a little good.

tl;dr you're looking for change in the wrong place.
Considering our action economy involves things like casually weaving a web of spells that counters everything the enemy is trying to do while simultaneously doing everything you intended to do, yeah nobody will want to pick up a weapon when we're around.

That's not "wow he's a strong fighter" ala Robert Baratheon, that's "everybody to the hardened bunker" ala Viserys Targaryen, Lord of the HMS Superior Firepower.
*after incinerating the welcoming committee with 2 simultaneous Firebrands*
Viserys: "Watch your step."
Mors: "You think any traps they've set survived that?"
Viserys: "No, but the stone will still be slightly runny for a bit. Just be careful not to get stuck."
Mors: :confused:
Also, @DragonParadox, would there happen to be any nearby direwolves or snowbears or shadowcats we can bottle and bring back as gifts to our Children of the Forest?

I got a bit hopeful when I saw Braga's direwolf-teeth necklace.
Updated plan to account for the buffs available with our current party.

I'm not sure if we've had an actual fight worth the name since Viserys had Arcane Concordance Permanencied on himself, @DragonParadox. Just a reminder that Viserys and any allies using Arcane spells within 10 feet of him can automatically cast their spells as if affected by the Silent Spell Metamagic without increasing the level or casting time.

[X] Allow Mors and Braga to accompany us in our hunt for the Nightrunners.
-[X] Dany cast Divination to determine whether or not the Nightrunners are expecting to be attacked. If they are, the plan may need to be amended.
-[X] Prior to entering the area in which we suspect the Nightrunners are hiding, the group undertakes the following preparations.
--[X] Give Mors and Braga each a Ring of Protection from Evil and Healing Belt, explaining what they are and how they function. They can consider them gifts for those willing to go into battle with us against the forces of the Others.
---[X] Loan each of them a Valyrian Steel Axe to use should their regular weapons prove less effective than desired against the Nightrunners.
--[X] Viserys, Dany, and Waymar set their Channel Vigor buffs to "Torso" mode, increasing their Fortitude saves and Concentration checks by +6.
--[X] Dany casts Divine Insight, Entropic Shield, Freedom of Movement, Ironskin, Resist Energy(Cold), Shield of Faith, Shield of Warding, and True Seeing on herself. She casts Greater Magic Fang on Viserys.
--[X] Waymar casts Resist Energy(Cold) on himself, Braga, Mors, and Viserys, Bronze Skin on himself, Mors, and Braga, and See Invisibility on himself. If he hasn't already cast them, he also cast Heart of Air, Heart of Earth, and Heart of Water.
--[X] Viserys casts Divine Insight, Greater Arcane Sight, Mirror Image, Scintillating Scales, See Invisibility, Shield, and Starmantle on himself. He casts Moment of Greatness, Shield of Faith on Waymar, Mors, and Braga, Nine Lives on Dany and Waymar if they haven't already been affected*(using two 7th level spell slots and an 8th level slot), Blood Wishes Telepathic Bond on everyone then a Chasing Perfection spell on Mors (followed by using a charge from his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal the Charisma damage), and Magic Army on everyone's weapons.
---[X]*Using my previously discussed scheme to use a Blood Wished Arcane Concordance to cast 38 hour long Nine Lives spells on the Companions using left over spell slots each night before resting to recover spells. If done nightly, he can keep everyone warded most of the time.
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[X] Goldfish
There was this 'buff up sequence' youtube that'd be fitting here - and we also do it in spot range of a lot of witnesses.
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@DragonParadox does Viserys carry one or two spare PfE with him from the pile, because we have been in situations where having a few on us was a great idea.

@Goldfish we should loan out a PfE to anyone who comes with imo. #sensibleprecauctions

And, just to clarify, we have Viserys, Waymar, Dany and??? With us? (Also mr. Local Knowledge and mr. angry old dude)
@DragonParadox does Viserys carry one or two spare PfE with him from the pile, because we have been in situations where having a few on us was a great idea.

@Goldfish we should loan out a PfE to anyone who comes with imo. #sensibleprecauctions

And, just to clarify, we have Viserys, Waymar, Dany and??? With us? (Also mr. Local Knowledge and mr. angry old dude)
Thanks for reminding me. Added this part to the plan.
--[] Give Mors and Braga each a Ring of Protection from Evil and Healing Belt, explaining what they are and how they function. They can consider them gifts for those willing to go into battle with us against the forces of the Others.
I'll deduct two Healing Belts and PfE Rings from the stockpile.
@Goldfish, since we are going into battle against Winterborn, do we want to consider loaning out spare Valyrian Steel from our armory (which can be assumed to be in our cloak)?
@Goldfish, since we are going into battle against Winterborn, do we want to consider loaning out spare Valyrian Steel from our armory (which can be assumed to be in our cloak)?
We can, yes, though casting Magic Army gives everyone the equivalent to a +3 weapon, which should make them perform better than Valyrian Steel.

I'll add it in anyway.