Though you know something I recently considered about Nymeria fucking off to Essos and then back to Dorne afterwards?

I think she avoided committing not because of anything we did or didn't do or say, but because she felt like she was in Tyene's shadow.

Which puts a whole different spin on that narrative.
That could be it. If she had stayed, she might have feared she would always be Tyene's muggle sister.
Well, she's not wrong. She's probably never going to catch up to Tyene.
Well, she's not wrong. She's probably never going to catch up to Tyene.

The point is more that she actually did become a PC (past level 6 as of Oberyn's expedition to the Rhoyne) so she is making headway on things like making a name for herself, but when you weigh her accomplishments against the meekest of Tyene's, it is easy to infer that she would want to be somewhere where she is not just another face in a crowd of useful people. In Dorne she stands out and can do things nobody else can.
Personally, I am more surprised that:

1) Obara has not signed up for the Legion yet, one of the few military institutions where women are not rejected out of hand.
2) Nymeria hasn't come back and signed up for say the Inquisition (well, more like ask Viserys to join), who's regs are flexible enough to let in family members related to trusted individuals (Oberyn being trusted... maybe that's a stretch. Oberyn being loved?)
3) Sarella not begging her Uncle and Father to send her to study at the Scholarum (something that is bound to happen sooner or later, what with the Deep becoming a center of learning in all subjects and with even mundane lore that is starting to give a little competition to the Citadel).

The others are basically still kids. I expect little Elia Sand to want to be a sky knight or a spell-blade several years from now.

@DragonParadox, the two Drow builds! Morwyn is a sneak attacking poisoner, with stealth skills and disguise and bluff. Tuin is a wizard focusing on buffs, who creates a web of power between himself and others. He's taken one level of Spellguard of Silverymoon, and is thus attuned to a mighty warding scheme that has probably died out millenia ago. Poor baby. But fluffwise I felt it fit with War Weaver very well (being part of a larger magical network, creating/using one) and mechanically it's quite good. In three levels he gets some fantastic group buffing abilities, and he's quite good today too.

@Goldfish, these builds assume ownership of a certain amount of gear and of a spellbook. Feel free to calculate the costs and remove them from our funds, if you care. Otherwise I'm just assuming that this is what they'll be spending their income on for a while.

@All: if we pick these two builds, they'll make an Inquisition squad very very happy. War Weaver is amazing for buffing small units (3 more people here please!) and a poisoner/sneak attacker is already deadly, but gets even better with support and regular flanking/healing!
Together they can try stealth (through hiding, bluffing or disguises), they can kill things very very dead, and they can flee. However, they remain assassins: squishy and weak in fair fights or if badly outnumbered. They're good at killing single targets, but they can't take a beating!
Well, not without abusing Polymorph. If they abuse Polymorph they have a far better chance of managing, but who likes doing that?

Morwyn, Drow Rogue 3 / Spellthief 2 / Chameleon 4
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hit Dice: 5d6 +4d8 (39 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 20/22 (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield, +2 deflection vs Evil)
Base Attack: +6/+1
Attack: +10/+5 short sword (1d6+4 + poison)
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities, Aptitude focus, mimic class feature 1/day, Ability boon (+2, currently applied to Wis), trapfinding, poison use, detect magic 3/day (CL 2), steal spell and steal spell effect (as a level 6 Spellthief), Sneak Attack +3d6 (+Hunter's Eye)
Special Qualities: SR 20, immunity to sleep, A drow who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it, darkvision 120ft, light blindness (1 round, then dazzled), Evasion, Floating Bonus Feat,
Saves: Fortitude +5 (+6 vs spells), Reflex +8 (+9 vs spells), Will +9 (+12 vs spells and SLAs, +14 vs enchantments) -> All +2 vs Evil
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Bluff +12, Disable Device +15, Disguise +12 [Skill Trick: Second Impression], Concentration +6, Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana or religion, based on daily spellcasting) +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +15, Open Lock +9, Search +11, Spot +10, Spellcraft +5,
Feats: Flaws (Fussy, Pride of Arms), Reactive Resistance, Gift of Darkness, Terrifying Strike, Sickening Strike, Venomous Strike, Master Spellthief
Spell-Like Abilities, CL 9: 2/day: Dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness. Curtain of Darkness: Immediate action costing one use of dancing lights and darkness to extinguish all nonmagical light sources within 100 feet. Mirror Image: Immediate action to can expend one daily use of dancing lights and faerie fire to use mirror image (as the spell, except you gain only 1d4 images). See Invisibility: Immediate action to expend one daily use of darkness and faerie fire to use see invisibility (as the spell, except the duration is only 1 round per caster level). Blinding Vanish: Immediate action costing one daily use of dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire to disappear in a blinding flash of light. All creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round; a successful Fortitude save (DC 14) reduces the effect to dazzled for 1 round. In addition, you become invisible (as the invisibility spell, except the duration is 1 round per caster level).
Gear: Lesser Caster's Tattoo, Penumbra Tattoo, Strike Tattoo (3/ day grave strike, golem strike or vine strike as a swift action), Poison tattoo (casts Minor Creation once per day at CL 7), Healing Belt, two +1 short swords, +1 mithral buckler, +1 mithral chain shirt, masterwork thief's tools, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, PfE, Heward's Handy Haversack, an awful lot of daggers
Divine casting CL 8 (DC = 14 + spell level) :
Level 0:
Read Magic, Detect Poison*2, No Light,
Level 1: Rhino's Rush*2, Breath of the Jungle, Resurgence, Lesser Vigor,
Level 2: Hunter's Eye *2, Divine Insight, Increase Virulence
Level 3: Moon Blade

NOTE: Sneak attacker who can reduce sneak attack damage to steal spells or impose penalties on the save against poison. To apply poison, he wields one weapon in each hand, each coated in poison - he can split his attacks between two weapons, but doesn't actually fight with two weapons (no extra attack).

Tuin, Drow Paragon 1 / Wizard 2 (Illusionist - no necromancy or evocation) / War Weaver 5 / Spellguard of Silverymoon 1
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hit Dice: 1d6+8d4 +9 (26 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 20/22/24 (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield) +2 vs Evil, +2 dodge after having cast a spell
Base Attack: +4 Attack: +3 dagger (1d4-1)
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities,
Special Qualities: SR 20, sleep immunity, light blindness (1 round, then dazzled), darkvision 120ft, auto-search secret doors within 5ft,
Saves: Fortitude +4, Reflex +7, Will +7 (+9 vs spells, +11 vs enchantment),
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Craft (weaving) +10, Concentration +13 (+17 to cast defensively), Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (religion) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Move Silently +16, Spellcraft +10,
Feats: Flaws (Inattentive, Noncombatant), Enlarge Spell, Sanctum Spell, Combat Casting, Battle Casting, Echoing Spell, Easy Metamagic (Echoing Spell),
Spell-Like Abilities CL 9: 2/day: Dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness
Gear: Lesser Caster's Tattoo, Penumbra Tattoo, Heward's Handy Haversack, +1 mithral buckler, +1 Twilight mithral chain shirt,
Wizard CL 8 (DC = 14 + spell level) - remember Sanctum spell! :
Level 0:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation *2
Level 1: Nerveskitter *2, Grease, Benign Transposition, Enlarge Person, Silent Image,
Level 2: Bull's Strength*2, Invisibility*2, See Invisibility, Insidious Insight,
Level 3: Haste, Dimension Step, Displacement*2, Crown of Veils
Level 4: Polymorph, Greater Invisibility*2, Echoing Snake's Swiftness,
Eldritch Tapestry: 10 minutes to establish, between 4 person (+himself). Then allows any spell you cast into it to affect everyone in the tapestry
Quiescent Tapestry: Pre-cast 4 spells of level 5 or less into the tapestry, and activate them all as a move action.
Example quiescent tapestry:
  • Greater Invisibility, Haste, Polymorph, Dimension Step. Also use Nerveskitter: turn the rogue into an invisible melee beatstick, and use Dimension step to let him into melee! This way he gets a very strong full attack in while the enemy is flat-footed. This also sets up excellent defenses for the wizard.
Ward Attunement: While within the mighty wards he is attuned to, he can evoke certain magical effects as a move action. However, I presume that the wards he attuned to are long lost.
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Personally, I am more surprised that:

1) Obara has not signed up for the Legion yet, one of the few military institutions where women are not rejected out of hand.
2) Nymeria hasn't come back and signed up for say the Inquisition (well, more like ask Viserys to join), who's regs are flexible enough to let in family members related to trusted individuals (Oberyn being trusted... maybe that's a stretch. Oberyn being loved?)
3) Sarella not begging her Uncle and Father to send her to study at the Scholarum (something that is bound to happen sooner or later, what with the Deep becoming a center of learning in all subjects and with even mundane lore that is starting to give a little competition to the Citadel).

The others are basically still kids. I expect little Elia Sand to want to be a sky knight or a spell-blade several years from now.
Nymeria probably hasn't come back for exactly the reasons you put forward -- she's more valued in Dorne, whereas in Sorcerer's Deep she's one face among a sea of useful people.

As for Sarella and Elia, I imagine they're being given private magic lessons in Dorne with the intention that they'll be sent to the Scholarum when they're old enough.

Not really sure about Obara. She might show up eventually.
A note on this. A Whampire attempting to feed on Viserys - assuming he didn't just murder them because fuck vampires feeding on him - would quite literally burst into flames. No magic required.

Well from the Raith family anyway.

mmmm now that brings me the question of why we have not cursed Robert just to annoy him? nothing deadly yet we do not need it dead.
but maybe a curse that causes impotence or something like that? or that he can never get drunk or try alcohol because if what you say is true it would be very simple

I am biding my time for someone to make themselves an acceptable target so I can really have some fun with a few finds.

In Goldfish Land, Kathy was Resurrected then immediately placed in a Smoky Confinement bottle to wait for Viserys' return to Planetos.

and without a WG asshole he has more leeway to help, happy ending.
Even with the best intentions, I guess it is hard avoiding being called an asshole if you've got near-omnipotence but refuse to exercise it more.

To be fair to those in that camp, when there are supernatural beings who might as well be omnipotent for how much power they hold over the average person, even a minor practitioner, and not afraid to use that power, it is understandable.
@DragonParadox, the two Drow builds! Morwyn is a sneak attacking poisoner, with stealth skills and disguise and bluff. Tuin is a wizard focusing on buffs, who creates a web of power between himself and others. He's taken one level of Spellguard of Silverymoon, and is thus attuned to a mighty warding scheme that has probably died out millenia ago. Poor baby. But fluffwise I felt it fit with War Weaver very well (being part of a larger magical network, creating/using one) and mechanically it's quite good. In three levels he gets some fantastic group buffing abilities, and he's quite good today too.

@Goldfish, these builds assume ownership of a certain amount of gear and of a spellbook. Feel free to calculate the costs and remove them from our funds, if you care. Otherwise I'm just assuming that this is what they'll be spending their income on for a while.

@All: if we pick these two builds, they'll make an Inquisition squad very very happy. War Weaver is amazing for buffing small units (3 more people here please!) and a poisoner/sneak attacker is already deadly, but gets even better with support and regular flanking/healing!
Together they can try stealth (through hiding, bluffing or disguises), they can kill things very very dead, and they can flee. However, they remain assassins: squishy and weak in fair fights or if badly outnumbered. They're good at killing single targets, but they can't take a beating!
Well, not without abusing Polymorph. If they abuse Polymorph they have a far better chance of managing, but who likes doing that?

Morwyn, Drow Rogue 3 / Spellthief 2 / Chameleon 4
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hit Dice: 5d6 +4d8 (39 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 20/22 (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield, +2 deflection vs Evil)
Base Attack: +6/+1
Attack: +10/+5 short sword (1d6+4 + poison)
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities, Aptitude focus, mimic class feature 1/day, Ability boon (+2, currently applied to Wis), trapfinding, poison use, detect magic 3/day (CL 2), steal spell and steal spell effect (as a level 6 Spellthief), Sneak Attack +3d6 (+Hunter's Eye)
Special Qualities: SR 20, immunity to sleep, A drow who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it, darkvision 120ft, light blindness (1 round, then dazzled), Evasion, Floating Bonus Feat,
Saves: Fortitude +5 (+6 vs spells), Reflex +8 (+9 vs spells), Will +9 (+12 vs spells and SLAs, +14 vs enchantments) -> All +2 vs Evil
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Bluff +12, Disable Device +15, Disguise +12 [Skill Trick: Second Impression], Concentration +6, Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana or religion, based on daily spellcasting) +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +15, Open Lock +9, Search +11, Spot +10, Spellcraft +5,
Feats: Flaws (Fussy, Pride of Arms), Reactive Resistance, Gift of Darkness, Terrifying Strike, Sickening Strike, Venomous Strike, Master Spellthief
Spell-Like Abilities, CL 9: 2/day: Dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness. Curtain of Darkness: Immediate action costing one use of dancing lights and darkness to extinguish all nonmagical light sources within 100 feet. Mirror Image: Immediate action to can expend one daily use of dancing lights and faerie fire to use mirror image (as the spell, except you gain only 1d4 images). See Invisibility: Immediate action to expend one daily use of darkness and faerie fire to use see invisibility (as the spell, except the duration is only 1 round per caster level). Blinding Vanish: Immediate action costing one daily use of dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire to disappear in a blinding flash of light. All creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round; a successful Fortitude save (DC 14) reduces the effect to dazzled for 1 round. In addition, you become invisible (as the invisibility spell, except the duration is 1 round per caster level).
Gear: Lesser Caster's Tattoo, Penumbra Tattoo, Strike Tattoo (3/ day grave strike, golem strike or vine strike as a swift action), Poison tattoo (casts Minor Creation once per day at CL 7), Healing Belt, two +1 short swords, +1 mithral buckler, +1 mithral chain shirt, masterwork thief's tools, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, PfE, Heward's Handy Haversack, an awful lot of daggers
Divine casting CL 8 (DC = 14 + spell level) :
Level 0:
Read Magic, Detect Poison*2, No Light,
Level 1: Rhino's Rush*2, Breath of the Jungle, Resurgence, Lesser Vigor,
Level 2: Hunter's Eye *2, Divine Insight, Increase Virulence
Level 3: Moon Blade

NOTE: Sneak attacker who can reduce sneak attack damage to steal spells or impose penalties on the save against poison. To apply poison, he wields one weapon in each hand, each coated in poison - he can split his attacks between two weapons, but doesn't actually fight with two weapons (no extra attack).

Tuin, Drow Paragon 1 / Wizard 2 (Illusionist - no necromancy or evocation) / War Weaver 5 / Spellguard of Silverymoon 1
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hit Dice: 1d6+8d4 +9 (26 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 20/22/24 (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield) +2 vs Evil, +2 dodge after having cast a spell
Base Attack: +4 Attack: +3 dagger (1d4-1)
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities,
Special Qualities: SR 20, sleep immunity, light blindness (1 round, then dazzled), darkvision 120ft, auto-search secret doors within 5ft,
Saves: Fortitude +4, Reflex +7, Will +7 (+9 vs spells, +11 vs enchantment),
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Craft (weaving) +10, Concentration +13 (+17 to cast defensively), Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (religion) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Move Silently +16, Spellcraft +10,
Feats: Flaws (Inattentive, Noncombatant), Enlarge Spell, Sanctum Spell, Combat Casting, Battle Casting, Echoing Spell, Easy Metamagic (Echoing Spell),
Spell-Like Abilities CL 9: 2/day: Dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness
Gear: Lesser Caster's Tattoo, Penumbra Tattoo, Heward's Handy Haversack, +1 mithral buckler, +1 Twilight mithral chain shirt,
Wizard CL 8 (DC = 14 + spell level) - remember Sanctum spell! :
Level 0:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation *2
Level 1: Nerveskitter *2, Grease, Benign Transposition, Enlarge Person, Silent Image,
Level 2: Bull's Strength*2, Invisibility*2, See Invisibility, Insidious Insight,
Level 3: Haste, Dimension Step, Displacement*2, Crown of Veils
Level 4: Polymorph, Greater Invisibility*2, Echoing Snake's Swiftness,
Eldritch Tapestry: 10 minutes to establish, between 4 person (+himself). Then allows any spell you cast into it to affect everyone in the tapestry
Quiescent Tapestry: Pre-cast 4 spells of level 5 or less into the tapestry, and activate them all as a move action.
Example quiescent tapestry:
  • Greater Invisibility, Haste, Polymorph, Dimension Step. Also use Nerveskitter: turn the rogue into an invisible melee beatstick, and use Dimension step to let him into melee! This way he gets a very strong full attack in while the enemy is flat-footed. This also sets up excellent defenses for the wizard.
Ward Attunement: While within the mighty wards he is attuned to, he can evoke certain magical effects as a move action. However, I presume that the wards he attuned to are long lost.

That sheet layout... are you trying to induce a brain aneurysm in @Goldfish?

Haha, poor guy. Considering extremely minor editing errors triggered his OCD last I checked, he will be weeping while building sheets for them.
@DragonParadox, the two Drow builds! Morwyn is a sneak attacking poisoner, with stealth skills and disguise and bluff. Tuin is a wizard focusing on buffs, who creates a web of power between himself and others. He's taken one level of Spellguard of Silverymoon, and is thus attuned to a mighty warding scheme that has probably died out millenia ago. Poor baby. But fluffwise I felt it fit with War Weaver very well (being part of a larger magical network, creating/using one) and mechanically it's quite good. In three levels he gets some fantastic group buffing abilities, and he's quite good today too.

@Goldfish, these builds assume ownership of a certain amount of gear and of a spellbook. Feel free to calculate the costs and remove them from our funds, if you care. Otherwise I'm just assuming that this is what they'll be spending their income on for a while.

@All: if we pick these two builds, they'll make an Inquisition squad very very happy. War Weaver is amazing for buffing small units (3 more people here please!) and a poisoner/sneak attacker is already deadly, but gets even better with support and regular flanking/healing!
Together they can try stealth (through hiding, bluffing or disguises), they can kill things very very dead, and they can flee. However, they remain assassins: squishy and weak in fair fights or if badly outnumbered. They're good at killing single targets, but they can't take a beating!
Well, not without abusing Polymorph. If they abuse Polymorph they have a far better chance of managing, but who likes doing that?

Morwyn, Drow Rogue 3 / Spellthief 2 / Chameleon 4
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hit Dice: 5d6 +4d8 (39 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 20/22 (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield, +2 deflection vs Evil)
Base Attack: +6/+1
Attack: +10/+5 short sword (1d6+4 + poison)
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities, Aptitude focus, mimic class feature 1/day, Ability boon (+2, currently applied to Wis), trapfinding, poison use, detect magic 3/day (CL 2), steal spell and steal spell effect (as a level 6 Spellthief), Sneak Attack +3d6 (+Hunter's Eye)
Special Qualities: SR 20, immunity to sleep, A drow who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it, darkvision 120ft, light blindness (1 round, then dazzled), Evasion, Floating Bonus Feat,
Saves: Fortitude +5 (+6 vs spells), Reflex +8 (+9 vs spells), Will +9 (+12 vs spells and SLAs, +14 vs enchantments) -> All +2 vs Evil
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Bluff +12, Disable Device +15, Disguise +12 [Skill Trick: Second Impression], Concentration +6, Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana or religion, based on daily spellcasting) +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +15, Open Lock +9, Search +11, Spot +10, Spellcraft +5,
Feats: Flaws (Fussy, Pride of Arms), Reactive Resistance, Gift of Darkness, Terrifying Strike, Sickening Strike, Venomous Strike, Master Spellthief
Spell-Like Abilities, CL 9: 2/day: Dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness. Curtain of Darkness: Immediate action costing one use of dancing lights and darkness to extinguish all nonmagical light sources within 100 feet. Mirror Image: Immediate action to can expend one daily use of dancing lights and faerie fire to use mirror image (as the spell, except you gain only 1d4 images). See Invisibility: Immediate action to expend one daily use of darkness and faerie fire to use see invisibility (as the spell, except the duration is only 1 round per caster level). Blinding Vanish: Immediate action costing one daily use of dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire to disappear in a blinding flash of light. All creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round; a successful Fortitude save (DC 14) reduces the effect to dazzled for 1 round. In addition, you become invisible (as the invisibility spell, except the duration is 1 round per caster level).
Gear: Lesser Caster's Tattoo, Penumbra Tattoo, Strike Tattoo (3/ day grave strike, golem strike or vine strike as a swift action), Poison tattoo (casts Minor Creation once per day at CL 7), Healing Belt, two +1 short swords, +1 mithral buckler, +1 mithral chain shirt, masterwork thief's tools, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, PfE, Heward's Handy Haversack, an awful lot of daggers
Divine casting CL 8 (DC = 14 + spell level) :
Level 0:
Read Magic, Detect Poison*2, No Light,
Level 1: Rhino's Rush*2, Breath of the Jungle, Resurgence, Lesser Vigor,
Level 2: Hunter's Eye *2, Divine Insight, Increase Virulence
Level 3: Moon Blade

NOTE: Sneak attacker who can reduce sneak attack damage to steal spells or impose penalties on the save against poison. To apply poison, he wields one weapon in each hand, each coated in poison - he can split his attacks between two weapons, but doesn't actually fight with two weapons (no extra attack).

Tuin, Drow Paragon 1 / Wizard 2 (Illusionist - no necromancy or evocation) / War Weaver 5 / Spellguard of Silverymoon 1
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hit Dice: 1d6+8d4 +9 (26 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 20/22/24 (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield) +2 vs Evil, +2 dodge after having cast a spell
Base Attack: +4 Attack: +3 dagger (1d4-1)
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities,
Special Qualities: SR 20, sleep immunity, light blindness (1 round, then dazzled), darkvision 120ft, auto-search secret doors within 5ft,
Saves: Fortitude +4, Reflex +7, Will +7 (+9 vs spells, +11 vs enchantment),
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Craft (weaving) +10, Concentration +13 (+17 to cast defensively), Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (religion) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Move Silently +16, Spellcraft +10,
Feats: Flaws (Inattentive, Noncombatant), Enlarge Spell, Sanctum Spell, Combat Casting, Battle Casting, Echoing Spell, Easy Metamagic (Echoing Spell),
Spell-Like Abilities CL 9: 2/day: Dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness
Gear: Lesser Caster's Tattoo, Penumbra Tattoo, Heward's Handy Haversack, +1 mithral buckler, +1 Twilight mithral chain shirt,
Wizard CL 8 (DC = 14 + spell level) - remember Sanctum spell! :
Level 0:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation *2
Level 1: Nerveskitter *2, Grease, Benign Transposition, Enlarge Person, Silent Image,
Level 2: Bull's Strength*2, Invisibility*2, See Invisibility, Insidious Insight,
Level 3: Haste, Dimension Step, Displacement*2, Crown of Veils
Level 4: Polymorph, Greater Invisibility*2, Echoing Snake's Swiftness,
Eldritch Tapestry: 10 minutes to establish, between 4 person (+himself). Then allows any spell you cast into it to affect everyone in the tapestry
Quiescent Tapestry: Pre-cast 4 spells of level 5 or less into the tapestry, and activate them all as a move action.
Example quiescent tapestry:
  • Greater Invisibility, Haste, Polymorph, Dimension Step. Also use Nerveskitter: turn the rogue into an invisible melee beatstick, and use Dimension step to let him into melee! This way he gets a very strong full attack in while the enemy is flat-footed. This also sets up excellent defenses for the wizard.
Ward Attunement: While within the mighty wards he is attuned to, he can evoke certain magical effects as a move action. However, I presume that the wards he attuned to are long lost.
Looks nice, dude. I'll work out their new gear on the schedule in the morning.

Can you specify which gear they already have as opposed to stuff you included that they haven't received yet?
That sheet layout... are you trying to induce a brain aneurysm in @Goldfish?

Haha, poor guy. Considering extremely minor editing errors triggered his OCD last I checked, he will be weeping while building sheets for them.
I'm going to make them acceptable to my inner crazy person.

It'll have to be done in the morning, though. I won't be awake much longer.
There is…something under her town. Something very old, a slumbering god perhaps, but exactly what isn't really important
That would be a hell of a fight, in an OTL where the Fomor succeed in their plan with a desperate bid, as they are being pushed back from the US.
And yes, Naomi knows she is. Fortunately she's not insufferable about it :V
Needs more Naomi interactions.

You know how some of the thread pick up some characters to build and gear?

I'm doing it to her in my head, and the lack of juicy details is killing me :V
The diamond could have shattered into dust and spread out over the body to restore it. It could have shattered and brought forth Kathy's soul for Viserys to try to convince to return and offer a chance at a new life or world.
My head cannon is that Mr, Sunshine shows up after it shatters, has a talk with Viserys about Stuff, but ultimately gets an (honest) "dully noted", and a "I will be wanting a refund for the diamond, if you please" just because Viserys is a tad emotional right now.

Instead of ressurection + bottle, I think what would follow is actual proper divinations (including how the fuck she didn't explode when time traveling that hard, which should easily follow into "she's nowhere near as dangerous out of her town"), perhaps some countermeasures but definitely actual plans for dealing with her psyche, and bringing her in as a true ghost, aka her actual soul floating about, a la Dresden, instead of the usual mimicry.

She shouldn't be of any danger in that state, while Viserys can talk to and affect her normally with his spells. Therapy ensues, and perhaps he does bottle her for ressurection to back home. Handily, he's got her soul sticking around, so no pesky WG to interfere.
A note on this. A Whampire attempting to feed on Viserys - assuming he didn't just murder them because fuck vampires feeding on him - would quite literally burst into flames. No magic required.
I like to think a Black Court vamp that somehow got to drink Viserys' blood would experience the equivalent of falling face-first in a pile of pure Colombian cocaine: absolutely incredible power... Until his undead heart gives out.
Skills: Craft (weaving) +10
I laughed at this being an actual prerequisite. Still, War Weaver be cheesy, yo.
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Looks nice, dude. I'll work out their new gear on the schedule in the morning.

Can you specify which gear they already have as opposed to stuff you included that they haven't received yet?
I imagine that all that they kept through the ages were their magic tattoos. The rest (including a decently stocked spellbook for the wizard) they'll have to get in SD, either by buying it or receiving it as a gift from us.
I laughed at this being an actual prerequisite. Still, War Weaver be cheesy, yo.
I almost made it "basketweaving", but that felt like too much meme.

Ultimately, a War Weaver is strong but can be countered easily enough (dispels). And I made it an illusionist to help keep it on theme: good at what it does, but limited elsewhere. No being a God wizard on the side! Focus on buffs!

Honestly, I was expecting a remark on my decision to make "advances spellcasting" work retroactively for Drow Paragon. It makes a lot of sense so I expect DP won't complain, but strictly speaking by RAW I should have had to take a wizard level before the racial paragon one.
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I imagine that all that they kept through the ages were their magic tattoos. The rest (including a decently stocked spellbook for the wizard) they'll have to get in SD, either by buying it or receiving it as a gift from us.
They still had weapons and armor on after being restored. If they have that stuff, items like enchanted jewelry should be intact as well.

Maybe ask DP for a budget to equip them with surviving gear and we'll fill in the rest?
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They still had weapons and armor on after being restored. If they have that stuff, items like enchanted jewelry should be intact as well.

Maybe find out from DP for a budget to equip them with surviving gear and we'll fill in the rest?
Page 127 of the DMG has the WBL of NPCs. I'll check it in the morning and get back to you on that.

1 IM is 5 gp?
You know, I don't think I ever commented on this, but Valyrian Steel drives me nuts by being +2.

It's an absolutely amazing cheat: you make +2 anything on an industrial scale, for less than pennies on the dollar when compared to traditional handcrafted stuff. It's adamantine-tough to boot, and pierces that DR and ignores hardness, and +2 is a respectable enhancement.

But, due PF's DR rules, it's one point short of being essentially the dream material. If it were innately +3, you would have a material that innately pierces DR Magic, Cold Iron, Silver and Adamantine.

As it is, you are missing out on two of the most common DR types. And it drives me nuts thinking we are so close to mass producing the ideal weapon material.
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Even with the best intentions, I guess it is hard avoiding being called an asshole if you've got near-omnipotence but refuse to exercise it more.

That makes WG someone not worth worshipping, the assholery is that when it does take action it is to tell mortals "No.", a being that won't act but to obstruct is detestable.
That would be a hell of a fight, in an OTL where the Fomor succeed in their plan with a desperate bid, as they are being pushed back from the US.

Needs more Naomi interactions.

You know how some of the thread pick up some characters to build and gear?

I'm doing it to her in my head, and the lack of juicy details is killing me :V

My head cannon is that Mr, Sunshine shows up after it shatters, has a talk with Viserys about Stuff, but ultimately gets an (honest) "dully noted", and a "I will be wanting a refund for the diamond, if you please" just because Viserys is a tad emotional right now.

Instead of ressurection + bottle, I think what would follow is actual proper divinations (including how the fuck she didn't explode when time traveling that hard, which should easily follow into "she's nowhere near as dangerous out of her town"), perhaps some countermeasures but definitely actual plans for dealing with her psyche, and bringing her in as a true ghost, aka her actual soul floating about, a la Dresden, instead of the usual mimicry.

She shouldn't be of any danger in that state, while Viserys can talk to and affect her normally with his spells. Therapy ensues, and perhaps he does bottle her for ressurection to back home. Handily, he's got her soul sticking around, so no pesky WG to interfere.

I like to think a Black Court vamp that somehow got to drink Viserys' blood would experience the equivalent of falling face-first in a pile of pure Colombian cocaine: absolutely incredible power... Until his undead heart gives out.

I laughed at this being an actual prerequisite. Still, War Weaver be cheesy, yo.

Re:WG Interference, if he is stringent enough about souls not getting a Re-Do past the threshold, then he will be just as exacting with not wanting a Soul to be taken outside of the normal flow of life and death (meaning outside of his reach).

With that said any interaction Viserys had with one of WG's divine servitors about how the afterlife isn't a pathetic, broken and shattered thing like it is in ASWaH Verse would be more reassuring than anything else, Viserys is used to deities being gigantic fuck-ups who can't maintain any of their infrastructure.
That makes WG someone not worth worshipping, the assholery is that when it does take action it is to tell mortals "No.", a being that won't act but to obstruct is detestable.

There's a lot of bitter justification for the state of things, you can witness some of that when Harry interacts with Uriel. If it isn't made apparent, no one on either side of the line, gribbly or Celestial stand-in, is happy with the current arrangement, but it's the one they've got.
Maybe retrain the Precocious Apprentice? Not really needed anymore.

On the matter of Kathy, to be clear off the top, the choice is down to yourselves as to what happened when Viserys Miracled a Resurrection. Did she return? Did she not? How did he deal with her? Whatever you come up with, let that be for you, but she won't play a part in any of the story ahead either way.
If she isn't on screen she's dead.
Putting all this another way, Kathy probably wouldn't be able to manipulate more than a few seconds outside of the town, where she has right of birth and power to a source of energy unlike anything most wizards ever get to face.
Oh dammit, so she would have been relativly harmless, in terms of continent-wide damage, outside of home, while still being powerful enough to be a useful ally.
Should have so captured that pokemon. Rather than stabbing it.