Robert is more useful to us dead then alive, especially when Cersei is caught red handed.

A dead Robert means we can flip Stannis.
Robert is more useful to us dead then alive, especially when Cersei is caught red handed.

A dead Robert means we can flip Stannis.

That outcome is ok as well. If ned 'happens' to follow a similar path that he did in canon ASOIAF. Then this should also flip him to our side.

As long as we are not the ones to kill robert.
Ned might be willing to choose Robert over the Old Gods. But he won't choose Robert over Arya, and she and the Old Gods are a package deal. As should surprise absolutely no one, Bloodraven is already on top of this, that magnificent bastard.
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Man, what a special kind of hell. Robert Baratheon would not be loved at the Wall. Almost everyone would have some reason to resent or hate him. Whoever doesn't care one way or another won't be getting chummy too quickly either, seeing as how they know where they get their bread buttered (thy name be Viserys Targaryen).

With that in mind, I'm okay with that outcome. It's no less than he deserves.
Personally I think Robert has already suffered enough, so I say if negotiations with Ned are successful, we promise to reincarnate Robert, he loses all titles, and get placed under a geas never to spread his identity, and then he can try(and probably fail) to woo Lyanna, as a hedge knight of considerable skill.

Use Targeted reincarnation to change his ethnicity, to something that's very much not Westerosi, being unrecognizable as Robert, and with everyone knowing Robert died in the reclamation, he's not a good rallying point for any new rebellion.
Promise not to kill Robert.

Just as a note Dany would probably be unhappy if it came to that. He smiled over the broken bodies of Rhaenys and Aegon, he pardoned their killers.

@DragonParadox, when will Robert depart for Winterfell and who comes along?

Next month. He will be bringing Joffrey and perhaps Myrcella, though Tommen is too young and Cersei will probably use that as an excuse to stay behind. Of the King's guard Baristen is certain the others are not and of the Small Council he is not bringing anyone so as not to leave the Lannisters unchecked at court.
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Personally I think Robert has already suffered enough, so I say if negotiations with Ned are successful, we promise to reincarnate Robert, he loses all titles, and get placed under a geas never to spread his identity, and then he can try(and probably fail) to woo Lyanna, as a hedge knight of considerable skill.

Use Targeted reincarnation to change his ethnicity, to something that's very much not Westerosi, being unrecognizable as Robert, and with everyone knowing Robert died in the reclamation, he's not a good rallying point for any new rebellion.
Next month. He will be bringing Joffrey and perhaps Myrcella, though Tommen is too young and Cersei will probably use that as an excuse to stay behind. Of the King's guard Baristen is certain the others are not and of the Small Council he is not bringing anyone so as not to elave the Lannisters unchecked at court.
That is much earlier then convenient...

Well. Goodbye Jon Arryn. You will not be missed.
It shouldn't be difficult to sabotage Robert's trip. Pretty much everyone in KL must be yelling at him about it, and manufacturing some crisis to keep him on the seat is trivial at this point.

That being said, do we want to? If Jon were to have an accident, Cersei would be free to run around largely unchecked. I can only think of a thousand ways that could end well.
Sooooo, who wants to help speed up Johnny boy learning of the childrens' true parentage while Robert is in Winterfell and then tip off Cersei?
Just as a note Dany would probably be unhappy if it came to that. He smiled over the broken bodies of Rhaenys and Aegon, he pardoned their killers.

Hmm, I understand Robert is pretty despicable when it comes down to it. But has this really affected Dany that much?

As far as I'm aware, she was not even born until the rebellion was pretty much over.

Not that i'm saying she is overreacting. Just wondering if there's anything beyond revulsion at Robert's elation of seeing some of our family dead.
@zxzx24, as long as Robert lives, we can't flip Ned and Stannis. If Cersei offs him, we are golden.

So next month, we let Bloodraven off Jon Arryn, leaving some vague hints of a Lannister power-grab. That moves Ned into the vipers pit and removes one of our problems.
@zxzx24, as long as Robert lives, we can't flip Ned and Stannis. If Cersei offs him, we are golden.

So next month, we let Bloodraven off Jon Arryn, leaving some vague hints of a Lannister power-grab. That moves Ned into the vipers pit and removes one of our problems.

Don't forget the incest hints. Strong is the seed, Born of Black hair, yadda yadda yadda. :V
So here is a thought. We want Jon Arryn to start his investigation soon so I suggest that we stall the travel by causing an issue in the kingdom...hey those pamphlets and propaganda art could do such a thing correct? Mass slander on a scale never before seen ( in their perspective) would stall at move by a month.
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I don't think he's quite that bad, he just have a huge blindspot when it comes to the Targaryan's, which mean the death of Rhaegar's children made him happy, but if they had been alive, I don't think Robert would have been able to kill them himself.
That's not better.

Anywho. @Azel mmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Sounds Gucci!

Might wanna divine Ceresis plans first however. Goodness knows she's likely to try something. Possibly several something's.


@DragonParadox you did fine dude. It was a nice read. (I never read asoiaf so accuracy means nothing to me.)

Soon. Soon my precious Yrael interlude will be here...

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Man, what a special kind of hell. Robert Baratheon would not be loved at the Wall. Almost everyone would have some reason to resent or hate him. Whoever doesn't care one way or another won't be getting chummy too quickly either, seeing as how they know where they get their bread buttered (thy name be Viserys Targaryen).

With that in mind, I'm okay with that outcome. It's no less than he deserves.
The man is good at smashing things and making friends, and the Wall the perfect place to use the former from the latter.

Even if everyone has grudges,once he saved a few people's lifes with his hammer and they had a great time celebrating that occasion he'll get along with most Watchers.