So we were warned that shadow steed can be iffy north of the wall, as air is the domain of the others, would there be any problems if the riders were careful to not use the fly feature?
Just to note, we were never warned about that, some people came up with that fear by themselves.

I don't think it's unlikely we would be challenged if we try to take the northern skies as ours, but a short trip propably has no issues at all.

[X] Treestride to the nearest Weirwood to the Thenn's Hall
-[X] Enter and have a chat with the girl, deter attackers non-lethally.
-[X] Find out about her situation and how she would feel about going back south (with her son if she wishes of course)

The big issue with Treestride is that it's one person only.
So it's perfect to feel out the situation, but not for bringing her back if that's necessary.
Just to note, we were never warned about that, some people came up with that fear by themselves.

I don't think it's unlikely we would be challenged if we try to take the northern skies as ours, but a short trip propably has no issues at all.

[X] Treestride to the nearest Weirwood to the Thenn's Hall
-[X] Enter and have a chat with the girl, deter attackers non-lethally.
-[X] Find out about her situation and how she would feel about going back south (with her son if she wishes of course)

The big issue with Treestride is that it's one person only.
So it's perfect to feel out the situation, but not for bringing her back if that's necessary.
We can bottle people for Treestride.
[X] Bottle Crowfood and, if he has an afternoon to spare, Waymar for the journey
-[X] Insist that Umber swears not to start hostilities before we have talked over the entire situation with his daughter
--[X] It is possible that her abductor is not here, since the Thenn rarely go south, or even if he is, Umber's daughter and grandchild may not want to see him gutted, so first we talk things over and then decide all together what to do
[X] Treestride to the nearest Weirwood to the Thenn's Hall
-[X] Enter and have a chat with the girl, deter attackers non-lethally.
-[X] Find out about her situation and how she would feel about going back south (with her son if she wishes of course)
Just throwing bottling at Umber might be a little more than he's prepared for, people. You might want to consider that.
OK then I'm going to do something rather daunting as a writer in ASOIAF, I going do to an Eddard PoV. Thankfully I think I have a decent grasp of the character but ultimately it will be up to you guys do decide if I do him justice .
Also, I like how for First Men you can visually bludgeon them into compliance just by taking a little forest elf-gnome along. :V
[X] Ask Mors if he would be okay to go there right now, it would require being turned to smoke and kept in a bottle for a few minutes, he shouldn't even notice the time passing until he's North.
[X] Bottle Crowfood and, if they have an afternoon to spare, Waymar, Lya and Softstrider for the journey
-[X] Insist that Umber swears not to start hostilities before we have talked over the entire situation with his daughter
--[X] It is possible that her abductor is not here, since the Thenn rarely go south, or even if he is, Umber's daughter and grandchild may not want to see him gutted, so first we talk things over and then decide all together what to do
[X] Treestride to the nearest Weirwood to the Thenn's Hall
-[X] Enter and have a chat with the girl, deter attackers non-lethally.
-[X] Find out about her situation and how she would feel about going back south (with her son if she wishes of course)
Just to note, we were never warned about that, some people came up with that fear by themselves.

I don't think it's unlikely we would be challenged if we try to take the northern skies as ours, but a short trip propably has no issues at all.

[X] Treestride to the nearest Weirwood to the Thenn's Hall
-[X] Enter and have a chat with the girl, deter attackers non-lethally.
-[X] Find out about her situation and how she would feel about going back south (with her son if she wishes of course)

The big issue with Treestride is that it's one person only.
So it's perfect to feel out the situation, but not for bringing her back if that's necessary.
I could have sworn Soft Strider warned us... I'll have to check.

Smokey confinement on anyone we want to take with, also, when going north, bring party members, like ser Richard and one or two more
So we were warned that shadow steed can be iffy north of the wall, as air is the domain of the others, would there be any problems if the riders were careful to not use the fly feature?

And does your "day" comment account for shadow steed speeds, or was it a more reasonable walking speed consideration?

How far(ish), in units time, from one of the forts at the wall to the thenns? (Via shadow steed, contending with trees and such, cuz not flying)

Just incase we can save a scarafice.

Ohhhh! And of course we need to grab some party members, if we get lucky, shit might happen of the hostile encounter kind.

I'm kinda wanting a fight, hopefully one where we pay back for the tree strides we're killing people for.
It wasn't Phantom Steed, it's more Wind Walk that's the concern. And Artemis is right, it's more of an extrapolated fear since the Others have dominion over the air.

That said, it's still summer, so they can bring it.

EDIT: Keep in mind we used Phantom Steed on our way back home after our first visit to Bloodraven.
[X] Ask Mors if he would be okay to go there right now, it would require being turned to smoke and kept in a bottle for a few minutes, he shouldn't even notice the time passing until he's North.
[X] Bottle Crowfood and, if they have an afternoon to spare, Waymar, Lya and Softstrider for the journey
-[X] Insist that Umber swears not to start hostilities before we have talked over the entire situation with his daughter
--[X] It is possible that her abductor is not here, since the Thenn rarely go south, or even if he is, Umber's daughter and grandchild may not want to see him gutted, so first we talk things over and then decide all together what to do
[X] Treestride to the nearest Weirwood to the Thenn's Hall
-[X] Sacrfice something of low value from the Larder for safe travel
-[X] Enter and have a chat with the girl, deter attackers non-lethally.
-[X] Find out about her situation and how she would feel about going back south (with her son if she wishes of course)
'Deter attackers non-lethally' is rather ... vague. I'm pretty sure this in the Thenn's big valley, we might not just able to casually walk up and talk to the girl.