This was…fucking hard to write. I hate hurting my characters, and Kathy really grew on me as things went on and the thread started to get invested in her. I've done my best to make Viserys fight for her here, and you can see that Harry was willing to try. But there's more to it than just what I'd shown. Some of this, most of what's left actually, will be covered in the next chapter. That will probably take a little longer, as I do have a PW vote to close and I owe it to my questers to get back to it at this point.
To be blunt, with what I'd put onto a page about Kathy, I'm unsure that the thread itself could have successfully turned her away from her own destruction due to how broken she was. Two years of time spent…twisting herself around points of time until she found what she deemed perfect – or as close as she could get – does things to you. Harry himself touches on this in this section. And the PTSD hardly helps. I'm aware that this result may…not play so well with the thread. I've tried my best to make it make sense, to show how and why it ended the way it did. It's a little like with Sandor, really. There was only so much that could be done.