Totally Not Creating Problems Where None Existed
- Location
- Russia
*sees a tag*@egoo
Priority 1 (overwhelming beneficial or useful in the near or immediate future)
-Arkas Grass (fillies raised on Arkas Grass grow up to have a 70 ft landspeed and +2 Dex & Con, grant a +2 on Handle Animal against them and can be trained in half the normal time.)
-Entangle Weed (Nigh-invisible (DC 22 spot check to notice from within 10 ft) seaweed native to the elemental plane of water that forms patches of about 600 ft diameter. Entering a square with it forces a DC 20 Ref save against becoming entangled (Str check to escape DC 15 +1 per failed attempt). Each failed attempt to escape deal 1d6 nonlethal damage and causes fatigue, and taking 60 points of damage from it causes exhaustion. Hardness 0 and 10 HP/square.)
-Flame Clove (Garlic with essence of the elemental plane of fire. Mild poison (DC 13 1d6 fire/ 1 dex). If boiled in salt water, crushed and added to food it keep s the food hot for 1d4 days without drying it out. Adding it t alchemsits fire doubles the fire damage and doubles the duration. It matures in 5 weeks and is viable for 3 week following. A bulb sells for 20 gp.)
-Golden Desert Tree (sap automatically quickens summoning spells as a material component)
-Livewood (Highly magical green-coloured tree native to Aerenal whose wood remains alive when felled. Items made from it are affected by Plant Growth, sprouting small branches and leaves, while Speak with Plants allows one to communicate with them and Blight damages them as if they were plant creatures. Livewood items can also be used for Tree Stride, Animate Plants can animate a Livewood object, and Dryads can live in Livewood objects. As a living object, a Livewood items are immune to the Disintegrate spell. It has Hardness 6, 10 HP/inch, and cost is +50%)
-Obaddis Leaf (Rare holly variety that can retain some magic if used as Druid divine focus. As component for Plant domain spell or plant-targeting spell it doubles both area and duration. 130 gp.)
Scraped an curated from here Magical Plants and Where to Find them
There is so much good shit on here guys. Id strongly recommend taking a look yourselves.
*sees a wall of text with mechanics he's not in the slightest knowledgeable about*
...@Goldfish, please get me a list of the things we actually need from this.
I won't be able to guess even halfway correctly, as those countless PM's surely have taught you.
(zxzx please don't take offense over me relaying what you have on fishie. I kinda trust his understanding of out crafting mechanics/capabilities/materials more than mine, yours... or anyone else's really)