Growing Pains
Ninth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
Though Lhazosh still feels far indeed from your current concerns with all the work yet to be done in securing your most recent round of conquests, Malarys makes a fine point. Better to have an ear to the ground and not yet need it than the reverse. You set them on their way with a three-thousand league step to Mantarys and beyond. It is not without a twinge of trepidation and, if you are to be honest, disappointment, that you leave them on that low nameless hill east of Yunkai and return to your duties.
Tenth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
You do not have long to ponder the paths and perils of the east, however, for that very evening you have been invited to discuss the fate of Myr with Lady Dorera Phassen and other 'concerned parties' within the city. The evening begins pleasantly enough with an announcement that the implementation of a web of messengers through the city's hinterlands is well underway, and will likely be available to high and low alike within one or two moon-turns. Additionally, recruitment for the Legion is well under way and a new galleon is taking shape in the harbor, if not with the swiftness of Braavos' Arsenal then certainly fast enough that you are reasonably sure most of the supply clerks and shipwright supervisors will be keeping their current positions.
Establish Messenger Service progress: 13/28
Where your distinguished guests have a concern is with the creation of the Golden Fields Agriculture Consortium. All well and good for the lord of the city, or of many cities, to be involved in trade, perfectly reasonable that you should take your share of the Stepstones toll, but the prospect of a juggernaut in the grain and cash-crop market built from the former Rhoynar lands is rather worrisome to many of the great landowning families. Though none say it in so many ways, it is clear the magisters in question fear that you would simply use your share of the market to bludgeon any family that fell out of favor into bankruptcy.
At least they are not complaining about bleeding workers after the emancipation of the slaves. There had been a handful of Tyroshi magisters stupid enough to argue that.
Establish Manufacturing Business (Golden Fields Agriculture Consortium) progress: 8/20
By contrast Lady Phassen does not seem much minded to help the representatives of the latifundiary interests beyond organizing the meeting and arranging for your presence. As the night advances and the other representatives begin to sweat at the prospect of your answers she remains at ease and gracious as though this were a purely social event. She dances with a handful of Legion officers, Aubert Flowers chief among them, and makes moves to open discussions with several high ranking Astral Currents officials.
However hard she may be to read for her fellow magisters, it does not take you long to realize what she had done, served up the major opposition faction in Myr for royal disfavor over their obstructionism while placing herself perfectly as the one best equipped to sweep the problem aside as soon as she is properly confirmed governor of the city.
Still, for all they are trapped in a political power play, the concerns of the other Myrish representatives are not to be lightly discounted. If they feel trapped between the anvil of centralized power and the unseen hammer of price manipulation they might act unwisely. Though any rebellion in Myr has no chance of succeeding, you can certainly see it doing some damage to your plans. Unlike the nearly lawless Eastern Flatlands you have little cause to establish martial law in the Daughters' March and the power structures of the local magisters are shaken but intact. It would be far better for them if you could just unruffle the magisters' feathers and set them on the path to peace and prosperity you wish for the region.
How do you address the Myrish magisters' concerns?
[] Make it clear that there is no problem save in their own mind
-[] Let Lady Phassen deal with them
-[] Make a note to handle the unrest through your own instruments
[] Try to assuage their concerns
-[] Write in how
OOC: Even the most conservative Essosi magisters have a keen understanding of how markets work. Keep in mind, though, these people are not your enemies right now. They came with your with concerns. How you deal with it will dictate how the region's noble class will react.