Fat arctic chicken
Baella don't have a clan, she's a loner as we have known right from the start, when we met her swimming all by herself, she probably visit a bunch of pods for time to time, but she's not really part of one.No. We volunteer to become their exclusive banking firm and handle their financial affairs for a reasonable 5% fee of the profits. Long term more pods will emulate Baella's clan and hopefully seek us out for the same services. Baella's word of mouth endorsement will ensure that. Netting us even greater profit. We can use that income for investments and many deals
Yeah but in the blood market, the demand is smaller than the supply, at least at those prices, the Fire Whales gems are magical reagents, so even if every single Whale donated monthly, there would still be buyers for all of the gems, in a situation where there's 3 sellers for every buyer, you set the sellers profit margin low, in a situation where there's 3 buyers for every seller, you set the sellers profit margin high.Which reminds me of a US company that sells the blood of young, healthy people for $4000 a litre. I'm pretty sure the donors get way less then $2000 for it.
But you have convinced me 10% is too low, you haven't convinced me 50% isn't too much, but 20-30% seems more reasonable to me now.
Of course any Whale farm wouldn't last long, as we would send Amrelath to destroy them and free the Whales, so unless we lose the war with the Efreeti, widespread Whale slavery is unlikely to become a thing, as the Whales wont thrive outside the Plane of Fire, and we are certainly going to make a lot of problems for any enslaver of Whales.As it is the whalers have a vested Interest in leaving a good population of whales alive and free so they reproduce.
With our method there is no incentive to do so.
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