Speaking of ice...

@DragonParadox simce the PoA is quite handy at Cold and Electricity magics, can we just straight up buy a refrigerator there?

I want the people of SD to experience the joy of Cold Beer.
We could make a series of massive warehouses and enchant them to refrigerate everything inside. Once frozen, the goods can be shipped all over the city in ice boxes for proper preservation, making chilled goods affordable to everyone who can't afford a proper fridge.
We could make a series of massive warehouses and enchant them to refrigerate everything inside. Once frozen, the goods can be shipped all over the city in ice boxes for proper preservation, making chilled goods affordable to everyone who can't afford a proper fridge.
I would just straight up enchant cargo containers for this. Then we could ship fresh meat and other perishable produce with ACSEC and the SSE.
I would just straight up enchant cargo containers for this. Then we could ship fresh meat and other perishable produce with ACSEC and the SSE.
I thought the refrigeration was purely for the satisfaction of chilled food and beverages. We already have Chests and Barrels of Purification to keep perishable produce 100% fresh.
Well, I personally prefer my beer at room temperature, but people keep giving me weird looks for that so apparently most think it's better when chilled.

Then again, they also give me weird looks for my taste in beer itself...

I thought Germany was all about that beer?

Or maybe you're the outlier among forerunners?
No, they drink beer. The differences are about the kind and brand.

For example, Kölsch tastes like watered down urine to me, but lots of people insist that it is actually beer.

I usually pick a standby and enjoy that until I find another... seasonals are also good.
Yes. Our actions are highly disruptive to the current economic balance and other economies will either have to adapt fast or perish.

Good thing the Imperium will be able to step in and... help them out with that "rebuilding the economy" problem.

It just takes a couple of signatures in a quiet room, is all.
Good thing the Imperium will be able to step in and... help them out with that "rebuilding the economy" problem.

It just takes a couple of signatures in a quiet room, is all.
Indeed. Red Scales Holding even offers a development package for a very cheap price.
Normally I'd cackle evilly, but frankly this is the best deal they could ever get. We're hella generous with our future citizens.
Oldtown Quarrel: No one is quite sure who or what put a wasp in the maesters robes but it is clear something has. The ordinarily subtle and well-hidden disagreements between the order's members are bursting out more and more into harsh words, and in one notable occasion a fistfight in the presence of Lord Hightower's younger brother.
It just occurred to me what this might be about. We sent back the Lantern Bearer with info on what happened, and I can't imagine he was terribly happy about being used as a pawn in a political move, much less in trying to save an oathbreaker. He almost certainly raised hell about it, and now the split between the Maesters has erupted as they take sides over the issue.
Vote closed.


Spells for Lya to learn: Cyclic Reincarnation, Amber Sarcophagus, Avasculate, and Power Word Petrify from our scroll collection, plus Discern Location and Greater Scrying from our Clerics.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 15, 2019 at 10:50 AM, finished with 383 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Core Plan for the 8th Month
    -[X] Orb of Dragonkind
    --[X] Lya, Richard, Malarys, Teana and Rina will travel to the Red Waste and look for the Orb of Dragonkind
    --[X] They will also take along Leto and 3 other Erinyes as scouts and emergency messengers, with everyone having a marked stone so that Viserys can Teleport over in a heartbeat.
    -[X] Research
    --[X] Xor will finish Fire Whale research
    --[X] Vee, Mercy and Mereth will finish up the Fungal Pods
    --[X] Anu resumes his Warforged research
    --[X] Svitran resumes his Serpentfolk research
    --[X] Naria resumes her research on Weirwood Hybridization
    -[X] Scholarium Matters
    --[X] The Sorcerers Deep Scholarium will resume preparations for the Silver Eye class.
    --[X] Waymar resumes his work on the Alchemy classes.
    --[X] SD spends it's Admnistration action to continue establishing the Tyrosh Scholarium.
    --[X] Mantarys will spend it's Province action to start building it's own Scholarium branch.
    --[X] Naath spends it's Province action to continue establishing it's Scholarium outpost.
    --[X] Horio resumes overseeing efforts in Tyrosh.
    --[X] Velen and Sarah continue teaching in the Scholarium.
    --[X] Valeria will finish up the Golden Egg research.
    -[X] Basilisk Isles
    --[X] All three provinces of the Basilisk Isle will construct Guard Posts to strengthen our hold on the area.
    --[X] Salladhor will take his fleet to scout the cost of Sothorys, both for any remaining pirates, other expeditions and to determine good landing or colony sites. Preferably, he checks as far as Basilisk Point, so that we can extend our reach to the eastern straits.
    -[X] Draconys
    --[X] To strengthen our hold on the area, establishing control over the Demon Road, easing the task of protecting the Lyceos outpost and to finally bring Henekar into the fold, we will commence military and diplomatic efforts to take control of the province Draconys.
    --[X] Yrael will lead the diplomatic efforts, due to his connection to the local people and Archon advantage.
    --[X] Rhango and his Khalazaar will take care of the military side of things, focusing on killing bandits, supernatural treats and pushing back Dothraki in the northern parts of the province.
    --[X] They will use Rhangos Khalazar and the Draconys Expedition Force for this.
    -[X] Crafting
    --[X] See @Goldfish proposal on the matter.
    -[X] Inquisition Expansion
    --[X] The SD Inquisition offices, with the aid of Garin and Wyla, who will capitalize on their efforts there last month, will establish a full Inquisition Base in Myr.
    --[X] The Tyrosh Inqusition offices, with the aid of Hermetia and Glyra, will do the same in Lys. Hermetia will leverage her contacts, while Glyra will leverage the Fey and add her expertise to combat Fey influence.
    --[X] Mia and Anya will establish a Inquisition Outpost in Kings Landing, subverting existing networks where possible and building their own, disconnected cells. They will coordinate with the other intrigue mission in the city.
    -[X] Red Keep Infiltration
    --[X] Dany, Rhealla, Maelor and Aradia will infiltrate the Red Keep to achieve the following objectives, in descending order of priority.
    ---[X] Capture or kill Varys.
    ---[X] Subvert Varys informant network to leverage it for our own purposes.
    ---[X] Learn the identity of the Mammon pawn in the Ursupers court.
    ---[X] Find Balerion the cat or it's remains.
    ---[X] Find Balerion the Dragon, or more precisely his bones and that of the other Targ dragons. Loot everything.
    ---[X] Do something to drive Cersei crazy.
    --[X] Copy or steal as many official documents as possible, especially correspondence, financial statements, information on troop strength and movements, and all the other little things that could be interesting.
    -[X] Tolosi Training Centers
    --[X] Tolos will spend it's Province action, aided by Amrelath and Relath, will further expand the Training Centers in Tolos to increase the speed of Legion training.
    -[X] Three Daughters Buildup
    --[X] Tyrosh spends it's Province action to finish it's Guard Posts.
    --[X] Lys and the Southern Disputed Lands spend their Province actions to establish a Messenger Service in Lys itself.
    --[X] Myr and the Northern Disputed Lands spend their Province actions to establish a Messenger Service in Myr itself.
    -[X] Disputed Lands Economic Package
    --[X] Use all three available sets of Titan Tools to build the roads connecting the current network with Myr and a sufficiently sized coastal town near Lys. Any remaining days of work are invested into the bridges of the Stepstones.
    --[X] The Daughters March, aided by Red Scales Holding, will establish the "Blooming Fields Agriculture Consortium", a agriculture business that will hopefully better the local economic situation by growing cash crops. Later on, they will grow poppies and tea in particular.
    --[X] To establish firmer control on the far-flung and lawless Eastern Flatlands and properly end slavery there, Ser Gerold will impose Martial Law with 1st Legion on the area, aided by a Law Action and the Public Schools bonus from SD.
    -[X] Golden Fields
    --[X] To further increase economic activity on the frontier, to curtail Volantene expansion in the area and to get access to the upper Rhoyne for economic and military purposes, such as a campaign against Qohor, Sorcerers Deep will spend it's Province action to establish a Trade Colony in Golden Fields.
    --[X] This will be aided by the Eastern Flatlands using their Province action to send settlers there and Kira will use the Violin of Building to construct initial settlements.
    --[X] Since the area is infested by Fey, Tyene, Soft Strider, Argo, Bronn and Leila will be send to negotiate with them and / or establish a pecking order. Kira will join them when available.
    -[X] SD Buildup
    --[X] Alinor, with aid by the Western Disputed Lands Province action, will establish the first non-magical institute of higher learning in SD, the core of a university. The first courses will focus on Economics.
    --[X] Beryl resumes building the Training Center for gunners and engineers.
    -[X] Assorted
    --[X] Azema has the month off.
    -[X] Yours Truly
    --[X] Viserys will focus on arranging a festival to commemorate the victory against Lys, introducing the Mirror Network in the process and making it a truly Imperium wide celebration. He will also give speeches and generally sprinkle in a lot of propaganda.
    --[X] After the initial things are organized, he shovels free a day or two to go to Amun Khelisk to sell off the current gold reserves and buy property for a Planar Terminus in the city.
    -[X] Yi-Ti Expedition
    --[X] The Queen Rhealla, Diana, Moonsong, Asha and Theon will embark on a expedition to Yi-Ti with the Yi-Ti Expedition Fleet.
    --[X] Details of the outfit of their expedition will be done in a separate vote.
    -[X] Military Reorganization and Deployment
    --[X] Reorganize the military:
    --[X] Reorganize the navy:
    --[X] Use 3 scrolls of Create Greater Demiplane to create temporary connections between SD, the southern DL, Mantarys and Sallosh to conduct troop movements.
    -[X] Military Construction
    --[X] Stepstones - Build 1 Medium Galleon and retrain 6,000 Levies to Legionaries
    --[X] Tyrosh - Build 1 Medium Galleon
    --[X] Tolos - Build 1 Medium Galleon and retrain 900 Levies to Legionaries, founding the 3rd Legion
    --[X] Lys - Build 1 Large Galleon and train 200 Legionaries
    --[X] Myr - Build 1 Medium Galleon and train 200 Legionaries
    --[X] The Daughters March - Train 400 Legionaries
    --[X] Basilisk Isles - Don't do any training or shipbuilding there yet, on account of your grasp being still weak.
    --[X] Total: 1x Large Galleon, 4x Medium Galleon, gain 7,700 Legionaries, loose 6,900 Levies
    -[X] Free Actions
    --[X] Travel to Amun Kelisk for short business early in the month.
    --[X] Travel to the Opaline Vault to pick up your commission and make a new one. Also buy crafting materials.
    --[X] Right away craft a few tons of Valyrian Steel so that progress on the Harbinger can begin.
    [X] Core Plan for the 8th Month
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I love that in the last month Azema has gone through so much shit that Viserys straight up is like "Go on break, you earned it and I am so sorry". Poor Azema though

Now... @everyone, this is what I have for Minor Actions for the next month.
I honestly tried to include everything mentioned lately, but I might have missed something still.

Minor Actions for 8th month of 293 AC.

[X] Start the approval process for setting up the shrines of Yss in Ammun Khellisk and Opaline Vault.

[X] While setting up things for the festival in Braavos, have a short chat with the Sealord:
-[X] Would he prefer to start his war with Pentos in the early days of the next month or dramatically interrupt the festival with the announcement of it? The latter option ensures him live-coverage of the event to half of Essos, meaning we can easily spin the narrative of the war to whatever we like.
-[X] Feel out how he thinks about us establishing a Inquisition and Scholarium branch in Braavos. The Silvereye would remain as a society that is more or less part of both organisations.

[X] Perhaps it is time and past time again to learn the answers to questions you have of your oldest divine ally.
-[X] Once Yss is avaliable this month (16th ath the earliest), feed Tor to him, and ask questions (list still pending) of Yss', his shadow's, and Coatl's nature, oh how they came to be, and order of Spheres in time beyond time.
We have been wondering a bunch of stuff over the years of knowing Yss, and apparently we could have just asked. Lets do so now that we also have a very fitting sacrifice for such knowledge.

[X] With the time of bigger battles coming ever closer, perhaps it is time to reconvene with your oldest living relative yet.
-[X] Treewalk and meet with BloodRaven yet again.
We have questions, like what he has in mind for that Ancient Green's bones, what's the strategic situation is from his PoV, etc.
--[X] Gift Bloodraven a fruit basket of exotic Sothoryos specimens such as Pineapples, Melons, Watermelons, Coconuts, Bananas, etc.
--[X] Particualr topic of the conversation is getting detailed understanding of divinity impaired upon mortals, if such can happen to us through mere worship by Imperium's populace, and what would such worship impart along hte way.

[X] Begin to build up the facilities of Sorcerer's Deep's Scholarum, for the plans have been drawn, and the Tower itself has trouble fitting all the students already.
-[X] Detailed plans for university-like complex inside the sahdow plane pending.
--[X] More towers all interconnected with one-another? Multi-level ring-like structure around the tower, providing additional space for research, training and study, also utilising as much space as possible?
Basically, Shadow Tower itself doesn't have enough space to fit all Scholarum attendees anymore. We need to decide on what exactly to build inside the Shadow Demiplane of ours to increase that capacity.

[X] Summon the Shadow Hags Tor once bargained with. They shall be either a key, that will open a path into the heart of your most hated adversary... or their blood will bring a bit more safety to shadowy realm they tread.
-[X] Try to find a way to attack Tiamat's fortress on Shadow Plane with their knowledge, if of no use - just Larder them.
As good place to start as any, otherwise - a nice Larder filling.

[X] When Visiting Ammun Khellisk for your business venrtures, visit the Air-weavers of Jinn and learn what they found within the Heart of Ice, given to them months ago.
-[X] Also spend some time to hire bards in Ammun Khellisk.

[X] Grow more Heart-Trees when you can spare the time
-[X] Attempt to modify the Lys tree, changing the effect of Remove DIsease to Panacea.
-[X] Myr Tree
-[X] A tree for Wyla, placed at her discretion, for colony she's establishing.
-[X] A few trees to enforce Saan's rule on Bazilisk isles
--[X] Ax isle tree
--[X] Toad island tree
--[X] Talon island tree

[X] Make sure to spread out Merlin King's altars and shrines throughout Bazilisk isles as a precaution against Deep Ones' influence.

[X] Collect on the following:
-[X] Ask your newly-acquired faculty members of Scholarum to write down planar/arcane/divine lore they possess (this is unrelated to their teaching, and is just us making sure to try to get every piece of resources we can. Well, it will also kinda help them teach, but only to a degree). (Started 2 months ago)
--[X] Alas the Whisperer -- Slyph Witch 8
--[X] Krenal -- Raptoran Oracles 6 (Battle and Bones Mysteries)
--[X] Grem -- Raptoran Oracles 6 (Battle and Bones Mysteries)
--[X] Phaerl Sharp-Eye -- Avariel Hunter 7
-[X] Ask Anu and Svitran to write down their respective lores, knowledge on history and magic, also drawing maps if they can make any. (Started 2 months ago)
--[X] Have Glyra and her Roaming chaos band do that too.
---[X] Children books?

[X] When visiting Opaline Vault, take some time to learn what have Shaitan gotten out of the soul-gem we got them... And the prisoner of Efreeti tower we broke out for them.
-[X] In addition, also check with house Adjar if they have Silver Bell seeds now.
-[X] Buy more Gorgons.
--[X] And metal-clad template creatures

-[X] Though you may have cleaned out much filth from the lands of Plane Material, to which hundreds fiends trapped in timeless smoke are a proof, many still remain.
--[X] Continue summoning Outsider in the background whenever free to use either Mythic Power (Viserys), or spellslots (Lya)
---[X] Target the remaining known infestations of devils first, utilising names learned from Uniila, Tiamat's priestess, Lich's skull, and minds of all trapped devils.
----[X] Specific targets include: Vrock, Maelor's dad...
---[X] Attempt to summon Rakshasa that tread Valyrian soil, for the corpse of their near-godly leader holds many secrets and answer for you, however strange is their nature of Outsider bound to Plane Material.
----[X] Said attempt should be made from inside a heavily warded place within a random PoE cave, so as to count as coming from a different plane, and have a sufficient reasonable amount of precautions for summoning of the weakest avaliable Rakshasa, so as to find the effects their summoning has.
---[X] Once Devils known on Plane Material are done with, and Native Outsiders are done with (either by inability or by extinction via summoning), summon the known devils of Mammon's from off-plane, even if they are in no way connected to operations on PM.

[X] Check in with Silver Eye for any cursed items needing dealing with (2 months of items)

[X] Talk with various high-standing Red Priests, to hammer out the role of their religion in your realm.
-[X] the head priest in Tyrosh
-[X] the head priest in Lys
-[X] the head priest in Myr
-[X] the one priest that has come to SD
-[X] Benerro in Volantis

[X] Use Lya's Souldrum to commune with souls trapped in devil-tainted ancestral talismans of Yi-Ti.

[X] Make sure to look through the unidentified yet treasures of a certain treasure Devil, for these days you are raising quite a few trees from it's like.

[X] (Either Viserys or Svitran) tell Riz'neth that eggs hatched in Sorcerer's Deep are safe.

[X] Reforge Adeon's VS sword into a nightpot. "Bittersteel" shall it be named.

[X] Give Shara whatever support she needs in hunting down Truth and reclaiming it for her house. This will cement her new beginnings as your vassal. Loan her Wayfinders and Inquisition agents when necessary.
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Might be interesting to study the possibilities of Valyrian steel for cheap fire proofing.
acceptable to a certain degree until it went over the now invisible line that so often cut burgeoning illicit enterprise off at the knees
Heh, just enough that it both trains ups useful sneaks that can be co-opted when they are inevitably caught, and that it makes the economy move faster, as opposed to slowing it down.