Should we bring over Theon and Asha or leave them since they don't really like the guy?

I'm sure we should bring Moonsong and Lothos at least for different reasons.
Hmm,Fey...that problematic.

Any topic that we want to talk?
If Lord Paramount don't convinced to go with word then there leave only of "Fire and Blood".

They have something that they can arrogance for.They know it that they are big player.

They expected us to give them many leeway in negotiation because they think we fear that they will side with Robert.
Fiery Fey? Did Ysmir or whatever her name is change her attentions to the Reach? Are we going to be able to go on a holy war to purge the Reach from a mad Fey-Maybe-Goddess?
I'd rather have a long conversation with her about the Reach Fey. She's got to be high up in that hierarchy.
Ooor we can do a reasonable thing and capture it, mind-wham it untill it yeilds us all of the information it has, and then sacrifice it. For Mythic power, or else.

Why would we trust anything Fey says?

*Pitchforking intensifies*