Working on it. Why do you think I'm up at 1:30 AM? I've been incredibly overworked recently. No time to spare on cogently thought-out points or Stellaris omakes.
I could answer with a quick Godwin point though? A Hitler to the face works for morality debates, right?
Weekend is coming.
Christmas season getting you at work?
Looking forward to the non-mustachioid answer.

The Boatsex episode? That time Daenerys and Jon (ERMAGERHD, TEH ULTIMATE OTP COUPLE!!!) have sex on a boat while being watched by Bran?
Super creepy, by the way. The switcheroo from "they're having sex! Watch out audience ratings go throught the roof!" to "I'm a kid watching them fuck and explaining why it's incest" was some mad whiplash.

By the way, here's my favourite thing about the GoT fandom online: the best place to get pirated content last I checked was r/FreeFolk. Ultimate subreddit name right there!
I seem to have successfully repressed any and all memory of that. If the alleged leaks of next seasons plot from r/FreeFolk are true (and given that the leaks for last season were 100% accurate I assume as much), the series will devolve in complete and utter retardation anyway.

So we shall forever be sad that they stopped making the show after Season 6, except for that one hilarious scene with Jaime and Olenna that they released as a teaser for the Season 7 that never came.
I seem to have successfully repressed any and all memory of that. If the alleged leaks of next seasons plot from r/FreeFolk are true (and given that the leaks for last season were 100% accurate I assume as much), the series will devolve in complete and utter retardation anyway.

So we shall forever be sad that they stopped making the show after Season 6, except for that one hilarious scene with Jaime and Olenna that they released as a teaser for the Season 7 that never came.
I thought George RR was involved in the scripting? Was that never true, has that changed - or is the author going to destroy his own story?
To be fair, the show was supposed to be based on the books. Unfortunately, GRRM decided to never finish The Winds of winter.

At this point the show writers are trying to improvise and fucking it up.
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I thought George RR was involved in the scripting? Was that never true, has that changed - or is the author going to destroy his own story?
At this point, I'm pretty convinced that GRRM has run entirely out of ideas and / or is stuck in deep writers block. If he was involved with the scripting of season 7, then only to nod off on anything HBO came up with since the story becomes noticeably like a cheap drama series. Especially the Jon X Dany OTP crap is pointing in that direction. Or how entire wars and complex political stuff, which were a hallmark of the early seasons, suddenly got completely dropped by the wayside in favor of gruesomely killing characters.

As for the season 8 leaks I saw, it would be more of the same. The most retarded fan theories ascend to canon status, nothing makes sense anymore and it's basically one long series of killing of liked characters in over the top, dramatic fashion before everything boils down to a Big Damn Hero story.
Martin was only working as an advisor for the show, and then only in season 1.

(Edit: After googling, this turned out to be false. He was kept as advisor throughout all seasons, although it seems his role was limited to spoiling future plot and telling D&D that he doesn't like what they're doing, which they promptly ignore and do anyway, lol)

The reason the latter seasons are wonky, and why the seventh doesn't even feel like ASOIAF, is because D&D had to continuously insert plot of their own to account for what they couldn't directly take over from books - whether that be due to running put of story or because a particular plotline did not translate well into the visual medium.

Ofc, D&D are cinematic writers. Typical holywood style. They write plot-oriented stories, where the characters move to suit the needs of the plot.

Martin on the other hand writes a character-driven narrative. The characters act according to their personalities and motivations, with the plot being created organically as a by-product of their actions.

This is why the seasons 'feel' so different, particularly the seventh. Season 1 was exactly the kind of character-driven narrative Martin wrote, while season 7 is to 100% D&D's work - a typical holywood blockbuster, with forced romance and sex, over the top action segments with fake-out death scenes etc.
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Don't mind, just having a quiet day and interest in making a casting character.

Any specifics she should have?
A class (besides Sorcerer), a feat, a spell or a skill?
  1. Her class is sorcerer.
  2. She is sneaky. A lot of her magic would be directed at casting without being noticed, still and silence, ways to hide aurtas, generally what you would expect from someone working clandestinely in a high magic empire.
Anyway working on the front page and in the interests of making it easier to read I'm moving the Shadow of Doom post to here and linking it:

Shadow of the Doom

Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Sorcerer 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 20-ft. cube/level
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

The area you designate becomes a blistering hot environment, immediately raising the temperature by 3 temperature bands.
For example, if the temperature is moderate, it raises to severe heat.
If the new temperature is above the hot band, all surface water is turned to vapor and all earth and stone becomes igneous rock or volcanic soil (caster's choice) to a depth of 10 feet per caster level.
Air within the area becomes choked with volcanic ash (cuts visibility in half) while the rapid changes of pressure and heat cause a thunderstorm.
Living creatures caught within the area when the spell is cast instantly turn to stone (as per the Flesh to Stone spell). Creatures normally immune to the spell, such as Undead, instead count as having succeeded their saves and take damage accordingly.
If a creature successfully saves, Shadow of the Doom deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level. This damage has the Searing property.
Creatures entering the area after the spell has been cast do not take this damage; however, all creatures in the area are subject to the normal effects of the ash fall, heat and the thunderstorm for the duration of the spell.
Objects in the area, including those held by creatures, are instantly covered in a thin layer of ash, making them slippery.
When a creature uses such an item (a weapon, lockpicks, a potion, and so on), it must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity check or it drops the item before it can be used.
Fire spells cast within the area gain a +1 caster level.
Multiple Shadows may be cast in the same area to increase the effects (raising the temperature by an additional 3 bands).
The caster my designate a safe area no bigger than a third of the total area. The spell doesn't affect that area. Alternatively, he may select up to CL targets to be immune to the effects if he succeeds on a Concentration check of 22 + Number of people he wishes to isolate from the spell.

Arcane Material Component: A piece of obsidian.
And another, Lya's Runecrafting

Runecrafting III

An enchanter possessing this feat can shape magic in accordance to the ancient traditions of the First Men, allowing them to use any one of the following abilities.

Legend-wrought: May reduce the cost of any enchantment process (or group of such processes) so long as they align with the zeitgeist associated with the base object (example: a famed explorer's ship taking to the sky, a mighty fortress gaining walls impossible to scale, etc). The reduction in cost depends on the scale of the legend ranging from 10%-50%. This bonus stacks with and is added after any other cost-reducing feats.

Elder Roots: May at the cost of doubling the price of an enchantment or group of enchantments (inducing but not limited to wards, traps, and lineage blessings) make the magic far more resilient, echoing back upon the world from the Dreamlands. This means that any dispel checks made against it are rolled twice, choosing the lowest result. The spell may endure for millennia of waning magic and has a 20% chance to continue to function even in an anti-magic effect. (May be improved with use and study)

First Tongue: Offers a significant boost to researching new magical effects at the cost of longer research times.
Name: Lady Saenena
Human (Dragonblooded, Medium)
Class: Sorceress 5/Dracolexi 10
Flaws: Bestial Instinct, Pride
Feats: Draconic Heritage (Red), Draconic Power, Silent Spell, Heighten Spell, Rapid Metamagic, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Practical Metamagic (Still Spell), Versatile Spellcaster, Greater Spellfocus (Enchantment) Still SpellB​
Skill Trick: Swift Concentration
Class Features: Familiar, Draconic Words (Vor, Ssearth, Veschik, Valignat), Power Word Spells (3), Bonus Spells knows (2), Voice in Silence

HP: 5d4+10d6 +15
Armor Class: 10 + 2 (DEX) +4 (Mage Armor) = 16/18
Movement: Ground (30ft)
Initiative: +1 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 2 (Enchantment) +1(Fire) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency:

10 (+0) Strength
13 (+1) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Charisma
14 (+2) Intelligence
8 (-1) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 4 + 1(Con) = 5
REFLEX: 4 + 1(Dex) = 5
WILL: 11 - 1 (Wis) = 10

SKILLS (110)
Bluff: 18 + 4(CHA) +2 (Insidious Suggestion) = 24
Diplomacy: 18 +4(CHA) +2 (Insidious Suggestion) +4 (Syn) = 28
Disguise: 4 +4(CHA) = 8
Concentration: 18 + 1(CON) = 19
Knowledge (Arcana): 18 + 3(INT) = 21
Perform (Oratory): 4 +4 (Cha) = 8
Sense Motive: 10 - 1 (WIS) = 9
Spellcraft: 18 + 2(INT) +2 (Syn) = 22

Spells Known (Caster level 15):
Level 0: Message, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance (6/day)
Level 1: Mage Armor, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Magic Aura, Erase (7/day)
Level 2: Invisibility, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Elemental Darts, Detect Thoughts (7/day)
Level 3: Air of Nobility, Dispel Magic, Ancestral Awakening, Fireball (7/day)
Level 4: Aura of the Unremarkable, Enchantment Foil, Voice of the Dragon, Communal Nondetection, Demanding MessageB​ (7/day)
Level 5: Teleport, Persistant Image, Cloudkill, Power Word NauseateB​, Insidious SuggestionB​ (6/day)
Level 6: Greater Shadow Enchantment, Lesser Dragonshape, Power Word BlindB​, (5/day)
Level 7: Bloodwish, Power Word StunB​(3/day)

Draconic Words:

Vor: This Draconic word, which translates as "learn," grants the target a competence bonus on Knowledge checks and Spellcraft checks equal to your class level for 1 hour.

Ssearth: The target of this Draconic word ("prolong") is healed of 1 point of damage per caster level. If you speak this word as part of a spell, you can choose instead to extend the spell (as if you had applied the Extend Spell feat), but without any adjustment in spell slot or casting time.

Veschik: This Draconic word means "replenish." The target regains one spell slot (but not a slot that held a prepared spell) of the highest level of arcane spell it can cast spontaneously. If the target has not already cast any spells of that level, it instead regains one spell slot of the highest arcane spell level for which it has already spontaneously cast a spell.

Valignat: This Draconic word, meaning "burn," deals 5d6 points of fire damage to the target. If you speak the word as part of a spell with the fire descriptor, you can choose instead either to empower or widen the spell (as if you had applied the Empower Spell feat or the Widen Spell feat), but without any adjustment in spell slot or casting time.

Extraordinary Abilities:

Voice in Silence (Ex)
: When coupled with arcane energy, your voice becomes potent enough to temporarily overcome areas of silence or even your own deafness. Beginning at 8th level, you can expend an arcane spell slot as a move action to suppress all silence spells (or similar effects) in your space, and to render your voice audible to you and other creatures sharing your space even if you or they are deafened. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot expended. Only you (and any other creatures sharing your space) benefit from this effect; adjacent creatures that are deafened or within a silence effect are still affected by the deafness or silence. The effect moves with you.
Equipped Items:
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I dislike the words of power you chose. I would give her veschik (decent alone, increasingly incredible if you have allies) instead of Strix.
I would also take renthisj (speak) instead of vor: she has good social skills, but not a single spell to learn languages!

As for spells: Wall of Fire? Really? It's terrible!
No Power Word Pain?

As for skills: you forgot to apply synergy bonuses.
And how did you get that skill point total, anyway? Are you sure you remembered her +1 skill point for level for being human?

As for feats: No flaws? For shame!

And can't she take Bloodwish? She is a Valyrian sorcerer after all. Wasn't part of the reasoning for Bloodwish "of course the Valyrians had a spell like that, otherwise who could build a civilization upon Sorcerers?"
@DragonParadox, who can take Bloodwish?
I would also take renthisj (speak) instead of vor: she has good social skills, but not a single spell to learn languages!
She is a high noble from a magical empire.
I did not choose a few basic spells, like Tongues or Alter Self because I assume she could easily get items for that.

Agree on Veschik, will add in.

As for skills: you forgot to apply synergy bonuses.
And how did you get that skill point total, anyway? Are you sure you remembered her +1 skill point for level for being human?
I din't forget synergy, just didn't yet add it.
But the human ones I missed. That makes 18 more?
And can't she take Bloodwish? She is a Valyrian sorcerer after all. Wasn't part of the reasoning for Bloodwish "of course the Valyrians had a spell like that, otherwise who could build a civilization upon Sorcerers?"
@DragonParadox, who can take Bloodwish?
It always seemed to me that Blood Wish was limited to the Dragon-Blooded PrC. That's why it was such a huge deal in our dream interlude when our distant ancestor used it to save herself. If any old Valyrian Sorcerer powerful enough could cast it, then it wouldn't have been nearly as big of a deal.
It always seemed to me that Blood Wish was limited to the Dragon-Blooded PrC. That's why it was such a huge deal in our dream interlude when our distant ancestor used it to save herself. If any old Valyrian Sorcerer powerful enough could cast it, then it wouldn't have been nearly as big of a deal.
She does qualify for that though.
Between being Valyrian nobility and having done extensive research to turn into a dragon I would say she could go that path, but after centuries of being a very unhappy dragon she doesn't want to.
As for spells: Wall of Fire? Really? It's terrible!
No Power Word Pain?
Why would she have PWP? It's decent against weak foes, but Valyria's upper class is made of sterner stuff and that's most of what she interacts with.
She propably had it, early in her career, but has long exchanged it for other spells.

Wall of Fire is mostly a tribute to her being a Dragonrider.
So if she ever gets called up against Valyria's foes she can place Widened (for free) Walls of Fire over a battlefield from her dragon, which is pretty devastating.