Look. This plot has no winners on the Lyseni side, just survivors.

Might as well take audience requests.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just laughing at how ludicrously lucky Jarlar is. Not only did get survive a magic plot he never would have escaped from, he found a safe position as our minion and we're offering to dispose of his political enemies. This is far beyond what he could have even begun to hope for. He probably thought we'd give him wealth or magic items or something.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just laughing at how ludicrously lucky Jarlar is. Not only did get survive a magic plot he never would have escaped from, he found a safe position as our minion and we're offering to dispose of his political enemies. This is far beyond what he could have even begun to hope for. He probably thought we'd give him wealth or magic items or something.
Oh come on. Didn't we learn from Garin that there is no better bonding activity then murdering shared enemies?

And I'm pretty sure Tyene, Oberyn, Malarys and the Erinyes would agree!
I can't believe that people came into a Game of Thrones quest and were then annoyed when it turned towards intrigue and politics instead of adventuring.
@Artemis1992 in hindsight I want to apologize for posting this. (I have alerts enabled, so when people rate my old posts I notice and regret them)
Not only was it a clear jab at you, but it was also a stupid one.
I took us over 3000 pages to get into real intrigue and politics, after all. Right? 3000 pages should be enough to let anyone think they have a decent grasp on the genre of the story.
@DragonParadox Consensus.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Dec 20, 2018 at 4:37 PM, finished with 66 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Confirm his suspicion that we want a palace coup, but not quite how he thinks.
    -[X] The game plan is to have Aedon "discover" (read: we send him a picture book) that the Spicers were behind the assassination attempt on him.
    -[X] We will ensure that he takes out the spicers by staging a coup, then starts the invasion of the Disputed Lands.
    -[X] Jarlar can assist Hermetia in gathering the loyalty of the more useful magisters.
    -[X] Once the army is crushed, Hermetia will stage a second coup to take over Lys for us. His aid would be appreciated.
    -[X] If he has political enemies, he can write us a list.
    -[X] Confirm that his repeated competence is the reason he isn't on any of our lists anymore. He is too useful to kill.
    [X] Give Jalar a copy of our constitution and some of our company bylaws. "Study them well and let me know what particularly interests you"
    -[X] aka let him know how things work and give him a chance of picking his preferred path to power/riches/etc
    [X] Tell the tale of Ser Waymar, the Virtuous.
    -[X] Spin the tale of the Westerosi knight in the service of the Dragon King who rescues maidens while fighting monsters (Summarize the play we have commisioned for Waymar in Braavos). Hermetia was one of those.
    [X] Give Jalar a copy of our constitution and some of our company bylaws. "Study them well and let me know what particularly interests you"
    -[X] aka let him know how things work and give him a chance of picking his preferred path to power/riches/etc
@Artemis1992 in hindsight I want to apologize for posting this. (I have alerts enabled, so when people rate my old posts I notice and regret them)
Not only was it a clear jab at you, but it was also a stupid one.
I took us over 3000 pages to get into real intrigue and politics, after all. Right? 3000 pages should be enough to let anyone think they have a decent grasp on the genre of the story.
To be fair to you, while that is true, we started this quest in the understanding that we were playing Viserys Targaryen.

Who under any circumstances with a degree of power greater than a marginalized young scion of noble blood, would always be politically relevant and who's actions, especiallly those significant enough to be noted by local worthies, information which would spread outward, would always hold political relevance.

And it was, from the beginning, always his intent to reclaim his birth right. He was nearly completely incapable of imagining doing otherwise. Giving a blanketed statement of "that is a concern for later" Is unrealistic if the rate of level advancement was generally speaking multiple per year. YEAR. Which is still a long time to wait seeing as how gameplay is nearly 1:1 to real life time.

Complaints about politics or intrigue in a ASoIaF quest is patently silly no matter how you spin it. You were right.
[X] Azel

To be fair to you, while that is true, we started this quest in the understanding that we were playing Viserys Targaryen.

Who under any circumstances with a degree of power greater than a marginalized young scion of noble blood, would always be politically relevant and who's actions, especiallly those significant enough to be noted by local worthies, information which would spread outward, would always hold political relevance.

And it was, from the beginning, always his intent to reclaim his birth right. He was nearly completely incapable of imagining doing otherwise. Giving a blanketed statement of "that is a concern for later" Is unrealistic if the rate of level advancement was generally speaking multiple per year. YEAR. Which is still a long time to wait seeing as how gameplay is nearly 1:1 to real life time.

Complaints about politics or intrigue in a ASoIaF quest is patently silly no matter how you spin it. You were right.
Okay, but this is a quest. The voters were running him as a solo operator (doesn't go to the Sealord, missions among criminals and minor cultists...). Thinking that the voters would keep doing that sort of thing made a lot of sense actually.

EDIT: I like how we didn't go to the Sealord way back when we first got our magic and it was an option, but now we're absolute bros with the guy.
[Forget the long-term subjugation of his city-state: he clearly considers our rule a victory for the Braavosi way of life despite our terrible fashion sense. Think of how a shimmering golden cloak must look to a Braavosi!]
Last edited:
[X] Azel

Okay, but this is a quest. The voters were running him as a solo operator (doesn't go to the Sealord, missions among criminals and minor cultists...). Thinking that the voters would keep doing that sort of thing made a lot of sense actually.

It made sense in the short term. When lack of support and fear of reprisal from other organizational or institutional entities became basically a non-concern was not long after we were first recognized as a significant enough threat for Jon Arryn to issue an ultimatum to the Sealord. That is when we were already in deep politically.

That's right, the moment we became considered indispensable enough to get into a trade war over.

Now to be fair it is not a Tyroshi cloak. It does not "shimmer" or glitter gold.

It is a molten current of metal that holds the outline of a river of coins flowing endlessly. It is metal as fuck, not gauche.

Now to be fair it is not a Tyroshi cloak. It does not "shimmer" or glitter gold.

It is a molten current of metal that holds the outline of a river of coins flowing endlessly. It is metal as fuck, not gauche.
Sounds defensive to me.
You know what I see? A beggar prince who got rich endlessly showing off his money. Looks like a typical nouveau riche to me!
[Keyholder sneers]
EDIT: I like how we didn't go to the Sealord way back when we first got our magic and it was an option, but now we're absolute bros with the guy.
[Forget the long-term subjugation of his city-state: he clearly considers our rule a victory for the Braavosi way of life despite our terrible fashion sense. Think of how a shimmering golden cloak must look to a Braavosi!]
To be perfectly honest, it's him who started the whole subjugation thing. On his own.

While peacefully absorbing Braavos was always a long term plan of many here, I still distinctly remember the stunned disbelief when he started haggling about the road-map for that.
To be perfectly honest, it's him who started the whole subjugation thing. On his own.

While peacefully absorbing Braavos was always a long term plan of many here, I still distinctly remember the stunned disbelief when he started haggling about the road-map for that.
It was an incredibly ballsy move.
He's not entirely wrong though, was he? His city is probably getting far superior terms by negociating its eventual absorption now then by needing to be slowly diplomanced/coerced into it in decaes to come.
Kinda like when Naath literally walked into our office and swore itself to us.

@TalonofAnathrax Says the coin counter who got rich off stolen Valyrian wealth.
Please. Who am I, Volantene?
I got rich running the world economy from my boudoir. Well, my great-great-grandmother got rich. I mostly keep the world running and let the Iron Bank's dividends flow into my coffers. I don't need taxmen to brutalize peasants either!
I don't advertise, or dress like a gaudy slaver. People know me.
It was an incredibly ballsy move.
He's not entirely wrong though, was he? His city is probably getting far superior terms by negociating its eventual absorption now then by needing to be slowly diplomanced/coerced into it in decaes to come.
Kinda like when Naath literally walked into our office and swore itself to us.

Please. Who am I, Volantene?
I got rich running the world economy from my boudoir. Well, my great-great-grandmother got rich. I mostly keep the world running and let the Iron Bank's dividends flow into my coffers. I don't need taxmen to brutalize peasants either!
I don't advertise, or dress like a gaudy slaver. People know me.

Am Dragon; Argument Invalid.

Also your great-great-great whoever got rich using stolen Valyrian wealth and ships.

You paid it back... but not with the accountable interest they would have been worth by that date, nor for the slaves illegally manumitted out of accordance with Freehold Law.

*tosses aside documents* But who gives a shit about illegalities and embezzlement a thousand years out of date? You're coming back into the fold under newer, better, less slimy management.

Well, mostly less slimy. Big titted catgirls are still in high demand in some places.
It was an incredibly ballsy move.
He's not entirely wrong though, was he? His city is probably getting far superior terms by negociating its eventual absorption now then by needing to be slowly diplomanced/coerced into it in decaes to come.
Kinda like when Naath literally walked into our office and swore itself to us.
Wyllas move was actually more ballsy then that of Braavos. She came to us with nothing but a sparsely populated stone-age island full of monsters and offered all of this in return for us to finance fixing the everything there.
And it totally worked.

As for Braavos, I never said that it was a bad move on his part, just an unexpected one. I mean, he pretty much offered us Braavos and the Iron Bank on a silver platter with the only stipulation being that we take our time and enjoy it.
And it totally worked.

I mean, we hijacked the Iron Bank and the entire currency in one fell swoop, but at the same time, they are now set up to become THE bank on the Prime Material. They even got a spot on a economic board set up between us and two bona fide planar empires.
Braavos won big time from this as evident by the fact that when we will go there to don a mask later this month, it will be for fun and enjoyment. Right now, we are donning a mask in Lys and it's because we want to murder most of the ruling class.
It's a narrow thing, but I feel that Braavos got the better deal here.