But this isn't Scrying.
It allows no save or SR and we don't actually look at the target, just immediatly know the name of the target's location.
And our head in turn is protected by Mindblank, so even a counter divination if anyone knows where he is should give no results.
I agree that this is a minor issue, but not an insurmountable one. The easiest explanation for it, IMO, is that Viserys simply isn't quite accustomed to the additional breadth of magic made available to him thanks to his recent Mythic power boost.
Or he fears that the man has some way to detect targeted magic.
Or he found him, but the man was moving (in a ship, on a horse...)
[X] Plan Just Like In The Old Days
-[X] Before leaving, take some minor thing from the office to use Touch of History on. A well placed book on a shelf or the like would be fine. It should be easy to miss the disappearance of that item. Viserys will use 1 hour to learn the events of the last 20 days.
-[X] Meanwhile Hermetia will gather up a list of potential inheritors for the departed and a complete list of people Shara or Hermetia are indebted to.
-[X] Aradia will immediately depart to the place mentioned in the latter and stake it out. Viserys will follow after an hour and plan his approach. Lend her the Wayfinder for this task, so that she doesn't get lost.
-[X] Meanwhile Mia and Anya will stake out the offices of this solicitor. Once Aradia is back from the countryside, she will join them. They should either continue the stake-out or infiltrate the offices at their own discretion. The goal is to learn as much about the solicitor as possible, especially about his clients and activities in the past months.
But this isn't Scrying.
It allows no save or SR and we don't actually look at the target, just immediatly know the name of the target's location.
And our head in turn is protected by Mindblank, so even a counter divination if anyone knows where he is should give no results.

So having looked at the text for scry location, Viserys could not use to to begin with in this case:

You can see and hear what occurs at a location, which can be at any distance. You must make a successful caster level check (1d20 + your caster level) to scry a specific location. The difficulty of this check depends on how familiar you are with that location and what sort of physical connection (if any) you have to that place. Furthermore, the difficulty to scry the desired locale increases if the location is extremely far removed, indoors or underground, or on another plane. The DC of this check is 20 + any modifiers related to your knowledge of the area, your connection to it, and the location's distance, as set out in the following table. If you fail this check, the scrying attempt simply fails.

You have to be able to describe the location, and 'the current location of X' is not a valid descriptor unless the person is rooted to the spot or something.
So having looked at the text for scry location, Viserys could not use to to begin with in this case:

You can see and hear what occurs at a location, which can be at any distance. You must make a successful caster level check (1d20 + your caster level) to scry a specific location. The difficulty of this check depends on how familiar you are with that location and what sort of physical connection (if any) you have to that place. Furthermore, the difficulty to scry the desired locale increases if the location is extremely far removed, indoors or underground, or on another plane. The DC of this check is 20 + any modifiers related to your knowledge of the area, your connection to it, and the location's distance, as set out in the following table. If you fail this check, the scrying attempt simply fails.

You have to be able to describe the location, and 'the current location of X' is not a valid descriptor unless the person is rooted to the spot or something.
We could still just waltz around with the Wayfinder until we found him.
[X] Azel

After that last idiot we had to deal with (who somehow needed a fucking divine intervention from acting stupidly) it's nice to see someone who apparently has more that two brain-cells.

It's getting so rare you'd think the squids slipped something into the damn water supply.

Well that or the ancient Valyrians fucked up in the past somehow and it globally reduced the average I.Q. of humanity as a whole.

Wouldn't put it past them to be honest.
So having looked at the text for scry location, Viserys could not use to to begin with in this case:

You can see and hear what occurs at a location, which can be at any distance. You must make a successful caster level check (1d20 + your caster level) to scry a specific location. The difficulty of this check depends on how familiar you are with that location and what sort of physical connection (if any) you have to that place. Furthermore, the difficulty to scry the desired locale increases if the location is extremely far removed, indoors or underground, or on another plane. The DC of this check is 20 + any modifiers related to your knowledge of the area, your connection to it, and the location's distance, as set out in the following table. If you fail this check, the scrying attempt simply fails.

You have to be able to describe the location, and 'the current location of X' is not a valid descriptor unless the person is rooted to the spot or something.
What I meant and linked to was Discern Location.

Much better spell and you only need to have Seen the person or have an object of his.

No checks, no saves no nothing.
Just Mindblank or divine intervention help.
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It would require us to find a level 17 Psion. And I'm pretty sure that @DragonParadox has stated that psionics are a lot more limited in this version of the Planes than normal. Even in the normal version, finding someone with psionic power on that level would be damn hard. Powers like Metafaculty threaten a lot of beings, and they're unlikely to be particularly gracious about allowing them to continue to exist.
It would require us to find a level 17 Psion. And I'm pretty sure that @DragonParadox has stated that psionics are a lot more limited in this version of the Planes than normal. Even in the normal version, finding someone with psionic power on that level would be damn hard. Powers like Metafaculty threaten a lot of beings, and they're unlikely to be particularly gracious about allowing them to continue to exist.
I would honestly prefer to keep psionics out of this setting if at all possible, with the notable exception of certain beings such as the Illithids, who possess them as innate abilities.
I for one think Lya needs some Psionic casting. Preferably from a template that piggybacks of her HD.
Well, if we're talking about psionic templates, nothing beats Phrenic, but more reasonable would be one of Pathfinder's Psychic Creature templates that Dany has access to.

That said, Lya is already plenty powerful without trying to add psionic templates, or any other template for that matter.
Well, if we're talking about psionic templates, nothing beats Phrenic, but more reasonable would be one of Pathfinder's Psychic Creature templates that Dany has access to.

That said, Lya is already plenty powerful without trying to add psionic templates, or any other template for that matter.
I simply consider it a travesty that there is a branch of magic that Lya can't use.
I simply consider it a travesty that there is a branch of magic that Lya can't use.

That...doesn't really track for me. Psionics is a very different discipline to arcane or divine casting, which at least share some similar roots. Sure, the results of psionics and those casters might sometimes appear similar, but they're not remotely connected.