The way I see it, there are too issues:
1) The Megacorp owners.
2) The population growth chart achieving orbit.

You can fix the first with economic policy, but the latter wil generate simply unfixeable issues if it's not curtailed.
the population growth chart achieving orbit, wont cause unfixable issues in this world, this is not a finite world like the real world, we can expand endlessly into the planes, and once we conquer the Underdark, we will have access to crops that don't need light, meaning we can dig endless tunnel systems where people farm.
Wait, Rina? Why would she empathize with Rina? Saenena is more highborn than Viserys. Wouldn't Rina just be seen as a mongrel mage of a barbarian realm?

You're missing what I'm saying entirely. She needs intervention like Rina did, on some level. I mean, we can wait and see if you like, but I'd give even odds on her taking her life if we do so. Probably more like 65/35 in favour of that outcome, actually.
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the population growth chart achieving orbit, wont cause unfixable issues in this world, this is not a finite world like the real world, we can expand endlessly into the planes, and once we conquer the Underdark, we will have access to crops that don't need light, meaning we can dig endless tunnel systems where people farm.
Your looking for Hydroponics - Wikipedia

@Duesal most people can't read. Rendering pamphlets ineffective. Sadly.

[X] Duesal
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the population growth chart achieving orbit, wont cause unfixable issues in this world, this is not a finite world like the real world, we can expand endlessly into the planes, and once we conquer the Underdark, we will have access to crops that don't need light, meaning we can dig endless tunnel systems where people farm.
It causes issue because we cannot possibly have the opportunities available to the people match up the population growth, and people want more than subsistence, especially as standards of living rise.
Wait, Rina? Why would she empathize with Rina? Saenena is more highborn than Viserys. Wouldn't Rina just be seen as a mongrel mage of a barbarian realm?
Besides what Snowfire said, Viserys is higher born than Saenena. Viserys is the patriach of House Targaryen. The only person higher born than him in Valyria, strictly speaking, would be one of the three ruling patriarchs.
@DragonParadox as TNE pointed out, wouldn't making it clear what credentials look like/or identification for accredited mages be easier, harder to forge, than trying to educate people beyond basic fundamentals with literacy like it is at present?

If you're not a Scholarium graduate practicing magic in the public sector, you're probably a Maleficarum. Thus, highly illegal. And people would want to report that kind of thing to the Inquisition.
Besides what Snowfire said, Viserys is higher born than Saenena. Viserys is the patriach of House Targaryen. The only person higher born than him in Valyria, strictly speaking, would be one of the three ruling patriarchs.
No? House Targaryen was pretty low in the hierarchy of the Forty Families. Their status lowered even more when they fled Valyria entirely to some remote outpost at the edge of the Sunset Kingdoms.

Saenena, on the other hand, was a member of the ruling family of a major city on the Valyrian peninsula. That's massively above us in status.

We see that attitude here:
"I thank you... Excellence," she finally settles upon granting you an archon's position in her own mind, where before she had only called you Wisdom, as one might any sorcerer of note.
The highest honor the head of House Targaryen gets in Valyria is being named Archon of Dragonstone. Basically just a military position to be used in emergencies.

Now, if we go by the modern world we're absolutely more important than her. But she's probably still clinging to the old hierarchies.
@Azel @Goldfish As for hitting creatures as opposed to things with artillery sized cannons.
- The NA in excess of touch applying as all-stacking DR sounds like a nice idea.
-- Adamantine tips shouldn't halve this. Specialty ammo already exists to penetrate the inherent DR.
- I would add all the magical enhancement bonus to AC on top of touch, so the enhancement value of armour, a Ring of Protection or Amulet of Natural Armour or literal Divine/Profane bonuses help. Also, Force effects.
- It being touch up to five range increments, and normal from there, is a decent rule, as long as the range penalties still apply.
- At very short range, I'd give a penalty to targeting creatures larger than Colossal that's similar to range increments: -2 per size smaller than it. That's to represent the difficulty of swivelling a huge cannon in less than one round to hit a relatively small, moving target. Perhaps an addition -2/-4 if they are flying.

All in all, my concerns lie in that it's fairly trivial to boost up attack rolls, and at times this is the equivalent of shooting a moving hummingbird with a rifle from hundreds of feet away.

It's a conumdrum: the closer the target it, it's obviously easier on you to shoot him, but at the same time, when handling a big weapon like this, there's an issue in simply tracking your target.

This is obviously not a design document, but those are my thoughts on the way we should go about it.
No? House Targaryen was pretty low in the hierarchy of the Forty Families. Their status lowered even more when they fled Valyria entirely to some remote outpost at the edge of the Sunset Kingdoms.

Saenena, on the other hand, was a member of the ruling family of a major city on the Valyrian peninsula. That's massively above us in status.

We see that attitude here:

The highest honor the head of House Targaryen gets in Valyria is being named Archon of Dragonstone. Basically just a military position to be used in emergencies.

Now, if we go by the modern world we're absolutely more important than her. But she's probably still clinging to the old hierarchies.
But I don't think her position at birth was higher, IIRC.

And they fell from grace pretty hard after their exile, but they were still head and shoulder above the average dragon-riding nobility of Valyria. At least in pedigree.
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Besides what Snowfire said, Viserys is higher born than Saenena. Viserys is the patriach of House Targaryen. The only person higher born than him in Valyria, strictly speaking, would be one of the three ruling patriarchs.
He's the head of a house.
As she is now.

And hers was propably higher up back than, since her husband ruled a major city in Valyrian heartland.
@Duesal most people can't read. Rendering pamphlets ineffective. Sadly.
Ah, I don't think it'll be that much of a problem, honestly. We can have town criers read them aloud for us, and we're making strides in public education too.
But I don't think her position at birth was higher, IIRC.

And they fell from grace pretty hard after their exile, but they were still head and shoulder above the average dragon-riding nobility of Valyria. At least in pedigree.
While Malarys may not have been a member of the Forty, I am downright positive that Saenena was. I'm also positive that her house was higher than the Targs, as was the house that she married into. Heck, I'm pretty sure she just married her brother or something. That was Valyria, after all.
I got the impression she wasn't from one of the 40. Also, higher born. She wasn't born the Aedil's wife, nor was the Aedil born to his position.
It would seem supremely odd to me if someone not of the Forty ruled a major city on the Valyrian peninsula. That kind of power isn't just handed out.
@DragonParadox as TNE pointed out, wouldn't making it clear what credentials look like/or identification for accredited mages be easier, harder to forge, than trying to educate people beyond basic fundamentals with literacy like it is at present?

It would but stuff like mending and healing is even more effective if it is made public, at which point you will start having charlatans using real magic as special effects to their lies.
@DragonParadox ...? Why can't we have clearance handed out by officials for non-accredited mages to perform certain minor rituals, accreditation that is even more difficult to falsify since records of it being handed out will be available?
Yeah except that hydroponics still need light, Underdark plants don't, which make them much simpler to grow deep underground.
It causes issue because we cannot possibly have the opportunities available to the people match up the population growth, and people want more than subsistence, especially as standards of living rise.
We have an endless emergency industry, raising large amount of lifestock to sacrifice to Yss, Yss take animal sacrifice, and he reward people who sacrifice to him, so farming way more crops than you need, and raising animals you sell to people wanting to sacrifice to Yss for a boon, is a valid industry, and there will always be a market for more animals to sacrifice.

It's not the industry that's most rewarding, but with good tools and fertile soil, you can get quite a bit above subsistence, seeing as even if it's at a low price, you have buyers for all your surplus crops.

If the Fungus forge accept mundane plants as feed stock for growing things, then selling plants to be used as raw materials in it, will also be an industry we can put surplus people in, as we can always use more plant creatures, if nothing else because they can be used as soldiers on other planes.

So we have some industries people can earn money in, that have no cap on how many workers it can support, Yss is insatiable when it comes to minor sacrifices, and he always reward sacrifice, so dedicating an industry to feeding him so he will give more boons, is a way to get everyone in the Imperium paying jobs, doing something that benefits the Imperium.

Think of it like this, there are people who are trained in First Aid, but they aren't physicians or EMTs, and there's some official documentation to prove you have been. Why can't it be similar to that?
@DragonParadox, would you mind clarifying if Saenena is a member of the Forty Families or not?

She is, not that she much cares about it. She is a near-suicidal apostate in a world that is for all intents and purposes unrecognizable.

@DragonParadox ...? Why can't we have clearance handed out by officials for non-accredited mages to perform certain minor rituals, accreditation that is even more difficult to falsify since records of it being handed out will be available?

You can of course. that would be an alternative plan.