Part LXX: The Power of Knowledge
The Power of Knowledge
Eleventh Day of the Twelfth Month 289 AC
It is time and past time that you get a better understanding of the intricacies of Gorthos' organization, its scope, its power and its wealth. the basic rules you know already: a fifth of any major score goes to the guild, don't stab other members in good standing in the back don't make waves with the other gangs or the Sealord's Guard (making waves with the watch is expected but there's a "soft" limit on that too).
There are three gangs in Braavos splitting he territory of the less affluent areas of the city, their influence waning and waxing with the fluctuating fortunes of the Braavosi:
Ol' Gorthos' Crew: You make up for the slim pickings of Drowned Town and the parts of the Ragman's Harbor directly abutting it with your plentiful manpower obtained from among the desperate inhabitants of those same areas. In temperament Gorthos is the archetypal old and very much not bold rogue. He favors caution both in attack and defense and has build a reputation of cold calculation whether it be in coin or lives.
The Snakes: Lead by Yarhan Forked-Tongue the snakes have a reputation for casual use of poison, whether it be slipped in the wine-cup or coated upon a blade. They have suspected contacts with the Sorrowful Men though some say Yarhan himself started those rumors to make himself appear more fearsome. Much of their income comes from gambling dens and moneylenders though the latter seem to be in daresay for some reason none have been able to divine...
The Crimson Fellowship or The Reds: They are lead by a self-styled prince of crime with a propensity to ape the nobility (whether in mockery or in earnest none are certain). The Novosi, "Lord" Bern claims to be the last scion of an ancient noble line. As an actual almost-last scion of an ancient noble line you doubt this greatly. The Reds get most of their income from a combination of extorting the business owners in their territories and gambling and prostitution. However they are famous or infamous for occasionally doing high risk jobs for the prestige as much as for the coin.
Numerous other gangs make their home in Braavos splitting off, merging braking and rallying but none have the wealth, the manpower or the stability of the ruling Triad.
Most of your efforts however are directed towards discovering just how the income and the responsibilities in Gorthos's organization are set up. The dynamics are quite unexpected. Just under Gorthos are Yohn and Lysandre, sometimes lovers always allies. The combination of Yohn's thugs and Lysandre's steady income stream and information make for a fearsome match. You are now very glad you did not take Ser Richard's suggestion to kill Yohn. Not only would it have weakened the strong arm of the guild in the midst of open combat it would have lead to a veritable feeding-frenzy until a new pecking order could be established.
Relor is next in power, being responsible for gambling as well as money-lending. By temperament he is more inclined towards the former than the latter so the guild's money-lending is far more modest than that of either of its major rivals. Len is the weakest of the major players. The massive income fluctuations of his areas of responsibility (begging, pick-pocketing and other sneak theft) being very much to his detriment. There are hints that he is far from content with the status quo.
The expansion is going steady but sure as is the habit of the Old Man, grinding down his rivals and crushing or co-opting minor gangs. The influx of cash from the Lembro affair allowing Yohn to put good weapons in the hands of his many underlings. Ser Richard is also not to be underestimated, a knight's training and skill reaping a bloody harvest among the ranks of the enemy.
OOC: This is why it is a good idea to get information first before following the advice of a knight (who's first instinct is always to kill impediments). That is another bullet dodged.
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