While all of this does sound good, I feel like someone needs to point out that the Vitae Sacranis is technically xenotech, and thus heretical. I'd honestly recommend just having the Telepathica start producing and using it, that way when the civil war starts, we have a readymade source for them. It admittedly won't produce a ton of them, but I'm sure that even a few will be helpful, especially if we manage to subvert part of the Mechanicus like some people ate hoping.
Gonna keep tossing out Agent ideas until one of them sticks.

Is Lord Solar Macharius available as an Agent? Alexander the Great in Space seems like he would fit in perfectly to help Nihilus reclaim worlds as fast as possible.
Gonna keep tossing out Agent ideas until one of them sticks.

Is Lord Solar Macharius available as an Agent? Alexander the Great in Space seems like he would fit in perfectly to help Nihilus reclaim worlds as fast as possible.
Marcharius is already dead before the end of M41 and we started in M42. He might be serving the Emperor as a Deva but we probably won't be able to specifically request him.
But fingers crossed if you ask him for a General that can reclaim half the Imperium, the Emperor will toss out the GOAT Macharius.

If specifications aren't a thing then I still think asking the Emperor for an Ecclesiarch Agent to build a stable support base on Terra would be very beneficial.

The ominous wording in the Solar Tarot and the Telepathica vote itself makes it stand out how necessary friends in high places can be. The Wars of Faith might have been minimized if there was a friendly face to filter Pandora's radical changes through.
Step 1: Teleport the Void Dragon's prison somewhere Trazyn will see it before everyone else.

Step 2: Attack Solemance and loot everything while Trazyn is away.

Step 3: Attack Trazyn on the way back and recover the Void Dragon.

Step 4: Fail step 3 and accidentally set the Void Dragon free on an unsuspecting galaxy.

Step 5: Use Emperor Favors.
Step 1: Teleport the Void Dragon's prison somewhere Trazyn will see it before everyone else.

Step 2: Attack Solemance and loot everything while Trazyn is away.

Step 3: Attack Trazyn on the way back and recover the Void Dragon.

Step 4: Fail step 3 and accidentally set the Void Dragon free on an unsuspecting galaxy.

Step 5: Use Emperor Favors.

TBF, that eldritch prick is going to become a problem down the road...
Step 5: Use Emperor Favors.

I don't think the Emperor has given out enough favors to deal with this across multiple quests much less this one.

But I can see the conversation now.

"So... I may have accidentally set the Void Dragon free upon an unsuspecting galaxy."

"My daughter. Pandora. You are my best and most powerful child. My first child. I have full confidence in your ability to handle the growing calamity I'm absolutely certain you foresaw and prepared for with your awesome powers of foresight which previously precluded everyone's ability to see an impossible event in the warp prior to when I last gave you a favor."

"Of course, but speaking of I had a few I wanted to cash in..."

"Which is why you are completely on your own. Now, I tire and must go back to the immaterium."

"But wait! What about my favors?!"



"Skeleton noises"

"Well... shit."
I don't think the Emperor has given out enough favors to deal with this across multiple quests much less this one.

But I can see the conversation now.

"So... I may have accidentally set the Void Dragon free upon an unsuspecting galaxy."

"My daughter. Pandora. You are my best and most powerful child. My first child. I have full confidence in your ability to handle the growing calamity I'm absolutely certain you foresaw and prepared for with your awesome powers of foresight which previously precluded everyone's ability to see an impossible event in the warp prior to when I last gave you a favor."

"Of course, but speaking of I had a few I wanted to cash in..."

"Which is why you are completely on your own. Now, I tire and must go back to the immaterium."

"But wait! What about my favors?!"



"Skeleton noises"

"Well... shit."

"I am sorry, but the Emperor of Mankind is not available right now. Please try again at a later time."
Gonna keep tossing out Agent ideas until one of them sticks.

Is Lord Solar Macharius available as an Agent? Alexander the Great in Space seems like he would fit in perfectly to help Nihilus reclaim worlds as fast as possible.
I am not sure where the idea that we can just get random people as Agents from the Emperor is coming from. He is not really involved in the affairs of the material Imperium. When we asked him for Agents, his offerings were his Greater Deva. And we picked Celestine specifically because she was the one with the best ability to influence the Imperium! If we wanted someone who was specifically a really good general, Rogal Dorn was right there.

Also like keep in mind that our position distorts how common we see T1/T2 characters as. I don't think the Imperium normally has any T2 heroes active. There's like the loyalist Primarchs, but none of them answer to the Imperium. The T1 heroes who are active are well-known to the Imperium at large. And because of that, everyone has opinions on them. Like if he hadn't been abducted, we could have Belisarius Cawl who is really good at discovering new technology, digging up relics, adapting xenotech, all stuff we wish the Mechanicus did. But, yanno, they all know who Cawl is and the conservatives hate him. He would be worse than useless at influencing them, because he's already their opponent and aligning with him would make our position clear.

So maybe we could, on our own, find some super-firebrand preacher against the evils of the Imperium. But this person might not exist, and even if they did they won't be a convenient way to take over the Ecclesiarchy.
That T3 preacher?

Would probably be one of Pandora's siblings. And we know there's at least 1 active working against the very much real evils of the Imperium by agitating a rebellion.
So we abdicate the post of Lord Commander to Sanguinius and appoint Pandora as Ecclesiarch, then-
Almost certainly not feasible in the first place. The Emperor was probably already disposed more towards wanting Pandora as his Regent on Turn 1, and now he definitely is thinking so based on the last update. Meaning that it is extremely likely that he will make the Custodes will insist that Pandora is the only one with his approval to become/be one.

And yes I know this was most likely at least partially a joke and the whole OOC premise of the game is that we are the Firstborn and thus the Regent. But felt like taking the post seriously anyway, because it is pretty interesting to think about just how much the Emperor trusts Pandora, even as broken as he is.

Anyway, we should probably start doing those religion reforms outside of just Nihilus' Cult of Sacrifice -cells and the Telepathica, ASAP... Which probably isn't on this turn unfortunately, when taking into consideration all our prior commitments.
Don't forget about the Mechanicus Concessions we still need to do. This is our last chance for the first batch, and I don't particularly want to see what happens if we fail to complete them.
That T3 preacher?

Would probably be one of Pandora's siblings. And we know there's at least 1 active working against the very much real evils of the Imperium by agitating a rebellion.
If you're talking about Lucan then you obviously haven't read the hell of the arguments about him because then you'd know that, while he doesn't actively hate Pandora now, there's things... I'll be nice and say that are just problems with the idea of work with him.

(Apart from the other people who would throw a party if he slipped and went down a black hole like me).

And please guys don't forget to exert more influence on the reform of the law, Klein is a possible great ally and we should help after throwing this problem in his lap without any prior warning especially after explicitly saying that it is really necessary to do this.
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I am not sure where the idea that we can just get random people as Agents from the Emperor is coming from. He is not really involved in the affairs of the material Imperium. When we asked him for Agents, his offerings were his Greater Deva. And we picked Celestine specifically because she was the one with the best ability to influence the Imperium! If we wanted someone who was specifically a really good general, Rogal Dorn was right there
I'll take Rogal Dorn in a pinch. My man Macharius wasn't some random chump though, bro was compared to Horus, getting 1000 worlds in just 7 years and then crying at the fact that he couldn't conquer anymore. Absolutely legendary run, Macharius > Primarch.

He was made into a Saint post-mortem, so I'm positive that the Emperor has him in his attic somewhere.
And please guys don't forget to exert more influence on the reform of the law, Klein is a possible great ally and we should help after throwing this problem in his lap without any prior warning especially after explicitly saying that it is really necessary to do this.
You make an excellent point that this is necessary, but the thing is, I'm not really sure what else we can do to help Klein at the moment. We've already tasked some Deva agents to help him out last turn, and this turn we'll be working on ensuring Ynnead is born, which will snowball into them reviving Guilliman, the Primarch best suited for helping out Klein with his current task. I'm not really sure what other measures we can take that'll actually be effective enough to justify pursuing them.
You make an excellent point that this is necessary, but the thing is, I'm not really sure what else we can do to help Klein at the moment. We've already tasked some Deva agents to help him out last turn, and this turn we'll be working on ensuring Ynnead is born, which will snowball into them reviving Guilliman, the Primarch best suited for helping out Klein with his current task. I'm not really sure what other measures we can take that'll actually be effective enough to justify pursuing them.
We may be able to spend Influence on getting the other Adeptuses to be more actively cooperative with Kleng's reform attempts.
Before even them, we probably should focus on the Adepta Sororitas. We really shouldn't let Celestine's work on preparing them for us go to waste. Might make easier to subvert the Ecclesiarchy later too.
We can't afford to spend any AP on Sororitas this turn because we need to resolve the AdMech concessions. Which we should have done instead of sending Celestine to start subverting the Sororitas last turn.

Now we've got all the concessions piling up in a single turn plus annoyed the Fab Gen with the delay already.
We may be able to spend Influence on getting the other Adeptuses to be more actively cooperative with Kleng's reform attempts.
True, but the thing is, would it be worth using our Influence on that, as opposed to somewhere else? For example, the Vitae Sacranis could potentially be very useful, but we'd need to spend some Influence on getting it pushed through the various barriers currently blocking it. We could spend Influence on further encouraging cooperation with the Eldar. We could potentially even spend Influence on trying to open up communications with the Necrons.

Kleng, as stated, has received help from us already in the form of Deva assistants, and we're working on bringing back Guilliman via Ynnead. I'm not really sure that spending more resources on Kleng is the best we can do at the moment, especially when we've got multiple other issues to deal with.
You make an excellent point that this is necessary, but the thing is, I'm not really sure what else we can do to help Klein at the moment. We've already tasked some Deva agents to help him out last turn, and this turn we'll be working on ensuring Ynnead is born, which will snowball into them reviving Guilliman, the Primarch best suited for helping out Klein with his current task. I'm not really sure what other measures we can take that'll actually be effective enough to justify pursuing them.
I just want to throw at least one influence at him to indicate to the others on the Council that we still care and because I really feel bad for him, this really shouldn't have been the project to start so early and without even talking to him beforehand, ending up surprising him at the time of the vote, something you should avoid doing with allies in politics.