A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

Thought recently hit me. A while back pitched setting up a town wide celebration after the repairs to city are done for that as well as surviving the dome and Burns losing everything ~

But the omake sweet memories made me think. Should we perhaps look into getting some kinda memorial built honoring those who lost their lives during the dome incident?

Like good ol Doctor Nick who's hi everybody will be sorely missed.
But the omake sweet memories made me think. Should we perhaps look into getting some kinda memorial built honoring those who lost their lives during the dome incident?

Like good ol Doctor Nick who's hi everybody will be sorely missed.
I think that may be an Action that we can do after This Turn. maybe a Stewardship DC25 action?
I think that may be an Action that we can do after This Turn. maybe a Stewardship DC25 action?
Certainly could see it as one I agree. 😊

But that will have to wait till current turn is done and I'm pumped and eager for it.

And not just because got a omake hangings onto and waiting to post till after next update as was requested by the QM. But also because I'm really eager to read more of this quest and see how it plays out.
this quest it is:
1) still working?
2) hibernating?
3) in the grave?
I asked because I really like it and because there haven't been any updates for a long time.
I hope I wasn't rude in asking.
Co-Qm here, sorry for the lack of updates.

RL and a bit of writers block got in the way. But we still working on the update. It's like 80% done by now. We will do our best to get it done as soon as able.

Also if anyone comments in the omake rewards…gonna get to it before update is posted. Had the worst case of Procrastination on that. Sorry.
I'll Miss U Two (canon !)
I'll Miss U Two

For one Lisa Mary Simpson, life could not be better.

Sure there was the massive issue of her dad contaminating an entire lake she had done everything she could to clean up, the government putting a dome over the people of Springfields head and keeping them like elephants in a circus, and the entire town forming an angry mob to try and kill them.(Nearly being killed by a bomb they had implanted in the town not withstanding)

But things had changed, her father had come back and saved everyone, Grandpa was now the richest man in Springfield and was using that power to help everyone, and people were taking the environment more seriously.

Also, she had a boyfriend!

Sure, she and Collin had only been officially dating for a week, but already they were enjoying the time of their life.

The happy couple of 10 year olds both sitting in the park, each with an ice cream in hand, cones of course, better for the tree's and all that.

A lovely view of the slowly rebuilt Springfield as well, many houses and ports being fixed as the builders her grandfather hired got to work in repairing everything.

"I have to say, its really nice what your grandfather is doing for all the little people." Collin admitted, taking a lick of his chocolate and vanilla double scoop as you got Strawberry with Mint.

"Yeah, Grandpa was never one for luxury, so he just prefers to spread it around." The middle child of the Simpson family admitted, recalling how her grandfather once tried to help others with all the money he had from his late girlfriend.

Of course, if not for dad, he would have lost everything too an unlucky gamble.

"The lakes been looking clearer these days, less mutants are coming out of it." The Irish boy who made her heart pound joked, getting a giggle from her as the sun was beginning to fade a little.

"Hopefully that gets cleaned up, I seriously don't know what dad did that caused such a pollution." Lisa admitted, not at all sure how tankard of Pig and Human crap was bad enough to cause mutations.

Unless there was something else in that lake that possibly mixed with it, which given Burns frequently used it as a dumping ground, was very likely in her eyes....

"I'll never forget moments like these with you Lisa, there's never a dull moment in this town." Collin admitted, looking melancholic as he leaned to the side.

"Yeah, and plenty more to come... right?" Lisa asked, confused as the boy looked downtrodden.

"There's actually been something I've been meaning to tell you." He admitted, rubbing his shoulder with his free arm as he looked her in the eye.

"My family... we're leaving America in 2 weeks time."

"What..you can't go, we just survived the dome and the reconstructing and the mess of the-." Lisa said

"My Dad nearly died in here Lisa." He said looking down at the street, "Nearly got killed from drinking and then picking fights for food and water for me and Ma, it's not that I want to leave it's just...we also lost our home and most of the insurance money isn't enough to help with rebuilding. We're going to be foreclosed."

"But I can ask my Grandfather to?-" She started

"Lisa, it is a matter of safety and pride, The Dome took both, and now Dad's pulling us out to the home country." He said.

"But he can't just leave your one of the best people I've met." She said.

"Aye, I know...but I'm not as cruel as to not say good bye properly." He said grabbing his guitar.

Love thee dearest, love thee

Yes, by yonder star I swear

Which through tears above thee

Shines so sadly fair

Thou, too, oft dimmed

With tears like him

Like him my truth will shine

And love thee, dearest, love thee

Yes ? till death I?m thine.

Dormi amore dormi

Porta il fuore dove vuoi

Vola verso I sogni

Bella come sei

Tue sei per me la stella she

Per sempre brillera

E dormi amore dormi

E gia notte ormai

Dimmi amore dimmi

Che non te ne andrai mai piu

Quante notti insonni

Se mi manchi tu

Accanto a me le vuvole

Non torneranno mai

E sogna tutti I sogni

Che l?amore da

L?amore da

As the song rang in her ears Lisa dreamed with open eyes the life that could have been.

Slammed doors from neighbors for asking about thermostats and environmental causes, time and time again, she knew that they only needed one to get that feeling of satisfaction.

Playing on the playground, attending parties, going to prom, learning more about him and his family and trying to deal with her's.

It was all nothing more then a phantom dream now.

She almost didn't feel the tears rushing down her face as she hugged him for but a moment.

She wanted it to last forever, the song, the feeling, the moment...but all moments end, and then she released her grasp from him.

"We still have one more day right?" Colin asked. "What do you want to do with it?"

"Anything" She breathed through a cracking voice "Anything, as long as I get do to it with you."

Through tears in his own eyes, Colling smiled as he took out a flyer made from recyclable plastic from his coat. "I hear there's a new aquarium opening up, lets give it a visit and spend time time at the park."

He suggested, as with a sniffling nose, Lisa could only nod, wishing she had some tissue's at the moment.

And so the couple would spend what might be the last time they would ever see one another again, trying their hardest not to be sad it was all ending.

But happy that it had happened..

Looking up at the airplane about to head off, Lisa didn't know what to say as she saw the boy of her dreams about to leave her forever.

The blonde girl sat in the Terminal Lounge room, the song he had sung for her still playing in her head, it was almost time for them to go, and even if she said goodbye the pain in her heart made it more and more sorrowful to bear.

"Dad...why does saying Goodbye hurt so much?" She asked as Homer took a moment to look at her.

"Lisa, I've done a lot of things in my life I've regretted and some I've never done, but you have an opportunity to give that moment of closure." He said, sounding strangely wise for a man that normally was such a goofball.

"Because Grandma left." You said.

"The first time she left without saying goodbye very well, and it hurt so much that a part of me never really forgave her. You have the opportunity, to ease some of that pain." He said, "Now say goodbye one last time, to make sure it won't hurt forever."

Lisa was only a minute away as she saw Colin standing and looking at the Plane to Ireland.

"Collin! Goodbye, I won't ever forget you." Lisa shouted, rushing down the gate as she needed him too here it as he nodded, and waved back.

"Slán a fhágáil, mo Aingeal, feicfidh mé i mo bhrionglóidí thú!" He tearfully spoke, boarding the plane as he stepped inside.

The gates closing as a security guard pulled her back, while through the pane of the window seat, the redhaired boy who set her heart ablaze waved back as it took off into the sky.

As they border Homer stood and held her Shoulders as they watched the Plane take off into a never-ending sky.



As he lay by the window seat, watching the girl he loved getting smaller and smaller till she all but disappeared from his line of sight, Collin sighed as he lay in the place, soon reaching proper altitude as they could take off their seatbelts.

"I'm sorry son, I knew ya loved her." His father spoke to him, putting a hand on his shoulder as they were finally heading back to their home country "But after all tha-

"I know Dad, I don't blame you." Collin admitted, looking his father in the eye as he lay a hand to his temple. "How do you do it dad, going so over the country, leaving all the people you like behind, all just to make the world happy?" The redhead asked his father as he frowned.

Paul David Hewson, sat and just thought for a minute, before giving his son an answer "I never forget them, I let them stay in my heart and hope we can meet again soon." He reassured his boy, getting a smile from the lad as soon a food tray arrived for them. "So any reason you never told anyone who I was?"

"I didn't want to spend my whole new life just being known as 'Bono's Kid'." Collin Hewson told his father, both having a chuckle as their plane flied off into the sunset.

And although his heart hardened at leaving Lisa behind, he had a feeling one day they would meet again...
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Howdy guys! Co-qm KA$H with an update about the turn's progress:

It's so fucking soon guys.

We've finally managed to knock out the most stubborn part of the update and are rapidly approaching completion! We just had to re-jigger a personal action that had its concept and desired results all mixed up!

Not much has changed about it in the grand scheme of things but we figured we'd mention it before the official update rolls around
Howdy guys! Co-qm KA$H with an update about the turn's progress:

It's so fucking soon guys.

We've finally managed to knock out the most stubborn part of the update and are rapidly approaching completion! We just had to re-jigger a personal action that had its concept and desired results all mixed up!

Not much has changed about it in the grand scheme of things but we figured we'd mention it before the official update rolls around
I got sick of waiting, so I posted that omake even tho with the whole pause till after turn thing.

It was a month and a week after all.
Turn 2 results!
Turn 2 Results:

[X] Plan Building The Foundation
-[X] National Actions

--[X] Martial: Release The Hounds (DC 40) (Jasper Bonus)
ROLL= 30+24(Abe's Martial)+5(Jasper)+0(Jasper Loyalty)=59
Great Success!

You left Jasper with the job of getting those hounds back in shape. They spent too much time lazing around in their homes and some even got fat. That won't do at all!

Luckily, Your good old buddy was able to wrangle those canines rather easily! It just took some quality food, some toys, and some dummy's for target practice before the hounds were back in tip top barking shape! Jasper comments that it takes him back to his rookie days.

It was a job so well done, several of your guards could be seen patrolling by a hound or two during their rounds. You pity whoever tries to break into the power plant now.

Rewards: Hounds retrained and re-added to the security force! Hounds provide a +5 to combat against invaders to the Power Plant and +5 bonus against people/Factions trying to infiltrate the power plant.

--[X] Martial: Capture Mutant Animals (DC 45) (Fat Tony) Roll= 53+24(Abe's Martial)+21(Fat Tony)+10(A grandpa to all Springfield) +2(Loyalty)=110
Mafioso Critical Success

Fat Tony had no issues catching all those weird critters roaming around the outskirts of the city. Heck, from what you could tell, he kind of enjoyed himself?

He told you that though the animals themselves didn't seem that aggressive, they did attack quite furiously the workers that he brought alongside to transport them. Though no one got seriously hurt you did have to pay the medical bills of some people that were careless and got too close to the cages and received kisses full of teeth.

Still back to the matter at hand. Fat Tony assures you he was quite thorough on looking for those mutants, there shouldn't be any weird looking animals hanging around Springfield no longer.

Frink was quite excited when the mutants arrived at the power plant. He commented that he wished to study them, saying this was a prime opportunity to see first hand the quick mutations caused by the radioactive waste mixed with all the other contaminants. You have no idea if that's a good idea or not, but he is the one with the lab coat.

Reward: All mutant animals roaming in Springfield have been captured! Frink has taken an interest in this new species of animals. Actions to study the mutant animals have been unlocked!

--[X] Diplomacy: Work With Union Members (DC 45) (Flanders) Roll= 51+13(Abe's diplo)+26(Flanders)+5(Hidely Ho!)+5(Motivated)+2(Loyalty)=102
Diplomatic Critical Success!

You asked Flanders to speak with Carl and Lenny to finally reach an agreement with them. Having half of your workforce not go to work has slowed somewhat productivity, something that needs fixing now.

Luckily, he was able to settle things quite nicely with them. It took some time for talks to settle, but in the end, things reached a nice agreement.

In exchange for the Union to rejoin working in the Power Plant once again Ned offered them not only better salaries, more break times and a game room so workers can unstress. He even managed to replace the old vending machines with new ones. Thanks to that pharmacist in Danville, the prices of vending machines have plummeted to almost 0 dollars! Your assistant managed to get almost 2 warehouses full of them!

They also asked to make sure the power plant has proper safety procedures, in case of an accident (Or a code HOMER, as you found out they address it). Though with the compromises Ned has kept so far they are willing to give you time to have that set up.

Rewards: Power Plant working at full capacity! Workers seem happy with new working conditions! Power plants generate 2 income every 3 turns now!

You have unlocked Carl and Lenny as a trait for the power plant! They give a +5 to all Nuclear related Actions.

--[X] Stewardship: City Reconstruction: All Districts At Once (DC 50) (Wilhelm) Roll= 71+8(Abe's Stewardship)+20(Kaiser)+10(A grandpa to all Springfield)+2(Loyalty)= 111 Lawyering Critical Success!

You asked the Kaiser to help make sure that the reconstruction gets done as soon as possible. Not sure how good of an idea this would be.

Fortunately, Kaiser took the job with stride and a surprising level of focus and professionalism. He promised you results as soon as possible. And holy moly, did he manage that.

Apparently, there's no bigger motivator in life than having a zombie with a cowboy hat and pair of Lugers telling you to keep working. Under the undead german careful rotting eye, no worker slacked off and the project was finished within schedule!

At the end of the month, the city was totally fixed, looking just like always, as if a giant glass dome had never fallen on it.

Also apparently, it seems you own most of Springfield?

…That came as a surprise, but from what little digging you could do it seems there's a law in the city (Even older than you in fact), that whoever gets to fix a building then they become the new owner? Who made these laws?!

Rewards: City finally reconstructed! Thanks to the kaiser carefully and old styled work ethic, 2 income was used! Springfield Citizens Opinion unlocked. Currently Standing at 7/10!

Now that Abe owns most of Springfield, he receives some rent money from their taxes. He now gains 1 income every 3 turns starting next turn!

New actions unlocked!

--[X] Intrigue: Look Into Burns (Mona Simpson):
Dc revealed: Opposite intrigue roll!
Roll: 87+27(Burns' Intrigue)+22(Grimes Jr.)+2(Loyalty)= 138!
Roll 69+16(Abe's Intrigue)+29(Mona)+10(This is Personal)+10(omake reward)+2(Loyalty)= 136. Bare Failure!

You felt nervous when you asked Mona for help. Not for her safety though, your ex-wife is one of the best people you know that can tango with Burns and come out unscathed. But because of how your last talk with her went.

Still, Mona gladly took up the task to find out what that scheming snake was up to. And while she wasn't successful at all in her venture, you did learn some interesting and concerning information.

She was able within a few days to find where Burns was hiding. According to her report, she was able to easily locate Smithers. Apparently, just having a trenchcoat and a fake mustache doesn't make it that hard for people to recognize you when going to a supermarket.

She was able to tail him without an issue, and he led her straight to the docks district, specifically an almost unassuming, abandoned warehouse. At first she wasn't sure if that was the right place but during one of the following days, she saw him and that sleazy snake go out, being picked up by a limo without license plates and return a few hours later.

From what she was able to gather from observing the warehouse, it didn't seem to have any type of guards or security measures, so she took a risk.

She waited until Burns and Smithers left the warehouse again, and tried to sneak inside. Almost immediately things went wrong. She was quickly found out by a man who she had missed during her recon and was forced to escape before she was apprehended by him.

A few hours later, Mona contacted you with her findings, but before you could have Fat Tony and Kaiser storm the place, you received news that the warehouse had "mysteriously" exploded. No one saw how or why it happened, but you could fantom a guess.

Not all seemed lost though, you had your men and Mona search the debris, and you were able to find several semi burnt newspapers about some house robberies that happened in the city from years ago, but they never found the thief, and a a few photos of the Springfield Elementary School, including shots of Bart and Lisa during classes.

Also, thanks to Fat Tony and the help of chief Wiggum, you were able to find who was the man that Mona encountered. It was Frank Grimes Jr. son of the deceased Frank Grimes. Supposedly still in prison for trying to murder your son, he had managed to escape during the quarantine but it never was reported.

You have some pieces of the puzzle to what Burns is currently doing, but you don't know what to do with that just yet. One thing for certain, now that he knows you are into him, that snake is gonna make himself harder to find. You need to prepare for the incoming bites…somehow.

Rewards: You learned Burns has Frank Grimes Jr as a Hero Unit!

Burns seems to be interested in robberies from years ago! You have no idea the reason for that.

He also seems to pay attention to the school your grandchildren are going to. Is he going to target them?

--[X] Learning: Research Magic (DC 80) (Frink) Roll 69+10(Abe's Learning)+35(Frink)+10(Walking Library)+3(Loyalty)=127 Great Success!!!

Continued in interlude…Magic's Scientific Method!

-[X] Personal Actions
--[X] Abe
---[X] Hire Apu. Auto Success

When you contacted Apu telling him that he was hired he burst into tears, blabbering that you wouldn't regret this… at least that's what you thought you heard.

It was quite hard to make sense of what he was saying with all those children screaming and crying in the background.

…Not sure if you should be concerned or not.

Rewards: Apu Recruited as a Hero Unit!

---[X] Talk with Mona 75+10(omake reward)+10(???)=95

Continued in the Interlude: A Not So Simple Discussion

---[X] Get The Hounds To Like You 46+10(Previous experience) =56
75(Reroll Omake)+10 (Previous Experience)=85

Even though Jasper was able to discipline the hounds, there were a few of them that were still somewhat unruly. You decided to handle them specifically. Luckily, you had prior experience training dogs into discipline canines!

It was a slow thing, gaining their trust, but you had to spend days waiting in the living room of the retirement home for your son to come visit. You had patience for years!

By the end of the second month, not only were the hounds more receptive to you, even allowing you to pet them as much as you want, there were 2 of them that liked you so much they didn't want to leave your side!

Rewards: Abe familiarizes himself with the Hounds! The dogs like him more than they ever did to Burns (Not much of an accomplishment to be honest.)

Abe has unlocked Crippler(one of the Hounds) and Badger( A badger that somehow snuck into the power plant?) as a trait! They can be taken to some Adventures with Abe and give +15 bonus to martial combat rolls and +10 to some related Intrigue rolls.

---[X] Spend time with your son=25

You tried to approach your son Homer, but your attempts were…less than successful. He seemed to ignore you every single time when he was at work. And when you tried to go to his house to talk to him you saw him…with Mona.

You weren't ready to face both of them at once so you stopped trying…at least for now.

--[X] Flanders
---[X] Spend Time With Your Sons 23+5=28

Ned tried to hang out with his sons, and you allowed him to do so. You knew a thing or two about wanting to connect with family, after all....

Unfortunately, Rodd and Todd had apparently gotten the flu, so Ned had to spend less time actively hanging out and more time making sure they were taken care of. Unfortunate, but that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes.

....Now you want a cookie.

--[X] Jasper
---[X] To the last man=100+10(Omake Bonus!)=110!

…Okay then. Continued in the interlude: "War… War never changes."

--[X] Fat Tony
---[X] Find The Don=28

Fat Tony took some time off from work to "assist an old friend". You aren't 100% sure at first what he means, but you quickly discover the Don has gone missing, so you decide to not further question it, both out of politeness and plausible deniability.

Fat Tony returns before long, a little grouchy and admits he found no good leads. He thanks you for the lack of questions in regards to taking that time off, however.

--[X] Frink
---[X] Give Kaiser A Checkup=20

See Kaiser's Personal below.

--[X] Wilhelm
---[X] Test the Limits of your Zombie Body (Originally: Get a Check up)=96

"Thank you once again for coming in on such short notice. I would love to devote more time to this, but Mr Simpson has been quite insistent that I find 'evidence of magic', whable! Frink's left eye twitches for a second. "Despite giving me almost nothing to work with." He mutters in a really low voice, that your zombie ears almost don't hear it.

You, Kaiser Wilhelm The Second, simply take a bemused swig from your flask, savoring it's sweet burn as it travels on your rotten throat.

"You don't say. Too bad you don't have any volunteers. " You can almost feel him roll his eyes at that: Frink has been crystal clear on how he feels about you claiming to be "the living dead". But you just can't help yourself; you love pushing his buttons.

"Yes, well, a proper study needs more than one man's anecdotal evidence to draw a conclusion from. I won't pretend to understand the intricacies of your physiology, but that hardly means its magic."

"Vhat are you talking about? We've learned tons about my body! I don't sleep, I don't need to eat or drink, I don't get tired, I-" You start explaining the awesome benefits of your zombie body.

"But we don't know why!" Frink exclaims as the palm of his hand hits the desk, making it shake. "All my general equipment says you're barely above the points of advanced tissue and organ failure! But somehow, you're as hale as a horse! In fact, you could probably lift one over your head!" Frink rambles as he grips his head in exasperation.

"Oh, you hafe no idea how right you are!" You said as you gave a small laugh as you took a swing from your flask.

"…What did you do?" Frink says with a deadpan tone as his left eye continues to twitch noticeable behind his glasses.

"Vell, Herr Docktor, I decided to put this zombie body of mine to Ze test." You comment with another sip of your Frisk. "Let's see…Vhat did I do again?" You tap your finger against the desk as you try to remember all the tests you did so far.

Kaiser could be seen doing an obstacle course like those of the military on the Power Plant' parking lot. The obstacles are mostly made of random junk, and several workers can be seen cheering on the German as he finishes the track without breaking a sweat.

Next, Kaiser Wilhelm can be seen standing a wall, a target sight glued to his chest and on the other side, a few of the same workers holding several guns and one of them a crossbow. All of them stare at Kaiser nervously.

Then Kaiser nods at them, and with a gulp, all begin firing at Kaiser, aiming for his chest. The kaiser just stood there, taking all the shots, seemingly not bothered by it. He only looks annoyed when the crossbow guy misses his shot, the arrow barely grazing his ear. But aside from that, he is totally unharmed. The bullet wounds could be seen closing slowly.

Finally, the Zombie German can be seen in a Boxing Match against Myke Tyson on a ring. The heavyweight boxer rains blow after blow on Willhelm, who because of his shortened arm, can't defend properly against the professional, but none of his punches seems to have any effect on him.

Tyson then gives a strong right hook to Kaiser's face, but to the surprise of everybody, he hits him so hard, his head spins a whole 360º degrees.

The public and Tyson himself can just stare agape at what just transpired, and the zombie uses this chance to land a mean hook on Tyson, knocking him out and winning the match.

"Zhat Tyson fella vas fery good fella. Promised to keep quiet about the match." You finish your experiments with a heartful laugh. "Not only zhat, I found a neat trick too!"

Frink can be seen seething in his seat. His hands are squeezing the edge of his desk so hard it seems he might break it. But then the scientist takes a deep breath and relaxes.

Sighs "Fine now, what was the last thing you mentioned?" He asks with both of his hands covering his face.

"Oh ja, I've been drinking rat poison to see if it would work on me." You comment with another swing of your frisk, filled with some rat poison you found on Herr Flanders house.

Frink renews his seething at hearing that, harder this time.

"But I wanted to show you this!" You make a finger gun gesture with your good arm and aim it at one of the walls and concentrate hard.

At first, nothing seems to happen, but after a few moments, your hand seems to get enveloped in an eerie grey aura. You can feel a buildup of some force at the tip of your fingers. Satisfied, you take aim at the wall and let loose.

Suddenly a small ethereal blast launches from your fingers and towards the wall. Unfortunately, the blast doesn't move more than 3 feet before disappearing.

You slouch on your seat, the blast somehow taking the breath out of you. "How you like zhat, Docktor? Learn zhat trick after weeks of practice." You breath out, suddenly, it's like you are in your old alive body from all those years ago. "Hafe to dank Herr Flander's kids for this. Zheir "fideo game" of some cups using finger guns to kill zhe Defil vas an inspiration."

Frink just stares at you for a moment, before getting up from his seat and starts walking towards the door.

"Tell Mr Simpson I'm going home early, I'm done for today." He says slouching, with a defeated tone. And with that, he exits his office.

"You know I'm right! It's magic!" You shout out to him.

Frinks frustrated shout is all the answer you need to know you are right.

Learned more about Kaiser's zombie condition! Unfortunately, Professor Frink couldn't fully get an explanation of Kaiser's zombie state.

Professor Frink is a little bit Frustrated right now…He isn't taking the notice of magic well.

Kaiser has learned more about the limits of his zombie body! He gets a +1 to martial! He also has managed to develop somehow the ability to use magic finger guns! You have no idea how this is possible and are almost as frustrated as Frink!

Kaiser has gotten +1 occult and learned the trait. "Zom-Boy!" Kaiser gets to add ¼ of his occult to martial combat rolls! Train this mystical aspect of Kaiser to raise the bonus it provides!

Frink's denial with magic will continue in the interlude "Magic's Scientific Method."!!!

Current Territory: Springfield

Power Plant Bonuses:
Safety Regulations:
-10 to people attempting to Sabotage the Reactor
Up to code regulations: +10 bonus against Attack attempts against the Power Plant

Upgraded facilties: +5 to all Learning actions that occur inside the Power Plant.

Release the Hounds: +5 to combat against invaders to the Power Plant and +5 bonus against people/Factions trying to infiltrate the power plant.

Carl and Lenny: +5 to all Nuclear related Actions.

Gil Gunderson: +5 to a sterwadship action of your choice each turn.

Apu: +5 against People trying to attack the Power Plant

Springfield Bonuses:
Springfield Police:
+5 against people invading/attacking the city! Bonus becomes +15 if doughnut shops are specifically threatened by an enemy.

Apu: +5 against People trying to attack Springfield.

Dc to Infiltrate Springfield: DC 40 (Base DC)

Power Plant Bonuses against infiltration (Opposed intrigue roll against intruders):
Current bonuses so far:
16(Abe's Intrigue)+30(The Finale's Spymaster Bonus)+5(Release the Hounds)+5(Power Plant Up to code)+15(Traps).

Power Plant Positions:

Head of Pr
(Flanders, +26 to diplomacy rolls): Doubles opinion gains and halves opinions loses.

Spymaster (The Finale, +30 to intrigue rolls): Each turn the finale will roll an Intrigue check, and hidden factions on springfield need to beat the roll to remain hidden, if roll failed Abe becomes aware of them.

Administrative Manager (Willhelm II, +20 to Stewardship rolls): All Stewardship Actions get a -5 to their DCs and each turn a random stewardship Action gets another -5 to their DC (It can stack) as long as kaiser continues to hold the position, once removed the DCs go back to normal

Items (Special or Significant items Abe has in his possession):
Mysterious pendant:


Hillibily Army
: Can be assigned to as Martial Action on or near Springfield where you attack or fight something. +10 bonus to the roll.

Abe's Manor:

Bates: +5 to Diplomacy rolls when within the walls of the manor, but risk of Monkey Fist related issues

Beakley: +5 to Intrigue to convince people the manor isn't worth stealing from, but risk of FOWL related issues

Gloria: +5 to Martial Rolls to defend the Manor, but risk of Chip Whistler related issues

Springfield Prison:
DC 120 (Martial) for someone to attack the prison and DC of 90(Intrigue) for someone to try to sneak in or out of the prison
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Nice it is finally here.

Some nice rolls for our general actions, but holy hell did Burns escape by 2 points.

At least we managed to get some leads on the old coot.

Also holy magic roll, looks like we are getting into the occults early.

On the other hand man did we roll shit on most of the personals, at least they weren't nat 1's

On the other side here comes jasper with his Nat 100.
We're so back baby! Nothing but mostly good rolls not shocked that frink is having a hard time dealing with magic he is a man of science after all.
Yay! This updated! Super happy about these rolls, too. Might want a bodyguard for the family. Maybe an ex super hero?
Well we should definitely do something nice for everyone for this many successes, and perhaps unwind as well for some not doing well, except for Apu since he wants to work.
Liked all the crits for the major decisions shame the personal rolls weren't better but at least there were no Nat 1 so it's recoverable
Hmm....what is Burns looking into? What robberies have him playing detective? Unless he is trying to get someone in debt to him? Maybe we should help Fat Tony. Get some connections into the Underworld. See if we can get anything through the grapevine.
for burns, who do we know in disney victorius would work well with him, cause currently in my mind if he wants to hurts us, he can either go toffee or syndrome, both them knowing how to get their revenge on someone and being fueled by spite and hatred.
Ok Overall some good and nice dice rolls. Everything was perfect, the mona failure is also ok.

I believe Sidebob show is probably working with or cooperating with burns.

If it is something related in old roberies maybe he is looking for this guy?:



Molloy is a cat burglar who lived at Springfield Retirement Castle. He started a crime wave in Springfield that ended with the world's largest zirconia being stolen, which led to his arrest. He mentioned having been a cat burglar for years. He tricked the entire town into going on a phony...


Or he is looking for something on the Treehouse of horror, that could give him a leverage against us. ALso if my sidebob show theory is correct, probably we could look onto potential heroes units that could be working with burns. And that is pretty much anyone that hates the simposns family (the list is long, very long) or someone who wants to kill simpsons family members. (meh)

It feels weird having vending machines of doof, i mean they are cheap, very cheap, but for some reason there is this song about vending machines being evil, coming back to me LOL
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