A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

Plan Undead, Not Unfeeling

National Actions

Martial: Create Your Own Security Group

DC 75

98 + 25 (Abe Martial)+22 (Fat Tony Martial)+3 (Johnny Tightlips)+2 (Loyalty) = 150

Exact Critical Success!

Results: DC for attacking/invading Springfield increased to 70, DC for follow up actions reduced, DC for current Mafia actions reduced, and malus to all criminal organizations that try to set up in Springfield while the Security Group functions. Further actions unlocked.

Head of Security position unlocked!

Please select who will occupy this position:

Fat Tony: +10 to all Criminal and Mafia related actions and once per turn, you may use a Hero's Intrigue Score in place of their Martial Score for a National Action

Moe: If Springfield is successfully sneak attacked, Moe can preemptively strike back before the sneak attack for free. This only works once per attack/siege.

Wille: If Springfield is attacked, all follow up actions against the attacker gain a +15 bonus. This effect can stack if the attacker makes multiple different attacks against Springfield.

Homer: +10 to all rolls made to attack or siege those outside of Springfield.

Very good reductions across the board - as for who´s gonna Head of Security, here my thoughts:

FT is really strong in terms of underworld stuff and also could help us re-allocate some stats in case we need it.

Moe´s not bad at all, but he hinges on some else taking a stab at us first, so maybe long-term a bit too reactive.

Willie technically got the same problem, but his ability to stack retaliations like that makes far more appealing if we do get decked hard.

Homer´s pretty solid on the offensive, but that´s kinda it.

Meaning that rn, I am torn between FT and Willie...we´ll see...

Reach Out To Zombies

DC 80

72 + 26 (Flanders Diplomacy)+23 (Wilhelm Diplomacy)+2 (Loyalty) +10 (Omake Bonus) = 133


To be continued in Interlude "The Talking Dead"...

Hmm, we got an interlude outta it and scored almost double the DC...

Yeah, that sounds like a nice, big payout coming our way^^

Promote Taverns in the U.S.A (DC 40/60/80) (1 income)

DC: 40/60/80

51 + 26 (Flanders Diplomacy)+5 (Moe Diplomacy)+15 (Professional Barkeeper) = 97

Complete Success!

Reward: Taverns all across the USA with a connection to the confidential are busier than ever! Majorly increased reputation with The Confidential. The Confidential will grant +20 to the next infiltration action you take and as a thanks for the excellent work are given a few tips on drink mixing! -10 to the DC of "Research the Tonics" action!

Neat - didn´t expect that DC reduction for the tonic, but in retrospect it makes perfect sense for a bunch of barkeepers to know a bit about mixing together drinkables^^

As for the +20 to our next Infiltration, as said before currently I am gunning for probing Bellwether a bit, so there is that...

Build Lemon Farms (DC 20) (Willie)

45 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+19 (Willie Stewardship)+10 (Almighty Groundskeeper)+1 (Loyalty) = 83

Critical Success!

Results: Lemon Farms built and already turning a profit! The lemons are being produced in incredible quantities and qualities for just setting up the farms as well! +1 Income from the immediate sales!

With that in the bag, we got a foot in the door regarding the famine - definitely not something the other Nobles can just ignore outright.

Very good...

Organize A Concert + We're Having A Party (DC 85) (Homer+Gil)

41 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+18 (Homer Stewardship)+10 (Grandpa To Springfield)+10 (Music Ability)+1 (Loyalty)+5 (Gil)+10 (The Long Road Home Omake)+10 (Shepard Omake) + (Radioxaxa Omake) = 123


To be continued in "We're Having A Party!"

A good first showing of our son as an Operative - while we didn´t crit, I still expect some Opinion gain with Springfield as well as some cash.

All in all, another windfall for us - me likey...

A Bigger Mini Mall (DC 35) (1 Income) (Quimby Free) (Apu)

59 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+25 (Apu Stewardship)+2 (Loyalty) = 94

Critical Success!

Results: Springfield now has the USA's only double decker mall, bringing in tourism by the boatload and increasing the cash flow to Springfield! Increased reputation with the citizens of Springfield!

Hopefully Shelbyville is choking on that on top of the lemons - but even if not, that´s still quite the revenue and reputation for us.

Not complaining at all...

Renovate The Springfield Retirement Castle (DC 15) (Jasper Bonus)

92 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+7 (Jasper Stewardship)+1 (Loyalty) = 108

Critical Success!

Reward: The Springfield Retirement Castle is completely renovated! Every member of the old staff is fired and replaced by people who actually care! The Elders are deeply grateful!

Very good - now our old friends can finally enjoy their twilight years with dignity.

Let no one think that we forgot where we came from!

Look Further Into The Mysterious Group (DC 65/75/100) (Finale)

37 + 18 (Abe Intrigue)+30 (Finale Intrigue)+3 (Loyalty) = 88


Rewards: Learned the name of the Mysterious group, making looking into it slightly easier. Action unlocked to further Research this "Iron Claw".


Look On Your Own For More Clues About The Insignia


Hmmm, since pretty much everything even tangially connected to Finale including his own identity seems to be an expy of something from Metal Gear Solid, that´s probably where we need to look in terms of who it could be - unfortunately, I myself got no idea since I never familiarized myself with that franchise

At least we got a name - better than nothing going forward...

Hunt Down The EPA Agent (DC 50/80) (Mona)

5 + 18 (Abe Intrigue)+29 (Mona Intrigue)+5 (Eco Grandma)+5 (Green Family Visit)+2 (Loyalty) = 59

Partial Success!

Sucks that the trail is starting to go cold, but if that really is Cargill, it makes sense since he´s been on the run for an entire year and therefore got quite the lead on us - meaning we might wanna double down on pursuing him next turn if we wanna have a little "chat" with him after all...

Lo Back Around Steel (DC 130) (Frink)

81 + 10 (Abe Learning)+35 (Frink Learning)+20 (BBB!)+5 (Lenny & Carl)+5 (Improved Computers)+ 22 (Legstrong Learning) = 178


Rewards: You gain 2 income! plus 1 Income per income turn! You get DC reductions on most Power Plant and nuclear actions! You gain a more positive standing with Legstrong, The Military, & doctors!

....now I wonder if that DC reduction covers Fusion Entry as well - if so, that´d be awesome.

But even if not, it´s still pretty good on its own and might allow us to discover better methods to de-rading whole enviroments - again, nations like Ukraine would love that one for sure...

So yeah, *smiles all around*

Study That Strange Amulet (DC 60) (1/2 Crumbs Occult+Rotwood)

49 + 17 (Half Crumbs Occult)+13 (Rotwood Occult)+15 (I Knew It!) +1 (Loyalty)= 95


The broken heart locket : the wearer gets +10 to interactions with people who have lost someone they loved or have had their heart broken, the wearer gets a feeling of dread near sea water....

Not bad at all - not quite sure how we could make use of it best, but we´ll figure something out...

...if I didn´t know it better, I´d say that´s Davy Jones´ locket from the PotC movies....

Look For Magic Tomes (DC 60) (1/2 Crumbs Occult+Lena)

65 + 17 (Half Crumbs Occult)+22 (Lena Occult)+2 (Loyalty) = 106


Reward: Found the Magical Journals! Action unlocked to study them.

Something for either of our three main Magicians to sink their teeth in, if nothing else

And before you guys say something - ducks actually *do* have something similar to teeth^^

Personal Actions


Ask Another Simpson Family Member To Help You Out


Result: Marge Simpson has been added as a Temporary Hero Unit next turn and gains a +5 to whatever action she is assigned to!

Not bad at all - from her Stats, she´s a pretty solid Diplo/Stew hybrid

Heck, if we factor in her Generalist and especially Cooking trait, she woulda been PERFECT for the Lemon Farms...oh well, we´ll find something for her either way.

Actually, one idea on the Discord for her was to have her *buy the friggin Burlesque House* since apparently she worked there for a bit as well - don´t ask me when that one happened, because I for sure don´t remember a thing...

Hang Out With One Of Your Workers



Results: Hunter gets decently relaxed around you. +5 to his Loyalty!

Thanks, I´ll take it^^

Hang Out With One Of Your Workers



Results: Ned feels more comfortable around you! +10 Loyalty for Flanders.

And THAT ONE I am definitely taking as well^^

A Test Of Your Own Medicine 2

22 - 5 = 17

...we´re just not having any luck with that one, are we?

At least nothing actually bad happened this time, so there´s that...


Talk To Those Mysterious Hecklers

Roll: 75

Result: Jasper FINALLY meets those mysterious hecklers… and unlocks them as a Trait!

Statler & Waldorf: Two fellow grumpy elders. With the Muppets long since shut down, they need more entertainment, and Jasper is about as good as they're going to get! (when Jasper is in combat, they might randomly show up to heckle his opponent, giving them a -10 to Rolls from being thrown off. However, they are just as likely to heckle Jasper if he fails a Roll, adding a further -10 to him for similar reasons)

Finally we got hold on Waldorf and Statler - *now we just need to find an Adventure where Jasper would actually be useful*...



Work On One Of Your Inventions


At least nothing actually bad happened, so...-shrugs-

Fat Tony

Find Your Men


Roll: 80

Results: Tony finds his final man, Legs, and unlocks him as a Trait!

Legs: the doctor of the crew, his experience has saved many members of the mafia from an earlier retirement. He gives a +3 to Learning rolls and on adventures, when a hero units is hurt or taken out of the action, has the option of Rolling a learning roll with a +10 bonus to fix them right away. DC will vary depending how hurt the unit is.

Daaaaamn, Legs probably woulda been worth his boss´ weight in gold back in Kamp Krusty - but even without out, I´ll definitely be taking the +3 to FTs Learning since I have to admit that he´s been a very valuable Operative for us.

...We might wanna do something nice for him soon via some of those Mafia options - particularly the KK Sweatshop could be worth it...


Get Up To Date In War Tactics


...wtf are our citizens eating if one of them passing wind can be mistaken for a freaking GAS LEAK?

...probably wasn´t Homer since he wouldn´t be caught DEAD in a library...

But yeah, "mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen", as we Germans would say...


Talk To Homer


Results: Mona and Homer are happy! Mona gets a +5 to her next Action she is assigned to.

Good to hear that the older generation of our family is starting to grow back together for real again...

That and the bonus to one of our top Unit´s next action is pretty nice as well


Spend Time With Your Octuplets And Wife


Results: Apu has a good time with his family! +10 opinion increase with Abe!

Opinion increases are always nice, so I am not complaining^^

While a bit subdued, Rare Moe Win continues - good to hear that this time around, he´s not putting his foot in his mouth around Maya unlike in the show proper


Monkey To The Left Of Him, Monkey To The Right Of Him


...so, did Willie take over that monkey tribe as its new chieftain or not?

Either way, they are now dealt with, which is good on its own


Actually Hang Out With Webby

Roll: 85

To Be Continued In "Birds Of A Feather"

Nice to see that the two seem to be mending bridges further - really want them to be together in *some form* at least

Prof Crumbs

Research Local Myths


To be continued in the Interlude "Who Ya Gonna Call?"...

Prof Rotwood

Study Springfield Cryptids

Roll: 81

To be continued in the Interlude "Who Ya Gonna Call?"...

(I began writing this analysis BEFORE that interlude got posted, so please bear with me for a bit, okay?)

So, apparently on top of being *cursed with restless zombies*, Springfield´s apparently *haunted by ghosts as well*

But yeah, while that makes Blessing the Town more and more appealing to me, maybe we should stay our hand some more to assess Miss Schwartz a bit more first...


Hang Out With The Hexsquad

Roll: 79

Results: Hunter Unlocked Willow Park as a Trait!

Willow Park: The Captain can be weirdly passive at times, but beneath her kindness is a fierce warrior. +2 to Martial and Diplomacy.

Not a bad payout - taking that as well.

–[] Homer

—[] Rebuild The Be Sharps


Results: Be Sharps reformed! Actions to have them act and promote them unlocked!

While it´s a bit of a bummer that there wasn´t an actual synergie with the Party Concert to be had (sry to @TheNotoriousSMP for making him swap Homers PA on that baseless hunch - in return we´re going for Speaking to Herb like you wanted, okay?), being able to promote the Be Sharpes later is still nice since I still want to hoave OAFE to have a certain wholesome, old-timey vibe and on US soil there´s nothing more wholesome and old-timey than a *Barbershop Quartett*

--[] Krusty

---[] Look Into Your Daughter


Results: Krusty learns a valuable clue on what may have happened to Sophie!

Not bad - do you think that our Locket could help here?

Random Event Roll


Results: Hyper-Potamus Pizza-Party-Torium is in the area, debating whether to pick Springfield or Shelbyville to move into! They're mediocre enough nothing positive nor negative will happen either way.

Meh, don´t really care about that either way - if we can fit it in next turn, I´ll be up for grabbing it, but it´s not that important since we already decked Shelbyville something fierce this turn

-[] Blackmail

–[] Make Your Demands

---[] Ask for help catching Burns and any subordinates he has, give Mona a pardon, and 4 income

Good to hear that the Feds are showing *Some* brains in agreeing to our terms - so with all the other Income we raked in this turn, theoretically we could fork over the moolah necessary for @Unoriginal s desire to Gild our Roads without carving into our reserves - *just saying*...

Aside from that, Burns catching some heat from Uncle Sam as well and Mona no longer doing is very nice as well^^

--[] Hank Scorpio: Build a Totally Not James Bond Villain Style Hideout

...soooo, how´s that oen gonna work now?
Bird's of a feather.

Birds Of A Feather

She stood at the gates to the mansion with dark hoodie pulled up over her head. To shield her eyes from the brilliant sunshine, yeah that was definitely it. She'd never be doing it to hide in her own hood because she feels like she's really going to mess this up again, just like she messes up everything-

Slowly she breathes in, holds it, and lets it out, her shoulders slumping.

"Okay girl, lets… let's just start this again."

You are Lena… not DeSpell, never DeSpell. Just Lena and you're here in from of Gramps's mansion, now monkey free from what you've heard, and you're standing at the gates because your bestfriend and the only person who ever gave you a real chance is in there.

You both knew the other was in Springfield, you both knew where the other was actually staying (Flanders was starting to give you very encouraging nudges to find a new place to stay but his couch was very comfy), and yet neither of you had actually taken the step to reach out and talk face to face.

Was that because you were throwing yourself into the work Gramps gave you to totally have an excuse to keep away from her? No… yeah okay that was exactly what you'd been doing but to be fair, he did ask you to set a whole freakin magic department last month. He only asked you to poke around for some magic books this time though so there really wasn't a good reason to put this off.

Besides how scared you were.

But you just keep hearing Gramps's words. It's either keep running forever and lose her just as much as if Webby did tell her she'd never forgive her or trust in your friend and damn it if there is one person in the world you knew you could always trust it was Webby!

You center yourself again, try and hold it, and push open the gates and almost immediately panic because why was Webby right there?!

She was sitting right on the edge of the gaudy fountain that Gramps had kept, just looking at her.

The two of you just stared at each other for several moments before you open your bill.

"Hey Webby. It's uh… it's been a whi-"

The wind leaves your lungs as something slams into your chest hard enough to knock you sprawled onto the lawn. And that something is clutching your hoodie in a death grip and is ugly crying into it…

You hug her back and tough it out, definitely not joining her in ugly crying on the lawn as you're both so relieved to actually have each other back.

"Don't-" she hiccups as she doesn't unburrow her head from your hoodie. "Don't go running off again without me and Granny!"

You laugh and god does it feel good to laugh even if you know she meant every one of those words.

"Dunno if I could ever tell your granny that I was running off, but I promise if it ever happens again, I'll tell you Webby."

She nods against your hoodie and you just lay there for a little. At least until your stomach growls.

"Oh my gosh Lena!" Webby pulls back and looks at you in alarm, eyes still a little red as she tries to takes all of you in at once. "Have you been eating enough!? Come on!" She wrenches you up from the lawn and begins pulling you towards the mansion.

A dumb grin is on your bill as she pulls you towards the kitchen, going on about how this mansion is weird as McDuck manor but in, like, a creepy way. She's telling you about the monkeys she and her Granny had to fight off these last few weeks as she pulls out the exact stuff for your favorite sandwich and you almost start crying again.

No one who hasn't had to go looking for their own food in alleys really gets what it means. Webby didn't either but she didn't try to, she just knew that you were at one point in a real bad spot and had started making you sandwiches whenever you two hung out.

You interrupt her rambling and sandwich making to hug her again.

"Thanks for not giving up on me Webs. Even when I did."

She hugs you back fiercely.

"Of course Lena! You're my best friend. I'll never give up on you, especially not when you do. That's when I've got to be there the most."

You don't deny even to yourself the tears that escape you this time as the two of you begin crying again, hugging in the kitchen of yet another mansion owned by an old man the two of you respected.

This one doesn't take as long to wind down as the two of you pull away and both of your hoodies are getting a lot of tears wiped on the sleeves.

"You know," Webby begins on the sandwich again as you take a spot beside her, making her favorite, because you weren't going to eat without her, "there are a ton of weird rooms in this mansion. I'm sure with all the people Mr.Simpson already has living here as housekeepers, he wouldn't notice another person if you wanted to…"

"I… I dunno Webby." You admit. "Like if it was just you, your granny, and Gramps, maybe, but there's Gloria and the butler guy as well, you don't think I'd be intruding?"

"Nah, it'd probably be fine." She reassures you. "It'd be just like back at McDuck Manor, think of how many people we had stuffed in there! And the butler wouldn't even be a ghost this time! Plus…"

She trails off and grabs your hand, squeezing it. You breathe in and out again. Center, find the center…

"Yeah… I mean, Flander's couch is pretty sweet, but maybe… maybe I can talk to Gramps and see…"

The smile on Webby's face makes that half lie you just told become a truth. Dang it, now you actually need to ask Gramps about moving in…

The smile was worth it. You had your best friend back and that is always gonna make it worth it.

Result: Lena and Webby have made contact and are back to being best friends! Lena might also be moving into your mansion?
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Not bad at all - from her Stats, she´s a pretty solid Diplo/Stew hybrid

Heck, if we factor in her Generalist and especially Cooking trait, she woulda been PERFECT for the Lemon Farms...oh well, we´ll find something for her either way.

Actually, one idea on the Discord for her was to have her *buy the friggin Burlesque House* since apparently she worked there for a bit as well - don´t ask me when that one happened, because I for sure don´t remember a thing...
Long story short she wanted to destroy the burlesque house because "moral values" and she wrecked a bulldozer into it after everyone else decided to keep it (through a musical number). At the very end of the episode she's shown working as a ventriloquist for the houses comedy acts to pay off the damage.

I was thinking have her on the New Eco Systems action because her diplomacy is pretty good.
[X] Willie

Willie is very good since when we need overt nilitary action that we would need every advatnage we get.

A small defensive bonus is perfect since it will take a long time before we are ready to take on Kings PMCs.
Long story short she wanted to destroy the burlesque house because "moral values" and she wrecked a bulldozer into it after everyone else decided to keep it (through a musical number). At the very end of the episode she's shown working as a ventriloquist for the houses comedy acts to pay off the damage.

I was thinking have her on the New Eco Systems action because her diplomacy is pretty good.

Ah - totally forgot that happened

I mean, New Ecosystem would work as well, so I´d be up for it

On another thing:

*I did a dumb, guys*

Totally forgot that I still had a reward for "Candace 2" that I coulda used this turn - so sorry, guys...

A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)
Long story short she wanted to destroy the burlesque house because "moral values" and she wrecked a bulldozer into it after everyone else decided to keep it (through a musical number). At the very end of the episode she's shown working as a ventriloquist for the houses comedy acts to pay off the damage.

I was thinking have her on the New Eco Systems action because her diplomacy is pretty good.
Funnily enough that's also the action I have her on in my extremely preliminary plan. Glad to see we're on the same page there.

[X] Willie
Ah - totally forgot that happened

I mean, New Ecosystem would work as well, so I´d be up for it

Better to leave the New Ecosystem alone for now. We are in no shape to tackle on a King at this stage.

Bellweater is a Diplo King sure but she does have connections to the underworld and he contaxts in Washington can make our lives very unpleaseant.

Specially since Springfield is not exactly the goverment's golden child at the moment.
Better to leave the New Ecosystem alone for now. We are in no shape to tackle on a King at this stage.

Bellweater is a Diplo King sure but she does have connections to the underworld and he contaxts in Washington can make our lives very unpleaseant.

Specially since Springfield is not exactly the goverment's golden child at the moment.

Again, *I´d up for it*

But if we can´t work it in now, that´s fine now - just have to find someone else we can and have Marge do something else as long as we still have her

Like Buying the Burlesque House, for example