A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

I take the bounty for Please Do Not Do This: Create a omake staring dru- The Place Roger Doofenshmirtz Was Born.

Memories of Abe Simpson: ...never visit Drusseltein!

Abe was watching TV in his mansion with his grandkids, Leena and Weeby.

Their show was suddenly interrupted by a news report. Kent Brockman appeared on-screen, standing in what looked like a park nearby, reporting on strange flying objects falling from the sky.

"Kent Brockman here, reporting from Danville—uh, Doofania!" said a nasal voice, interrupting the broadcast.

"Yes... Doofania," he repeated with irritation, then shifted to a more upbeat tone. "Here at my side, I have Heinz Doofenshmirtz, CEO of DEI. So, Mr. Doof, do you know why gnomes are raining down on Danville and surrounding areas?"

"Yes, you see, it's because of my Rain-Gnome-Inator! … Let me explain! When I was young—"

Doofenshmirtz launched into a long-winded backstory about his childhood in Drusselstein.

"I can't believe this guy keeps rambling about Drusselstein," Leena said, cutting off Doof's voice on the TV.

"Yeah, Doof seems like a cool cartoon scientist, but the whole 'fake country' thing is getting old," Bart chimed in.

"Guys, maybe—" Weeby tried to defend Doof.

"Weeby, don't bother," Lisa interrupted. "He might be a great scientist, but Drusselstein doesn't even exist on any map."

"Of course it exists!" Abe interjected, glaring at the kids. "Drusselstein is real! But," his expression harshed, and his voice quivered, "it's so hated and despised by its neighbors and the international community that all official records of it have been censored!"

He paused, and exclaimed angered. "And I know it exists because, I was there during World War II!"


During one of the many battles of the war, I got separated from my unit deep inside German territory. Being there was a death sentence. Each passing hour was as dangerous as the last. Thankfully, my training helped me blend in, and while observing German troops, I noticed something odd—they seemed to avoid a particular area at all costs.

It piqued my curiosity. If the Germans feared it, maybe I could escape through it or even use it to our advantage. So, when the time was right, I ventured into the forbidden zone, unaware that I was stepping into barbaric lands.

For days, I trekked through forests and mountains, stumbling upon strange structures that looked like something out of a fairy tale—like Narnia, but more backward and mean-spirited.

The first town I reached was filled with people speaking a strange dialect of German. I made myself a disguise to blend in, but as soon as I approached, a mob armed with torches and pitchforks chased me away. It was as if they could sense I didn't belong.

No matter where I ran or hid, they found me. The same angry mob, relentless in their pursuit. I had no place to rest, barely any food to forage, and negotiating was out of the question.

After nearly a week of running and nursing my wounds, I stumbled upon a bonfire surrounded by humans and bears. It was bizarre—houses nearby, animals mingling with people as if they were equals. A man spotted me and handed me some grapes. At first, I thought it was a trick, but the sweet smell hit my nose, and I devoured them. They were the most delicious grapes I'd ever tasted on my life—dunkleberries, he called them.

The man, Karl, spoke perfect English, having learned it from foreigners who'd stumbled into this strange land. He invited me to his camp. Normally, I wouldn't have trusted anyone during the war, but after nearly a week of torment, my judgment was clouded.

Karl explained that he'd been adopted by the bears after being kicked out of his home as a child for breaking a cup. Apparently, it was common here for parents to abandon their children for simple trasgressions, leaving animals to raise them. Those less fortunate disappeared without a trace.

He warned me about Drusselstein: its people hated change and outsiders, which explained why I was attacked. The culture was so resistant to progress that the last scientist who tried to modernize the place was ekicked by a torch-wielding mob.

Food here was bland, and unsavory. Karl used dunkleberries flakes to add flavor, but they were scarce. At night, eerie noises came from the forest. Karl said of tales of meat-creatures that sometimes lured people away in the forests, but the animals usually drove them off—though not always could save the folks.

At time was passing i was getting crazier on this place and Karl noticed. One day, Karl took me to a group of ferrets who traded goods. There, I encountered a familiar face: Buttowski, a scout I'd worked with during the war.


We ran to each other, clasped hands.

"Buttowski, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was sent to extract this scientist," he said, gesturing to a blonde man beside him. "He's working on something top-secret, can't say morew…" he trailed off. Then changed the topic

"And you, Abe?"

"I got separated from my group and ended up here," I said grimly. "Now I understand why the Germans avoid this place."

¨ Yeah i know, we have entered with a bike...¨ Said buttowsky he said dreadly, my eyes weadening after hearing this.

¨A bike!?, really!¨ I coouldn't contain my happiness after hearing this.

¨But it was shoot, destroyed and burn by the locals¨ Said buttowski frowning.

¨Doo!, wh... don't tell me i know why, i have also being received by the same people....¨ I was frustrated aside for the folks living with the fauna and the animals, everyone else have tried to attack me ¨But you are here now, with your skills and my brains we could probably, came out with a plan to leave this place!¨

Just then, Karl interrupted. "I can help you escape," he said. "But I need a favor in return."

He had a plan, using a boat escorted by whales, we could navigate to less hostile territories. In exchange We have to help Karl smuggle out families who wanted to leave Drusselstein. We agreed after experiencing the horrible lands. We asked if Karl would come but...

He stayed behind, saying, "This is my home, for better or worse."

When I returned to my unit, the story of where I was was received with stares of disbelief and disgust, after our superior confirmed our story they recognized that we have visited that place, we were awarded ¨Medal for surviving that place no named¨ i also got a medal for helping buttowski and the scientist come back.

"Sometimes, I remember the dunkleberries and Karl," Abe said, pulling a medal from his wallet. "But then I remember Drusselstein, and I forget about it."

"I still got the medal near me, as a memento that i should never put a foot in that place again" Said Abe as he pulled from his wallet a medal, flipping it with his fingers it flied towards Weeby. As she catched it she began to examine it, bart peeked it from her shoulder.

"Huh. So Drusselstein is real," Bart said.

"Grandpa, even if you hated it, imagine the fauna!" Lisa exclaimed.

"The adventures!" Said Weeby

"The flora, the scientist discoveries!" Said Lisa excitedly.

"Ap ap!, forget about it, nobody who is part of my family should visit that place again, and that's it!" Said abe getting a bit angry about to go on another rambling

"You should never visit drusseltein!"

For some reason i wanted to put this guy getting stuck on drusseltein and i know he wasn't fighting germans, he was fighting a fictional country. But eh i needed someone lol.

Karl is an Oc, pretty much needed a name for the villager


Grandpa Buttowski

Grandpa Buttowski (Russian: Дедушка Бутовский) is Harold's father, Honey's father in-law, and Kick, Brad and Brianna's paternal grandfather. His only appearances are in "Truth or Daredevil", "Last Fan Standing" and the game: “Buttowski bootcamp”. Despite having a nose in his current old age, as...
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I take the bounty for Please Do Not Do This: Create a omake staring dru- The Place Roger Doofenshmirtz Was Born.
Memories of Abe Simpson: ...never visit Drusseltein!
Alrighty, you have claimed the reward for, Please Do Not Do This, pick between

Next Turn, Doofenshmirtz will be haunted by flashbacks to Drusselstein, causing him to roll his inator with advantage


Next Turn, Doofenshmirtz will be haunted by flashbacks to Drusselstein, causing him to roll his inator with advantage

Such wonderful choices are they not!, i am aware it will take a while for you to come to a decision!
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Alrighty, you have claimed the reward for, Please Do Not Do This, pick between

Next Turn, Doofenshmirtz will be haunted by flashbacks to Drusselstein, causing him to roll his inator with advantage


Next Turn, Doofenshmirtz will be haunted by flashbacks to Drusselstein, causing him to roll his inator with advantage

Such wonderful choices are they not!, i am aware it will take a while for you to come to a decision!

...say, since I still have a +10 to any Doof-related roll as reward for my third Candace omake, could I specifically put it on his next inator roll?^^

And yes, I sstill haven´t forgotten my +10 to our next Occult roll from the second omake either - not hgonna happening *Again*, guys^^
...say, since I still have a +10 to any Doof-related roll as reward for my third Candace omake, could I specifically put it on his next inator roll?^^

And yes, I sstill haven´t forgotten my +10 to our next Occult roll from the second omake either - not hgonna happening *Again*, guys^^
Your bonus can be put on the same one that advantage roll is on, if that was what you were asking.
Alrighty, you have claimed the reward for, Please Do Not Do This, pick between

Next Turn, Doofenshmirtz will be haunted by flashbacks to Drusselstein, causing him to roll his inator with advantage


Next Turn, Doofenshmirtz will be haunted by flashbacks to Drusselstein, causing him to roll his inator with advantage

Such wonderful choices are they not!, i am aware it will take a while for you to come to a decision!

Humm seems fair i'll pick the second one xD
Turn 6 Rival reports!
ZOOTOPIA (Bellwether)

Fix PR:
DC: 80
??? + ??? = 104

After the last two times, it took quite a bit of effort, but that sheep finally managed to get a lid on the bad PR of the Kamp Krusty incident.

She made it very clearly she was remorseful and she had no way of knowing such an event would transpire. People were still a little sceptical, but they don't deny this was a wildly unexpected event, and she seems genuine enough that most people are finally willing to forgive her.

Still though, you wish she had learned her lesson fully because it really seems she's still pushing those collars! Ugh. politicians.

Push Collar's:
DC: 80/140
??? + ??? = 110
Tier 1 Success

As mentioned, those collars are still being pushed. You certainly are against it, but a lot of people within Zootopia itself live in paranoia and fear, enough that they are willing to throw their fellow man (animal?) under the bus for their own safety. It's sad really.

Thankfully, people haven't forgotten Kamp Krusty even if they've forgiven, so everywhere else is still refusing to implement them.

Bellwether insists she understands, but ugh. You just get bad vibes from her.

"Control" Feral Attacks:
DC: 50
1 + ??? = 11
Automatic Critical Failure

Despite how relatively well things were going for Bellwether, her luck finally went down the drain due to a major slip up.

Word had gotten out that a feral polar bear was attacking people near Tundratown, at which point the police did not hesitate to raid the place, but they made a grave error: They got the wrong polar bear!

One Koslov was taken in while he was in the middle of helping repair an old lady's house, the resisting of this obviously unfair arrest further damaging the property, at which point, This lady, apparently one of the oldest residents of Tundratown, was utterly dismayed and homeless, saddened by "that nice young man getting hurt for helping".

Mr. Big, apparently a friend of Koslov, was quick to take advantage too, pouncing on how bad this made Bellwether look and fanning the flames even further, This coincided by the feral polar bear in question, the son of the falsely arrested Koslov, Morris, rampaging through a street, that through sheer coincidence, the current mayor, Dawn Bellwether happened to be crossing, and was grievously injured as a result

Prey have been using this sudden attack upon the poor mayor as a major propaganda victory, and pushing it as far as they can, and as a result, a large amount of predators have left the city in a column, destination, unknown, while the remaining predators have become increasingly radicalised, with extremist parties now making up the majority of the remaining predators votes

The biggest winner of this was the far right party "Law Of Fang", Led by the mysterious "Talon", the party has gained significantly more influence due to the influx of members, as they are seen as the main anti-prey party in Zootopia.

With both sides growing increasingly opposed, and the sole person capable of stopping the growing crisis injured, Zootopia seems positioned to tear itself apart…

KRONOS CORP (Syndrome)
Make his own superhero team
DC: 80
??? + ??? = 111

It seems whatever Syndrome has been setting up these past few months has finally come to fruition. He held a big press conference and stepped out with a big winning smile. He looked… off however. It was probably the different colour outfit he had on, it was more blue than usual.

"Golly! Hello folks! We're really happy to announce we're going to make a difference! Who's we? Why, me and my new friends of course!"

An eclectic bunch of six people make their way from behind the curtains, wearing similar outfits to him with an I on the chest and wielding a bunch of technology.

"We might not be much individually-"

"I mean, I'm much. My Dad owns a super successful hotel chain!" One of them, a black haired lass who had added a "T" to her outfit, interrupted.

"-But together, we are more! We are… The Incredibles!"

The buzz on the street was going over well after this announcement, though some supposedly raised eyebrows at why exactly they were naming themselves after Mr. Incredible of all people given his past blunder. Perhaps it is a nostalgia thing?

"Reduce" Competition:
DC: 30/50/75
??? + ??? = 149

Shortly after the announcement of the Incredibles, various supers and remaining super teams have suffered tragic accidents, from being shot by overzealous police to being flattened by a piano after tripping on an apple.

Rumours about these deaths are common, from it being the plot of a murderous toon, pushed primarily by Cloverleaf Industries to Drakktechs claim that Kronos Corp eliminated competition to their recently announced team, but nothing substantial has been found against the Mega Corporation, and by the end of the week, most of the deaths were forgotten.

Repair Damaged Factories
DC: 100
??? + ??? = 83

While Syndrome was having a large amount of success so far, it seemed not everything was going perfectly.

His Omnidroid factories were still pretty roughed up, and while he had his own hero team now, they were still a significant factor in his business so he tried to get them repaired.

Unfortunately, the damage was just too great. It didn't help he must have been stretched thin, because he assigned a lone Omnicube (huh, been awhile since you thought about those!) to oversee it.

Strangely, it looked rusty and overall older than a product that was a year old or so SHOULD look.

Whatever, you guess he just sucked at taking care of his stuff.

Fight Supervillainy!
DC: Variable
??? + ??? = 124

Syndrome himself was doing pretty well even without assistance from his super team. While Supervillains were once again on the rise, Syndrome wasted no time handling that.

It went infinitely better than last time, with him wiping the floor with Supervillains with ease.

One Camille Chameleon tried to take him off guard by shape shifting into an employee, but he saw through her disguise due to her eyes always staying the same color and she was thrown around as much as anyone else.

Soon, the crime spree was over as quickly as it began.

DEI (Doofensmirthz)
Continue Creating Doof TV Content
DC: 35/50/130
??? + ??? = 132
Tier 3 Success

While your working relationship with Dr. Doofensmirthz continues to flourish thanks to Krusty, he decided that he can't rely on you exclusively.

So, he gave the rest of the shows on Doof TV increased budgets and personally oversaw a few that were not doing as well, injecting his own personal flavour into it. He also had one of the Normbots' assistants when he wasn't personally busy with the show he was running.

This seemed to be the secret sauce, and soon enough all the shows were wild hits!

In particular, people seemed to like Norm News, finding the host to be a likable and upbeat guy who shared even the worse news in a digestible manner.

Good for him, the robot seemed happy.

Make A Inator:
DC: As usual

The Incredibles have suffered a minor setback due to the effects of the SLIME-INATOR!, raining down sticking slime on their work in progress headquarters, despite the rain lasting several hours, it appeared to have very little effect on the construction, and with the side effect covering his own laboratory in the goo, the SLIME-INATOR appears to have changed little.

General cleaning of Doofania:
DC: 60
??? + ??? = 150

It seemed while those gnomes were handled, there was still littering going on, not to mention the various Supervillains in Doof's territory were causing ruckus and then not cleaning up after themselves.

Doof decided this wouldn't do, and he requested two of his top people to do whatever they could to clean the place up.

The fact that the duo were children was weird to you, until you remembered Hunter and Lena, and decided to not throw stones from your glass house.

Regardless, the duo built a strange many handed machine that went around repairing buildings and picking up trash. By the end of it all, Doofania was absolutely spotless!

Sell ???
DC: Variable
??? + ??? = 86

in other more odd news you've heard from the radio and news that there's a new wave of door to door drakktech salesmen hitting the nation, which isn't to odd to learn save for the fact their all monkeys!

Though unlike regular salesmen these ones are actually able to sell their product and not have the door slammed in their face apparently...maybe you should tell Willie about this before one comes to the door and he fights it.

Sky high "production":
DC: 50/90
??? + ??? = 81
Tier 1 Success

It's an open secret Shego and the principal of Sky High are… about as close to friends as either can get. Putting aside the shock of learning there's a high school just floating in the sky, it seems teaching the students is going well and Sky High continues to get funding from Drakktek.

There's rumors and whispers the students are being loaned out to Villains and regimes around the world, but no one has confirmed anything, and any student insists if they were caught they just went rogue.

Still, that's quite the coincidence…

Continue to Fund SUPERVILLIANY!:
DC: 35
??? + ??? = 86

Once again, a large flood of Supervillainy arose across America, starting in Middleton.

People, especially Syndrome, are really getting suspicious of this and he wasted no time pointing fingers at her, but once again he had no evidence that wasn't circumstantial, so she just roasted him on Twitter again, to his utter rage.

Anyways, Many bad guys have better technology that helps accentuate their specific talents, and the regular police sure can't stop them.

GLOMGOLD INDUSTRIES (Flintheart Glomgold)
Investigate Sabotage
??? + ??? = 44 CRITICAL SUCCESS
1 + ??? = 46 Automatic Critical Failure

It wasn't very easy at first, but soon enough with a little personal digging, Glomgold was able to find undeniable evidence that Encom had sabotaged his social media platform.

Needless to say, he was utterly enraged and took Encom to court to sue them for damages.

Needless to say, the decision from the judge won't come instantly, but it doesn't take a genius to realize with Glomgold's proof and his Superior lawyers (he grumbled about their expensiveness, but word is it's outweighed by the huge payday he'll get from the lawsuit) that the courts will most likely take Glomgold's side.

The amount he is asking for won't bankrupt Encom, but it will SERIOUSLY hurt their operations and profits.

Buy out Richman Oil
??? + ???
??? + ???
??? + ???

Supposedly, a small bidding war over a oil company, Richman Oil, started and ended this month, the company was contested over by Khan, Cloverleaf, and Glomgold Industries, of course, a bidding war against the world's richest duck rarely ends with him losing, and the company has fallen into his hands.

Push Kingdom of Lore
DC: 70
??? + ??? = 153

As a result of how shockingly Successful Doof TV has been so far, Leviathan Corp realized it had to step up it's game in the Entertainment department.

With the assistance of a mysterious new employee, they started advertising the Dickens out of their main show, promising great new plots and having the stars Tarina and the Bat go around talking to people and being at fancy events.

It definitely worked, and people are tuning in at higher amounts, and while people were split on how good the Lore drops and plot twists were, they at least agreed they were interesting and unique.

Fine tune the Frobots
DC: 60 (Civilian) 80 (???)
??? + ??? = 113
Tier 2 Success!

Those Frobots that Levithan Corp sells were successfully given tune ups before the latest batch were sold. Apparently, they had better battery life now and could do more extensive tasks that they couldn't before.

People hear rumors of the ever mysterious CEOs whispering amongst themselves about Frobots in a different location, but they're just rumors and the main person spreading them had a car accident, stopping any further info from being asked about…

Diversify Investments
DC: 50
??? + ??? = 86

While the entertainment and robotics sector was going well, Leviathan Corp decided it needed to expand its business ventures, just to be safe.

As a result, they bought out several struggling businesses.

One of the most well known is The Pizza Parlour, a popular hangout spot in Bahia Bay, California that changes it's theme every week. There's no word on if Levithan Corp will keep this gimmick, but if it's what makes it so popular people assume they will.

Find Mr Burns
(The Cobra) (DC: Intrigue Contested: Burns)
??? - ??? + ??? = 115 = SUCCESS
??? + ??? - ??? = 70 = FAILURE

To your relief, the government actually kept their word and sent someone to find that snake Burns while you sent the Finale.

The duo stared each other down. They felt there was something familiar about each other, but they put it aside and worked together well enough.

Soon, they finally tracked down Burns and his minions hiding out at a random warehouse near the docks.

Capture Burn's Allies
??? + ??? = 87 = Cobra Critical Success!
??? + ??? = 26 = Francine Critical Failure!

Francine was caught a few feet from the base, and dragged into the darkness by the government sent fellow. He was gentle (this is still a kid after all), but their scuffle still happened and The man emerged victorious. She was successfully knocked out.

Other than her capture, the government gave you the location of a warehouse near the docks. You don't attack burn's just yet, you would prefer to keep the element of surprise, but it's good to know exactly where he is. Maybe this time you will take him out like the trash he is.

The man sent by the government gives you a little nod before going under a box and leaving.

...What a strange, strange individual.

Attempt Negotiations with Seth Supplies Co... Again:
DC 65
??? - ??? + ??? = 71

The government once again partners with Seth Co. and this time, they did a decent, if slapdash job.

Getting the corn out there would be slow as a result of the factories being rushed, but they will get out there. People are annoyed at the lack of speed but obviously happy they won't starve, assuming it does not fail… again.

Speak with Doc Hopper to resolve famine:
DC: 30 15
??? - ??? = 75

Following the failure of the Government to properly fix the famine with Seth Supplies Co, they appear to have turned to the only other major food producer in the United States, Doc Hopper's Frog Legs, and once again the announcements appear to be excellent.

Doc Hopper themselves has expressed enthusiasm over the agreement (what that agreement is, meanwhile, is up for debate), and Head Spokesfrog Kermit the Frog, has made announcements regarding a planned "grand expansion" of which rumours say is planned to end with the creation of the 10,000th Doc Hoppers Fred Frog Legs establishment.

Whether they once again drop the ball yet again on fixing, or at least reducing, the problem is yet to be seen.

Root out huntsclan cells
(DC: Martial Contested: Huntsmaster)
??? + ??? + ??? + ??? = 93 = SUCCESS
??? + ??? = 72 = FAILURE

Xanatos wasn't sitting idly by, as to be expected. Those weird purple clad domestic terrorists were apparently something he personally disliked for whatever reason, so he wasted no time finally looking into attacking them.

He managed to locate one of their main bases with a group of mercenaries and the group went to town on them.

Xanatos even personally showed up in a mech suit, just to make clear they wouldn't be tolerated.

The leader of the terrorists managed to flee, but he was badly injured and almost all of the followers in said base were captured and turned over to the police.

Disturbingly, almost all of them are teenagers… you don't like that…

Investigate the blackmailer.
(DC: 90)
??? + ??? + ??? = 103

You aren't quite sure at first why, but you had a bad feeling about something.

After a bit, you get why.

As you are looking through your mail, you swear you see a letter appear that wasn't there before. Whatever. Must be your imagination.

As you look it over, all that is inside is a simple message:

'Most impressive, Mr. Simpson. Mr. Xanatos has his eye on you. - O.B.'

Well that's… a little ominous. But it doesn't seem immediately bad either.

InventCo (Michael "Goob" Yagoobian)
Produce more helping hats
(DC: 40)
??? + ???

"Do YOU have a helping hat, No? Then why not! For a small purchase of 99.99$ you can receive the latest and greatest in assisting headwear!"

InventCo Advertising and Production have been in full force for the last few months, trying to take advantage of all the recent damage their main competitor has suffered.

"Helping Hats are nearly flooding off the shelves as the latest models of Baseball Butlers and Flying Fedoras reach stores all across the United States, These small, robotic assistants double as replicas of the famous hats they are based on, providing comfort, assistance, and protection for their wearers!"

Given the sheer amount of sales, it appears to be doing well, but this is the fourth ad today you only woke up an hour ago…

Result: InventCo Makes A LOT of money, unlocked action, Helped by Hats!

Create new robot variants, also all hats coincidentally
(DC: 60)
??? + ??? = 139
As you saw in all those adverts, InventCo has expanded its Helping Hat machines into several new variants, now instead of just Bowler Hats there are also Baseball Caps, Fedoras, and many other less popular hats.

You assumed that the hats would only really be an east coast thing, but you saw that Hans Moleman has one! And he is now wandering around with a Flying Fedora so clearly they had more reach than you thought!

DC: ???
??? + ???

Something InventCo was attempting in secret has failed disastrously!

The Fabric of Reality is Screaming…

Reveal The CEO
Auto success!

Apparently, people were pressuring InventCo. To reveal who exactly was running the place, and unlike Levithan Corp, they decided to be nice and stop being so mysterious.

The gangly man stepped forward with a crooked grin, waving his arms around.

"It was me, I Invented it Me, Me, M-!"

…He then proceeded to trip down the stairs and get hit by a sign… held by his own helping hat.

People were… caught off guard, to say the least. But at least that's one less mystery in the world, even if someone would have preferred it stay a mystery after that.

Push Corn
??? + ??? + ???

While he was obviously helping the Government, Toffee also had his own business to run, so he wasted no time in pushing his corn all around America, with the assistance of a strange, nervous man in an old timey green outfit.

Still, fearful as he seemed to be, he seemed to know a thing or two and he successfully pushed corn throughout America. Granted, there was a famine, so it wasn't exactly the most difficult thing in the world…

"Deal With" Mr. X
??? + ??? + ??? = 97
??? + ??? + ??? = 117

When you talked to the government to confirm they were keeping their end of the bargain, they groused about one of their agents trying to waste their time looking deeper into that Toffee fellow.

He utterly insisted Toffee was acting suspicious, and that the evidence he found to prove he was a normal Anthro just didn't match up.

Still, the government was ignoring him, especially with his assistance against the famine, though they wouldn't intervene if This agent chose to look into things himself as long as it didn't interfere with his duties.

Ugh, all this government politics is giving you a headache.


Steal ingredients for ???
DC: 75
??? + ??? = 97

A series of devastating robberies has hit Springfield, various stores have reported missing stocks and items, most notably Springfield Hospital, which has lost tens of thousands worth of drugs, you're not certain it was Burns, but "coincidentally" most of the lost items were ingredients in that tonic of his…

Strangely enough, if it was him then some of the items stolen appear to have no connection at all, several cans of Duff Beer, The products from Springfield Bakery, and other assorted bits and bobs of little value.

What is he up to?

Lay low to avoid detection (Francine)
23 + 27 (Burns Intrigue) + 5 (SIMPSONNN) + 13 (Francine Intrigue) = 68 = Bare Failure
26 + 18 (Abe Intrigue) + 30 (Final Intrigue) = 74 = Bare Success

Admittedly, finding Burns, even with the help of the Finale and that government fellow, was harder than you made it sound.

The monster was really covering his tracks, and not letting the other two out of his sight unless absolutely necessary. Eventually though, he slipped up.

Francine was seen beating up Milhouse, and when she left, the Finale was able to tail her to a warehouse near the docks, the same one the government would tell you about after they captured her the day after.

It's Him.

Random Event

You have a strange feeling something good happened, for you!
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Setting less local concerns aside, with Francine caught and it not looking like Burns took any recruitment actions, he just has Smithers as a minion now. And look, I'm sure that the guy is reasonably fit for a man with what's essentially a 24/7 elder care job, but even if he has an above average martial Burns' -5 score is going to pull him down. We send one of our stronger martial units after him with the govt and I think we put this saga in the end phase next turn
On the one hand take that Bellweather that goes to show you that you're not even safe to your own feral attack… on the other hand… it's that mysterious group. The finale is looking for Talon… I got a bad feeling about this

I also got a bad feeling about Seth co because you know evil hat. and boy, boy master planner and general person to ever name magnificent bastard in TV tropes has figured out we blackmailed the government. Let's hope he leave us alone.

But still at least Mr. Burns lost his final hero unit now it's just him and Smithers and now we just gotta send the final finale to end him.

Let's capitalize on the leaving of predators with building up a new ecosystem
Mixed results overall.

Great to see Bellweather get screwed over by her own hubris, ecosystems certainly moved up on our list of priorities now.

Xanatos is aware of our existence for better or worse


DC: ???
??? + ???



This isn't even a Critical failure and it's already got some bad effects. If I had to guess what this was, Goob may have tried messing with the Time Machine again.

Now for the cherry on top, we have found Burns once again, and now he's all out of Hero units.

Send in all our guys to dogpile him! He ain't getting away this time.
Mixed results overall.

Great to see Bellweather get screwed over by her own hubris, ecosystems certainly moved up on our list of priorities now.

Xanatos is aware of our existence for better or worse




This isn't even a Critical failure and it's already got some bad effects. If I had to guess what this was, Goob may have tried messing with the Time Machine again.

Now for the cherry on top, we have found Burns once again, and now he's all out of Hero units.

Send in all our guys to dogpile him! He ain't getting away this time.
…….. oh I haven't considered that goob might still have his Time Machine…. Well at least we know someone who has the basically program to do time travel with any robot…. We just got to know about his existence 1st/find him.
…….. oh I haven't considered that goob might still have his Time Machine…. Well at least we know someone who has the basically program to do time travel with any robot…. We just got to know about his existence 1st/find him.

We could send Mona to infiltrate InventCo, though maybe put that off for the following turn as we still need to find the Government guy from the Simpsons Movie.
ZOOTOPIA (Bellwether)

Fix PR:
DC: 80
??? + ??? = 104

Push Collar's:
DC: 80/140
??? + ??? = 110
Tier 1 Success

"Control" Feral Attacks:
DC: 50
1 + ??? = 11
Automatic Critical Failure

if you're wondering this nat 1 for bellweather wouldn't of been as bad if not for abe's pervious accidentally damage.

Oh yeah. It's all coming together.

Let's build those ecosystem things!

Yeah, seems like the best possible moment to put a bit of heat on that bunt by both Building New Ecosystems (speacking of which, you think that Marge would be good at it with her Stew? Seems like something she´d be okay with at least unlike Buying the Burlesque House, which we also considered) and Infiltrating Zootopia (for which I´d pick FT in case Mr. Big would like to chat with us there - two *legitimate businessmen of repite* should have some synergy, you know?), the latter of which because Abe explicitly says he´s getting BAD vibes from her and therefore might be getting the idea himself in-universe

As a *Third* avenue I would have liked to Contact Shere Khan as BWs main ideological opponent among other things, but...well, *someone else among the Kings might warrant a chin-wag a bit more to clear the air right now* - more on that little thing further down...

But yeah, nice to see that BW is finally suffering personally for the shit she´s been pulling - especially with some indirect help from us -, but unfortunately all too understandable that the few preds remaining now are "flocking" to some right-wing fucks in search for help.

Not saying that Zootopia is about to implode - BW is still a KING and therefore should need a bit more prodding than what she got until now before anyone can Dethrone her -, but things are definitely starting to get the slightest bit dicey for her...

And yes, I am very in favor of further "loading these dice" in the background, so to speak

KRONOS CORP (Syndrome)
Make his own superhero team
DC: 80
??? + ??? = 111

Make A Inator:
DC: As usual

The Incredibles have suffered a minor setback due to the effects of the SLIME-INATOR!, raining down sticking slime on their work in progress headquarters, despite the rain lasting several hours, it appeared to have very little effect on the construction, and with the side effect covering his own laboratory in the goo, the SLIME-INATOR appears to have changed little.

"Reduce" Competition:
DC: 30/50/75
??? + ??? = 149

Repair Damaged Factories
DC: 100
??? + ??? = 83

Fight Supervillainy!
DC: Variable
??? + ??? = 124

Uuuugh, of course that smug asshole is doing pretty well as well - sure, those factories still being busted is a bit of a snag for him and Doof sliming up his "tribute team" definitely rustled his feathers a bit, but overall he´s on a roll...nothing we can do about rn, unfortunately...

DEI (Doofensmirthz)
Continue Creating Doof TV Content
DC: 35/50/130
??? + ??? = 132
Tier 3 Success

Good to hear that Doof keeps churning out premium conent for his TV business even without us helping out.

Not that we *Can* help out much rn aside from selling him broadcasting rights for Itchy & Scratchy as well and I´d rather only do that *after* brushing up their show a bit (coincidentially, I got an omake idea on the backburner featuring them and touching up on that brushing-up, but first I really want to deal with my backlog - at least I am finally actually actively writing on *A picayune posse* after having teased that one SINCE FRIGGIN OCTOBER...)

So yeah, goo on the Doofster...

General cleaning of Doofania:
DC: 60
??? + ??? = 150

...two kids that build some elaborate doohickey to utterly "mop the floor" with all that clutter, you say?

Seems like Doof hired P & F here as well like in DQ - if I had known that, I might have written some backgroudn bits for my "Living Dead Girl" cycle a bit differently

Oh well, doesn´t seem to be important enough to decanonize my omakes, so all´s well...

Sell ???
DC: Variable
??? + ??? = 86

Sky high "production":
DC: 50/90
??? + ??? = 81
Tier 1 Success

Continue to Fund SUPERVILLIANY!:
DC: 35
??? + ??? = 86

And Shego´s doing pretty well, too - although one thing:

is it just me or does that remark about Shego and the Principal of Sky High read more than a little "ship-y" to anyone else?

Doesn´t matter - her doing well is a net positive for us since she´s among the least horrible Kings alongside Doof and Xanatos, although I´d rather not think too hard about the collateral damage caused by her bankrolling Supervillains, thanks...

GLOMGOLD INDUSTRIES (Flintheart Glomgold)
Investigate Sabotage
??? + ??? = 44 CRITICAL SUCCESS
1 + ??? = 46 Automatic Critical Failure

...time to flip my earlier statement around, guys:

While ENCOM getting bitch-SLAPPed in court is always a good thing, did it have to be at the hands of that greedy assbarrel Glomgold?

You win some, you lose some, I guess^^

Buy out Richman Oil
??? + ???
??? + ???
??? + ???

Makes sense that the two Kings most explicitly dependent on fossil fuels would want to grab a petrol company to keep supply in-house, but unfortunately for them, GG won out and now they might have to make deals with him which he definitely will squeeze them for now.

...one more reason for us to crack Fusion ASAP to get Fallout-style, non-fossil cars once we can get Powell Motors off the ground again...

Push Kingdom of Lore
DC: 70
??? + ??? = 153

Fine tune the Frobots
DC: 60 (Civilian) 80 (???)
??? + ??? = 113
Tier 2 Success!

Diversify Investments
DC: 50
??? + ??? = 86

Seems like Leviathan is clawing its way back into the black - good on them, although them apparently having the frigging Dickens PI agency on their payroll is a bit of a bummer, given how much of a boon they were to us over at DQ.

At least now we know that Leviathan got some serious Intrigue muscle working for them - *Glück im Unglück*, as we Germans say...

Find Mr Burns
(The Cobra) (DC: Intrigue Contested: Burns)
??? - ??? + ??? = 115 = SUCCESS
??? + ??? - ??? = 70 = FAILURE

Capture Burn's Allies
??? + ??? = 87 = Cobra Critical Success!
??? + ??? = 26 = Francine Critical Failure!

Steal ingredients for ???
DC: 75
??? + ??? = 97

Lay low to avoid detection (Francine)
23 + 27 (Burns Intrigue) + 5 (SIMPSONNN) + 13 (Francine Intrigue) = 68 = Bare Failure
26 + 18 (Abe Intrigue) + 30 (Final Intrigue) = 74 = Bare Success

And our "agreement" with the Feds regarding Burns is paying off already - so now that we know where the old bat is hiding, we only need to tighten the noose, especially after Francine got busted by Uncle Sam and therefore it´s only him and Smithers left.

Really hoping we can work it into our plans next turn...

Attempt Negotiations with Seth Supplies Co... Again:
DC 65
??? - ??? + ??? = 71

Speak with Doc Hopper to resolve famine:
DC: 30 15
??? - ??? = 75

So the Feds are trying a two-pronged approach in finally addressing the famine - fair enough, but we still got a foot in the door there now as well, so we´ll see how that one pans out.

Root out huntsclan cells
(DC: Martial Contested: Huntsmaster)
??? + ??? + ??? + ??? = 93 = SUCCESS
??? + ??? = 72 = FAILURE

Good to hear that David´s cracking down on thos speciesist bastards HARD - but now I am left wondering, if the Huntsclan would be willing to work with Belos, if the two ever met...

Investigate the blackmailer.
(DC: 90)
??? + ??? + ??? = 103

Honestly, with how well-ingrained into the government Xanatos tends to be in these Gridlocked quests, him catching wind of our "convincing" the Feds to work with us a bit makes perfect sense.

I don´t think he´s *actively* plotting something against us now - rather, I expect him to simply observe and assess our usefulness to him long-term -, but especially combined with Burns´ obvious wariness of him I think that in-character Abe might get the idea to initiate Talks with David *just in case* outta well-honed paranoia.

I´d definitely be up for rubbing elbows with Xanatos, if only to get to know him in person better.

InventCo (Michael "Goob" Yagoobian)
Produce more helping hats
(DC: 40)
??? + ???

Create new robot variants, also all hats coincidentally
(DC: 60)
??? + ??? = 139

Reveal The CEO
Auto success!

And DOR15 is tightening her grip on things quite a bit while sending forward Goob as a friendly and harmless face - more than a little concerning

DC: ???
??? + ???

Something InventCo was attempting in secret has failed disastrously!

The Fabric of Reality is Screaming…

...could that jumped-up Bowler-Bot maybe *not* unravel existence any further, please? Especially not while WE are are currently faffing around somewhere where the Fabric is thin enough already, you know?

Speaking of which, any news of our faffing around?

Push Corn
??? + ??? + ???

While he was obviously helping the Government, Toffee also had his own business to run, so he wasted no time in pushing his corn all around America, with the assistance of a strange, nervous man in an old timey green outfit.

Still, fearful as he seemed to be, he seemed to know a thing or two and he successfully pushed corn throughout America. Granted, there was a famine, so it wasn't exactly the most difficult thing in the world…

Toffee doing well is *Not* a good thing for most everyone else, including us - dang...

"Deal With" Mr. X
??? + ??? + ??? = 97
??? + ??? + ??? = 117

Random Event

You have a strange feeling something good happened, for you!

...okay? Not sure what to think about these two...
I said before and I'll say again, if Doof keeps going on this he really going to rule the TriState area in word and deed.
For better of for worse we have gotten Xanatos attention and made an impression.

On the other hand this could be benefitial for us.

Especially considering the magic journal we discovered, no doubt we could come to a sort of agreement if the man ever contacts us.

When you consider that we may be dealing with Belos and Magica later down the line, having a peson who already has a foot on that world may be good for us.

Especially since I will take Xanatos a million times over any of those 2 lunatics.

And if he asks us for help? well we were going to get into fistfights with the Huntsclan sooner or later, hell our cementery may greatly interest him and we could come up with something to make the undead a lot more unnoticeable with his help.

Xanatos may be a king from a villian victorious side, but he is probably one of the less abhorring ones compared to others.
Hm hm hm, alrighty so this is still workable. The robotics and the reality screaming is fucking bad but focus on what we can actually deal with for now.

First things first we need to keep an eye on our business prospects, entertainment is getting tight and that could push Homer, the toons, and Krusty out somewhat if we don't manage our actions right. Whether we push harder or back off to let the scene cool before diving back in will have to be up potential risk management when we see our potential actions.

The predators leaving in mass is what we in the business like to call a Golden Opportunity. We have a smuggling operation, I think it might be time to get into a strangely moral case of...uh...people trafficking I guess.

Burns...I'm almost tempted to ignore him for a moment to work on capitalizing opportunities and reinforcing positions but I'm relatively open to discussion on that given it's never clever to take an eye off a rat. Unfortunately I just have prospects id really like to investigate into and a smidge of freedom action wise can do so much.

As an example I'd really, really like to hire a super villain at some point to help FT head our...clandestine operations. I'm not looking for a monster or a 'just following orders' brainlet it's just that as tough as they are we've got some good eggs, id rather keep their hands clean.
So, I got a simple way to get Powell Motors back on the map: affordable, functional electric cars. Oil is getting too expensive, especially with the rest of the planet in God alone knows what state. So we just switch to electric cars. Better for the environment, too. Plus, who's providing all the power locally? Oh, that's right. Us. And we can provide it to a lot of other places, too.

More people using electric cars means people buying more of our electricity. The fat stacks roll in, and we get to take money right out of Glomgold's wallet.