Plan Undead, Not Unfeeling
National Actions
Martial: Create Your Own Security Group
DC 75
98 + 25 (Abe Martial)+22 (Fat Tony Martial)+3 (Johnny Tightlips)+2 (Loyalty) = 150
Exact Critical Success!
If there is one thing you can trust the mafia with, it's running a protection racket! Wait… you mean a security group! Tony managed to gather up a bunch of able bodied people and whip them into shape with his special brand of encouragement. When you asked him where he found so many people with experience in the field he said that "you would be surprised at the many people that worked for the law and then found someone else paid better". So… you guess you've got a bunch of former cops and ex-military all being trained by the mob to protect Springfield now? Well at least they look snazzy in the suits Tony got them and the city has never felt more protected!
Results: DC for attacking/invading Springfield increased to 70, DC for follow up actions reduced, DC for current Mafia actions reduced, and malus to all criminal organizations that try to set up in Springfield while the Security Group functions. Further actions unlocked.
Head of Security position unlocked!
Please select who will occupy this position:
Fat Tony: +10 to all Criminal and Mafia related actions and once per turn, you may use a Hero's Intrigue Score in place of their Martial Score for a National Action
Moe: If Springfield is successfully sneak attacked, Moe can preemptively strike back before the sneak attack for free. This only works once per attack/siege.
Wille: If Springfield is attacked, all follow up actions against the attacker gain a +15 bonus. This effect can stack if the attacker makes multiple different attacks against Springfield.
Homer: +10 to all rolls made to attack or siege those outside of Springfield.
Reach Out To Zombies
DC 80
72 + 26 (Flanders Diplomacy)+23 (Wilhelm Diplomacy)+2 (Loyalty) +10 (Omake Bonus) = 133
To be continued in Interlude "The Talking Dead"...
Promote Taverns in the U.S.A (DC 40/60/80) (1 income)
DC: 40/60/80
51 + 26 (Flanders Diplomacy)+5 (Moe Diplomacy)+15 (Professional Barkeeper) = 97
Complete Success!
You weren't sure how you'd actually go about doing this to start with, but Moe reassured you that he knew just the guy for the job in a very worrying tone. It turns out that's just how Moe sounds sometimes as he and Flanders just sat down to hash out a series of radio and television ads that would fit for most of the taverns that were a part of the confidential, then used the broadcast connections you were somehow collecting to get them on the air during prime hours.
You need to talk to Moe about how he reassures people, you thought he was about to blackmail Krusty to take ads on his kids show or something! Nevermind that though, Moe let you know that The Confidential was extremely happy with all the business and were ready to return the favor whenever you needed it.
Reward: Taverns all across the USA with a connection to the confidential are busier than ever! Majorly increased reputation with The Confidential. The Confidential will grant +20 to the next infiltration action you take and as a thanks for the excellent work are given a few tips on drink mixing! -10 to the DC of "Research the Tonics" action!
Build Lemon Farms (DC 20) (Willie)
45 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+19 (Willie Stewardship)+10 (Almighty Groundskeeper)+1 (Loyalty) = 83
Critical Success!
You aren't sure just what the heck Willie did to those lemon trees, all he would tell you is that it was an "ancient scottish lemon secret", but he really outdid himself! Almost worryingly so considering some of these lemons looked like they were the size of your head and were already fully ripened after just some weeks of growing.
Well at least they were selling well! Seems like people were hankering for any kind of food they could get, so no need to go looking a gift horse in the lemon!
Results: Lemon Farms built and already turning a profit! The lemons are being produced in incredible quantities and qualities for just setting up the farms as well! +1 Income from the immediate sales!
Organize A Concert + We're Having A Party (DC 85) (Homer+Gil)
41 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+18 (Homer Stewardship)+10 (Grandpa To Springfield)+10 (Music Ability)+1 (Loyalty)+5 (Gil)+10 (The Long Road Home Omake)+10 (Shepard Omake) + (Radioxaxa Omake) = 123
To be continued in "We're Having A Party!"
A Bigger Mini Mall (DC 35) (1 Income) (Quimby Free) (Apu)
59 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+25 (Apu Stewardship)+2 (Loyalty) = 94
Critical Success!
Shelbyville thought they could one up you with a mini-mall? Springfield already had an actual mall! But they were tooting their horns about how great it was so you decided to roll up your sleeves and show those inbred hicks what a real mini-mega-mall looks like!
When you told Apu what you wanted you expected some logistical mumbo jumbo about why you couldn't do it, but he was right behind you in the plan! And so that's how the Springfield double decker MegaMall was born! Building a second smaller, but still bigger than Shelbyville's new mini-mall, mall on top of the original mall was tricky, but when the idea of building a parking garage that had the top floor connecting to the new mall was brought up, everything just fell into place. Mayor Quimby cut the ribbon to the new Mega-Mini-Mall and people flooded into to shop at all the new stores, including an out of town brand you didn't recognize, the Davenport's Outlet Store, but heck as long as you stuck it to Shelbyville who cares!
Results: Springfield now has the USA's only double decker mall, bringing in tourism by the boatload and increasing the cash flow to Springfield! Increased reputation with the citizens of Springfield!
Renovate The Springfield Retirement Castle (DC 15) (Jasper Bonus)
92 + 8 (Abe Stewardship)+7 (Jasper Stewardship)+1 (Loyalty) = 108
Critical Success!
Sending Jasper to fix up the old Retirement castle was easy enough. You felt genuinely bad it had taken you this long to do it.
A few repairs to the facilities, some massage chairs and more easily mashed up food was more than enough to make your fellow elders happy.
There was one thing left to handle...
"You can't do this, Mr. Simpson!"
You sigh as the overweight, bespectacled, blue-haired man practically groveled at your feet, though to say you took no pleasure in it would be a lie. You tried not to be vindictive but you couldn't help it.
This man had actively made you miserable and profited off of it for YEARS. You had every right to enjoy seeing him squirm a little.
"Please! I need this place!"
"Maybe you do. But these elders need a lot more than you can provide. Deserve alot more too! Now, as the main investor in this place, I am telling you and everyone else who works here to get off my property, before I call the police!"
The man whimpered pathetically and continued to grovel.
"Please! I'll spring for a mini fridge!"
"OUT!" Jasper finally spoke up, brandishing his paddle. The man finally got the hint and shuffled off morosely, followed by his flunkies.
"Heh. That's what I thought." Jasper nodded, your buddy giving a content smile as all the elders cheered happily.
Reward: The Springfield Retirement Castle is completely renovated! Every member of the old staff is fired and replaced by people who actually care! The Elders are deeply grateful!
Look Further Into The Mysterious Group (DC 65/75/100) (Finale)
37 + 18 (Abe Intrigue)+30 (Finale Intrigue)+3 (Loyalty) = 88
You give the Finale a firm thank you for everything he's done for you before letting him know he's finally going to be helped with looking into that mysterious group. He is as stoic as ever, though you swear you see an appreciative grin before he nods.
Since money is no expense, you give him a few thousand dollars to travel as much as he needs to in order to look around and find clues.
He eventually finds exactly what he's looking for in Brazil. Apparently, an elderly man has been going in and out of stores, buying strange supplies and being quite mean to the locals.
The Finale was more than happy to take care of the problem for them, and the man was soon tied up and knocked out before he could enter the next store.
The Finale interrogated him, but he either didn't know anything or was more trained to handle interrogations than he looked.
Though he did give a name, The Iron Claw... Albeit indirectly, crying "Long Live the Iron Claw!" Before managing to wriggle away and jump to his death.
Still, a name is better than they had beforehand…
Rewards: Learned the name of the Mysterious group, making looking into it slightly easier. Action unlocked to further Research this "Iron Claw".
Hunt Down The EPA Agent (DC 50/80) (Mona)
5 + 18 (Abe Intrigue)+29 (Mona Intrigue)+5 (Eco Grandma)+5 (Green Family Visit)+2 (Loyalty) = 59
Partial Success!
You asked Mona for help hunting down this EPA Agent. You have some…"Questions", you wanted to ask him.
Mona didn't have exactly much trouble looking for clues and quickly was on track to find him, unfortunately it seemed like the guy had so much of a head start.
According to Mona, the last place she was able to confirm his presence was on a Highway, getting some help from a family couple, who was nice enough to help him. When she interviewed them, they told her the Man asked to be left in some place in California.
While the track wasn't completely lost, if you don't act soon, you will lose the chance to nab this Epa guy!
Lo Back Around Steel (DC 130) (Frink)
81 + 10 (Abe Learning)+35 (Frink Learning)+20 (BBB!)+5 (Lenny & Carl)+5 (Improved Computers)+ 22 (Legstrong Learning) = 178
You're really upset these World War Two era ships keep getting stripped apart. There's already so much from that war that is being forgotten, mistreated or going away...
Well, no more! You will step up if no one else is going to!
It helps that Legstrong seemed interested in it as well, for whatever reason. But you aren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
With a slightly nervous Frink (Legstrong was too "jockish" for his tastes) and a few random Eggheads from both your teams, he lead the charge into finding ways to deirradiate the steel.
Frink, having done this rigamarole in a way before with handling your power plant, comes up with a solution:
"You see, the uuuuh problem with modern steel isn't the metal itself, but the air used to make it!"
"Every time man detonates an atomic bomb, tons of irradiated material gets ejected into our atmosphere, contaminating the air we breathe...and the "pure" oxygen we use to process Iron into Steel. These nuclear contaminants create miniscule levels of radiation in the metal, leading to our core issues."
"What we plan to do is create an airfilter for modern steelmills that extracts these elements from the oxygen. A-ah-as long as this new oxygen is kept in a sterile environment theres shouldnt be any problems"
Frink and the Eggheads got to work, building a really big cube-like lab(you heard they almost considered a dome before flanders convinced them otherwise) to make it in. And after a few weeks, they struck gold: a one ton block of steel as pure as snow!
privately, frink assures you that this method will work in Springfield despite the "highly concerning" amount of contaminants put in its atmosphere during burn's tenure
Legstrong seems pleased, while veterans and medical professionals around the country calling it a modern miracle in advancing medicine and preserving military history!
Rewards: You gain 2 income! plus 1 Income per income turn! You get DC reductions on most Power Plant and nuclear actions! You gain a more positive standing with Legstrong, The Military, & doctors!
Study That Strange Amulet (DC 60) (1/2 Crumbs Occult+Rotwood)
49 + 17 (Half Crumbs Occult)+13 (Rotwood Occult)+15 (I Knew It!) +1 (Loyalty)= 95
Now you figured that rotwood with the help of crumbs would be able to figure something out about that darn amulet and what made it glowed and you're happy to say you were right,*
*Rotwood started by searching though all the details you already know about it and trying to find anything that matched in books of the library, the Internet and even a trip to some historical archive's he found something.
" The broken heart locket, A locket said to give the wearer the ability to more easily talk to those who have had their heart broken or have lost a loved"
*Rotwood says as he lays out some files on your desk as as well as some very old newspaper clippings*
"I wasn't sure at first of course, so at Crumbs suggeston so I did some testing and found the amulet started to glow when I talked to people such as Herr Flanders, herr Moe and surprisingly Herr tony and i found it much more easily to talk to and connect with them then normal"
that must explains why it was glowing when you had your talk with mona...though your talk seems to have gone better then Rotwood's considering the massiv-
"But atlast with good news I must now give the bad news, I've discovered that occasionally the previous welders when sitting sail on a boat would occasionally disappear or come back white as a ghost out of fear and refusing to speak about what happened and after taking a trip down to the waterfront I sense a...feeling of uneasiness and dread build up the closer i got to the water...leading me to believe the amulet is cursed!!"
*a curse?! you wore that thing around your neck!!!...hang on a moment*
"Is That how you-"
"Ah no herr simpson...I discovered that the amulet only makes you better at conversations, it doesn't make it so your succeed at I discovered during a test at a club for the divorced"
*Ah...that must of been one hell of a smack*
Look For Magic Tomes (DC 60) (1/2 Crumbs Occult+Lena)
65 + 17 (Half Crumbs Occult)+22 (Lena Occult)+2 (Loyalty) = 106
After Frink unlocked literal magic powers from reading some book, you realized that maybe you should look into that. Now, it was pretty obvious magic was real even before he fully unlocked the ability to use it, but it was just now sinking in how useful it could be.... And how bad it would be if it fell into the wrong hands.
Regardless, You ask Lena to scour Springfield for any more tomes when she has the time.
"Real specific, gramps." She snarked, though you get the feeling that was just her way of showing affection considering she immediately got up to do it anyways. Or maybe she just needed the job. Hard to tell with teens.
She later showed up a few weeks later and grinned as she showed off an old, dusty and slightly burned set of journals.
As you looked into them, you were amazed. There were sketches of magic creatures, advice on how to handle them, and little anecdotes about guardianship and how it was hard but rewarding. All signed by one Ruoye Rat.
You aren't sure if this person is an Anthro or some other being, but regardless they don't seem to be around anymore based on their final entry. Some injury they sustained from.... Started with an "Hu" before the final page was burned.
You're sure they would appreciate someone else putting this knowledge to good use... hopefully.
Reward: Found the Magical Journals! Action unlocked to study them.
Personal Actions
Ask Another Simpson Family Member To Help You Out
You honestly felt a bit bad about calling up your son's family to see if any of them would be able to help you out with things around the plant in the coming weeks, so you were shocked with how enthusiastically Marge agreed to help out.
She told you she had been looking for a bit of extra work to pick up just because Bart and Lisa seemed to be spending so much time on their own new activities lately. Helping her father in law and husband out at work for a while seemed like a good way to get some work that helps the family!
Result: Marge Simpson has been added as a Temporary Hero Unit next turn and gains a +5 to whatever action she is assigned to!
Hang Out With One Of Your Workers
Hunter seems like a good kid, if a bit anxious and weirdly uptight. Eh. You're sure he has his reasons.
What those reasons are aren't quite clear yet, as you walk and talk with him in the local park.
This, combined with his pet bird flapping about nearby, seemed to calm him and you have a decent discussion, nothing too special or deep, but it was still nice.
Results: Hunter gets decently relaxed around you. +5 to his Loyalty!
Hang Out With One Of Your Workers
Ned had been working for you for over a year now but this was one of the first times you actually got to sit down and talk with just the two of you. He was a bit surprised that you wanted to actually spend some time together outside of work, but he very quickly went back to his chipper self and accepted your invitation to lunch.
You're fairly certain on a worse day you would have realized you didn't like Ned but the casual atmosphere of the Coffee & Tea cafe let the both of you relax and simply make small talk that wasn't about work. Ned talked about his kids and you made a joke about how you were fairly certain he knew your son, which he gave a laugh to and agreed that he might have met him once or twice.
You don't think that either of you will be confessing dark secrets or confiding insecurities in each other any time soon, but you feel like you and Ned have a better understanding of one another, more than just employee and employer.
Results: Ned feels more comfortable around you! +10 Loyalty for Flanders.
A Test Of Your Own Medicine 2
22 - 5 = 17
You tried your best to get medicine again. You had been putting this off for quite awhile, partially because you had more important issues, partially because your current meds weren't the best but were doing the job decently.
Unfortunately, the kind you were looking for wasn't in stock at the moment. Annoying, but you can always try again later, you suppose.
Talk To Those Mysterious Hecklers
Roll: 75
Finally, after months of stubbornly refusing to let it go, Jasper REFUSED to let anything get in his way of meeting those mysterious hecklers this time.
He slept earlier than usual, he woke up early enough to not run into Old Jewish Guy and booked the worst possible show they had so early in the day.
Sure enough, those hecklers showed up as expected, and went to town quipping at the mediocre performance they were sitting through.
After sitting around for a bit after the show, Jasper approached the two.
"Finally! I finally found you! FINALLY!" Jasper hollered… before blinking. Were they… puppets???
"Yeah? What now?" One of the elderly duo of puppet like creatures asked simply, raising an eyebrow, seemingly unphased by the reaction.
"I think the cat has his tongue."
"I don't think it would want any other part of him!"
"...I, uh, didn't think I'd get this far." Jasper admitted awkwardly.
"You mean to tell us, you've been trying to find us for months, and you had no idea what you were even going to do or say once you did?" One of the elders asked.
There is a moment of silence… before the duo laugh hysterically.
"I think we found our new Fozzie, Statler!"
"He's certainly got the same level of brightness!"
"So none?"
As the two continued to laugh, Jasper wondered if he had made the right choice…
Result: Jasper FINALLY meets those mysterious hecklers… and unlocks them as a Trait!
Statler & Waldorf: Two fellow grumpy elders. With the Muppets long since shut down, they need more entertainment, and Jasper is about as good as they're going to get! (when Jasper is in combat, they might randomly show up to heckle his opponent, giving them a -10 to Rolls from being thrown off. However, they are just as likely to heckle Jasper if he fails a Roll, adding a further -10 to him for similar reasons)
Full Diplomacy Action
Ned spent most of his time these last few weeks really throwing himself into his work. You really appreciate his hard work, though you're gonna make sure he doesn't get too stressed out in these next months. He's got his kids to look after after all.
Work On One Of Your Inventions
Frink, happy as he was to unpack "the vauge unknowns of the arcane" as he put it, was even happier to take a break from that and just remake one of his inventions.
Maybe he wasn't as invested as he thought though, because at some point he gets distracted doing some recalibration and this somehow results in whatever he was making blowing up and making him pass out. He wasn't gravely injured, miraculously, but he wasn't in the best of shape either as he healed up.
He grumbled irritably and would need to replace his wrecked glasses but otherwise would be fine, it seemed.
Fat Tony
Find Your Men
Roll: 80
Fat Tony and his crew decided it was about time they rounded things out and found their final member. Legs was out there somewhere and they were determined to find him.
They searched far and wide, and eventually they stumbled across a local veterinary clinic. After bothering a few random nurses (and Camila, who you got the feeling was solely not trying to throw them out herself because they were new boyfriend's co-workers), the head vet stepped forward.
"Would youse all calm down!? Yeesh, We're trying our be- BOSS!?" Legs gasped.
"Legs!? You're not a licensed Veterinarian." Tony pointed out, having clearly not actually expected him to be here.
"I'm not a licensed people doctor either." Legs pointed out. They all had a good laugh at that... Before they were promptly chased off by the actual veterinarians, who were clearly upset to have been lied to.
Results: Tony finds his final man, Legs, and unlocks him as a Trait!
Legs: the doctor of the crew, his experience has saved many members of the mafia from an earlier retirement. He gives a +3 to Learning rolls and on adventures, when a hero units is hurt or taken out of the action, has the option of Rolling a learning roll with a +10 bonus to fix them right away. DC will vary depending how hurt the unit is.
Get Up To Date In War Tactics
After last time, the Kaiser is a tad reluctant to return to the library, but he can't really think of anywhere else to go to do some reading, so he trudges over there.
To his relief, the employee who bugged him the previous time didn't bother him again, so he read to his heart's content… for about 10 minutes before the library had to be evacuated due to a bad stench they were worried was a gas leak.
Said stench was just someone with REALLY bad gas, but the Kaiser's groove was thrown off so he gave up for now to go ride his horse.
Talk To Homer
Mona hesitated a tad, talking to Homer one on one. Oh sure, ever since she got back, she and Homer had been in the same room or the like, especially since they worked together now.
But it was a whole different ballpark to talk to her son without the buffer of everyone else.
She was pardoned now, so she had no more need to worry or ever have to leave, but her choices regarding Homer still weigh heavy on her conscience.
You assured her if Homer can forgive you, he could forgive anyone. That seemed to both amuse and reassure her as she made her way over.
She paused before knocking on the door. Homer answered.
"...Hello Homer. I was hoping we could… talk for awhile. I understand if you don't want to-" She started, before being interrupted by him hugging her.
"... It's ok mom. I'm just happy you're back." He said simply after a moment.
Mona seemed more than satisfied with that as they talked for a few hours.
Results: Mona and Homer are happy! Mona gets a +5 to her next Action she is assigned to.
Spend Time With Your Octuplets And Wife
Apu, after his hard work with the MegaMall, reluctantly requested some time off to spend time with his family. You were more than happy to let him do so, and so he smiled appreciatively and left.
The group of 10 go see a movie, stroll through the park and Apu and Manjula reminisce fondly on how they first met and laugh nostalgically at the antics that happened that day.
Overall, Apu seems pretty content and grateful you allowed him to do this.
Results: Apu has a good time with his family! +10 opinion increase with Abe!
Look On Your Own For More Clues About The Insignia
The Finale has a name and still has that insignia, but he had apparently used up all his funds you gave him by the time he got back to America, and he didn't feel right asking for more directly.
So while he does some personal searching, he doesn't really find much about the Iron Claw on his lonesome besides hearing some rumours that he confirmed were either inaccurate or talking about unrelated things.
Run Your Bar
Moe runs his bar as usual. He reports seeing nothing out of the ordinary and not hearing anything too wild, though he also admits Maya showed up and that left him more than a tad bit distracted.
Things are really on the upswing for him, You're happy for the guy.
Apparently Barney almost ruined the moment but recovered it by singing beautifully for the two.
…He is a man of many unexpected talents.
Monkey To The Left Of Him, Monkey To The Right Of Him
When you told Willie to assist you with the monkey, you didn't expect the scottish man to literally rip his shirt…again and give a battle cry as he literally ran from the Power Plant towards you mansion…You suppose the guy was really itching for a fight?
For a whole afternoon neither, you or your attendants could enter the mansion, Gloria told you how she could hear the cries of the monkeys and sounds of fighting echoing all across the place, making you feel worried for Willie…but specially for your home.
After 7 hours of fighting, Willie came out from the front door, scratches all over his body and a banana peel on his head working as a hat, and he grumbled to you about the situation being handled…before passing out.
There still the issue of cleaning the place from the monkey vs Man rampage, but Willie managed to make the monkey go back to working on their books.
Actually Hang Out With Webby
Roll: 85
To Be Continued In "Birds Of A Feather"
Prof Crumbs
Research Local Myths
To be continued in the Interlude "Who Ya Gonna Call?"...
Hang Out With The Hexsquad
Roll: 79
Hunter was apparently really concerned about his girlfriend (he insisted they were just friends, but you were no fool! ...Kinda). You don't know what happened exactly, but apparently he accidentally bloodied her nose at some point during that big game all your mages got into, and he was feeling really bad about it.
So he set her up for a one on one hang out session. It was really none of your business what they did, but whatever it was ended with them banned from a local costume store.
Regardless, it seemed the two had a genuinely good time, and you get the feeling you're going to see this Willow girl around more often.
...Do you have to start paying her too if so? Hmmm. Things to look into.
Results: Hunter Unlocked Willow Park as a Trait!
Willow Park: The Captain can be weirdly passive at times, but beneath her kindness is a fierce warrior. +2 to Martial and Diplomacy.
Prof Rotwood
Study Springfield Cryptids
Roll: 81
To be continued in the Interlude "Who Ya Gonna Call?"...
–[] Homer
—[] Rebuild The Be Sharps
"C'mon guys what do you say? Be Sharps one more time?" Homer asked Apu and Barney one afternoon in Moe's tavern, after their shift in the Power Plant had ended. The trio were sharing some drinks in a private corner, reserved specially thanks to Moe. With how filled the place was sometimes, Homer usually missed the usual quiet and calmness of the place, but was happy for Moe's success.
Apu and Barney looked at each other, a bit uncertain after Homer asked the question.
"Mr. Simpson, don't want to sound mean, but our time has passed, not sure people will like our music anymore." Apu said, unsure of how good of an idea this was.
"Yeah, Homer, I know you liked singing a few months ago. I enjoyed it too." Barney said. "But that was in the past. Remember all the issues that happened? Why risk it happening again?"
Homer doesn't answer for a moment, instead staring at the busy tavern filled with people enjoying drinks.
"Because time are changing guys, I never expected to make amends with my father….nor for him to become my boss." He takes a sip from his beer. "And that make me realize… I don't know when things will turn worse or better, I rather enjoy the time I have with my family and friends doing the things I love. And The Be Sharps was one of the best things to happen to me…" He looks at both Apu and Barney.
"What do you say guys, want to try one more time?" He asks in a sincere and hopeful tone.
Both Barney and Apu look at each other again, this time a look of understanding appears.
"You got it Homer, let's go look for Skinner and bering the gang back." Barney says while offering Homer a handshake.
Results: Be Sharps reformed! Actions to have them act and promote them unlocked!
--[] Krusty
---[] Look Into Your Daughter
Krusty admitted, with great shame, between all the revitalization of his fame and life in general, he hadn't had the time to keep looking into where his daughter was. All he had was a note saying she was with her mother, though who knows where that could be.
You give a few hundred dollars and insinuate how much people can tend to talk when good and drunk, like he did. He seemed to take the hint and appreciatively nodded before running off.
Krusty goes all over town and eventually winds up at Fort Springfield. A few relatively new privates, after having their lips loosened by alcohol, let it slip they saw a girl who looked similar to Krusty morosely sitting around a different military base, but Krusty was unable to press them more before The General showed up to scold them for getting wasted on the job.
Still, it's a good lead, considering Krusty's ex is a former military member. He seemed determined to keep looking into it whenever he could.
Results: Krusty learns a valuable clue on what may have happened to Sophie!
Random Event Roll
Apparently, you hear that a Mediocre pizzeria, Hyper-Potamus Pizza-Party-Torium, was seeking to franchise all around America, and one of the places they wished to expand into was Springfield! However, they were also eyeing Shelbyville, and Quimby and The mayor of Shelbyville both made it VERY clear it was one or the other if they wished to come to this area.
Fair. Shelbyville doesn't even deserve mediocre pizza!
But still, other than general annoyance of those Shelbyville chumps getting something you don't, the place is nothing to write home about, so you GUESS it's not a huge loss if they go to Shelbyville instead.
You would prefer that they didn't though.
Results: Hyper-Potamus Pizza-Party-Torium is in the area, debating whether to pick Springfield or Shelbyville to move into! They're mediocre enough nothing positive nor negative will happen either way.
-[] Blackmail
–[] Make Your Demands
---[] Ask for help catching Burns and any subordinates he has, give Mona a pardon, and 4 income
--[] Hank Scorpio: Build a Totally Not James Bond Villain Style Hideout