The White Peryton is a Bloodrager, which means it has a bonus to Will saves while raging. It's not likely more than +2, but could be as much as +4. Imperious Glare still has a slightly higher chance of success, but turtles are easily portable and Mind-Affecting spells are resisted in numerous ways.

[X] Plan "A Turtle for Duesal"
-[X] Viserys targets the White Peryton with a Quickened Targeted Dispel Magic, followed by Baleful Polymorph to transform it into a turtle. If it resists, he casts Celerity, followed by another Baleful Polymorph.
-[X] Dany uses Alter Fortune to force the Peryton to re-roll if it resists Viserys' first attempt to turtle it. In the meantime, she flies toward Richard, while using her Cure Serious Wounds spell-like ability to heal herself.
-[X] Richard returns his and Oathkeeper's attention to the cave entrance. Now would be an unfortunate time for Surprise Wearbears.
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They're CR4, hardly worth making trophies out of.
Sure they're worth it. They're unmistakably monstrous and magical in appearance.
And they're not even Large, just medium. Easy fit inside our Bag of Holding, and easily preserved via Conch until we get back home.

[X] Goldfish

EDIT: And Harwood and Elle are more than welcome to take back their own trophies if they're so inclined. Harwood especially, since the head of a Peryton would be a huge boost to the legitimacy of our claim that we're fighting monsters on the Night's Watch's behalf.
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Not to be a party pooper, but if we take a corpse/live sacrifice we'll have to leave them outsode the Bloodravens cave (or perhals even further back) unless we want to pul a Bran (shudders).
Not to be a party pooper, but if we take a corpse/live sacrifice we'll have to leave them outsode the Bloodravens cave (or perhals even further back) unless we want to pul a Bran (shudders).
I was thinking that exact same thing. I want to find a Heart Tree and dream-seek Bloodraven so he can tell us how best to sacrifice this thing.

No taking this to his tree if it's unsafe.
@DragonParadox It appears everyone wants Duesal to have a turtle.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 14, 2018 at 3:17 PM, finished with 139305 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan "A Turtle for Duesal"
    -[X] Viserys targets the White Peryton with a Quickened Targeted Dispel Magic, followed by Baleful Polymorph to transform it into a turtle. If it resists, he casts Celerity, followed by another Baleful Polymorph.
    -[X] Dany uses Alter Fortune to force the Peryton to re-roll if it resists Viserys' first attempt to turtle it. In the meantime, she flies toward Richard, while using her Cure Serious Wounds spell-like ability to heal herself.
    -[X] Richard returns his and Oathkeeper's attention to the cave entrance. Now would be an unfortunate time for Surprise Wearbears.
    [X] Baleful Polymorph
Can we quicken something and use celerity at the same round? I mean, don't both Swift and Immediate actions take the same action slot?
Can we quicken something and use celerity at the same round? I mean, don't both Swift and Immediate actions take the same action slot?

If there was going to be a problem with it, DP would have stopped us before we used the combo about two dozen or so times already.

Celerity is technically an Immediate Action, but it's also time fuckery, so I guess it bypasses normal action economy.
If there was going to be a problem with it, DP would have stopped us before we used the combo about two dozen or so times already.

Celerity is technically an Immediate Action, but it's also time fuckery, so I guess it bypasses normal action economy.

Hmm.... I vaguely recall ruling against it the first time you asked about in Westheaven, with immediate actions coming from either this turn's or next turn's swift action 'pool.' You guys have celerity-bombed before but it was usually just two standard actions.
If there was going to be a problem with it, DP would have stopped us before we used the combo about two dozen or so times already.

Celerity is technically an Immediate Action, but it's also time fuckery, so I guess it bypasses normal action economy.
We can't use an immediate action directly after a swift one, only after we did a Standart action o the Celerity counts as immediate action for the next turn.
Hmm.... I vaguely recall ruling against it the first time you asked about in Westheaven, with immediate actions coming from either this turn's or next turn's swift action 'pool.' You guys have celerity-bombed before but it was usually just two standard actions.
We can do swift or immediate (mostly a quickened spell) -> standard -> (our turn is technically over here) -> immediate Celerity (from the next turn) -> standard -> Celerity-stun-effect takes us out until next round

So basically 3 spells besides Celerity in one round, one of them has to be Swift or Quickened, at the price of loosing the next round.
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