[X] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

You know, I'd like to see Sarutobi's thoughts on the fact that in the eyes of the trenchcoat ninja Hisana was an aberration, an it, while Naruto was the more human brat.
Genin are like mushrooms: kept in the dark and fed shit.
Pretty sure the whole incident is way above their clearance level - heck the canon Mizuki incident went as unnoticed as this one too and that one involved quite a sizeable no of chuunin, jounin and AnBu despite the Hokage not lifting a finger.

Other than that, we saw 'genin' crowd as in the freshly graduated genin and not the whole genin corp. Genin shinobi aren't that trustworthy in keeping high-level secrets - which is why some (most) things just went up and above their notice on purpose.

No hidden village wants the fact that they almost lost their jinchuuriki and academy students right after graduation to kidnapping within their very borders. And have a foreign spy working in the academy unnoticed too, that's just a prelude to disaster if the news ever gets out to the public.
[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

[X] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

You know, I'd like to see Sarutobi's thoughts on the fact that in the eyes of the trenchcoat ninja Hisana was an aberration, an it, while Naruto was the more human brat.

Considering Naruto/Mizuki were the only other people who heard him, I don't think that's happening. Naruto might not have even been listening because of tunnel vision, and even if he did hear, there's no way Big Sis is an, "Aberration" whatever that means.

Mizuki may very well be dead, and even if he lived Trenchcoat's words are easy enough to pass off as an insult.
Poor Kiba got shunted off Team 8.
Didn't expect politics would let that happen, especially as he happens to be excellent at taijutsu in his own right, something Team 8 is weak at.

They(the hokage and the jounin) could be assuming that as a Hyuga, Hinata is good enough at Taijutsu for team 8 along with plans to use team 8 to support harder hitting teams like team Guy or team 7 so they dont need to put Kiba on there to make up for a lack of taijutsu.
[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

Team-bonding exercise will probably go well in giving an impression to Kakashi as well as setting a precedent for working together as a team, rather than "just" as friends.
[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.​
Vote Tally : Seeing Red [Naruto] | Page 50 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4
[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto
No. of Votes: 30
[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.
No. of Votes: 7
Total No. of Voters: 37
They(the hokage and the jounin) could be assuming that as a Hyuga, Hinata is good enough at Taijutsu for team 8 along with plans to use team 8 to support harder hitting teams like team Guy or team 7 so they dont need to put Kiba on there to make up for a lack of taijutsu.

They don't need to make assumptions about stuff like that, they have total access to all their school information, they'll know exactly how well Hinata performs in taijutsu, unless for some baffling reason they don't allow outside techniques in class (and there's no indication of this rule existing at all in canon).

And it's not an entirely wrong assumption to make; Hinata isn't on Neji's level, sure, but Neji's talent stunned Hiashi himself, so it's a terrible standard to judge her by. And Hiashi has mostly passed his attention as the next heir onto Hanabi, but that's less because of a lack of talent on Hinata's part and more because of her personality; he thinks she's too weak as a person to be the next clan head.
They(the hokage and the jounin) could be assuming that as a Hyuga, Hinata is good enough at Taijutsu for team 8 along with plans to use team 8 to support harder hitting teams like team Guy or team 7 so they dont need to put Kiba on there to make up for a lack of taijutsu.
Little problem: Hinata is also a target.
Multiple other villages have demonstrated their hankering for Byakugan eyes; Kumo tried to grab her at 4, and Mist actually succeeded at taking some unnamed Hyuuga's eye and implanting it into a senior jounin.

Honestly, if I was making a team overstrength, it would be any team with an unsealed Hyuga.
That was why I thought she got put on a team with the Inuzuka, because their partner animals increase the number of combatants on their team.
Little problem: Hinata is also a target.
Multiple other villages have demonstrated their hankering for Byakugan eyes; Kumo tried to grab her at 4, and Mist actually succeeded at taking some unnamed Hyuuga's eye and implanting it into a senior jounin.

That is true but out of this graduating class the only named character that isn't a target is really Sakura (right now), everyone else has a high value due to either being a clan heir making a high value hostage, a Uchiha or is naruto who has kurama.

Honestly, if I was making a team overstrength, it would be any team with an unsealed Hyuga.
That was why I thought she got put on a team with the Inuzuka, because their partner animals increase the number of combatants on their team.

I do agree with you on which teams to be overstrength, but I am not sure that is why they put Kiba and Hinata together. In fact do you if the whole team 8 being a recon team is fanon or was made canon by the databooks? And with team 8 the way it is I would not be susprised if most of the out of village missions they go on are with another team both to make sure Hinata doesn't get kidnapped and due to the skills they have making them better as a supporting team instead od a frontline combat team.
[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

Hm. A backup plan should the usual avenues of investigation turn up nothing would be to search the Uchiha vault for a bingo book from a foreign nation, and see if Kakashi is in it, which should give Hisana his nickname. After that checking the records on those with the Sharingan should tell Hisana who he got it from, and maybe even who performed the transplant.
[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

Honestly, I think Sakura will do just fine on Team 8. I get the impression Kurenai is a more hands-on teacher than Kakashi, and Sakura has the chakra control to be absolutely vicious with genjutsu.

I'm hoping Sakura and Hinata develop a friendship. Perhaps Sakura will be able to help Hinata out of her shell a little just as Ino did for her. Except this time it hopefully doesn't suffer because of boy trouble.

Yeah, Naruto seems to have a bit of a crush on Sakura (though that's only been hinted at here) and assuming that aspect of canon hasn't changed Hinata really likes Naruto...but there's no sign of Sakura reciprocating Naruto's supposed crush, and she still seems to like Sasuke as in canon. So at least there isn't that harmful competition/conflict.

Though Hisana may have to make sure the girls after the hearts of her little brothers are good enough and that they're able to look after the idiots (it's an exhausting job).

Heh, 'protective older sister' Hisana.

Anyway...as has been said Sakura is likely to be the healbot and genjutsu expert on the team. Shino will still be the mid to long range attacker and is helpful in tracking with his insects. Hinata's eyes will play the same role, but without Kiba she'll be the sole taijutsu specialist on the team. She'll have to step up her game there. If Sakura's supportive that should help, as a lot of Hinata's issues are confidence and self-worth based. But with our connection to Sakura maybe we can help a bit too. Not sure how, yet, but helping Hinata helps their entire team.

I'm curious about what kind of team Kiba will end up on, assuming they pass.
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but there's no sign of Sakura reciprocating Naruto's supposed crush, and she still seems to like Sasuke as in canon.

So far, no, but this part:

The clone swapped itself with Sakura, poofing in the process, but leaving her safe in Naruto's arms.

Raised a parallel or two to Minato rescuing Kushina from kidnappers for me. Hopefully it doesn't go that way, though - as you mentioned, it'd be an extra source of tension on that team.
So far, no, but this part:

Raised a parallel or two to Minato rescuing Kushina from kidnappers for me. Hopefully it doesn't go that way, though - as you mentioned, it'd be an extra source of tension on that team.

*shrug* I really doubt that. That supposed parallel happened in canon when Naruto saved Sakura from being killed...by Sasuke of all people. I recall fans going nuts and speculating over that but Sakura was still in love with Sasuke after that.

And here it was a quick rescue done pretty matter of factly and they're all business and back in the fight. It seemed more like comradely support than the 'dashing rescue' that was the Minato/Kushina one, or even the rescue I just mentioned for that matter.
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That is true but out of this graduating class the only named character that isn't a target is really Sakura (right now), everyone else has a high value due to either being a clan heir making a high value hostage, a Uchiha or is naruto who has kurama.
Not especially.
Besides Sasuke and Naruto, the rest can be replaced; Kiba isn't even a clan heir, he's the junior son.
Internal politics plays out somewhat differently though.

Hinata's real problem is that she's unsealed; it's not like the Hyuuga clan is short of members.
I do agree with you on which teams to be overstrength, but I am not sure that is why they put Kiba and Hinata together. In fact do you if the whole team 8 being a recon team is fanon or was made canon by the databooks?
That's my head canon.
As for the recon team thing, as far as I know that's fanon; they could just as easily be a non-lethal capture team, or a hunter-killer team, or a guard/security team. Their skills lend to all of those categories.
[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

Hmm. The aftermath interactions were food for thought, I guess. As others said, not much support, though Hisana helped the others as well as she could.

Though, maybe the lack of support is just a result of this quest fleshing out some world-building, while still staying shounen-ish and not going full grim-realistic.
It was raining the day of the team assignments,
Ha, indeterministic world confirmed? At least for background details.
Not especially.
Besides Sasuke and Naruto, the rest can be replaced; Kiba isn't even a clan heir, he's the junior son.
Internal politics plays out somewhat differently though.

Hinata's real problem is that she's unsealed; it's not like the Hyuuga clan is short of members.

I wouldn't say Ino, Shikamura and Choji can be replaced and if they get captured other villages could use them to get their clan techniques. And the others even Kiba could still be used as hostages due to the emotional connections they have and the fact they parents are important.

And that reminds me of the part I hated the most about the Hyuga seal, if they were so concerned about someone stealing their eyes every member should have the seal.

That's my head canon.
As for the recon team thing, as far as I know that's fanon; they could just as easily be a non-lethal capture team, or a hunter-killer team, or a guard/security team. Their skills lend to all of those categories.

It is decent head canon.
And I do wish we saw more of the other teams to see how they when though missions and what type of missions