[x] My defenses in general aren't on par with my offence, and in some situations a first strike isn't good enough.

That's our actual weakness, as far as I can tell. It's not our fault, exactly, but, well...

• Our primary sword style is Iaido: the art of the sudden draw and attack.
• Our element is Wind - powerful offence, weak defence.
• Our genjutsu is focussed on small, seal-less things that we can use as a distraction on a single target - not good for disengaging.
• Our speed greatly outstrips our strength and stamina.

It's not just defensive jutsu. If we get into a peer-level fight, we tend to go first, and do enough damage to either win outright or give ourselves a massive advantage. But against lots of low level people, or against people who dodge or withstand our initial strike, we're relatively easy pickings.

[x] My defenses in general aren't on par with my offence, and in some situations a first strike isn't good enough.

Sounds more nuanced and comprehensive.
[x] - You don't expect us to just tell you that, do you? One, you could be someone else disguised as our sensei and is trying to get damaging info on us. Two, it wasn't that long ago that one of our sensei betrayed our village. How do we know you're not a traitor also and that you're not going to use information on our greatest weakness against us? We just met today and don't know each other at all, after all. And three, we're ninja's. Two words we all must live by is CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
[X] - My reliance on my bloodline

Judging how in the canon omake it says that Sasuke outclasses Hisana in everything unless she uses the eyes. And that was before he got the eyes.
[x] My defenses in general aren't on par with my offence, and in some situations a first strike isn't good enough.
[x] My defenses in general aren't on par with my offence, and in some situations a first strike isn't good enough.
Defensive ninjutsu really isn't a big thing in Naruto, and most of those are either bloodline techniques or hijutsu .
I can think of maybe four or so: Susanoo for the Uchiha, Kaiten for the Hyuga, Lightning Armor for Kumo's Kages, and Gaara's personal Sand techniques. There's also a Chakra Shield thing that puppeteers can do, but that involves cutting your arm off.

The only one we can learn at the moment is Kakuzu's Earth Release: Earth Spear, which is a B-rank, and so expensive that even his S-class self can't leave it active all the time.Plus, it's vulnerable to Lightning.
As a general rule, if it can hit you, it will hurt you; that's generally how Narutoverse combat works.This is true for even Pain.
That's why people either dodge or regen.

[X] - My reliance on my bloodline
The Sharingan is a dead sexy bloodline. But because it's a bloodline, people come prepped for it. And in the more than forty years since the Uchiha have fought Konoha's wars, people will have come up with a LOT of counters.

Note how canon Zabuza used Hidden In The Mist to deprive Kakashi of the use of the Sharingan. Or how Deidara spent years training his sight to look through genjutsu. Or how Danzo disabled Shisui despite his having a Mangy Eye.

We aren't going to match Itachi or Tobi by simply going more Sharingan; they have decades of experience on us, and we'd be playing perpetual catchup if we try that route. We have to think a little laterally.

So more Speed. More Intelligence. Better Chakra Control. More holdout techniques that can't be disabled by a flashbang.
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[x] My defenses in general aren't on par with my offence, and in some situations a first strike isn't good enough.
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