[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)
I mean it's known that Rhaenyra got herself knighted so it's a pretty easy guess that having female guards around would help his case.I'm not complaining, I respect his game, but still, it's so funny how he immediately pegged Rhaenyra without ever meeting her before lol
My bad, I edited a plan someone else made without double-checking how the name was worded. Figured out it's still clear who it's referring to, but I can edit it if you like.I feel the need to point out that Johanna Targaryen is very much not what is listed in the turn
FTFYViserys: "Don't put too much weight behind your dream. Don't try to find meaning, it has led me down a wrong path I am regretting every day."
Rhaenyra [defiant]: *tries to find a meaning*
Missed that one in the many variant plan names. I'll add it to my approval vote as well.Edited my slate to approval-vote for Plan: Lots of important conversations (With an Extra Side of Velaryon)