Is there a plan people would agree on that includes speaking to the Queen because that is what I would vote for.
Voting for every Rhaenys plan, as usual. I will not vote for a plan without Rhaenys. If you propose a Rhaenys plan and discover I am not voting for it feel free to ping me.

[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Daughter Version)
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (With an Extra Side of Velaryon)
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Diplomatic Sparring)
[X] plan reassure and relax
[X] Plan: Words and Wit
[X] Plan: Words and Wit v2
[X] Plan: Conversation and Showing Off
[X] Plan: Winning The Stepstone

Yes I am aware I am voting for a lot of plans right now, the joys of approval voting for a slate over a single action :lol:
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I really dislike the fact everyone ìs going along with Rhaenyra's tendency to seperate herself from her younger siblings and avoiding Joanna.

I've said it before I think Rhaenyra not attempting to be a sister to her siblings in canon was one of her biggest mistakes.
Is there a plan people would agree on that includes speaking to the Queen because that is what I would vote for.
I just made a variant for exactly that! c:

Voting for every Rhaenys plan, as usual. I will not vote for a plan without Rhaenys. If you propose a Rhaenys plan and discover I am not voting for it feel free to ping me.
raises hand May I interest you in the Concerned Sister variant plan that has the Rhaenys conversation as well?
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[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Johanna Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Action] Investigate Your Harrenhal Dream
-[X] [Action] Study
--[X] Law
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Johanna Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Action] Investigate Your Harrenhal Dream
-[X] [Action] Study
--[X] Law
Btw i dont know if others have asked but, In the letter Qoren mentioned not submitting dorne if the marriage happend. is that non negotiationable?
Btw i dont know if others have asked but, In the letter Qoren mentioned not submitting dorne if the marriage happend. is that non negotiationable?
It's very much negotiable in an excruciating detail until everyone involved wants to shove their heads into a roaring hearth. That's kind of the whole point. Qoren is coming in offering to make Dorne part of the Realm on very favorable terms for Dorne, and we're gonna see what concessions we could get and if those are worth the trouble.
[X] Plan: Lots of important conversations (Concerned Sister Version)
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Johanna Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Action] Investigate Your Harrenhal Dream
-[X] [Action] Study
--[X] Law
Anyway I am curious on what is Johanna opinion on the potential Rhaenyra matches. I think she would be against Laenor purely because of the rumors.
Huh, hadn't realized the connection. Well, at least she is slightly less homophobic against men than women (for all the wrong reasons, of course, but none of her reasons about this are right anyway), so she might not be as angry in his direction as she's in Jeyne's.

Although, that depends on whether she even knows Qoren is here about marriage - if she doesn't, like most people, then the topic has very little reason to come up. Rhaenyra is still 16, after all. And Johanna's health and the twins provide plenty of conversational topics.
Say, have we trained last turn? Reminder we decided to make Rhaneyra try becoming, the best warrior in the 7K which meant we gotta take a training action every other turn to not incur stress.