Numerous ravens flew between King's Landing and Sunspear, with several being sent towards Bloodstone as well as it quickly became apparent the best way to get from Sunspear to King's Landing would be passage through the Stepstones.
Eventually, to the surprise of most everyone in the Red Keep, Prince Qoren Martell of Dorne accepted your father's invitation to come visit King's Landing. Offically, it was simply a diplomatic effort to avoid Dorne allying with the Three Daughters, with only a select few even aware that you and your father were even considering a marriage alliance.
News of the Prince's pending arrival in King's Landing caused quite the stir in the Red Keep. While publicly your father maintained that he was the rightful overlord of Dorne, something all of his predecessors had done as well, in truth diplomacy with Rhoynar princedom was hardly rare. Dorne had even sent a delegate to observe the Great Council of 101. This was different though. This would be a ruling prince meeting with the king himself. The Last time a prince or princess of Dorne had even visited the capital was to make peace with Aegon the Conqueror over a century ago, and even that had only been an heir.
The Small Council itself remained conflicted on the matter. While all had been caught off guard by this sudden bold action from your father, something even you couldn't deny was rather unusual for him, few could deny his argument when he pointed out that a Dornish alliance with the Three Daughters would disrupt a massive amount of trade. Tyland Lannister in particular strongly supported the visit. As Master of Ships, the war in the Stepstones had taken up a vast majority of his focus and you could tell he had felt the king was ignoring the issue until now. The Hand remained skeptical, with Otto expressing doubts that any conversation with Dorne would accomplish anything, claiming the Prince would demand too much and deliver nothing in return.
On a personal level, Alicent was largely indifferent the news, expressing at best mild curosity at the Prince's pending arrival, but was mostly grateful that the Dornish were finally getting the palace staff to talk about anything other than the Queen's twins. The constant talk of babies and motherhood had been quite fustrating for your dear lady.
Ser Raylon on the other hand was a vastly different story. To his credit, he did his best to keep to the behavior expected of a kingsguard and generally kept silent about the affair. Though you could see the tension on his face, the stiffness in his back, his sour expression anytime the topic came up, and his curt words made it clear he was seething inside his armor. And if the servants rumors wer to be believed, the night the king announced Prince Qoren's visit, Ser Raylon shouted for so long and with so much passion in the White Sword Tower that he nearly passed out and the Lord Commander had to help him to a chair.
Before the Martells even arrived, another visitor would come to King's Landing. News of the Martell visit had kept Rhaenys in the city, and a week before the Martells were set to arrive, she announced that he son Laenor was off to join his father's war in the Stepstones and asked the king if her daughter Laena could stay with her until she returned home, unwilling to leave her daughter on Driftmark effectively alone. Your father of course granted her request.
Within two days, the skies over King's Landing grew dark as the great dragon Vhagar made her presence know. Vhagar was the oldest living dragon in the known world and it showed every bit of it's age. It's skin sagged greatly around it's neck and it's massive wings had numerous small holes in it's webbing. It's movements were far slower than what one would expect from a dragon, yet this did nothing to lessen how deadly she looked. Vhagar was one of the largest dragons since the Doom, second only to the Black Dread himself, so large that a lattice work of ropes extended from either side of her saddle, as that was the only way one could even hope of climbing such a massive warrior. Vhagar was a veteran of a hundred battles. Everything from pirates to castle keeps had been set alight by her flames.
Even to a political novice, it was clear the Velayrons were sending a message by having Laena come to the city. Vhagar was the last of the Conqueror's three dragons and a veteran of the First and Fourth Dornish wars. She had helped burn much of Dorne to ashes in the months following the death of the first Rhaenys, and she had put an end to Morion Martell's madness. There was no living person or dragon who could even dare claim to have spilled as much Dornish blood as Vhagar had.
A few days later, a small fleet of ships bearing the Sun and Spear appeared on the horizon. Soon enough you, your father, Princess Rhaenys, the Queen and her two daughters were waiting, along with a number of Kingsguard and minor nobles, to greet the visiting Prince.
You had decided to wear your armor for this occasion, as befitting a knight, and your father did not dispute it. You were quite pleased to be standing there in your black armor, cutting quite the handsome figure according to Alicent. It helped distract you from Aelora's presence. You did your best to ignore the girl as you stood there waiting, a task which proved notably easier than expected as you found your gaze focused on her twin instead. For a babe of four months, Helaena was looking distinctly large, closer to a toddler than a infant. Gossip around the keep was that Helaena's growth had already attracted the attention of numerous maesters but nothing officially had been said on the subject.
The Prince stepped out off his ship surrounded by guards carrying heavy spears and shields with a sunbursts painted on them, the armor covered in brightly covered clothing, mainly oranges and yellows. Though it was not obvious at a glance, he seemed to have quite a few women among his guards. The man himself cut a slim figure, but not a meek one, his energetic smile making the cloudy day feel just a bit brighter before even spoke.
Qoren Martell looked barely a man grown with his smooth chin. His hair was dark and filled with curls. He smelled strongly of spices and perfume, though not to the point of overblowing. His attire was fancier verison of his guards attire, with numerous patterns stitched into the fine silks.
You could swear you heard Ser Raylon muttered something about a fop under his breath, but no one else seemed to notice.
Behind Qoren was a small entourage of various Dornish ladies and lords with armsmen holding their banners. You saw sigils for house Qorgyle, Dayne, Fowler and Santagar behind the prince. It wasn't a huge delegation, but it was still considerable for such a quickly arranged meeting. The Kingsguard announced the king and the prince's guard did the same in turn. After that, your father and Qoren made their formal greetings, neither bowing to the other.
After that Qoren did a lot to win favor with you by asking if you preferred to go by Ser Rhaenyra or Princess Rhaenyra. Protocol and status demanded you ask him to call you princess, but you couldn't help but smile at his charm.
After that, you spent the night feasting with Dornish and discovered their food was even spicier than the rumors warned you. Beesbury looked like he was on the verge of death and Lyonel quietly pushed aside his food, but you kept going. The spice was a challenge, and you were not one to shy away from the challenge. You went to bed sweating and unable to feel your tongue, but you were pretty sure the prince was impressed by your determination.
The following day would mostly be tours the city and various efforts to show off and one up the Dornish, but soon enough the real work would begin. Your father hoped to prevent Dorne from joining the Three Daughters in the war against your uncle Daemon. You however had prehaps the much more important task. You had to get the measure of Qoren Martell, figure out just what kind of man he was and what kind of Husband he would be. Figure out if marriage, and thus unification with Dorne, was worth all the headache that would be involved or even possible at all.
Fourth Season, 114 AC
Two Free Actions: Free Action allows to make additional Conversations or Action per turn (For example 3 Conversations and 3 Actions, or 4 Conversations and 2 Actions). However, using both on Actions creates Stress from Rhaenyra being overworked and further reduces the effectiveness of Relaxing.
Each turn is 3 months, though this may change as the quest goes on. You can pick either from the options below for your tasks or use write-in actions after QM approval. Please use plan voting for turn votes.
Conversations (Pick Two)
[] [Conversation] Speak with Viserys
While you have little to say to your father right now you may have something to say to him after speaking with the Prince or someone else
[] [Conversation] Speak with Qoren Martell
The Prince of Dorne. It's barely a secret that the main reason he even came out to King's Landing was his interest in a possible marriage with you. Just who was this young ruler of Dorne and why did he suddenly take interest in marrying into his house's longtime rival? Before you could even consider any sort of marriage offer you needed to get to know this man first. And if nothing else it would be very rude to ignore him after he traveled all this way.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
Your relationship with Alicent had changed, while neither of you had given up the knightly romance angle, in private things were becoming more intense, more passionate, even downright physical. You both enjoyed it and you certainly want to spend more time with her.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Otto Hightower
Otto seems skeptical of Qoren Martell, perhaps it would good to convince him that peaceful relations with Dorne, maybe even persuade him of the advantages of a Martell marriage. Or you could use the time to discuss a possible marriage with Gwayne instead.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne And Alicent
The Prospect of marriage hanged heavy over your relationship with Alicent. Your conversation with Gwayne reminded you how much a marriage could disrupt everything. Gwayne's marriage purposal offered a chance to keep that relationship intact and better protect Alicent. He promised the three of you would speak next chance you got, now would be a good time to see what she thought of the idea of you marrying her brother. You could also see what Gwayne thought of a possible marriage to Qoren. The Dornish were known for their tolerance of paramours and unusual relationships, perhaps that would ease his concerns.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
Your former sworn shield could probably give you some insight into what's been happening around the Red Keep while you were gone and how people at court are reacting to the Dornish visit.
[] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
You should really check up on the Queen and see how she's doing, see how your father had fared while you were gone. But you knew visiting her would mean dealing with her children, the twins everyone insisted on calling your half-sisters. But the thought of being around them, around Aelora, made your skin crawl.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
Your sworn shield is decidely not happy about Qoren's visit. It may do well to try and calm him down. If that's even possible.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
The Master of Laws and Lord of Harrenhal. You had promised him you would start tutoring under him upon your return. Naturally you need to talk to him before this mentorship begins, figure out what he expects of you, and what you should expect from him. You should probably speak to him sooner rather than later but the arrival of the Martells would perhaps excuse another delay.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyman Beesbury
The Master of Coin. Beesbury is loyal, perhaps not as sharp as Lord Strong, but he is quiet loyal to your father. He apparently made a quite a bit of coin gambling on you as a mystery knight. Part of you is curious why he decided to play his faith in the Silver Falcon
[] [Conversation] Speak with Grand Maester Mellos
While your father assured you that he would make a full recovery in time, the loss of two fingers suggests that's very much not the case. Perhaps the Grand Maester could help you better understand the situation and lay your worries to rest.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Maester Orwyle
You couldn't help but notice that Maester Orwyle did not share your father's confidence in the Grand Maester's treatment. It seemed like he wanted to speak with you on the matter, perhaps it would do well to make time for him.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
With Lord Corlys and now Laenor himself in the Stepstones, the only person you could talk to about a possible marriage to Laenor Velaryon was his mother. She couldn't even begin to make the match for you, not that you would want her to. But she would be good for gauging her family's interest in such a union. And she could pass along your interest to her lord husband if you so desired.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Laena Velaryon
You cousin had changed a lot since you last saw her. No longer is she a little girl being used as a pawn in politics, she is now the same age as you were when you were made heir and the rider of the largest dragon alive. It might be good to catch up with her since you have the chance.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Isembard Arryn
While you are home sooner than expected, Isembard has been in King's Landing for a bit. That should have given him enough time to set up operations. It would do well to check up on him, see what his plans are for your joint venture, see if his gift for you is ready.
[] [Conversation] Write-in
Subject to QM approval, has to have a reasonable chance of being in King's Landing.
Actions (Pick Two)
[] [Action] Relax
While you have much to celebrate and feel great about, the birth of Johanna's twins weighs heavily on your mind. Perhaps you should take some time to yourself, read in the godswood, fly around with Syrax for fun, and just enjoy yourself for a while. It does seem like a waste of time but perhaps it could do you some good.
[] [Action] Investigate the Death of King Aenys
Most Maesters and other writers agree that Queen Visenya had poisoned her nephew, King Aenys, to allow her own son to take the throne. But you have already seen how much those same authors were willing to ignore Visenya's contributions and slander her already. Perhaps this is simply another case of slander. If you could prove that, it could improve Queen Visenya's reputation considerably and make a stronger argument for your own eventual rule.
[] [Action] Study Valyrian History with your Father.
The little you've learned already has proven of great value to your training with Syrax, and has brought a bit of joy into your father's life. Who knows what further research may uncover.
[] [Action] Train
You are one of the greatest wields of the blade of your age, that statement maybe more than little egotistical, but it is true regardless. Still, you are young, and there's always a chance for improvement
-[] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
--[] [Duel] Ser Steffon Darklyn
--[] [Duel] Steffon Redfort
--[] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
--[] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
[] [Action] Train with Syrax
While you have spent a fair amount of time flying on Syrax recently, you could do some training with her now, make sure she doesn't grow lazy now that she's back in the comfort of the Dragonpit. And now would be a good chance to show off in front of Both Laena and Qoren.
[] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
When your father and uncle were your age, they regularly went out of the King's Landing at night for all kinds of things. Naturally such things were forbidden to you as they were "unbefitting a princess" but as heir to the throne, shouldn't you have a chance to let loose and explore the city you'll one day rule? The arrival of numerous Dornish visitors has the city as a whole in a rather festive mood.
[] [Action] Request a Role in the City Watch
You know Lord Strong said it was all but impossible for you to acquire a roll in the City Watch, but that was before you became a knight. And while you've agreed to take training from Lord Strong to become the next Master of Laws, there's nothing wrong with exploring your options.
[] [Action] Figure Out How to Improve your Knowledge of Warcraft
As Lord Strong had pointed out, few could deny you were a skilled fighter, but you knew next to nothing about waging war, about tactics and strategy. And even now, your father and your tutors seem loathe to train you on the subject. There had to be a way for you to learn, to not just fight in combat, but one day lead men into battle if you must.
[] [Action] Work on Acquiring a Squire
You are a knight. A fully annointed knight. And while you were never a squire yourself, not formally anyways, there was nothing saying you could not have a squire of your own. A squire would give you a chance to both pass on what you've learned, and show the realm that your knighthood was more than just a title.
[] [Action] Investigate Your Harrenhal Dream
Your father's words have cooled your interest somewhat, but the events of Harrenhal and your dream there have still left you with numerous questions. Questions you very much want answered.
[] [Action] Study
There is always room to improve your education.
[] [Action] Work on Your Poetry
Your poetry so far has not been great, but your travels, particularly the Great Northern Tourney and that moment at the end with Alicent, have given you a great deal of inspiration to work with.
[] [Action] Harp Practice
You found quite a few reasons to enjoy your newfound hobby. Practice on the Harp soothes you through the long hours, impresses many at court, and your Lady Alicent greatly enjoys listening to it, it would do you well to practice some more.
[] [Action] Prepare for a Trip to Dragonstone
In the eyes of the crown you are an adult which means you have every right to rule Dragonstone in your own name if you wish. Normally you would barely give this any attention as you're still quite young and those running the island in your name are doing a fair job of it. But recently, you've realized a trip to Dragonstone would provide you the perfect excuse to get away from the politics of King's Landing, and spend some private time with Alicent. It would be quite rude to make a quick trip to Dragonstone now while Prince Qoren is visiting but perhaps you could persuade him to make an extend visit to your Ancestral Home?
[] [Action] Decide What to Do With Your Tourney Winnings
In the grand scheme of your holdings, your tourney winnings were very modest indeed. But they were your winnings, coin you earned through your deeds alone. And there was enough there that you could do a fair amount with those gold dragons.And now that you were back home, you could start doing something with them.
[] (Action) Write-in
Subject to QM approval
QMs Notes: So, to be clear you need to talk with Qoren if you want to advance any marriage talk with him, but doing so will not force you to marry him. You could easily talk with him and decide that path is not the one you want to take. Also to be clear, preparing for a Trip will give you options to either leave for a short trip this turn, or an extended trip next turn. Keep that in mind.