[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

[X] [Marriage] Speak to Viserys

I'll agree with all of these, but Dorne is fucking compelling alone right now. We will make enemies regardless, column a, column b in this case.
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

[X] [Marriage] Speak to Viserys

[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell

[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower
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Gwayne or laenor are the best options honestly. Both the others have their risks romantically and harwin would bring the least to the table politically while Qoren, just seems not worth it. We'd make a lot of enemies and he seems a little to politically shrewd while lakking corlys and otto's well known weakpoints.

[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

[X] [Marriage] Speak to Viserys
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[X] [Alicent] Spend Time in the Godswood

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

[X] [Marriage] Speak to Viserys
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
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[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

Fundamentally I want to speak to Rhaenys but I know it will not win, so <edit> not for now </edit> approval voting for speaking to Dad.

I have been voting to talk to Rhaenys for like 3 votes now 😭 I just want to talk to the girlboss. I mean I also want us to marry her son, but I also just want to talk to like the second coolest woman in this time period, with some stiff competition for that title
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Breakbones or the Prince of Dorne seem the best to me, Rhae seems to favour Harwyn and is the one that would make her the most happy based on what we know while Dorne is a massive political win and brings 2 kingdoms into the fold, even if we have to work out kinks down the line about succession, maybe it would be best if we let his uncle or brother inherit to preserve our Dragon monopoly but that comes with its own issues.
Yes, in theory it is Viserys' decision in the end, but he has given us free hand, and I see no reason to doubt him there. So going to him might be a bit superfluous. And, as others have noted before, while he is forbearing, generous and well-intended, he is not the most astute political observer, and honestly, I even doubt his expertise in interpersonal matters, too.

And this would be the opportunity to talk to Rhaenys without an extra action necessary. While I am really beginning to favour Gwayne here, rather than Laenor, it would be good to know where Rhaenys stands with us in general. We may not be able to ask bluntly, but as Raylon noted to us... why hasn't she unleashed her dragons on Viserys?

And finally, as to the matter, seeing our fief might be a worthwhile proposition in its own right.

[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

Though Laenor does remain my #2 option. If we do entangle succession lines and family names, which personally I hate, then at least do it with the option that gives us dragons. That part of the equation still stands.
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[X] [Marriage] Speak to Viserys
-[X] Speak to Viserys and Otto together
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell

These two options seem fun. I would love the Defiant one because that is always very amusing.
[X] [Alicent] A Night On the Town (Alicent May refuse. If she does, next most voted for option will be taken instead.)
I choose this because I wanted to see how Alicent refuse.
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
Our personal demesne will be a great choice for private date.

[X] [Steffon] Urge Him to Seek Some Other Role in King's Landing
I believe he is too inflexible while having a right heart

Speak to Viserys
I agree speaking with Viserys is the most straightforward choice. But he is not the most brilliant political mind and this miss us a great chance to look for outside perspective. If Viserys have any great hindsight he will bring it to us. Consulting Viserys also let us miss a great chance to scout-consult Rhaenys before any political block solidify. Her point of view and advice would be priceless whether as understanding potential enemy or weaving non-marriage alliance.

[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
Consulting Rhaenys will be a greatly illuminating action. Rhaenys is level headed and not too ambitious. She is far enough from the political center to see the bigger picture and insider enough to know many important details. Especially important as she was our predecessor. Her position were remarkably similar to us. She also choose romance and after long marriage have the hindsight of age to give candid advice regarding its merit to us.
Right now is especially the great time to seek Rhaenys advice as any political block hasn't been formed yet and any intention is only pre-planning.

Edit* For another longshot and following our defiance!
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell
Alicent mainly as it may solve one of my main objection to Gwayne that is possible Alicent discomfort with sharing a partner with her brother.
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower
Adding Alicent alone write in too.
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent Hightower
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[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
New Status: Getting Serious
Harp Practice Unlocked (Needs to Be Taken Every 4 Turns or risk Stress Gain)
Oh she be serious. Rhaenyra is the type of person to get stressed if she's not diligently practicing a relaxing hobby and I adore her.
Apparently he was under the impression that fighting on dragonback was a lot like fighting on horseback, just with flying added to the mix.

Even more confusingly, he knew of his half-sister's preference for women, and while your were glad to see he seemed to take no issue with that, you were quite bewildered to see him in the very next breath declare that your cousin Jeyne could not possibly like girls and he hoped his half-sister would stop "uselessly pining after her," and find a lady who returned her interest
But oddly I hit serious Writer's block writing him in King's Landing, so I ended up having to basically summarize, I apologize.
For what it's worth, Steffon's section made me laugh out loud! What a delight.

I admit I'm so so SO tempted to just write to Qoren, his section of the update was delicious. I stan a man who doesn't even imply "...for a woman" when he gives praise. And the neat balance between coming forth with open arms and drawing boundaries! Aaaaaaa.

That said, better to speak to dad before making any decisions. Not just because he has the ultimate authority on this, but because he's our loving and supportive dad, he's really trying to get us to win in life, and when he was getting married we came forth with honesty and information, so I think he'll have a decent attitude about this (and the mirroring is pleasing).

[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[] [Marriage] Speak to Viserys
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

...I'm still putting that here, because I want, and because I want my want to be at least a footnote in the tally xD

Edit: wait fuck no I forgot I've been wanting to hear Alicent's opinion, that's more important than dad's at this early stage. Also, the arguments for talking to Rhaenys convinced me that there's valuable insights to be gained even if we don't marry Laenor.
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Fundamentally I want to speak to Rhaenys but I know it will not win, so approval voting for speaking to Dad.
I advice blanking your Viserys vote first then as he is the leading winner right now and would probably win without your vote. But your vote for Viserys will nullify your vote for Rhaenys as long as he is the leading winner.
Seeing people voting for Rhaenys makes my day <3
I advice blanking your Viserys vote first then as he is the leading winner right now and would probably win without your vote. But your vote for Viserys will nullify your vote for Rhaenys as long as he is the leading winner.
Its a fair point, I might take it out and only put it in if an option I dislike is winning
I know it is most unusual for the Prince of Rhoynar to write to the Valyrian King of the Andals and First Men,

Even in a letter of peace, Qoren feels the need to needle the Targaryen king. He isn't even styled "Prince of the Rhoynar", and it is something he would not have needed to bring up...

I mean, yeah, I guess he needed to stress it's not a submission, but it's still a kinda funny detail.

Dorne is a massive political win and brings 2 kingdoms into the fold,
Wellll. More like a kingdom and a large lordship. Yes, Daemon called himself King of the Stepstones, but that just denotes sovereignty, having no liege above you. The Stepstones really aren't large in terms of landmass. Still, I suppose the temptation there would be over-exceeding canon. For some reason even after securing Dorne, the 7K never made efforts to secure the Stepstones. Even after fighting an entire war on it, too. Maybe they thought having a romantic pirates' hideout was just a necessary part of the setting or whatever.
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

If Corlys can not be an asshole Leanor is by far the best option (Dorne is highest POTENTIAL, but actually getting that is extremely unlikely unless the guy is an idiot) so talking to the woman who is the best dragon rider alive, can make Corlys not be an asshole, and controls two other dragons is a must.

And between Rhaenys and Leana I think it's fully possible to get it as a matrilineal marriage so Leanor and any kids take the Targ name and either Laena gets Drfitmark, like seriously, Laenor isn't powerhungry, I don't think he'd be bothered giving it up to his sister to be KING and between him, Rhaenys and Leana they could convince Corlys, or one of the younger kids inherits and takes the name

(fucking hell heirs aren't a problem, it's really not hard to get a gay guy to...donate....to the process)

Leana getting Driftmark would also neatly axe any chance of her marrying Daemon (dude would NOT give up his name) - there's plenty of second/third+ sons around who could take the Velaryon name.

People really seem to just....ignoring...the fact that if Daemon marries Laena then that's it, Rhae stands absolutely no chance against 4 dragons.

So even if she doesn't marry Leanor in the end creating/strengthening a relationship with Rhaenys is vital to make sure the Vaelyron and Deamon don't align.

You guys have voted against doing literally anything with them EVERY TIME.

If you guys just completely fucking ignore them don't be surprised when Corlys decides to bury the hatchet with Daemon and decide "hey-ho, I hate the fucker but he gets me royal grandchildren and Rhaenyra seems to want to completely fucking ignore us soooo"
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Ideally you would speak or write to them all in time, the only question is who would you talk to First.
Question does this mean that there will be more chance to discuss with these people? Or will we try to speak with more of these people in this same turn?

If there will be more chances in the future, Viserys will drop on the practical ranking list. He is our ride or die father. He will always be honest about his opinion about fiancee with us and His political situation won't change drastically too. But the fluctuating outside political bloc advice from the like of Qoren or even Rhaenys will be harder to ascertain directly the further the political situation develop.

OOC I am conflicted on the sentimental or affectionate value in asking Viserys regarding our marriage. Whose understanding of romance and matrimony include killing our mother and trying to steal our childhood companion. Political value as King and Heir in regard to realm alliance, yes. As teacher and student, yes. But not as fountain of successful marriage. He doesn't even ask our advice in regard to second marriage. His only Child that he just invested as Heir. We must beg him not to marry Alicent.

Even in a letter of peace, Qoren feels the need to needle the Targaryen king. He isn't even styled "Prince of the Rhoynar", and it is something he would not have needed to bring up...
oh lmao I didn't even notice in my rush to read

"Gentle reminder that you do not, in fact, rule my people. Here is an idea of how this might be changed..."
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell

You guys have voted against doing literally anything with them EVERY TIME.

If you guys just completely fucking ignore them don't be surprised when Corlys decides to bury the hatchet with Daemon and decide "hey-ho, I hate the fucker but he gets me royal grandchildren and Rhaenyra seems to want to completely fucking ignore us soooo"
We tried to do something with him with the Laena marriage. He decided to be a stubborn asshole. So fuck him.
And between Rhaenys and Leana I think it's fully possible to get it as a matrilineal marriage so Leanor and any kids take the Targ name and either Laena gets Drfitmark, like seriously, Laenor isn't powerhungry, I don't think he'd be bothered giving it up to his sister to be KING and between him, Rhaenys and Leana they could convince Corlys, or one of the younger kids inherits and takes the name
That would be a hard sell with Harwin Strong, a guy who has a younger brother. I'm positive that it'd be damn near impossible to sell to Corlys. Remember, he already spurned a genuine offer to marry Laena to Viserys when she's an adult, do you really think that a prideful man like that would ever agree to un-Velaryon the children of his heir?
(fucking hell heirs aren't a problem, it's really not hard to get a gay guy to...donate....to the process)
They're enough of a problem that canon Rhaenyra just ate the reputation loss instead. Honestly, fucking off to Essos to secretly find a similar looking enough boy would probably be less stressful than trying with Laenor. It's not impossible, but it is undeniably a problem.
If you guys just completely fucking ignore them don't be surprised when Corlys decides to bury the hatchet with Daemon and decide "hey-ho, I hate the fucker but he gets me royal grandchildren and Rhaenyra seems to want to completely fucking ignore us soooo"
Worth remembering that they're fighting a war together, and there are two things that tend to make people friends:
1. A common enemy
2. Fighting a war together
And the stepstones are providing 1 & 2, and if we keep on pissing of Corlys I worry that we also provide 2.

Like, a Laenor marriage is both strategically useful it also helps unravel some clusterfucks of the succession.

One of the simplest rules in "political marriages for nobles 101" is that if you're inheriting something and your claim / succession is a little dodgy (and lets not lie, our inheritance is breaking the old rules) marry someone else with a good claim to make you and your heirs better claimants. And Rhaeny's / her line have the best claim of anyone other than our uncle or (future) half-siblings

Like do not get me wrong I am curious about what-ifs of marrying others, but there are just so many good reasons to marry Laenor, and at most two reasons against it (question of getting preggers, and question of whether Corlys will be overbearing or a powerful ally). No one brings as much to the table (three dragons!!! and a stronger claim) and most have equal or worse downsides.

They're enough of a problem that canon Rhaenyra just ate the reputation loss instead.
I am a ride or die canon black fanboy with a huge crush on Rhaenyra and even I can admit that canon Rhaenyra was stubborn and unwilling to bend. I do not think she even considered an option other than the "natural" way and if Laeonr was saying no then she was more than happy to find herself a willing donor
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That would be a hard sell with Harwin Strong, a guy who has a younger brother. I'm positive that it'd be damn near impossible to sell to Corlys.

Corlys doesn't have dragons, though. A marriage without Laenor's father's leave would probably bring our father a year closer to his grave, sparking a feud between houses, but it would be one possible option. The Velaryons may, right now, be the second most powerful house of the realm, but we don't care too greatly about their strength at sea or their legendary wealth (eclipsing even that of the royal house or the Lannisters) - we care about the dragons.

They're enough of a problem that canon Rhaenyra just ate the reputation loss instead. Honestly, fucking off to Essos to secretly find a similar looking enough boy would probably be less stressful than trying with Laenor. It's not impossible, but it is undeniably a problem.
Lys specifically. They have people with the Valyrian phenotype there still, plentiful enough that you can even find them in the city's famed brothels. So, given that it is Lys, probably male courtesans as well. But that would be a headache and a half in itself. Like, we aren't talking about a mechanical inseminator. That would be a person in his own right, with all that comes with that, with access to some of our deepest secrets. By that very nature, even a male courtesan would be a potential power player then.
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