(I reversed the order of the options because it was easier for me to write out them this way. the top option is option 2, the bottom option is option 1)
Option 2
It has similarities to Bai Suzhen, we saw in her interlude how she frames an argument to a sword fight.
Shenhua also weilds Truth as a weapon, so it's funny that people say this is the 'more hui' insight, since half of it is anti-hui.
That said, this insight slightly hui.
In this insight, the first step is creating an ideal, then you convince people of it.
Unifying people by creating an Ideal and convincing people to follow it is very Palace of One, and so very Hui. However, it's also very Shenhua (or very Linqin), it's literally how they won the revolution.
Linqin also once mentioend that the Hui weilded apathy, affection, and cruelty as weapons, not lies or truth.
It might be a stretch, but it pushes this insight to be slightly less hui.
(idk the quest chapter, Threads 228-Pronouncement 2 - Forge of Destiny )
Option 1
This one, I'm on the fence on, mainly because I am not sure how Ideals fit into it.
We just had a chapter explaining how an Ideal was the only thing strong enough to defeat primal nightmares.
And this insight seems to not contain anything about ideals.
Perhaps that's fine.
If we need Ideals, then another insight or concept can incorperate it.
I also doubt we'll be fighting primal nightmares any time soon, so maybe it's not needed at all.
Lastly, maybe this is just a surface level observation, but this insight (option 1) also seems, slower.
We start with how reality is right now, and carve away at it, chip by chip.
If we want to change something NOW, then, this insight seems less effective.
For example, if we wanted to start a revolution, showing our ideal, and gathering allies who agree with us is the way to go (aka, option 2). The reality that your own families will turn you in if your support of the rebellion becomes known is, hidden, ignored, and, with option 2, done so easily.
If that reality is our starting point, convincing people to join you becomes very hard. For those you do convince, their loyalty will likely be stronger, so slower does not mean weaker, but the point still stands.
But we're not starting a rebellion against the hui, we're rebelling agains Shenhua, so perhaps, this too is fine.
Shu Yue's quote comes back to me as I write this.
Option 1 I'm undecided how I feel about.
I don't think it's safer, or 'less hui'. If you're 'carving' reality, you can't really 'uncarve' it.
In that way, option 2 at least incorperates the potential dangers in the insight.
I'm just really not sure how Option 1 would be used.
Option 2
This one is thematically really cool.[ ] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
-this insight leans toward idealism. It is more concerned with the formation of ideals than directly affecting 'facts' on the ground, with a slightly cautious edge toward the danger of the tool you're wielding
It has similarities to Bai Suzhen, we saw in her interlude how she frames an argument to a sword fight.
Shenhua also weilds Truth as a weapon, so it's funny that people say this is the 'more hui' insight, since half of it is anti-hui.
That said, this insight slightly hui.
In this insight, the first step is creating an ideal, then you convince people of it.
Unifying people by creating an Ideal and convincing people to follow it is very Palace of One, and so very Hui. However, it's also very Shenhua (or very Linqin), it's literally how they won the revolution.
Linqin also once mentioend that the Hui weilded apathy, affection, and cruelty as weapons, not lies or truth.
It might be a stretch, but it pushes this insight to be slightly less hui.
(idk the quest chapter, Threads 228-Pronouncement 2 - Forge of Destiny )
Option 1
[ ] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
-this insight is meant to lean more toward materialism as was correctly speculated. It is concerned primarily with the intersection where understanding allows and pushes the alteration of material reality
This one, I'm on the fence on, mainly because I am not sure how Ideals fit into it.
We just had a chapter explaining how an Ideal was the only thing strong enough to defeat primal nightmares.
And this insight seems to not contain anything about ideals.
Perhaps that's fine.
If we need Ideals, then another insight or concept can incorperate it.
I also doubt we'll be fighting primal nightmares any time soon, so maybe it's not needed at all.
Lastly, maybe this is just a surface level observation, but this insight (option 1) also seems, slower.
We start with how reality is right now, and carve away at it, chip by chip.
If we want to change something NOW, then, this insight seems less effective.
For example, if we wanted to start a revolution, showing our ideal, and gathering allies who agree with us is the way to go (aka, option 2). The reality that your own families will turn you in if your support of the rebellion becomes known is, hidden, ignored, and, with option 2, done so easily.
If that reality is our starting point, convincing people to join you becomes very hard. For those you do convince, their loyalty will likely be stronger, so slower does not mean weaker, but the point still stands.
But we're not starting a rebellion against the hui, we're rebelling agains Shenhua, so perhaps, this too is fine.
Shu Yue's quote comes back to me as I write this.
"The Young Miss and her shadow were born of the world which had come after, and so they were less hard, less violent. Softer. Many called this weakness, that the youth, unknowing of hardship, would bring ruin.
The child born in the dark knew better. That was the secret they had been given at the feet of the star. It was not enough to destroy the wicked for they, too, were wicked in their way.
Their replacements would be better."
So yeah, the top option (option 2) feels more effective, more useful, to me. It feels like, mechanically, the stronger choice.The child born in the dark knew better. That was the secret they had been given at the feet of the star. It was not enough to destroy the wicked for they, too, were wicked in their way.
Their replacements would be better."

Threads Interlude: Faceless - Forge of Destiny
Once, there was a child who lived in the roots of the great World Tree. In the wondrous city of dreams, ruled by the Lord of Heavenly Lies, they lived (...)

Option 1 I'm undecided how I feel about.
I don't think it's safer, or 'less hui'. If you're 'carving' reality, you can't really 'uncarve' it.
In that way, option 2 at least incorperates the potential dangers in the insight.
I'm just really not sure how Option 1 would be used.
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