Im really wanting to squire-maxx soon, I think it'd be a helpful in-roads with some noble houses....

also seriously why do people keep wanting to talk to steffon its so unserious

[X] Plan: Marriagemaxxing and Studymaxxing With Synergy
Ehh. I suppose so, even if it's rather redundant now since we've arrived back in kingslanding and my whole reason for pushing for this was to have a justification other than our good relationship with Jeyne for giving him a position of importance. Amazing how insisting we can interact with him later every time he came up as vote option didn't pan out.
I don't suppose anyone wanted to admit to themselves that our progress could be cut short. I certainly didn't. But per the text of his option, Steffon hasn't been presented to the Small Council yet so we still have a last sliver of time.
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[X] Plan: Marriagemaxxing and Studymaxxing With Synergy

Approval voting for the plan involving Redfort (who we hadn't talked to once yet)
[X] Plan Without An Exciting Name
[X] Plan Without An Exciting Name
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Viserys
--[X] Bring up Harrenhal and Aelora
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Steffon Redfort
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Action] Look into Marriage Options
-[X] [Action] Study Music
Hmm, I guess I'll vote for this one merely because I think we should talk to Redfort.

[X] Plan Without An Exciting Name
The choice between Without an Exciting Name on the one hand and Marriagemaxxing and Studymaxxing on the other is essentially between closing out old business from the Progress (talking to Gwayne about Alicent in light of the Great Northern Tourney's revelations; and keeping up appearances while restaffing the City Watch with Steffon), and embarking on our campaign for the Master of Laws seat (by talking with Lynel and beginning our apprenticeship in his subject). Those really are the only two planks on which the plans differ. And it is probably better policy and definitely more in tune with the big character choice we just made to prefer concluding old business over opening new business.

In particular, we should talk with Gwayne about Alicent, and quickly, even if we have no intention of romancing him, because if we let him stew long enough to turn against us, he could make our life very difficult, by telling his father what he knows or by blackmailing us.

I would in particular urge the voters who have approval-voted for both Without an Exciting Name, and Marriagemaxxing and Studymaxxing, to pick one (and to pick Without an Exciting Name) for these reasons.
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[X] Plan Without An Exciting Name

Talking to Gwayne is an absolute must and cannot be deferred any further. The best time was a couple turns ago, the next best is now - especially now that Otto's cheesed. Better not piss off the whole Hightower family.
[X] Cassie Planning Adventure
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Grand Maester Mellos
-[X] [Action] Look into Marriage Options
-[X] [Action] Figure Out How to Improve your Knowledge of Warcraft
-[X] [Action] Study Music
[X] Plan Without An Exciting Name
Gwayne is my preference

[X] Plan: Dragon Dreams
is my favorite

[X] Plan With Exciting Dreams and a Duel
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[x] plan how about them apples!!!
[x] [Conversation] Speak with Viserys
-[x] Bring up Harrenhal and Aelora
[x] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
[x] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
[x] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
[x] [Action] Relax
[x] [Action] Train with Syrax
It would bad ass if we can teach Syrax to do a barrel roll!

[x]Plan Marriage Options, Hightowers and Studying
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[X] Plan: Marriagemaxxing and Studymaxxing With Synergy
I like that this one has an equal balance of actions and conversations. It's a minor preference, but when both leading plans are fine, this one is the one I'll go with.