Oh right I did say we should talk to Gwayne.
Still not convinced we need to talk to Steffon at all, though. Hmmm...
[X] Plan: Unstressful Studying
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Steffon Redfort
-[X] [Action] Investigate the Death of King Aenys
-[X] [Action] Study Valyrian History with your Father.
-[X] [Action] Study Music

Get some time in with Alicent, get to know Steffon before we put him up for the city watch, and ask Lyonel about our study plan going forward. As for actions, spend some time studying with Viserys, which will hopefully soothe the ruffled feathers from knighting us and maybe teach us something useful, finally finish studying Aenys' death, and get started on learning music to get a method of stress reduction that won't irritate the diligent trait.
[X] Plan: Family Matters

-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower

You all know why I put this here, cmon, she's our Lady.

-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne Hightower

We really should speak to him about Alicent, and he's a good tie to Otto even if we don't marry him.

-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

Mayhaps we an get some insight into Daemon and the Velaryons actions, or maybe even see how Rhaenys feels now that we've been given an honor such as knighthood.

-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Steffon Redfort

Been putting it off so long, please let's finally do this, especially now that we're Diligent.

-[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City

Maybe you guys don't remember, but there was something interesting going on in the city before we left for our Progress, and whatever it was is still there.

-[X] [Action] Look into Marriage Options

The Thread has been debating marriage options since the opening post, might as well get the ball rolling to finally resolve it and secure Rhaenyra's power base further.

Approval voting:
[X] Plan Without An Exciting Name
[X] Plan Scout Out The Inlaws
[X] Plan: Dragon Dreams
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[x]Plan Marriage Options, Hightowers and Studying
-[x] [Conversation] Speak with Viserys
--[X] Bring up Harrenhal and Aelora
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Action] Look into Marriage Options
-[X] [Action] Figure Out How to Improve your Knowledge of Warcraft
-[X] [Action] Study

I really do think we need to get onto that marriage business ASAP. We sort of do have a deadline.

Putting him in the city watch without ever having talked to him would be... weird and very blatantly us trading favors.
Certainly the latter, which however isn't that weird at all.
I feel like convo wise, we should talk to Gwayne because it was confirmed he figured out about us and Alicent. But we don't know his opinion on it IIRC. We at minimum need to figure out if there's bomb that needs defusing.
While we technically don't know exactly how he feels about RhAlicent shipping, we do have an inkling on how he feels.
You couldn't imagine the prim and proper Alicent thinking of you like that. Then again, she had been quiet affectionate before you took up the sword, and she utterly loathed the idea of marriage, much like Jeyne did. And she was always blushing around you.

No, that couldn't be possible. She couldn't, could she?

Gwayne laughed hard, holding his stomach as he tried to regain his composure.

"Are you mocking the Princess?" Ser Tarly said with a hand on his sword.

"No, no, I meant no offense," Gwayne said quickly as he recovered from his laughter. "I simply found myself bemused by the situation."

Plus, Gwayne seemed to have an understanding of Alicent's feelings. Not quite acceptance, but he didn't speak in disgust a least, only concern for what it could mean for her safety.

Gwayne considered your words for a moment.

"Those are serious words," he replied evenly. "One should not make an oath unless they intend to keep it."

"I do," you said as you met his gaze. "I may not be a knight, yet, but my word is my bond. This is not an oath I make lightly and it is one I will keep."

Gwayne smiled in satisfaction.
These are not the actions of a man who is categorically against gay princesses.
[X] Plan: Insert Punny Name Here
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Viserys
--[X] Bring up Harrenhal and Aelora
-[X] [Action] Figure Out How to Improve your Knowledge of Warcraft
-[X] [Action] Study
-[X] [Action] Study Music
-[X] [Action] Look into Marriage Options
[X] Plan: Star of Westeros
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Viserys
--[X] Bring up Harrenhal and Aelora
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Steffon Redfort
-[X] [Action] Figure Out How to Improve your Knowledge of Warcraft
-[X] [Action] Look into Marriage Options
-[X] [Action] Investigate Your Harrenhal Dream

There might be synergy in investigating Harrenhal Dream and talking to Viserys about it.

[X] Plan Marriage Options, Hightowers and Studying
[X] Plan: Unstressful Studying
[X] Plan Many Issues and Much discussion
[X] LOTS of important conversations, Music, and Harrenhal.
[X] Plan Dragon Dreams
[X] Plan Scout Out The Inlaws
[X] Plan Many Issues and Much discussion
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I will vote for literally any plan that involves talking to Rhaenys, so starting with
[X] Plan: Family Matters

EDIT: As per my oath:
[X] Plan Many Issues and Much discussion

But will have a think and put together my own plan

EDIT: replaced with my plan in a post further down thread
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[X] Plan Many Issues and Much discussion
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Viserys
--[X] Bring up Harrenhal and Aelora

-[X] [Action] Study
-[X] [Action] Investigate Your Harrenhal Dream
-[X] [Action] Study Valyrian History with your Father.

My logic is that we have a good opportunity to talk with Rhaenys here as the first dragon knight since her dead father.

Obviously we should spend some time with Alicent after being apart a long time while she was on the road.

The combination of Harrenhall investigation, Valyrian history, and talk with Viserys should make for a great opening into understanding what happened.

Aren't we supposed to become Lord strong's student and be tutored for the small council position lord of Laws? @Teen Spirit

I'll be looking over other options and considering approval votes.

[X] Plan Without An Exciting Name

[X] Plan With Exciting Dreams and a Duel
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[x] Azel

And approval voting

[X] Plan With Exciting Dreams and a Duel
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I really do think we need to get onto that marriage business ASAP. We sort of do have a deadline.
We got a firm deadline by Viserys and I don't think we should go the canon route and sour our relationship by ignoring it. Since the negotiations for all of this will take a while, we should get the ball rolling now.
Yeah, but that deadline is 3-4 years away, so we don't need to do this immediatelly...
Yeah, but that deadline is 3-4 years away, so we don't need to do this immediatelly...
The longer we push it out, the less time we have to get to know the candidates a bit, negotiate the marriage itself and deal with whatever other concerns and events crop up as a result of pursuing marriage.

This won't be done in a single turn.
Yeah, but that deadline is 3-4 years away, so we don't need to do this immediatelly...
Even if we wouldn't gain Diligent stress from putting things off, and even if SV couldn't be relied upon to put things off indefinitely til they become unignorable problems, we should still talk to Gwayne and Alicent about how the hell we intend to handle our marriage as soon as possible as a matter of plain and simple courtesy.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
[] [Action] Train with Syrax

I really really think these two are vital. A vast majority of the time if Rhaenyra is active on a battle, its gonna be using her giant murder lizard versus personally smashing heads in. While being fit likely helps with dragon riding, actual direct experience is vital.
The longer we push it out, the less time we have to get to know the candidates a bit, negotiate the marriage itself and deal with whatever other concerns and events crop up as a result of pursuing marriage.

This won't be done in a single turn.
It's also a show of good faith to our father, that we do indeed take our duties seriously and don't just do whatever we want to.