[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall.

[X] [Dream] Become an Exemplar of Knighthood.

[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training).
I just really don't get the appeal of spending the first twelve turns of a quest doubling down on becoming a Knight, only to quadruple down on it with the master a skill goal and tarly vote, when we should be focusing on training to become the Lord of laws and dealing with our prophecy trauma.

Oh. And seeking a husband, which tarly himself advised.
i dont think master a skill is abt prowess? its like anything i think. doubling down on our prowess would be becoming a legendry knight, which i still think is useful! I mean a circle of fucking cracked squires we've knighted who have all been trained by the Dragon-knight sounds awesome. our own fucking roundtable (would also make some easy and loyal kingsguard appointments :p)
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall.

[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
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[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall.
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)

Dealing with the dream, however we end up doing it, just seems way more interesting to me than getting even better with a sword. At least that's the skill I assume people are voting to master since we're very far off from mastering any other skill.
this is true but like, if we were trying to master prowess i think people would have chosen knight? i think people were pushing for law or military strategy with that dream
I've been convinced of the merits of reaching our Prowess plateau. Being the greatest warrior of the age is sufficient, we don't need to compare ourselves to corpses and men yet unborn.
i dont think master a skill is abt prowess? its like anything i think. doubling down on our prowess would be becoming a legendry knight, which i still think is useful! I mean a circle of fucking cracked squires we've knighted who have all been trained by the Dragon-knight sounds awesome. our own fucking roundtable (would also make some easy and loyal kingsguard appointments :p)
I mean, it would be difficult enough to master any of the other skills we might train in the best of circumstances, but with semi regular sword training currently in the lead for over achievement on sword skill, mastering anything else becomes really damn difficult. So you understand how the general assumption is that people are aiming for prowess, because two thirds of the vote currently winning create a combo suited for mastering prowess and detrimental to mastering other skills.
I mean, we had a vote and all about how to deal with the dream back then. The vote was to only tell Syrax. It makes sense to me that iur votes will determine our personality, and what we assume about the world. And apparently, by vote, we don't feel comfirtable telling our father about it.

Yes, I'd forgotten about the vote. That's rather important, yes. Although...

There's a difference between "this vague prophecy of some kind of doom would only worry him unnecessarily" and "oh shit oh fuck it's about my half-sister"
This. Now that Rhaenyra knows that this prophetic dream thing involves specific immediate family, she MIGHT reconsider a few things. In theory.

Then again, the vote was us, OOC, and we had a pretty good idea what the dream was about at the time as I recall.

I mean *Gestures at the absolute asskicking Rhaenyra delivered at the Tourney*
I am really curious to know how the dice for Rhaenyra's jousts played out mechanically and would really be interested to find out. Any chance of that being revealed?
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill

[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
Come on, this is so frustrating, literally closing out Prowess for the rest of the fucking Quest? What is that nonsense!

It's genuinely a frustratingly permanent decision in response to worries about short-medium term action crunch.
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No offense but that is absolute not how it came across. Maybe it would have if it was omniscient third person but Rhae got hurt and was desperately trying to stay on and was massively nervous through the whole thing (naturally) so her "kicking ass" was not how it was TO HER.
I think you're misremembering how that fight went
Rhaenyra got hurt by Criston Cole, not Unwin or Borros

Borros only went one round, he didn't land a hit Rhaenyra at all, whole she struck him so hard he nearly died

Unwin went two rounds, failed to land a hit both times
Rhaenyra injured him on the first pass (which made it so that he couldn't hold a shield properly anymore), and then dumped him into the dirt on the second, which left him in bad enough condition that he needed to be carted off the field on a stretcher

Cole was the one who nearly beat Rhaenyra, injuring her shoulder and very nearly knocking her off her horse
She had to squeak out a victory by landing a good enough hit to knock him from the saddle, since he was winning by points

Rhaenyra has defeated Ser Harwin Strong, who is generally considered the strongest knight in the seven Kingdoms, Kingsguard, a fair number of people at the Tourney, and a Shadowcat. There's an arguement to be made that she is the best fighter in Westeros at the moment.

Mechanics wise the only people better than her would be figures like Jamie Lannister at his peak and Barristan Selmy, and Barristan Selmy is a goddamn Anime man.
I voted for continuing to train Prowess because locking out further Improvement for the foreseeable future when we're only one tier away from Barristan Selmy level would feel bad

And 1 training action every 2 turns feels doable

Especially since Warrior Rhaenyra has the Strong trait, which was baked in from the outset
Choosing to not make Rhaenyra the greatest fighter she could be feels like betraying the character concept in that light

Yes, Rhaenyra is more than just a meathead jock, and she has other skills to develop and politicking to do
But it has been repeatedly established that being a Knight is one of the most important things in the world to Rhaenyra, and it's more than just a title or position she wants to achieve for the sake of it
It's a fundamental part of her identity
She wants to embody knighthood, the romanticism, honor and martial aspects, to the best of her ability, because it's who she is, who she always wanted to be

For Rhaenyra to just settle on her Prowess the very day she gets formally knighted feels wrong to me
It'd be fine if she really had just reached her peak and recognized it
But both her and Tarly actively acknowledge that she could still grow further

So her going "well the martial training was really just a means to an end to get formally knighted, I'm fine with where I am now" just doesn't sit right with me
Like, no, it wasn't just a means to an end, it's not just a matter of title and prestige, it's a core part of your character
It flies in the face of everything I know about you for you to say that you only bothered getting as good at combat as you did just to win one tournament, and now that it's over with you don't care to keep pushing your limits
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[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
Wizard posting just feels like a weird pull for Rhaenyra here, maybe if we went scholar but we're like, the martial knight character, it would feel so weird to rest on our laurels and stop training entirely and go looking for strage women lying in ponds and maybe distributing swords.
I mean we already have a specific cutoff date for when we get to use the magic sword that kind of low-key validates our claim to the throne. What would we do with another one?
I just really don't get the appeal of spending the first twelve turns of a quest doubling down on becoming a Knight, only to quadruple down on it with the master a skill goal and tarly vote, when we should be focusing on training to become the Lord of laws and dealing with our prophecy trauma.

Oh. And seeking a husband, which tarly himself advised.

I don't think most people voting "master a skill" want to master swordsmanship. If we wanted that the super-knight dream is the more logical one IMO. I think most people are voting that to master legalism or something. We want to start getting tutored by Lyonel.
Like, yeah, I'm sure that's the truly Diligent thing to do, to achieve precisely and exactly the goal and no further and just coast for the rest of our lives. Like, legit it doesn't have a time limit, it's just, "We're not going to ever raise Prowess again." Honestly fuck that.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
I don't think most people voting "master a skill" want to master swordsmanship. If we wanted that the super-knight dream is the more logical one IMO. I think most people are voting that to master legalism or something. We want to start getting tutored by Lyonel.
Being a Knight is more than just waving around a sword. It's chivalry, and taking a squire and opposing banditry and such. It's distinctly more diverse focus than just improving our ability to wield a sword, so it's not better for improving prowess than mastering a skill.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)

Look, while some may be satisfied with winning tourneys at 16, I want it so that between Syrax and Rhaenyra facing the dragon will be the safest option.
The idea that Rhaenyra can't revisit the question of "more Prowess training, Y/N" after this vote really shakes me up a bit, so I decided to withdraw my vote for "nah, we're good" without specifically voting for "go farther." Though given how close the vote is... I dunno.

I don't think most people voting "master a skill" want to master swordsmanship. If we wanted that the super-knight dream is the more logical one IMO. I think most people are voting that to master legalism or something. We want to start getting tutored by Lyonel.
I am pretty sure that if "master a skill" could be fulfilled by mastering swordsmanship it would auto-complete. You don't have to be the greatest person at a skill in all of Westeros to be a master of that skill; there are many masters of any given craft.

At this point Rhaenyra can beat probably any other knight in Westeros, in the sense of "sometimes she'd win even if there's a chance of her losing against some of the best." By any remotely reasonable standard of swordswomanship, that constitutes mastering the sword.

Like, yeah, I'm sure that's the truly Diligent thing to do, to achieve precisely and exactly the goal and no further and just coast for the rest of our lives.
I have to point out that we'd be "coasting" at a level of elite swordswomanship so excellent that the number of equals we have on the entire continent may well be in the single digits. Like, if an NBA player accepts that they're going to be a valued NBA player but they're not going to be the next generation's LeBron James, is that really "coasting?"
I mean, it would be difficult enough to master any of the other skills we might train in the best of circumstances, but with semi regular sword training currently in the lead for over achievement on sword skill, mastering anything else becomes really damn difficult. So you understand how the general assumption is that people are aiming for prowess, because two thirds of the vote currently winning create a combo suited for mastering prowess and detrimental to mastering other skills.
I jus think locking out prowess is kind of silly, and it one action evey two turns its not a big tax to make sure we're like, a fucking god at personal combat (you'll also noteim shilling for best knight)
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Went back amd edited my vote; I am now on the 100% Knight train.

Also, fuck does this thread move fast. I can barely kerp up with the debates over votes
Like, yeah, I'm sure that's the truly Diligent thing to do, to achieve precisely and exactly the goal and no further and just coast for the rest of our lives. Like, legit it doesn't have a time limit, it's just, "We're not going to ever raise Prowess again." Honestly fuck that.
Come on, this is so frustrating, literally closing out Prowess for the rest of the fucking Quest? What is that nonsense!

It's genuinely a frustratingly permanent decision in response to worries about short-medium term action crunch.
Hey, the QM has confirmed that Rhaenyra is already the best fighter of Westeros, so I have no problem whatsoever to say..."Yeah we are already good enough at this, time to focus on something else"

Really, trying to go beyond and become a Barriastan Selmy, is more OCD than anything else at this point...
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[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)