[X] Plan Namedrop Convos
"Well, some of that has happened here. Madoka, Homura and Sayaka are all summoners, but they got their summoning program from a guy named Stephen." You explain happily.
"Oh, you have him here too?" Yuki asks, "Yeah, he did the same thing for Kaname and Miki where I come from."
"Yeah, and Uncle was pretty peeved with me after I told him. He thought I was trying to "build an army", when I was really trying to help people defend themselves." You continue a little, "You should probably talk to this world's Homura, though!"
Yuki crosses his arms, "Not a terrible idea..." He nods slightly, "...I could do that, get a run-down on--?"
"Actually, I do have a question!" You accidentally interrupt Yuki, "How'd you get your Magatsuhi form without fighting the Fiends? I only figured it out after I watched Matador absorb Magatsuhi."
"Oh, Walters entered a "Proto-Nahobino" State and did it, letting excess fall to the wayside. I just absorbed what was left, and killed her." Yuki says, casual as ever.
"I'm sorry, "Proto-Nahobino"?" Shoji pipes up, "I thought it was "you're either a Nahobino or you're not"."
"That's how it usually is, yeah," Yumi explains more in-depth, "But since Walters's soul was stuck in a gem, it fucked up the union of beings. They were essentially stuck as a "Half Witch Half God" monstrosity. Really ugly, by the way. You threw up."
"...I feel like that's the appropriate response to seeing that." Shoji nods.
"Probably," Yuki shrugs, "But I still gave you shit for it."
"Wait, we're getting a little off topic." Kohaku interjects, "Yumi, you were talking about those skeleton guys, right?"
"The Fiends?" You ask, "Oh, yeah! We were! Uncle Raido said he knew about 'em, and Dante seemed to recognize them, too. In any case, they know more than I do."
"...Who the hell is Dante?" Yuki asks, clearly confused.
"Just another difference between our timelines, I guess!" You pat him on the shoulder as you lean forward, "Anyhow, did you ever have to deal with Eris and Athena gunning for--?"
"Oh, fuck, she's here?" Yuki groans, "Eris is a bitch, but Athena? She's a piece of work. Athena is a spoiled brat of a goddess who constantly underminds even her own allies because "I know best, mortal"! I never let her search for her other half because I had her pegged as a traitor from the moment she said "I'vE USe fOR yOu, mORTal"." He mocks her tone (you think. You've never met her), "Seriously. She's a tool."
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