[X] Plan: Cerberi of Obscurus.
-[X] Luna Wolves: Prideful and powerful in equal measure, the gene-seed of the Luna Wolves, who once bore the name of the Sons of Horus, has always been of excellent stock, with the biggest problem being mostly political in the form of their tendency to... well. To be blunt, a significant number of them are the spitting image of the Arch-Heretic. Sadly, in this day and age that political problem is an immense one - and very difficult to actually deal with.
--[X] 2 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed.
--[X] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seed.
-[X] Sarzaz: A death world of varying climate, with deserts, tundra, jungle, forest, ocean, grassland, and more to be found. The weather is not exceptionally terrible, but the murderous wildlife is as varied as it comes.
--[X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
Well. That's... certainly one way of dealing with having Lupercal's face. Not exactly one you agree with, but you honestly could have seen them doing far worse. Indeed, you can even think of multiple other Chapters with far more concerning hang-ups than this!
Take the First Legion… sorry, the Dark Angels, for example. They've been pretty obviously compensating for some of their number going traitor for a while now. All of that secrecy, the insistence on having communications and deals with every one of their Successors, the constant dropping their tasks to deal with some matter or another... honestly, you're more surprised you seem to be the only one who's figured out they've been trying to hunt down traitors of the Lion's bloodline!
...And causing people the Imperium over even more headaches in the process, but you got used to people making your life harder centuries ago.
Current Traits
-Immolation: The Chapter's Marines…. More or less melt their faces off in an attempt to rid themselves of the visage of the Arch Traitor. Many Battle Brothers require cybernetics to maintain combat efficiency, or even survive after the process.
-Astartes Exemplars (Legendary): Marines from this Chapter are among the very best, even by Space Marine standards. Woe be to the foe that faces them in battle, for they are the Angels of Death, and they know no fear.
-Decapitation Strikes: The Marines of this Chapter are masters at locating and killing enemy leadership and champions.
-Commander Killers (Legendary): More so than any other, this Chapter has adopted and perfected the art of killing enemy leadership, beit before, during, or after a battle.
-Ultrabears: The Chapter has tamed some of the fierce Ultrabears of Sarzaz, creatures in possesion of immense size, the power to fight Warhound Scout Titans as equals, and an immune/digestive system so potent they can fight on Tyranid or Nurgle infested battlefields and get away with eating their opponents. Your mind boggles at how they pull that one off, but pull it off they have.
-Skirmishers: The Marines of this Chapter are immensely skilled in skirmishes and other small scale confrontations.
[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.
[ ] Write in chapter symbol.
[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).
Normal Training Options
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.
[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.
[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines, the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.
[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or polearms however.
[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
[ ] Apothecaries: This Chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks, greatly improving the health of the Chapter overall and raising the odds of Marines surviving severe injuries.
[ ] Techmarines: This Chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.
[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
[ ] Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.
[ ] Artillery Masters: The Chapter are masters at employing artillery in times of war, both on offense and defense.
[ ] Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
[ ] Terminator Training: The Marines of this Chapter are supremely skilled in using the legendary Tactical Dreadnought Armour, more commonly known as Terminator Armor.
[ ] Space Hulk Operations: Through extensive practice, the Marines of this Chapter are masters at fighting in the unique conditions of Space Hulks.
[ ] Elite Assault Marines: The Assault Marines of this Chapter are a cut above the average, quite literally. Their greater skill offers enhanced fast assault and close quarters ability to the Chapter as a whole.
[ ] More Champions: This Chapter has more Champions than most can claim.
[ ] Law: This Chapter has a greater understanding of the Imperium's laws and regulations than normal, excellent for dealing with corrupt governors and foolish Inquisitors alike.
Normal Equipment Options
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
[ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders of various Patterns, granting them a more capable fast attack force.
[ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average, expanding their capability in hit and run tactics.
[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.
[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
[ ] Extra Whirlwinds: This Chapter has access to more Whirlwind missile artillery tanks than the average, giving them superior mobile artillery support.
[ ] Extra Vindicators: This Chapter has great numbers of Vindicator assault guns than most, excellent for shattering enemy defenses.
[ ] More Stalkers: The Chapter has additional platforms of the Stalker anti-aircraft vehicle, which is obviously useful when fighting enemies with a heavy reliance on air power.
[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.