Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I mean, most 1 dot charms we could buy would be excellencies
Yeah I do see that but we seem to have no interest in going wide as far as skills go so even then it's kind of iffy though I will admit the Excellency is the best level one charm by far.
I do get it but that's 24 hours of running to replenish a pool of 18 which we can do by resting in the Dragon Nest we possess or a bottle of bleach for 9 hours while also doing things that aren't running.
Broadcast Announcement Prana
That's really cool but that's like a horrific masquerade breaker by a lot. Also I don't want to say it's completely unnecessary but most of the people that we want to are either already in contact with us via our phone or we can just go to them we don't really make speeches to entire cities telling them they're all going to die anf be sacrificed to the thing from Beyond the void.
Disembodied Voice Tintinnabula are all useful, one dot, and have no side effects.
This one is just really cool and kind of flavorful but it is in direct competition with potions that do things like this
Bodybuilding: For Stamina+3 hours, the user has two dots added to their Physical Attributes. During this time, the Attributes may be above 5, and the user will be extremely hungry as their metabolism tries to keep up.
Which is at minimum 6 hours of superhuman strength, dexterity and Peak human Stamina. As far as usefulness in most situations goes any charm that cost Essence and does less than that is in direct competition XP cost wise with six dots of attributes for at minimum six at maximum 13 hours.
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I don't think many are enthused about another Ox Body right now to be honest. There isn't an anticipated need for us to be even tankier right now. Partly because again we have a super saiyan 2 equivalent to fight bosses with that we paid for but haven't bothered to use yet and probably won't for a good minute. It really does just seem like a miss-allocation of resources.
When fighting enemy miniboss squads, you suddenly find that HP is a valuable resource when you get focused by two or more attackers.
Especially since you cant spam shintai.

If you look back to the fight with Peabody and his vampires?
Nihilistics 7 Oblivions Dance dealt LEVELS of damage, not dice. Dementation 7 Personal Scourge ignored Morgan's physical soak altogether to deal half his HP in damage; the only applicable soak was his Humanity, which was 7.

This goes for a bunch of other things people appear to have forgotten about.

Molly was too slow to catch the Hollow Man's clones, and too short ranged. So she needs both Speed and Range.
She ran short of Essence a bunch of times, so she needs that Essence drip charm.

She had to rescue a bunch of people, so she needs a way to neutralize stuff like mass poisoning, not just among her own party, but with large numbers of other people.
Especially when Tiffany is not around.

Tiffany was left behind in Edinburgh, so she needs better self-defence and evasion when her allies are not around, as evidenced by Lore of Storms.

Lydia's attack rolls against Peabody's vampires were lackluster, so she needs a better Dexterity buff.
And the Bone Path Necromancy both stops battlefield casualties among Sanctuary troops like we almost suffered, helps with the current plot thread of the dangling wizards, and are in theme

Olivia had to drop her gun/laser thing because Namshiel could boobytrap a target to backlash up energy attacks, so she needs the ability to make a bullet gun apply Agg and status effects.

They're all demonstrated issues that need to be addressed.
And which will show up again.
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Olivia had to drop her gun/laser thing because Namshiel could boobytrap a target to backlash up energy attacks, so she needs the ability to make a bullet gun apply Agg and status effects.
That's probably possible, but is an issue dealt with by special ammunition, nit even necessarily magical one. Our courts should have the Industrial capacity to mass produce such. Path sorcery is much easier countered with, well, countermagic

@DragonParadox are Fortune or Shadowcasting paths something Olivia can buy?
Yeah I do see that but we seem to have no interest in going wide as far as skills go so even then it's kind of iffy though I will admit the Excellency is the best level one charm by far.

I do get it but that's 24 hours of running to replenish a pool of 18 which we can do by resting in the Dragon Nest we possess or a bottle of bleach for 9 hours while also doing things that aren't running.

That's really cool but that's like a horrific masquerade breaker by a lot. Also I don't want to say it's completely unnecessary but most of the people that we want to are either already in contact with us via our phone or we can just go to them we don't really make speeches to entire cities telling them they're all going to die anf be sacrificed to the thing from Beyond the void.

This one is just really cool and kind of flavorful but it is in direct competition with potions that do things like this

Which is at minimum 6 hours of superhuman strength, dexterity and Peak human Stamina. As far as usefulness in most situations goes any charm that cost Essence and does less than that is in direct competition XP cost wise with six dots of attributes for at minimum six at maximum 13 hours.

Fair, I just dislike the aesthetic of potions, especially those that have side effects after wearing off.
When fighting enemy miniboss squads, you suddenly find that HP is a valuable resource.
This has never been an issue for us. Countermagic deals with at least some magical effects, soak with others, perfect defense will be dealing with the rest once we get it.
Molly was too slow to catch the Hollow Man's clones, and too short ranged. So she needs both Speed and Range.
Range yes, speed no. Speed was irrelevant in the aituation, and adding more speed wouldn't have helped. The only range option relevant in the situation would have been PIO, and DPM is a poor man's imitation of that, we just need to do some prep.

She had to rescue a bunch of people, so she needs a way to neutralize stuff like mass poisoning, not just among her own party, but with large numbers of other people.
The canon charm only deals with liquid poison.

Tiffany was left behind in Edinburgh, so she needs better self-defence and evasion when her allies are not around, as evidenced by Lore of Storms.
That's a pretty bizarre logic, since she wasn't left without allies. She was left with Olivia and White Council.

And the Bone Path Necromancy both stops battlefield casualties among Sanctuary troops like we almost suffered, helps with the current plot thread of the dangling wizards, and are in theme
What book is bone Necromancy from? You are also ignoring political issues in getting it.
We don't live with the charity anymore we have our own apartment we did it at the beginning of this month we live with Rosie in a really nice apartment by the way it's really good.

I do remember the apartment- but we still go to school. She still has influence over our life (and our clones kept popping in for her cooking to the extent we needed to write a schedule).

Once we finally clear school, any and all meetings with Charity will be on our terms. This helps a lot with doing 'demonic' things, because the only power she has over us is high-rolling guilt tripping, which will hopefully fade in strength as she keeps overusing it.
I do remember the apartment- but we still go to school. She still has influence over our life (and our clones kept popping in for her cooking to the extent we needed to write a schedule).

Once we finally clear school, any and all meetings with Charity will be on our terms. This helps a lot with doing 'demonic' things, because the only power she has over us is high-rolling guilt tripping, which will hopefully fade in strength as she keeps overusing it.
We live with Charity and our parents. We enjoy living with our parents and the jawas.
We have 4 clones, three of which are on Earth at any given time. One or two of our clones lives with Rosie in the new apartment, presumably, but Molly isnt exactly giving up her room in the family home any time soon.
Since I'm proselytizing for Alchemy I just have to put forward examples and hope people find them compelling these are just the ones that have already been approved from me not ones that might get approved or made later when we get to vote on which three we get for free with Alchemy 5.

●●●●● Scalar Form Elixir
or Sizemorphic Medium: A concoction that allows a sorcerer to grow or shrink in size at will for a day. The sorcerer makes a reflexive willpower roll and the number of successes must match or exceed the level of growth or shrink rating or spend a willpower and grow or reduce to the desired size this can only be done once per turn. Successes are divided between the sizes that the sorcerer is capable of growing to and shrinking to as well as how long.

● one turn
●● three turns
●●● one scene

● Big: Slightly larger than a normal human the character with this gains one extra bruised level of health and one Soak.
●● Huge: A character with this modification is roughly twice the size of an average person, adding +1 to strength and 2 extra bruised levels and 1 Soak. Gain +1 to Dexterity for movement purposes only.
●●● Massive: A character with this modification is roughly four times the size of an average person and around 2.5 to 3 meters tall, gaining +2 Strength 3 Extra bruised levels and 2 Soak. The size of a massive character is both an advantage and a disadvantage - they gain +50% to lifting capacity and +2 to Dexterity for movement, but are much more obvious taking - 1 difficulty to be hit.
●●●● Humongous: A character with this modification is eight times the mass and around 4 to 5 meters tall, gaining +3 Strength, and 4 Extra bruised levels and 2 Soak, as well as +3 Dexterity for movement purposes. Furthermore, their size doubles their lifting capacity and taking - 2 difficulty to be hit.

● Small: Roughly the size of a prepubescent child. Increases the difficulty to hit the Drinker by one.
●● Dwarven: A character with this is about roughly half as tall/wide/thick as an average person, reducing Strength and Stamina by 1. Dexterity is also reduced by 1 for movement purposes only. Characters which are small are more vulnerable to damage but harder to hit, losing 1 bruised from their Health Level track but increasing the difficulty to hit them by 1 and lowering their stealth difficulties by 1.
●●● Tiny : A Tiny character is roughly 1/4th normal dimensions, reducing Strength and Stamina by 2. Characters which are tiny are more vulnerable to damage but harder to hit, losing 1 bruised and 1 hurt, and 1 Mauled Health Level from their track but increasing the difficulty to hit them by 2 and lower their stealth difficulties by 2. Finally, Tiny characters are slower, losing 3 dexterity to all movement.
●●●● Miniscule: A miniscule character is an 1/8th their normal dimensions, reducing Strength and Stamina by 3. Miniscule characters can suffer fatal injury from mere annoyances to normal humans, reducing their HL track by 1 Bruised, 1 Hurt , 1 injured, and 1 Wounded Health Level but they increase the difficulty to hit them by 3 and lower their stealth difficulties by 3. Miniscule characters lose 4 dexterity for the purposes of movement.

If you've ever wanted Molly to just be able to turn into a giant or turn into a literal pixie this is a potion that can do that and it gives her the power to do that at will for an entire day think of it the stealth and just frankly comedic value of being able to turn from a literal pixie into a giant at will it's pretty sick.

●●●●● Thunderclap and Flash
A potion that grants the user the speed and strength of a thunderbolt for a scene. They possess +3 Dice on dexterity actions and +2 dice on strength actions. The player taking the potion rolls Stamina + Occult at Difficulty 7 with each success granting two Charges which can be spent on Thunderous Might (Potence 2) and / or Lightning's Fall (Celerity 3) Functioning as the disciplines in parentheses. The character will have a hard time focusing and a deep well of energy. Any being with the ability to sense or see magic will feel the presence and if seeing the aura of lightning and barely contained violence.

Extra Actions per turn paid from a pool of Supernatural energy that isn't our Essence pool which directly governs our ability to actually fight and stay alive that is enhanced by our stamina enhancing martial arts previous potions we already have and our party member that we have and may also be benefited by Pentacle and scepter depending on Dragonparadox's ruling.

This by the way does Grant us essentially four actions per turn with no dice penalty we can also move in those extra actions without occurring another dice penalty. We could also get two guaranteed strength successes if we were still inclined.

●●●●● Soulstone
Similar to Matrices and Periapts is a way for an alchemist to contain and hold the energies of the world for later use. Unfortunately things are rarely ever so simple. Similar to a matrix SoulStone cannot be charged through passive means (Enchanted waters, Node placement) nor can it be melded with functioning biomass.

The energy in raw SoulStone can be accessed through a short ritual (1 to 2 minutes) at difficulty 6 rolled with willpower dice, In comparison to a Periapts 1 round of concentration and unlike a periapt there's no way to access the held energy from a distance. Soulstone once added to a construct becomes integrated and Inseparable from said construct.

Any energy contained in or added to said soulstone in the construct later will be devoted to the function of said construct; it cannot be used for any other sorcery or Magicks. Example: An Ash wand of Hellfire infused with Soulstone containing 10 mana cast lightning bolt -3 difficulty down to seven Mana. The sorcerer realizing they are in over their head tries to cast a conveyance spell using that wand and unfortunately quickly realizes the Mana committed to the Hellfire wand only works when it's used as the Hellfire wand.

Soulstone capacity is decided by the quality. Soulstone in creation holds a base of 3 plus the number of successes x 2 in Quintessence, Mana, Essence. In high quality soulstone (5+ successes) a fist sized Mass could hold up to 20 units. A mass of raw soulstone can be divided as seen below.
SizesHigh QualityRegular Quality
Pebble1 unit per0 unit per
Bead2 units per1 unit per
Palm Slab10 units per5 units per
Fist or Small Cube20 units per10 units per
Block30 units per15 units per

Generally objects have a size or amount of Soulstone that they can handle without penalty or fragility for objects that fit in hand such as wands, pens, swords and guns that size is Palm slabs and below. For objects of significantly wider surface area and coverage such as body armor or large Shields that size is small cube it is really only necessary for Block to be used on really large objects such as buildings or particularly large vehicles.

There is nothing stopping Molly from keeping a small cube of unjoined soulstone on her person to draw the contents in between fights. it can also serve as a tank for essence expensive Prodigies. These essentially can just be charged from us sitting in a bathtub with them channeling Essence into them and then holding on to them their batteries that we can just use.

They may not be usable in combat time but there's still extremely helpful this is before the fact they can be used in crafting to create prodigies that use fuel and justify using fuel by being powerful without needing to spend from our limited personal well.

Both Sizemorphic Medium and Thunderclap and Flash pair perfectly with our build. Our Excellency only cares how many turns pass not how many actions we take so if we essentially have four turns of four actions we can get 16 attacks before our Excellency Runs Out when paired with three extra strings and extra dexterity for movement hit significantly harder and from a significantly greater distance due to the multiplication of speed.

They also go great together we could literally become a flying thunder giant with four attacks per turn while having three extra strength on top of shintai two extra soak, even more health and be even faster while being a 5 m(15feet) tall literally an armored giant with super speed.

I'm hoping that just seeing my rationale and seeing a couple of examples of strong five-dot potions that we could get for free with Alchemy 5 will convince people.
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We live with Charity and our parents. We enjoy living with our parents and the jawas.
We have 4 clones, three of which are on Earth at any given time. One or two of our clones lives with Rosie in the new apartment, presumably, but Molly isnt exactly giving up her room in the family home any time soon.
No, fuck that. When it comes to a vote, we're leaving there forever from my point of view. I hated giving in to Charity and I still hate it. The whole family drama thing was completely useless and the only useful thing is Michael.

Frankly, I just don't like her and her prohibitions. And I'm so glad that we won't see Molly's mother on this quest with her traumas and judgments anytime soon. I hope so.
We live with Charity and our parents. We enjoy living with our parents and the jawas.
We have 4 clones, three of which are on Earth at any given time. One or two of our clones lives with Rosie in the new apartment, presumably, but Molly isnt exactly giving up her room in the family home any time soon.
I mean I don't think its all that unlikely molly would move once she became a legal adult. Its not guaranteed but its definitely plausible though we need cash first uh offhand how long until the lottery now?

Cause a lot of our plans revolve around the seed money to essentially make bases for our hellish denizens in chicago and such and expand operation.
Which book is jt from? I cannot find it. Also political issues. All the political issues.
Could I get a citation on that,
What book is bone Necromancy from? You are also ignoring political issues in getting it.
@uju32 Seriously he's continuously having a conversation with you like you can participate. If the reader who post the most in thread is on your block list I don't know how you expect not to get discredited by him posting constant questions and citation requests that you aren't responding to.

How is this supposed to work exactly.

No, fuck that. When it comes to a vote, we're leaving there forever from my point of view. I hated giving in to Charity and I still hate it. The whole family drama thing was completely useless and the only useful thing is Michael.
You know that Nicodemus has the ability to spy on people through shadows right? Among other means of magic spying available to the Denarians? We don't have to worry about that sort of thing where Molly sleeps because the Carpenter household is afforded Angelic protections against spying, scyring and all sorts of other things. You want to give all that up because Charity can be difficult? She isn't that big a deal, she can't stop us from doing anything.
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You know that Nicodemus has the ability to to spy on people through shadows right? Among other means of magic spying available to the Denarians? We don't have to worry about that sort of thing where Molly sleeps because the Carpenter household is afforded Angelic protections against spying, scyring and all sorts of other things. You want to give that up because Charity can be difficult? She isn't that big a deal, she can't stop us from doing anything.
I don't think it matters that much considering we're repeatedly asleep and in other places. I half-jokingly find the possibility of Nicodemus less annoying than the continuation of the drama.

I honestly would have preferred if Molly had left the house at the start, but that was too far into this quest. But I have no doubt that people will come up with hundreds of scenarios for how this could have gone worse than canon.
@uju32 Seriously he's continuously having a conversation with you like you can participate. If the reader who post the most in thread is on your block list I don't know how you expect not to get discredited by him posting constant questions and citation requests that you aren't responding to.

How is this supposed to work exactly.
I apologize. I understand that uju cannot respond, and trying to force them to is, at best, impolite of me, and might be distracting to other voters. I'll try to limit this, but at least some of their claims need to be addressed on the factual basis. In the open forum, which this is, and with a vote going on, I think I should be responding to their claims, if only to defend my own vote and plan. I do apologize for the drama, and to uju for my previous behavior, as some of the things were said in the heat of the moment that probably shouldn't have been said.
I don't think it matters that much considering we're repeatedly asleep and in other places. I half-jokingly find the possibility of Nicodemus less annoying than the continuation of the drama.

I honestly would have preferred if Molly had left the house at the start, but that was too far into this quest. But I have no doubt that people will come up with hundreds of scenarios for how this could have gone worse than canon.
It would have even been worse at the start since that's when Exalts are at their most vulnerable and the Angel protection from the White God also protects against supernatural attacks to the house. This is all as per established canon as the family's of the Knights of the Cross get, to be blunt, author fait protections from Jim Butcher with Heaven being his narrative tool of choice.

If we do leave we'd need to take the situation seriously and look into anti-spying means and protections because people obviously would want to spy on the Queen of the Five Fold Courts with forces more numerous than Mab if she's staying somewhere without anti-spying means or protections. Attacking or spying on the Carpenter house is way different from attacking some random apartment or house that Molly is staying at. Logically speaking drama isn't a big enough deal to justify giving all of that up and spending resources to achieve a similar effect on a non Angel protected household that we already get for free. Especially since again Charity can't stop us from doing something at the end of the day so player agency is not compromised.

Nicodemus shadow spying being one of the bigger issues since as Micheal pointed out he thinks that the only reason why he hasn't bothered us yet is a lack of info and the ability to spy on Molly with impunity where she sleeps and keeps her things helps him greatly.

If some want to leave I hope at least they realize what they are actually advocating for us to do and give up what we've been passively benefiting from for so long. You can't do much better than free of cost Angelic protections to the place you predominantly sleep and keep your keepsakes Earth side.
Nicodemus shadow spying being one of the bigger issues since as Micheal pointed out he thinks that the only reason why he hasn't bothered us yet is a lack of info and the ability to spy on Molly with impunity where she sleeps and keeps her things helps him greatly.
I highly doubt it. You overestimate the influence of the time when Molly is at home. She is most often not at home and there is almost no useful information in the house. What is useful is protection from direct attacks. But not anti-espionage. Because spying on Molly outside the house is tens of times more useful.

We also have a lot of operations outside the Carperters' home. I think that yes, security is important and so on... But I don't think it seriously affects that factor.
I'm still kind of torn on the vote.

The FCF multi attack is nice, and in terms of essence burden it trades the requirement to have minions around for the ability to be significantly more mote-efficient than the alternatives.

I'm also interested in if there's an interaction between that and the ruling on how everything in Molly's soul is metaphysically directly next to her. It'd be very helpful if we could telecommute to the defense of our portal fortress or something like that.

On the other hand, the red court plan could let us wander around picking up red court agents to stack curses on them. Which is effective and entertaining.

You know that Nicodemus has the ability to spy on people through shadows right? Among other means of magic spying available to the Denarians? We don't have to worry about that sort of thing where Molly sleeps because the Carpenter household is afforded Angelic protections against spying, scyring and all sorts of other things. You want to give all that up because Charity can be difficult? She isn't that big a deal, she can't stop us from doing anything
You have a point, but for reference there is a "screw you, no peeking" Ancient Sorcery.
inCantation oF spiritual disCretion
The sorcerer chants a sutra which resonates with the Essence of the Weaver, of patterns, and of blindness and silence, and thereby seals a chamber against obser- vation from the spirit world.
System: Spend 4 Essence and make an extended Intelligence + Occult roll against difficulty 7. Upon accumulating five successes, the spell takes effect, sanc- tifying whatever room the sorcerer stands in. Within that chamber, the Gauntlet rises to 9, and no creature in the Penumbra or Shadowlands can discern even the slightest feature of the room; it appears to be a colorless, featureless void, devoid of figures or sound. This spell's effects persist for the sorcerer's Essence rating in days.

Not the highest priority, but it's very nice and would make many of our outposts safer.

Incidentally, there's another AS we've been overlooking that has substantial value:

Burning eyes oF the oFFender
The sorcerer speaks the 17 secret names of divini- ty, causing her anima to sear the eyes of all those who dare to look upon her. Anyone attempting to stare di- rectly at the sorcerer weeps uncontrollably.
System: Spend 3 Essence and make an extended Intelligence + Occult roll against difficulty 7. Once the player accumulates five successes, the spell is complete, and her anima burns with terrible light. Anyone at- tempting to attack her or otherwise move against her raises the difficulty of their actions by +2. This spell lasts for one scene, or until the sorcerer claps her hands and bows her head to end it prematurely.

This is Ancient Sorcery and it doesn't explicit say the difficulty is caused by blindness. 3 motes for a scene long enemy incompetence field is nice. Especially if it stacks with our other modifiers.
I highly doubt it. You overestimate the influence of the time when Molly is at home. She is most often not at home and there is almost no useful information in the house. What is useful is protection from direct attacks. But not anti-espionage. Because spying on Molly outside the house is tens of times more useful.

We also have a lot of operations outside the Carperters' home. I think that yes, security is important and so on... But I don't think it seriously affects that factor.
You say that because a lot of it is off-screen. You can learn a lot about a person based on their habits and what they do when they don't think anyone enemies are watching in the safety of their own home, along with who and what they keep in the house with them. In the very least maybe we should wait till after we spring the trap on the Denarians before talking about giving up White God protections from supernatural attacks and spying?
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So, in my bookdive to update Olivia's part of the plan, I have made several discoveries.
1) Apparently, there are two books that can be considered M20 Sorcerer book. There's M20 Sorcerer by Onyx Path, and there's Sorcerer: Paths of Power for M20 by White Wolf. As an outsider (and I am), this is all rather confusing. I have been using the Sorcerer: Paths of Power as my book so far in this quest. Apologies if this has caused any confusion or misunderstandings. The books are somewhat different. Pertinent to this quest, Sorcerer: Paths of Power has the section on Infernal Investments, and so called Dark Paths, while M20 Sorcerer has several kinds of necromancy, though not ones uju has been referring to, as far as I can tell.

2) There's a separate Dark Path to Hellfire in S:poP that actually fits DF Hellfire nicely:
Fires of the Inferno
Often confused with Hellfire, the less horrific Path
gained its name from being misassociated with this Path,
that looks a lot like it. With the Fires of the Inferno, an
Infernalist can summon a substance called hellfire from
some dark Realm that no traveler has ever found, or at
least, never returned from. This substance looks like
normal fire to most people.
Unlike fire, hellfire is purified, burning destruction.
Beings that are mostly or completely immune to fire,
such as dragons, have no defense against hellfire. Even
the demonic beings that can grant a sorcerer this Path
aren't immune, so they rarely give high levels and are
cautious about who they gift it to. Some scholars believe
that it's a physical aspect of Oblivion itself, the essence
of Unmaking. Others believe that it is alive and feeds on
anything it touches. In any case, it is quite possibly the
most dangerous thing in Reality, and no one not tainted
by the darkness can access it.
Cost: There is no cost to cast a spell from this Path.
Roll: Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 6 to create it
on contact, difficulty 8 to throw it at a target.
Time: One Turn
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost of Failure: On a botch, the conjured up hellfire
attempts to consume the caster.
If the roll succeeds, the Fires of the Inferno cause
Aggravated damage equal to the rank of this Path. This
damage cannot be soaked.
Furthermore, the damage continues, halving (round-
ed down) until it is either put out (like a flame can be)
or reaches zero.
Associated Spheres: Entropy, Prime, Forces
I would get rid of "This damage cannot be soaked." part for beings that can soak agg, but otherwise, it fits well, and, if allowed, I think I might take this for Olivia.

3) Some of the listed investments are pretty bonkers, such as Countermagic, which is "get 1 die of universal (except against your patron) countermagicper point of investment".

4) Now, relevant to this vote, I think these are best paths for Olivia: Fortune, Shadowcasting, Fires of Inferno. They represent very different paths of development. With Fortune, we branch out Olivia into a more support and debuff role, giving her additional option. With Shadowcasting we eventually bring her to exalted level stealth, and give her some battlefield control. Fires of Inferno are described above, and are free agg damage, if a limited one in how much damage it does. It doesn't benefit from her difficulty adjusters, sadly.

The FCF multi attack is nice, and in terms of essence burden it trades the requirement to have minions around for the ability to be significantly more mote-efficient than the alternatives.

I'm also interested in if there's an interaction between that and the ruling on how everything in Molly's soul is metaphysically directly next to her. It'd be very helpful if we could telecommute to the defense of our portal fortress or something like that.
There's another aspect to Proxy Servant Protocol - Molly doesn't have to have the skills her Proxy is using to lend them their dice. So, for example, if Olivia picks up Hellfire, Molly could lend her her dicepool for the path, making even a 1 dot investment much more potent. That's why I want Mana Mainpulation rituals, specifically Shape Mana. The synergy with Proxy Servant Protocol would allow for legendary effects. Olivia uses her mana to decrease DC by 3 to 5, Molly uses PSP to give her 20+ dice. The cumulative effect results in 10+ successes. With that we can start city-wide magical improvements, or at least get bonuses for key locations.
You say that because a lot of it is off-screen. You can learn a lot about a person based on their habits and what they do when they don't think anyone enemies are watching in the safety of their own home, along with who and what they keep in the house with them. In the very least maybe we should wait till after we spring the trap on the Denarians before talking about giving up White God protections from supernatural attacks and spying?
Ok, I'll take that into account in the future, but I still think this particular argument is overblown.
1) Apparently, there are two books that can be considered M20 Sorcerer book. There's M20 Sorcerer by Onyx Path, and there's Sorcerer: Paths of Power for M20 by White Wolf. As an outsider (and I am), this is all rather confusing. I have been using the Sorcerer: Paths of Power as my book so far in this quest. Apologies if this has caused any confusion or misunderstandings. The books are somewhat different. Pertinent to this quest, Sorcerer: Paths of Power has the section on Infernal Investments, and so called Dark Paths, while M20 Sorcerer has several kinds of necromancy, though not ones uju has been referring to, as far as I can tell.
Actually, when this quest started Paths of Power either wasn't out yet, or just barely so.

So, much of the Quest Sorcerer Revised has been the relevant book, I think it still is?