Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Also why are we going to Seibourc of all planets to ask for use of their production facilities. And why do we even need to go to them this turn. We should be getting ready for Yerma by talking with ether the Angels Crusader, Order of the Thorned Spear, or House Lothbrok
[X] Plan Yay New Actions, Oh No New Actions

While I mostly agree with this plan, I do a have a few questions for you and feedback for you @Nicholas Brooks

Firstly, why are we having the Librarius conduct a divination ritual instead of finishing the compile lore task?

Secondly, I strongly recommend you remove the Lexicani from deployment. Lexicani are the lowest ranked psykers for a reason, as they mostly work on keeping the records organized and intact as they are taught to control their powers. We should only be deploying Codicier's as Codicier's have control over their powers. Don't want one of our Lexicani failing a Willpower check and exploding, or becoming a gate for daemons.

Also, no production orders? I understand teaching the Senior Techies the GC tech and finalizing our 10th's equipment but I assume you want to spend a lot of BP next turn for production orders?
Honestly keeping something in the back pocket in case the very experimental Traitor Gene seed chapter goes rogue is just a good idea in general from any outsiders point of view
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Also why are we going to Seibourc of all planets to ask for use of their production facilities. And why do we even need to go to them this turn. We should be getting ready for Yerma by talking with ether the Angels Crusader, Order of the Thorned Spear, or House Lothbrok
They are a Hive-world that that has heavy indrustry to support there regiments
Yeah, but any BP we get pales in comparison to the aid of another Astartes chapter against Chaos Space Marines. Plus Knights would also come in clutch. Unsure of Sisters of Battle as they've been pretty useless so far.
True if anything seeing we have two major needs this turn in the Severus actions for the Conclave and working with the authority to investigate the adept the third one should be gather allies and next we can work for the BP
I think Attempting a Divination Ritual is a bit to risky at the moment i think it would be better to continue to compile lore on the warp.

what could we possibly gain by talking to Seibourc for production they need it more then we do, if we wanted to expand production for the chapter we could go to Smilnay to help us develop our own industrial capacity, or use some of theirs.

Also we need to prepare for the cleansing or Yerma we still need to talk to the Angels Crusader and the Order of the Thorned Spear. and we can also gain the support of House Lothbrok of the Imperial Knights
Compiling lore from what we saw last time was basically just Grigori looking for random books of psychic arts. A Divination Ritual wouldn't be aided by that until we manage to luck out and get a tome on the subject. Grigori was trained basically since adolescence by some of the Imperium's best Librarians, he knows what he's doing. And if still it fails? We set up Wards specifically to reduce the impact.

Seibourc doesnt have baggage with another Forge World. The more we ask for stuff from Smilnay, especially for something major like industrial expansion, the more difficult interacting with Milan gets. And if they need the BP more than we do, which I wouldn't even say they do given this is a Hive World, then they will just give less on a given turn. The wording was for spare industrial output, not anything which was greatly needed by them.

We have no contacts with House Lothbrok, and last time the QM was asked about them, they're still in their isolationism phase, so asking them for help anyway would be a difficult task. The Order of the Thorned Spear is effectively guaranteed due to their grudge against the Eyes, and the Angels Crusader could just be asked during our shared mission. I'll write it in now, in fact.
Again he is not a boarder and it is the fleet master that is in command of the fleet and battle so his intelligence will roll not Mikhail if any boarding happens we need Pluvia
Pluvia himself doesn't provide anything more than his stats. The counter boarding effect is for the Company, not him. Also, there's situations where Intelligence rolls happen for multiple characters, for example if Mikhail is boarding the enemy flagship and needs to figure out where the captain has gone, Hostilius will not be of help.
If that's the case why not send Logos or Secutor why send the guy who is in charge of our devastators who's skills would be better spent mowing down Orks
Because Logos and Pluvia have complementary skillsets. Logos is better in WS, Pluvia is better in BS, so whatever those Xenos prefer, we'll have a Captain suitable for the job. And Secutor, as Captain of the 10th, cannot be deployed without at least 1 squad from there being present, and Scouts really aren't good for boarding. Besides, boarding actions can run into barricades and fortified positions too, which is a good job for a Devastator Squad.
[X] Plan Yay New Actions, Oh No New Actions

While I mostly agree with this plan, I do a have a few questions for you and feedback for you @Nicholas Brooks

Firstly, why are we having the Librarius conduct a divination ritual instead of finishing the compile lore task?

Secondly, I strongly recommend you remove the Lexicani from deployment. Lexicani are the lowest ranked psykers for a reason, as they mostly work on keeping the records organized and intact as they are taught to control their powers. We should only be deploying Codicier's as Codicier's have control over their powers. Don't want one of our Lexicani failing a Willpower check and exploding, or becoming a gate for daemons.

Also, no production orders? I understand teaching the Senior Techies the GC tech and finalizing our 10th's equipment but I assume you want to spend a lot of BP next turn for production orders?
I explained what Compile Lore is earlier. I don't think it would simply "finish" basically. The Divination is to hopefully figure out upcoming dangers from the Eyes before they can happen.

Removing the Lexicani is fine, I can do that.

Production orders would mean delaying study on the device that drove the Luctusian wildlife insane, and I want to follow up on that ASAP. Plus, the equipment finalization utilizes all our BP on the next turn, which means that BP we save now will be used towards that.
@ThunderOwl so a question about power armor. While off course anything involving reproducing terminators is like quite an investment without ever getting at least some of them in chargen but what about older power armor versions like the previous versions before the Corvus one the MK VI?

It's probably a feasible project considering the ones that didn't make it in the warp jump. Gene seed likely is damaged beyond salvaging but their power armor is salvageable.

Then while even if they're reproducible, they're not broken as being lower versions they aren't as good as the new ones but still lots of chapters adore older power armor versions.
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I explained what Compile Lore is earlier. I don't think it would simply "finish" basically. The Divination is to hopefully figure out upcoming dangers from the Eyes before they can happen.

Removing the Lexicani is fine, I can do that.

Production orders would mean delaying study on the device that drove the Luctusian wildlife insane, and I want to follow up on that ASAP. Plus, the equipment finalization utilizes all our BP on the next turn, which means that BP we save now will be used towards that.
Fair enough for the divination thing, not a big deal to finish compile lore now. Hopefully the divination works well! Though do keep in mind that compiling lore also unlocks more disciplines for our Librarians to master, so we should do that eventually
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Gwarv-Thal MK3b Pattern Bolt rifle (Potential Rewards)
Finally got inspired to write this @ThunderOwl

Gwarv-Thal MK3b Pattern Bolt rifle
To understand this weapon one must understand its creator, Theta Gwarv-Thal Archmagos of Forgeworld Ohmn-Marphetus a man of the Machine Cult that has forgotten more about ballistic weaponry then anyone could learn in a century, something that has earned him praise and ridicule from his peers until the coming of The Great Crusade and the Technology that came with it specially one weapon the bolter. A weapon that fascinated the Archmagos to no end and in it he saw his magnum opus he was among the few to help create the first Stalker bolter patterns, but for him it was not enough he wanted a weapon that could reach and kill any target in one shot and thus born in his workshop, the bolt rifle, a sniper rifle made for legions of Demi gods. Immediate production was started and distributed among the legions recon squads that requested them the 19th and 20th legions making heavy use of these in field testing with high praise but a problem immediately was found by the techmarines and the Forgeworld Ohmn-Marphetus itself. The time, effort, and materials put in to one of these they could easily make multiple bolters and other weaponry and soon fell put of favor because of logistics and time, these rifles became highly sought trophies in the fires of The Heresy and as a result faded in to the footnotes of Imperial Histories and Archmagos Theta Gwarv-Thal disappearing on a Explorator Fleet Expedition soon after the Heresy.

Took me a while hope you guys like this as much as it was writing it.
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Ultra Dialogue

It was a shame to Romeron that the Angels Revenant's sphere of influence from their fleet tended to keep them away from the Aetelian Sector as he had a strong feeling that the Angels and Mist Shrikes could have been strong allies if they were close in distance.

After the feast, Romeron's party had spent the past day bonding with Mist Shrikes through various forms of cooperation and social exchanges. While technically, his mission had concluded with the reclamation of Foecleaver, it was vital that Romeron had to spend some time with the Shrikes beyond being a simple errand marine of sorts. As his Chapter Master had stressed, the Angels had too few ceramite bonds with chapters outside of the Chapters descendant of the 13th Legion. Should a battle for the Chapter's survival come to fruitiion and all the sons of Guilliman were tied elsewhere, then they would be erased from the galaxy.

As such, it was important to transform the relationship between the Shrikes from a debt to a bond of true brotherhood. The feast had initiated the process, and afterwords there were over events such as many sparring matches between the Angels and the best of the Shrikes, wargaming simulations, and the Angels being included in some of the common rituals.

Even Kirlan, ever the prideful psyker loosened up somewhat while engaging with the Librarians of the Mist Shrikes. Romeron had once heard from a Chaplain that Librarians tended to flock together, and such at least appeared to be the case here, if nothing else thanks to the Shrikes' seeking Kirlan's experience and wisdom to add to their infant fountain of knowledge, which seemed to feed Kirlan's ego.

Currently, Romeron was in the Chapter Master's quarters where they discussed the situation of the greater galaxy, Romeron's intelligence from the greater Segmentum being an eye opener for the son of Corax.

Romeron was also impressed with what the Shrikes had been able to accomplish in their young existence, and what they had been able to prevent. Exterminating a genestealer uprising in the sector capitol, keeping the sector's traitor astartes in check, scattering numerous WAAGHs, and most recently denying the Word Bearers the success of whatever foul ritual they had concocted.

While perhaps any escalation in the Shrikes' absence would have caused the hammer blow of the Ultramarines or any other of the finest Chapters within Segmentum Ultima, such an investment would no doubt weaken the fronts of greater conflicts, thus it was good the Shrikes were here to keep things quiet. Even if they were.....liberal in practicing the Codex.

"Something on your mind cousin?" Spoke deeply Severus, interrupting Romeron out of his musings.

"Apologies Chapter Master."

Severus chuckled, "As I have said many times before, refer to me as Severus when light of company."

"Well Severus, I was ruminating over the differences between our Chapters." Romeron answered.

"Finding our interpretations of the Codex offensive?" Severus chuckled but his eyes observed in steel, like the watchful eye of the Aquila.

Romeron shook his head, "Contrary to the reputation that us sons of Guilliman tend to procure among our cousins, we don't beat other chapters with a Crozius Arcanum for every slight deviation from the Codex." Such ire was deserved for Chapters who truly flaunted the Codex like the Space Wolves and Black Templars. "However, I do find the deviations of the Mist Shrikes to be....intriguing." Romeron said diplomatically.

Severus sighed, "I understand such. Feel free to ask any questions to sate your curiosity."

Romeron accepted such an invitation, "Why the importance of stealth and scouting. I understand that you are sons of Corvax." Romeron began, missing the most subtle of wroth ticks at such a statement, "But out of all of the Raven's successors, you come among the closest in adhering to the Guard's doctrine of stealth and subterfuge."

"Well, I will admit that we did take heavy inspiration form our Primarch and the Legion history." Severus said, "Though part of my motivations along with those of my brothers were a desire to replicate the spirit of the Astartes during the Great Crusade."

"How so?" Romeron asked cautiously.

"During the Great Crusade, the Astartes while divided into eighteen legions, operated across the galaxy as many parts of one body, just as our geneseeds work together in tandem of one Astartes. The Raven Guard was a fine and sleek blade directed by the Emperor to battles where others would struggle, but Corvax and his Legion were supreme. Stealth and mastery of the rearline, ahnnilating our enemies while preserving the targets of conquest. At the same time, the Ultramarines would be directed to battles the Guard would falter in, more conventional and direct mass engagements. Like the many spokes of a wheel, the Legions worked together in harmony.

Today not only are the Astartes spread out, but many Chapters are designed for one kind of battle, when warfare is an art of many forms. The Codex is a fine work and many thrive under the traditional structure, but my war was meant for the shadows, where we would tear the enemy from within and shatter their weak points so their whole composition would melt down. It is my craft, through which my brothers can become Nightmares made manifest."

Romeron nodded in respect, "A fine perspective, and one truly fit for a Raven." Romeron smiled, oblivious to the internal torture and grief of Severus to such a statement, masqueraded by neutrality. "I must admit, that the Noahjockeys-"

"Nowalijiki." Severus corrected, "I must admit it is a mouthful for non-Luctusians."

Romeron nodded. It was fascinating how such a newborn chapter would so freely adopt the language of their homeworld, though it seemed that the Astartes proper kept to a different dialect from the Serfs. "The Nowalijiki as a concept does have merit. I've known many a Marine who cannot thrive as a Scout but meet their true calling on the field once ascended to full brotherhood. Then there are those of great talent cut down in their beginnings before they can begin their great journey of duty."

"What we have is not perfect, but personally I view it as the best path to cultivating a Marine's true potential and then guiding the veterans to their final vocation or leadership."

"I will most definitely share this idea with my brothers once I return. While I doubt that we would reform to such a path, perhaps if your Chapter thrives greatly it can be a more common structure."

"By all means, anything we conceive that can aid our cousins in their mission must be shared if possible." Severus affirmed.

"Yet I must ask, why the insistence of terror tactics and such haunting imagery. Are they truly so effective on the battlefield?" Romeron asked.

"Against Xenos lacking the concept of fear like the Tyranids, perhaps not. But against human enemies, traitors who turn their back on the Emperor's light, all but the most devoted and mad of heretics still hold to a mortal psyche and the innate emotion of fear. As the Emperor decreed, we shall no know fear, but we can perfect it like artisans and use as a weapon to punish evil.

As our service continues, we increasingly come into contact with rebels who break all cohesion and whose fighting spirit reverts to a child upon seeing our presence. Our deeds and punishments remind citizens who have doubt in their hearts the fate of all traitors is death and ruin, and no matter what, the Imperium's victory is absolute. As our flagship is named, we bring the fear of judgement, and with it, we can erase wars before they begin. Our doctrine is not the only weapon practiced by Astartes, but I truly do believe that we can prevent wars through our path, and thus become nightmares made manifest for those who will not stand down."

Romeron could not in respect. Sometimes, it was gravely frustrating to be mobilized to put down petty rebellions or the countless minor WAAGHs that plague the stars when greater foes such as the servants of the Ruinous Powers must be defeated to restore the Imperium to what it had been before the Heresy. How many times had they come so close, only to be kept away from final victory by human ambition and folly?

"I suppose if a strategy works in tandem with other approaches as you envision, then we can march forward and fulfill our duty to the Emperor. Still, I must warn that most Chapters would find the personal nature of the Shrikes' armor to be...strange to say the least."

At this comment, Severus let out a truly strong laugh, "I must admit, when I gave allowance for such a tradition, I could not have foreseen the artistic drive some possess. It does aid in our mission, with many enemies paralyzed from sight alone. At the same time, I believe it has helped to forge stronger bonds between brothers. Each marking tells a story, the life of the Marine, their character and how they have contributed as part of the greater Chapter. It brings us together, and I am proud to call each and every Shrike of this flock my brother."
True if anything seeing we have two major needs this turn in the Severus actions for the Conclave and working with the authority to investigate the adept the third one should be gather allies and next we can work for the BP
We don't need to work with the proper authorities for going after adept Rojas just send some marines in a dependent after her
@ThunderOwl so a question about power armor. While off course anything involving reproducing terminators is like quite an investment without ever getting at least some of them in chargen but what about older power armor versions like the previous versions before the Corvus one the MK VI?
Well the reason that I had not done that is that Power Armor comparisons are.....weird. Unlike most tech in the Imperium (or even Terminator Armor), the Power Armor MKs don't follow the model of "Older is better" in a straight manner. For example, we now that the MK.IV is better than the MK.III, but the MK.V is worse, the regular MK.VI is a sidestep instead of an upgrade, and the MK.VII is better if I'm not mistaken. So it doesn't make much sense to give you an option that is basically a trap option, because your spending actions to get something that is arguably worse.
Gwarv-Thal MK3b Pattern Bolt rifle
So this is basically the Bolt equivalent of an anti-material rifle uh? I like it. Canon and added to potential rewards.
Very nice Omake. I like how you present the justifications Severus gives for how the Chapter works like it works, and I think that you get Romoren's Character really well.
"Contrary to the reputation that us sons of Guilliman tend to procure among our cousins, we don't beat other chapters with a Crozius Arcanum for every slight deviation from the Codex." Such ire was deserved for Chapters who truly flaunted the Codex like the Space Wolves and Black Templars.
Also, this line is gloriously funny. Canon, and Relationship with the Angel's Revenant and Romoren improves to Good.
Compiling lore from what we saw last time was basically just Grigori looking for random books of psychic arts. A Divination Ritual wouldn't be aided by that until we manage to luck out and get a tome on the subject. Grigori was trained basically since adolescence by some of the Imperium's best Librarians, he knows what he's doing. And if still it fails? We set up Wards specifically to reduce the impact.

Seibourc doesnt have baggage with another Forge World. The more we ask for stuff from Smilnay, especially for something major like industrial expansion, the more difficult interacting with Milan gets. And if they need the BP more than we do, which I wouldn't even say they do given this is a Hive World, then they will just give less on a given turn. The wording was for spare industrial output, not anything which was greatly needed by them.

We have no contacts with House Lothbrok, and last time the QM was asked about them, they're still in their isolationism phase, so asking them for help anyway would be a difficult task. The Order of the Thorned Spear is effectively guaranteed due to their grudge against the Eyes, and the Angels Crusader could just be asked during our shared mission. I'll write it in now, in fact.

Pluvia himself doesn't provide anything more than his stats. The counter boarding effect is for the Company, not him. Also, there's situations where Intelligence rolls happen for multiple characters, for example if Mikhail is boarding the enemy flagship and needs to figure out where the captain has gone, Hostilius will not be of help.

Because Logos and Pluvia have complementary skillsets. Logos is better in WS, Pluvia is better in BS, so whatever those Xenos prefer, we'll have a Captain suitable for the job. And Secutor, as Captain of the 10th, cannot be deployed without at least 1 squad from there being present, and Scouts really aren't good for boarding. Besides, boarding actions can run into barricades and fortified positions too, which is a good job for a Devastator Squad.

I explained what Compile Lore is earlier. I don't think it would simply "finish" basically. The Divination is to hopefully figure out upcoming dangers from the Eyes before they can happen.

Removing the Lexicani is fine, I can do that.

Production orders would mean delaying study on the device that drove the Luctusian wildlife insane, and I want to follow up on that ASAP. Plus, the equipment finalization utilizes all our BP on the next turn, which means that BP we save now will be used towards that.

Going to Smilnay has more advantages then Milan does from what I've seen, there are three reasons we should go to them: 1. the production of terminator armor for the chapter, 2. asking if they would dedicate forces to the Yerma Campaign, 3. Smilnay produces equipment for House Lothbrok and the qm said in order to get in contact with them we need to go through Smilnay. plus while we are there we could ask if the could assist us in the construcion of industrial faculities ether in orbit or on luctus.

Also we need recruits just as much as we need BP if not more so why not get a tithe of Neophytes from Seibourc like we did with Braicrum

For the Angels Crusader we need to talk to the Chpater Master in order to get their assistance I highly doubt he is going to be on a Strike cruiser defending Seibourc, at best there may be a captain there that we can talk to and get the possible assistance of his company but we need the assistance of the main chapter not a small part of it. For the Order of the Thorned Spear I can see where your going with it about getting their assistance but Yerma is not going to be like Lezo we need to actually go to them and confirm their support not call them in a the last minute.
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Going to Smilnay has more advantages then Milan does from what I've seen, there are three reasons we should go to them: 1. the production of terminator armor for the chapter, 2. asking if they would dedicate force to the Yerma Campaign, 3. Smilnay produces equipment for House Lothbrok and the qm said in order to get in contact with them we need to go through Smilnay. plus while we are there we could ask if the could assist us in the construcion of industrial faculities ether in orbit or on luctus.

Also we need recruits just as much as we need BP if not more so why not get a tithe of Neophytes from Seibourc like we did with Braicrum

For the Angels Crusader we need to talk to the Chpater Master in order to get their assistance I highly doubt he is going to be on a Strike cruiser defending Seibourc, at best there may be a captain there that we can talk to and get the possible assistance of his company but we need the assistance of the main chapter not a small part of it. For the Order of the Thorned Spear I can see where your going with it about getting their assistance but Yerma is not going to be like Lezo we need to actually go to them and confirm their support not call them in a the last minute.
Once again, you're missing my point. I am not talking about getting equipment, machines, technical expertise, or anything else from Milan. I am talking about being able to communicate with them in important situations without it all breaking down because we are too friendly with Smilnay for them to bother listening to us. The dispute Smilnay and Milan are having right now is not new, it has been a common occurrence for ten thousand years, and we will doubtless have to play Idiot Wrangler again with these two in the future. As for House Lothbrok, again, the last time ThunderOwl gave info about them, he said they were in another one of their long isolationist periods. During that time, they don't deploy.

The reason not to get Recruits from Seibourc is that they'd be significantly worse than those from Luctus or Braicam and thus lead to greater XP loss via casualties and via overfilling our Chapter with rookies. We need BP more because we need it to make more special weapons to better fight against enemies like this.

You make a fair point about the Angels Crusader, I will admit. However, you're wrong on the Order of the Thorned Spear. Lord Admiral Adherbal made it clear that they would be more than eager to lay waste to the Eyes after all that they had done, and that we can expect them to send far more of their number to Yerma compared to what they sent to Lezo.
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Well the reason that I had not done that is that Power Armor comparisons are.....weird. Unlike most tech in the Imperium (or even Terminator Armor), the Power Armor MKs don't follow the model of "Older is better" in a straight manner. For example, we now that the MK.IV is better than the MK.III, but the MK.V is worse, the regular MK.VI is a sidestep instead of an upgrade, and the MK.VII is better if I'm not mistaken. So it doesn't make much sense to give you an option that is basically a trap option, because your spending actions to get something that is arguably worse.
I could see that due to the way they as in the 40k marines revere old version power armor, what can be balanced out is by trading lesser protection for better will power and fellowship.

And then when it comes to side quests, having older power armor versions on hand where it relies more on diplomacy or first impression rather than combat could be useful there such as decking out a ceremonial guard in Mark 3 or Mark 4 armor for a visiting VIP that impresses them.
Once again, you're missing my point. I am not talking about getting equipment, machines, technical expertise, or anything else from Milan. I am talking about being able to communicate with them in important situations without it all breaking down because we are too friendly with Smilnay for them to bother listening to us. The dispute Smilnay and Milan are having right now is not new, it has been a common occurrence for ten thousand years, and we will doubtless have to play Idiot Wrangler again with these two in the future. As for House Lothbrok, again, the last time ThunderOwl gave info about them, he said they were in another one of their long isolationist periods. During that time, they don't deploy.

You make a fair point about the Angels Crusader, I will admit. However, you're wrong on the Order of the Thorned Spear. Lord Admiral Adherbal made it clear that they would be more than eager to lay waste to the Eyes after all that they had done, and that we can expect them to send far more of their number to Yerma compared to what they sent to Lezo.
Why not go to Seibourc for recruits for the chapter like we did with Braicrum. as for the sister of battle and imperial knights

How about we ask the QM.
@ThunderOwl do we need to go to the Order of the Throned Spear to ask for their assistance at Yerma or can we call them in at the last minute like during the Lezo Campaign. Also for House Lothbrok are they still in their long isolationist phase or can we ask for their assistance through Smilnay.
Why not go to Seibourc for recruits for the chapter like we did with Braicrum.
I answered that in an edit on the earlier post.
The reason not to get Recruits from Seibourc is that they'd be significantly worse than those from Luctus or Braicam and thus lead to greater XP loss via casualties and via overfilling our Chapter with rookies. We need BP more because we need it to make more special weapons to better fight against enemies like this.
If we wanted recruits, I'd have written for us to try and get them from Orellana instead... though I'm not sure how we can negotiate with their Planetary Governor for that when, last I checked, they're so primitive that they do not even have a Planetary Governor. I guess we'd just... pop on in and grab some genetically compatible boys.
I answered that in an edit on the earlier post.

If we wanted recruits, I'd have written for us to try and get them from Orellana instead... though I'm not sure how we can negotiate with their Planetary Governor for that when, last I checked, they're so primitive that they do not even have a Planetary Governor. I guess we'd just... pop on in and grab some genetically compatible boys.
Why not ask for recruits from Acronix in the deployments, its a death world just like Luctus just a bit more dangerous on the wildlife side of things
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