The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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From Grimm's experience with it, he suspects it might well be both - the Greater Daemon Ka'Bandha did something during Signus Prime that nearly caused the entire Ninth Legion to succumb to it at once, and from what he said and other events, it's possible the Thirst is the manifestation of some kind of fuckery by Khorne. It definitely does have a physical element to it, though - the results of a Marine being consumed by it for a long period of time are... well.

If they were becoming Chaos Spawn, they'd be less consistent in appearance.
Canon Cawl: Clearly the Red Thirst is a feature not a bug in the gene seed.
Its canon that the blood angels recruit from mutants/deformed, not actually mutants like astropaths but people hunchbacs and other deformities. And I never said that they would made abhumans into astartes, only that, considering the history of the Blood Angels have with mutations, they would probably integrate Abhumans auxiliary forces more than usual to their chapters battle doctrine and culture
Here is word of QM on this matter:
Keep in mind this is still the Imperium.

Aside from first foundings (Who can get away with a lot) they ain't going to go with confirmed mutants or abhumans getting Gene-Seed implants.

The closest is 'totally not abhumans' like people from Catachan.
And again, any other chapter could accomplish the same thing. In fact it would probably be better considering that if this chapter ends up inheriting the issues that the Blood Angels have than that's really not going to help the case considering they would be the equivalent of Astartes mutants with blood drinking and mental health issues, worse if they get the Lamenters luck.
he said "they ain't going to go with confirmed mutants or abhumans getting Gene-Seed implants" which means they will not place Gene-seed on non pure humans.
There is nothing there that Blood Angels would not make use of Abhumans as serfs, auxiliaries or any other thing
he said "they ain't going to go with confirmed mutants or abhumans getting Gene-Seed implants" which means they will not place Gene-seed on non pure humans.
There is nothing there that Blood Angels would not make use of Abhumans as serfs, auxiliaries or any other thing
And again, I am pretty sure that that would apply to other chapters. Heck, one of the main reasons for going with Ultramarines before was because they took more traits from the planets they are put on.
but this is not a mutation that the planet gives? it is something that the planet has, if we placed the chapter in a forge world the chapter would have easier acces to equipment, if we placed it on a fortress world, it would have acces to the fortress, problably expanding it, on a hive world bigger pool of recruits etc.

As far as far as i undertand, the thing we roll are mutation the planet may give to chapter, but each world has it's traits that a chapter may make use of.

Our previous chapter was in a world with an IA a machine spirit, said thing was something of the world but not a trait of the chapter, here we are saying that a chapter could make use of the Abhumans/mutatnts in their auxiliary forces. Which i doubt is part of the rolls for chapter traits, more like whathever the chapter mentality would allow them to make use of said people
[X] Plan: The Bloodborne
-[X] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.
--[X] 1 Charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
--[X] 2 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
-[X] Yararara: A planet whose local inhabitants have been fending off a ludicrously persistent Chaos Cult since before the Imperium was founded. You're honestly astounded they've managed it for this long without support, the report from your juniors said things are dire down there - no risk of being overtaken by the traitors outright, but when the number one cause of death is "was murdered by Chaos Cultists" things are not going well. The blood of the people here is remarkably resistant to mutative effects, both Warp based and more natural causes like radiation, and their minds have been hardened against psychic influence due to ages of constant battle with the servants of Chaos. Outside of battle, the locals all seem to have some kind of firearm on their person at all times, even if there isn't any sign of traitor activity nearby - logical of them, can never be too sure if they aren't going to somehow appear out of thin air on you. Bah, Chaos... (Sanguine).
--[X] 2 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.

Press X to make the Sons of the Hawkboy expies of John Bloodborne!!!
[X] Plan: The Bloodborne
-[X] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.
--[X] 1 Charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
--[X] 2 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
-[X] Yararara: A planet whose local inhabitants have been fending off a ludicrously persistent Chaos Cult since before the Imperium was founded. You're honestly astounded they've managed it for this long without support, the report from your juniors said things are dire down there - no risk of being overtaken by the traitors outright, but when the number one cause of death is "was murdered by Chaos Cultists" things are not going well. The blood of the people here is remarkably resistant to mutative effects, both Warp based and more natural causes like radiation, and their minds have been hardened against psychic influence due to ages of constant battle with the servants of Chaos. Outside of battle, the locals all seem to have some kind of firearm on their person at all times, even if there isn't any sign of traitor activity nearby - logical of them, can never be too sure if they aren't going to somehow appear out of thin air on you. Bah, Chaos... (Sanguine).
--[X] 2 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
[X] Plan: On Crimson Tides
-[X] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.
--[X] 1 Charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
--[X] 2 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
-[X] Issua: Also called 'the Iron Planet', Issua is notable for it's red colored seas that are reminiscent of human blood - though it isn't actually blood. You checked, it's actually perfectly drinkable for the average person! The temperature here is bitterly cold and unsuitable for growing crops, so the population gets most of its nutrition by hunting the many monsters lurking within the red seas. (Sanguine).
--[X] 2 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.

[X] Plan: Among Strange Kin
-[X] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.
--[X] 1 Charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
--[X] 2 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
-[X] Ramz: The inhabitants of this land live under constant attack from the local infestation of Orks and Grots. Oddly enough, the people here have developed a remarkable resistance to diseases - samples of their blood indicates that while they are not completely immune, plagues that will kill any other population to the last are only a temporary hindrance for them. Incidentally, the population of this realm also has a surprisingly large number of Abhumans - Ogryn, Ratlings, and Beastmen can all be found here, despite them usually requiring different environmental conditions to emerge, and all of them co-mingle with the human population as equals. A rare sight, especially since those bloody Emperor worshippers have been spreading some idiocy about how any deviation from the standard human appearance is a sign of evil. Idiots. (Sanguine).
--[X] 2 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
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