The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Eh it's a complicated world. We don't know how it will effect the chapter, if we're not careful it can easily end up as the Imperial Creed chapter.
They are simple ways to counter that after all the bonuses we get from the chapters we made. It that is less of a problem then us not having anti-daemon chapters. We just make it the anti-bird fucker chapter, with counter espionage and magic training. Won't be a very religious chapter.
[] Plan: The Bloodborne
-[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.
--[] 1 Charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
--[] 2 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
-[ ] Yararara: A planet whose local inhabitants have been fending off a ludicrously persistent Chaos Cult since before the Imperium was founded. You're honestly astounded they've managed it for this long without support, the report from your juniors said things are dire down there - no risk of being overtaken by the traitors outright, but when the number one cause of death is "was murdered by Chaos Cultists" things are not going well. The blood of the people here is remarkably resistant to mutative effects, both Warp based and more natural causes like radiation, and their minds have been hardened against psychic influence due to ages of constant battle with the servants of Chaos. Outside of battle, the locals all seem to have some kind of firearm on their person at all times, even if there isn't any sign of traitor activity nearby - logical of them, can never be too sure if they aren't going to somehow appear out of thin air on you. Bah, Chaos... (Sanguine).
--[] 2 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
[] Plan: On Crimson Tides
-[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.
--[] 1 Charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
--[] 2 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
-[ ] Issua: Also called 'the Iron Planet', Issua is notable for it's red colored seas that are reminiscent of human blood - though it isn't actually blood. You checked, it's actually perfectly drinkable for the average person! The temperature here is bitterly cold and unsuitable for growing crops, so the population gets most of its nutrition by hunting the many monsters lurking within the red seas. (Sanguine).
--[] 2 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.

Interested in more of a "Monster-Hunting" bent to the Blood Angels with this one. Would nicely translate to combatting the varied Xenos horrors across the galaxy.


[] Plan: Among Strange Kin
-[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.
--[] 1 Charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
--[] 2 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
-[ ] Ramz: The inhabitants of this land live under constant attack from the local infestation of Orks and Grots. Oddly enough, the people here have developed a remarkable resistance to diseases - samples of their blood indicates that while they are not completely immune, plagues that will kill any other population to the last are only a temporary hindrance for them. Incidentally, the population of this realm also has a surprisingly large number of Abhumans - Ogryn, Ratlings, and Beastmen can all be found here, despite them usually requiring different environmental conditions to emerge, and all of them co-mingle with the human population as equals. A rare sight, especially since those bloody Emperor worshippers have been spreading some idiocy about how any deviation from the standard human appearance is a sign of evil. Idiots. (Sanguine).
--[] 2 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.

This plan is in the interest of having a hardier Angels, and hopefully their presence and general good PR as Sanguinius' Sons would deter the impending prosecution once the Imperial Creed propagates.
sons of Sanguinius on a world with friendly mutants is likely to end well, although I'm not too familiar with the lore of Baal
The blood angels gene seed is extremely receptive to mutants, even the worst irradiated waste land and degenerate underhive dergs can be successfully implanted become greek sculpture levels of good looking in the process

Just look up how the blood angels legion was before they got their primarch back when they were called the Revenant legion
I like strange kin it fits with Blood angels abilitiy to turn mutants into angels and helps curtailing stupidy about abhumans.
I think Yarara is an absolute must for our current chapter creation. The main thing we are going for is actually fixing the issues with Blood Angels gene seed and try to ensure that this chapter doesn't inherit the Red or Black Thirst, or heaven forbid, the Lamenters luck. In fact Grimm outright laments he couldn't fix that issue while Sanguinius was alive. Going for the highest likely hood of fixing those issues would be the best way to honor him.

I like strange kin it fits with Blood angels abilitiy to turn mutants into angels and helps curtailing stupidy about abhumans.
Thing is that the QM confirmed that we won't be able to turn mutants or abhumans into Blood Angel Astartes. While I agree that it would be a good thing to do it seems like it would be better to use a different chapter for that. As someone suggested would work better with something like the Salamanders along with the anti Nurgle request. Maybe a chimera version with the Death Guard for extra disease and poison resistance as well.

So, either we choose Ramz, the fantasy world that is permeant throughout modern media, or we choose Yararara, 40K's version of Yharnam.

Idk about you, but I'd rather save Yararara for a more... special occasion. I'd choose Ramz for the simple fact that if people within the wider Imperium can see the benefits of Abhumans, then it stands to reason that the Imperium can benefit from their mutations.

Excluding the fact that there's a chance to see whether or not our created Long Founding Space Marine Chapter can study and adapt their gene-seed to the curious efforts of becoming more resistant and might mitigate the effects of the Red Thirst and Black Rage.

Keyword, might.
[ ] Pertana IV: The most unusual aspect of this planet are its human inhabitants, who have displayed what can only be described as shocking levels of pain resistance - being by all accounts completely unbothered by even the absolute maximum amount of pain a human can survive without dying. The planet itself is mostly unremarkable, beyond the strange fog that seems to cover the entire surface.

I was going to suggest this because the pain resistance coukd help with the rage and thirst. Bu then the mist reminded me of Mortariobs home world and I realized that the planet is probably Nurgle 's already.

Ramz is the best option. The Blood Angel originally had a mutant following that they recruited from until they got culty (towards emps) and Big E had them kill. Now that isn't a problem AND it will probably lead to an interesting Chapter culture with a big use of Abhuman auxiliary. Also good luck trying to purge the abhumans on a Blood Angel planet calling them mutants and disgusting/afront for the emperor
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For those that are proposing Interesting Planets, I want to point the starting point....

Choose A Homeworld (Request Mandate: Homeworld Must Have Sanguine Tag)

Note the bolded part. To have the commission be as successful as possible, we need to select planets with the Sanguine Tag, no matter how more interesting and/or beneficial other planets in the List would be.
Ramz is the best option. The Blood Angel originally had a mutant following that they recruited from until they got culty (towards emps) and Big E had them kill. Now that isn't a problem AND it will probably lead to an interesting Chapter culture with a big use of Abhuman auxiliary. Also good luck trying to purge the abhumans on a Blood Angel planet calling them mutants and disgusting/afront for the emperor
The QM literally made a post saying that this chapter cannot convert mutants and abhumans using gene seed.

So, either we choose Ramz, the fantasy world that is permeant throughout modern media, or we choose Yararara, 40K's version of Yharnam.

Idk about you, but I'd rather save Yararara for a more... special occasion. I'd choose Ramz for the simple fact that if people within the wider Imperium can see the benefits of Abhumans, then it stands to reason that the Imperium can benefit from their mutations.

Excluding the fact that there's a chance to see whether or not our created Long Founding Space Marine Chapter can study and adapt their gene-seed to the curious efforts of becoming more resistant and might mitigate the effects of the Red Thirst and Black Rage.

Keyword, might.
The main point of picking this option was to try to remove the Red Thirst and Black Rage. The main point for Yarara is that it makes its people so mutation resistant, which seems perfect to fix the issue. An issue that if fixed would be a huge favor to Sanginius.

We can just use another chapter for Ramz, especially since it would also make a perfect anti Nurgle chapter. Heck, something like the Word Bearers base trait could help spread the idea of tolerance for example.
The main point of picking this option was to try to remove the Red Thirst and Black Rage. The main point for Yarara is that it makes its people so mutation resistant, which seems perfect to fix the issue. An issue that if fixed would be a huge favor to Sanginius.
The Black Rage is more a Warp Related flaw but yes I agree that a general mutation resistance will likely limit instances of that flaw arising.
The QM literally made a post saying that this chapter cannot convert mutants and abhumans using gene seed
Its canon that the blood angels recruit from mutants/deformed, not actually mutants like astropaths but people hunchbacs and other deformities. And I never said that they would made abhumans into astartes, only that, considering the history of the Blood Angels have with mutations, they would probably integrate Abhumans auxiliary forces more than usual to their chapters battle doctrine and culture
[ ] Emperor's Landing: One of the very first planets the Emperor conquered after leaving Terra. The exact details are not known, but the Emperor on this world battled a foe so devastating that he was pushed nearly to his limits, having barely ever used such a level of power before or since. To this day, his power permeates the area so thoroughly that much of the wildlife actually glows with his radiance at night. (Segmentum Solar).
Honestly I just want to stick a chapter of Thousand Sons on this planet, I feel like they would be able to do all sorts of psychic bullshit with a planet bathed in the Emperor's power.
I'm torn between [] Plan: Among Strange Kin and [] Plan: The Bloodborne. Yarararais probably better for this request specifically, but I think we need to put a chapter on Ramz. Both to protect them and raise the level of tolerance in the imperium
Thinking that if we do thousand sons in emperors landing then that could be the request fulfillment for the antitzeentch chapter.
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