A baby brother might not be the worst thing. Until Viserys has a son and is not passing over us for that son, or until his health has declined to the point that everyone thinks he's not going to get a son, people will be assuming the whole heir thing is a temporary stopgap.

So people are probably going to be undervaluing Rhaenyra & not treating her like a real contender until then. Unless Viserys has managed to make himself believed to them.

@Teen Spirit, If Johanna has a son, then her father Lord Roland (who sits on the Small Council as an Advisor without Portfolio) starts hectoring Viserys about the succession, would it possible to gain Roland's seat on the council?

@Teen Spirit, would it also be possible to get Viserys to pass a law declaring that the Targaryen Monarch gets to choose their heir from within their family (after all Jaehaerys did it after Prince Aemon's death)?
@Teen Spirit, If Johanna has a son, then her father Lord Roland (who sits on the Small Council as an Advisor without Portfolio) starts hectoring Viserys about the succession, would it possible to gain Roland's seat on the council?
I wouldn't be too worried about getting a seat on the Small Council... As we can see in the series Canon Rhaenyra got a seat on the Small Council (even with the small ball to clock in), probably due to being Lady of Dragonstone and heir to the throne, and unlike Canon, our Rhaenyra is probably going to avoid several of the worst blunders that Canon Ranenyra did in those 10 years...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4weU22GrBVk&ab_channel=webseriespro
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I meant more cloak and dagger stuff in general
Well, since we were talking about blood magic and lost opportunities of the Scholar route, I thought you meant the more magical route...

Because yeah, we have quite a few candidates for covering our weakness with intrigue, included one option in which can pull a Korrasami from our dear uncle...

Besides that @Teen Spirit I have a couple of questions...

Is there any difference between learning music using the Relax action instead of Study?

If we had recruited Ser Criston Cole, would have been possible for this Rheanyra to have a good relationship with him, or he would have devolved into his "Ser Incel" persona eventually?
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Is there any difference between learning music using the Relax action instead of Study?
Generally you start off more skilled using Study.

If we had recruited Ser Criston Cole, would have been possible for this Rheanyra to have a good relationship with him, or he would have devolved into his "Ser Incel" persona eventually?
For any other route other than Visenya Reborn, yes. Provided you either did not romance him or did not give him the white cloak. Visenya Reborn, he finds the idea of a girl being a warrior emscalating
Magic is lame anyways. We want to be a knight, not a magician or pyromancer. Magic nerds be like "I'm so hardcore, magic is a sword without a hilt." You know what's better than a sword without a hilt? A sword with a hilt, dumbass. Knights had this figured out in the Bronze Age. All the greenseers in the world couldn't stop some lads who figured out iron, and all they managed to do was flood their own house.

This post brought to you by the citadel and fact checked by real Andal patriots.
E: Like, our relations are literally still Cordial!
Now this actually convinced me instead of arguments abt how it's something that we're too late to fix. Switching my vote, us causing a stir during Johanna's big day is ultimately like our Opinion Escapades with Otto - it's no big deal.

The Big Deal, ofc, is how to navigate Johanna and her eventual children as potential threats to our throne. As I keep banging on, we gotta secure a betrothal with Laenor ASAP. Should we write to Rhaenys during/after this Vale succession crisis to at least start a discussion abt it?

[X] Plan The 70,000 Pound Dragon In The Room
Adhoc vote count started by digital2 on Sep 12, 2024 at 3:37 AM, finished with 189 posts and 66 votes.

The plan 70,000 pound dragon is currently ahead by 2 votes. Half a hour left to vote.
Voting closed
Voting Closed. That was a nail biter.

Adhoc vote count started by digital2 on Sep 12, 2024 at 3:37 AM, finished with 189 posts and 66 votes.
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For any other route other than Visenya Reborn, yes. Provided you either did not romance him or did not give him the white cloak. Visenya Reborn, he finds the idea of a girl being a warrior emscalating
Well, then I am so glad that the Tarly bloke won...

Fortunately this means that once the Dance shitstorm inevitably happens, Ser Crispin would be at most a prosperous landed knight, not a traitor in our inner circle.

Magic is lame anyways. We want to be a knight, not a magician or pyromancer. Magic nerds be like "I'm so hardcore, magic is a sword without a hilt." You know what's better than a sword without a hilt? A sword with a hilt, dumbass. Knights had this figured out in the Bronze Age. All the greenseers in the world couldn't stop some lads who figured out iron, and all they managed to do was flood their own house.

This post brought to you by the citadel and fact checked by real Andal patriots.
That is why you outsource your magical needs to a professional witch/warlock, if magic is a sword without a hilt you can hire someone to cut his hands using it...

Because let's be honest, magic has its uses, Valyrian dragon-riding is a great example...
Voting Closed. That was a nail biter.
Well time to tread the paths of the Swole... Where are they hiding the protein?

View: https://youtu.be/RBrDrA3WHEw?si=ZPINRhHx-yNjYIVh
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I think Teen Spirit means Alys Rivers... So we should visit Harrenhall on the royal progress, or marry Harwin,
And here I thought TeenSpirit meant that we should get better-acquainted with our fair capital beyond its citadel.

Because let's be honest, magic has its uses, Valyrian dragon-riding is a great example...
We can hardly well-emulate Visenya without being at least a bit of a magician either.
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Hmmm, in the future, could we use Relax to do light religious study or outreach or something?

Rhaenyra isn't particularly faithful, but "Knight" is at least partially a religious title, it's a Fot7 associated thing that generally requires stuff like vigils in a Sept, vows to the Seven, etc. There are simpler rituals and battlefield knighting, but the more elaborate and ritualized versions seem more romantic.

Religion is often a medium for social mores and traditions, and getting out ahead of that / finding a Septon Barth type if we can could be useful. Also, it might help with Alicent.
Rhaenyra isn't particularly faithful, but "Knight" is at least partially a religious title,

Eh, it's more of a title legitimized by the Faith - but that doesn't mean much for the Knights themselves, really. It isn't really expected of knights to know more of the Faith than others do, they just have to go through the proper Faith rituals, is all.

And there is also the fact that the Faith is just supremely unimportant in Westeros, compared to RL historical societies. In the world we see in the books and shows, it has almost no social penetration. It just seems to have too few presence to really bother with, in a way.
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Eh, it's more of a title legitimized by the Faith - but that doesn't mean much for the Knights themselves, really. It isn't really expected of knights to more of the Faith than others do, they just have to go through the proper Faith rituals, is all.

And there is also the fact that the Faith is just supremely unimportant in Westeros, compared to RL historical societies. In the world we see in the books and shows, it has almost no social penetration. It just seems to have too few presence to really bother with, in a way.

That's fair, although it might be worth walking through what the proper Faith rituals are and getting the okay to do them when we're at that point.

It seems like when the Faith does get going it really gets going - like I'm GOT nobody gives a shit about the Faith, the High Septon is bought and sold but by AFFC they're putting like half the royal family on trial. Or Aenys going from "eh the Faith will get over it, who cares" to "I have fled to Dragonstone, de facto Targaryen control of the seven kingdoms has been lost." Or the Storming of the Dragonpit. Not that I think any of that is a risk, but there's not zero power there.
And there is also the fact that the Faith is just supremely unimportant in Westeros, compared to RL historical societies. In the world we see in the books and shows, it has almost no social penetration. It just seems to have too few presence to really bother with, in a way.
the thing to keep in mind though is that we are still 200 years in the past compared to the baratheon era

the faith militant revolts are barely outside living memory (there are like plenty of people whose grandparents were part of the faith militant),
and the faith hadnt had to endure getting its influence cut either by baelors zealotry deligitimazing the faith by appointing random smallfolk to the post of the high septon, nor the most devout crowning daemon blackfyre king in oppostion to daeron II

all of which would have chipped att he faiths influence till the "modern" times when the faith was basically toothless