And we can't even use the horse and armor for a tourney anyway. What kind of mystery knight rides in on the princess' horse and wearing her armor?
Ostensibly we can request that our armor be sufficiently nondescript to not attract unwanted attention. But why waste a boon on that (and pass up cool red and black lacquerwork) when we can with ordinary actions sneak into King's Landing and commission bootleg armor ourselves?
Ostensibly we can request that our armor be sufficiently nondescript to not attract unwanted attention. But why waste a boon on that (and pass up cool red and black lacquerwork) when we can with ordinary actions sneak into King's Landing and commission bootleg armor ourselves?
Some shiny new black lacquer armour would be a great thing to ask for when we got the knighthood.

Sneaking off to prepare equipment for a tourney visit sounds like a decent idea. If nothing else it makes Tarly's part of the job easier when we are helping.
[X] Plan Stick To The Plan

I actually think asking for a dress would work better with the Royal Progress request. Shows we're not dedicated to ruffling every single feather we come across. And we did just show in the council that we're fully capable of thinking diplomatically.
I would prefer to focus on attaining our knighthood over moving forward with the Royal Progress at this time.
We have a rather limited opportunity window to fit the Royal Progress, since we will have to start worrying about marriage offers soonish...
I consider a trip to Dore out of the question at this point, our uncle and cousin dragon riders are currently fighting them for the Stepstone. Viserys would be right to turn us down.
I think that Corlys and Daemon are fighting against the Triarchy, and at this point in time Dorne is not officially supporting the pirates...
And we can't even use the horse and armor for a tourney anyway. What kind of mystery knight rides in on the princess' horse and wearing her armor?
TBF, getting a new armor or dress is a rather simple thing to do with our resources... But a well-trained warhorse that knows Rhaenyra seems like something that we won't be able to get with short notice...

[X] Plan Stick To The Plan (Horsie Edition)
-[X] [Training] Keep Training as is.
-[X] [Boon] A new horse, suitable for Tourneys
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress
Some shiny new black lacquer armour would be a great thing to ask for when we got the knighthood.

Sneaking off to prepare equipment for a tourney visit sounds like a decent idea. If nothing else it makes Tarly's part of the job easier when we are helping.
TBH, we don't need to sneak off for that, we can just ask Ser Raylon to commission a new armor from the street of steel...
[X] Plan Stick To The Plan

This just seems the correct route. Just because we want to be a knight, need not mean we also can't present as a proper lady too, no need to not be both.
[X] We have the Right
-[X] [Training] Keep Training as is.
-[X] [Boon] The right to wield Blackfyre
-[X] [Boon] A royal progress

Edit: Plan name
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I kinda of would prefer no dress - it seems wiser to just get everyone to accept that we are in fact going to ruffle every single feather than keep them hoping we won't only to be inevitably disappointed. Not that we should never wear dresses or present as the proper lady, but I'm pretty sure we already have loads of dresses.

Horse > Armor for reasons already given, but also because a horse is probably easier to disguise in a tourney, and it's a gift that'll probably be less embarrassing for Viserys - I'm sure plenty of fathers give their noble daughters horses. Not warhorses, but the look is better.

I think a royal hunt would have merit too - they seem to be associated with legitimacy in the show, it promotes socializing, and it's something men do that's also socially acceptable for women to do.

I'm also like 99% sure that wielding Blackfyre / going to the Stepstones are ones that backfire. Wielding Blackfyre is a big deal. And it's one that might make Viserys look weak. Aenys giving Maegor Blackfyre and Aegon giving Daemon Blackfyre come to mind.

[X] Plan Stick To The Plan (Horsie Edition)
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[X] Plan Stick To The Plan

I think going for stronger foundation in the prowess category is more important right now. As said by others, we have the time.

Having a new dress for our progress is important and can give us a positive image among the lords. Rhaenyra Targaryen may be known as a defiant woman who likes to wear armor and wield a blade, but she can act as the proper princess that she is if she wants to.

...but I just want to go on a progress (that's a lie. I want that amazing Blackfyre in our hand, but that can wait).
I'm really inclined to ask to wield Blackfyre. Blackfyre is more then just a powerful weapon, it's also a symbol of legitimacy to our claim as heir to the Iron Throne. Us having it means that would be usurpers wouldn't be able to grab it for themselves once Viserys dies like the Greens did in canon.
I think asking to wield Blackfyre is a guaranteed to fail right now. As you note, it's a symbol of legitimacy and a big deal. We haven't been knighted and we're not yet a really exceptional warrior - we're good for our age, good for our gender, but we're still a child, not a proven warrior.

Also, Viserys passing Blackfyre on may be a big deal - Aenys doing that with Maegor basically signaled that he was delegating a chunk of the job - particularly martial matters. Viserys passing it off after a health scare might be seen as him deciding he's too old and weak to wield martial power - which he probably isn't, even if he was never a warrior of any note.

IMO Blackfyre is something we ask for when we're a knight, on the council in our own right, and Viserys health is deteriorating to the point that we are de facto taking on a lot of the business of ruling (which hopefully we do). Even wielding it and returning it is too big a deal, and this too small an occasion.
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I think asking to wield Blackfyre is a guaranteed to fail right now. As you note, it's a symbol of legitimacy and a big deal. We haven't been knighted and we're not yet a really exceptional warrior - we're good for our age, good for our gender, but we're still a child, not a proven warrior.
We're great for our age and expectional for our gender but we're still basically untested.