Very much so...

I would like to try to shift the discussion towards something significantly more immediate than matchmaking... What do you guys think about studying music before the Royal Progress so that we can pick up some songs in our travels?

And honestly, the Girl-Rhaegar build seems pretty neat, if only because no matter how the dance ends, our spirit will still be able to torment Rhaegar in his sleep for totally stealing our vibe...
He'll lie awake at night knowing he's a imitation of his cool as fuck great-great-great grandma. hopefully
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@Teen Spirit, what would have happened if we had chosen to dance with a man (such as Tyland Lannister or Gwayne HIghtower)?
We would have danced with them. Their families would have presumed interest in marriage. Jason Lannister would have been an ass about it which could have led to interesting things.
@Teen Spirit I would like to ask a couple of questions regarding the music/Girl-Rhaegar route...

If we take the study music action before we go to the Royal Progress, can we a few learn songs from the places we visit?

And what will be Rhaenyra's singing voice? Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, or Contralto? I am asking this mostly because Emma has a much deeper voice than Milly...
@Teen Spirit I would like to ask a couple of questions regarding the music/Girl-Rhaegar route...

If we take the study music action before we go to the Royal Progress, can we a few learn songs from the places we visit?

And what will be Rhaenyra's singing voice? Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, or Contralto? I am asking this mostly because Emma has a much deeper voice than Milly...
That sounds reasonable.

Probably on the deeper end of things. I am not the most musically inclined I'll admit.
Turn 5: Results Part I
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Sep 2, 2024 at 6:19 AM, finished with 102 posts and 53 votes.
Turn 5: Results Part I

"And here is the temple devoted to the goddess, Syrax," your father explained as he gestured to a square, tower-like building. It's sides were rough and unfinished, but it had a flat top with each of it's corners resembling claws jutting upward. "It was further away from the face of the volcano and the Dragonlords personal estates than Belarion's temple, but still quite prominent within the city. The texts say it had a clear line of sight to the Anogrion."

Your father's pride in his model of the Valyrian capital, and the research that went into it, was immense. When he spoke, it felt like everything had returned to normal for a moment. He had an energy in his voice you had not heard since your mother passed. You knew it was merely an echo of what you once had with him, but it was great to see him smiling earnestly again all the same.

Even if the clear pain his gloved hand was giving him did diminish this somewhat.

"The stone masons still need to finish the sides and I need to go over my notes again to make sure the placement is accurate," your father began to ramble, "though I think it will look quite nice when it's finished. you made a fine choice in Dragon names I must say."

"Thank you, father," you replied as you stared at the miniature stone city. In truth, you had picked the name because you'd just read a children's story from old Valyria that mentioned a golden figure of Syrax and it seemed fitting for the young yellow dragon you bonded with. you were a child at the time. There had only been a small amount of thought put into it.

He had been delighted by your offer to help with his research into Valyria. Apparently your father had caught wind of your frequent trips to the Red Keeps archives and had been privately hoping you might be interested in some of his own scholarly interests.

You weren't quite sure yet how you felt about this yet. The Valyrian language came to you almost as well as the common tongue and the dragon keepers had trained you since childhood in the ancient ways of Valyria. There were few who knew more about Valyria than you. Likely no one outside of your family and the Citadel, though that spoke more of the ignorance of the realm at large. You knew the Valyria Freehold was the most powerful realm the world had ever known, building an empire through dragons and magic born of fire and blood. An empire that last centuries, but fell in a single day, the Freehold forever tainted with volcanic fire and dark, wild magics. Your family were the last of the dragon lords. The last embers of a once grand inferno.

Yet that was all just the basics. Little did you know of the details about Old Valyria and you weren't sure you cared. You wanted to be a knight after all. A dragon riding knight, but a knight all the same. Not a pyromancer or a blood mage. The furthest east you'd ever been was the waters around Dragonstone. Westeros was your home, even if you stood apart from the Andals and First Men you would one day rule.

"So where should I begin?" You asked tentatively as you looked around the room.

Your father's room seemed like it was halfway transformed into a second library. So many shelves filled with books, tomes and roles of parchment, some of which look ancient and fragile as if they could crumble if touched too hard.

"Actually, there was something we need to talk about before you begin," he said with sudden seriousness. "It's about your actions at the wedding."

You couldn't help but roll your eyes as you let out an indignant sigh.

"If I had danced with a man, their family would assume I was interested in marriage and they would hound the both of us for months on end," you defended yourself.

"Perhaps, but if you simply wanted a dance, your cousin was not the best of choices," he lectured. "You know the rumors about her,"

Hardly rumors at this point considering what she directly told her.

"There are rumors about everyone in court," you deflected, "and even if they're true I don't see how it matters."

"Because there are now similar rumors about you as well. Well, no," he corrected himself, "there have been similar rumors since you took up the sword, but these have only fueled them further."

You let out an incredibly undignified snort in disbelief. "That is an absurdity. Just because I take up a man's weapon, I must have a man's interests in the bedroom as well? I don't see Lady Arryn wielding a sword."

"A fair point, but the rumors will persist and grow because of your actions," Viserys said wearily. "If I am speaking honestly, I care little if the rumors are true or not. But these rumors will hurt your reputation and your marriage prospects."

You stared at your father skeptically.

"You don't care if the rumors are true?"

"I have seen Daemon chase after men and women alike," Viserys confessed. "It surprised me at first but I learned to accept it, and it would not be fair for me to treat you differently. My only concern is your reputation and how this could damage your standing. If this is where your interests lay, arrangements can be made. We-"

"Father, I beg you, stop," you interrupted, you mind reeling from sheer confusion. "I did not come here to talk about my uncle's sex life or my own interests. I came here to help you with your research. Could we please focus on that?"

This was not a conversation you had come even remotely prepared for.

"Right, yes, of course, sorry," he apologized. "It had just been on my mind as of late. But you're right, we have important work to do."

He clapped his hands eagerly, though he winced visibly as he did.

Your father turned towards a small collection of books he had lined up on one of his tables. He gingerly grabbed one of the smaller ones, the outside bound in charred black leather textured to resemble scales. Even unopened you could tell most of the pages were damaged and torn.

"This is an interesting one! One of the Dragon keepers found it on Dragonstone some months back. Back decades before we left the Freehold for Dragonstone, one of our family, a daughter named Daenora, married into a more powerful dragon lord family. Her new husband prepared a guide for his wife," he explained eagerly. "This guide was basically instructions for how to run his household. When he should be awoken in the morning, how to properly train their slaves, how to care for the dragons, so and so forth. A rare look at what normal life would have been for dragon lords."

You nodded dutifully. The chance to see how the ancient dragon lords took care of their own dragons fascinated you and you eagerly took the book out of his hands.

"Be very careful," your father urged cautiously. "The book is quiet old and a many pages have been lost rot over the years. So, handle each page with a light touch."

"I will, father," you replied, holding the book much more gingerly now as you made your way to a desk nearby.

You sat down at a table he had prepared and began to study the book, carefully turning each page with two gloved fingers.

You quickly realized you didn't care much for most of this book. The Valyrian it was written in was full of words and spellings you were unfamiliar with, and much of the guide was talking about proper treatment of slaves. And apparently for the Freehold, what they considered proper treatment was nothing short of abhorrent brutality. The likes of which even the Ironborn would balk at.

Despite your distaste for much of the text, it was clear how much your father enjoyed your company. Talking with you about the book and his own research, occasionally sharing some theories he had about the Freehold or his plans for future extensions of his model. At the very least you knew he was enjoying this.

One part of the book did catch your attention. The section on dragons. It was fairly basic, as it was clear they expected most of the work to be done by slaves and keepers, but there was an interesting bit on the importance of singing to their dragons and it even contained a few songs and their lyrics. You couldn't help but wonder how Syrax would have reacted to your singing.

Learning Increased

Relationship with Viserys Improved

"Fire breather, winged leader," you sang in Valyrian as you walked through the depths of the Dragonpit. "But two heads, to a third sing."

You had been practicing the song for the better part of a week. Your father told you he had seen the song before in other texts and it was likely the Dragonkeepers knew it as well. You didn't care. This song was your discovery and you were going to share it with Syrax.

"From my voice, the fires have spoken, and the price has been paid with blood magic." You voice echoed oddly off the walls of the vast cavern that Syrax had made her nest in. The strangeness of it nearly pausing your song a few times but you pushed through.

Normally, the Dragonkeepers escorted Syrax out of the Dragonpit so you could climb her outside and take off there. Dragons tended to be more willful on the ground and more assertive against younger riders then they were in the air. The keepers believed it was just simpler to have them handle the more mundane aspects of dragon riding and normally you agreed, but today you wanted to take Syrax out yourself.

"With words of flame. With clear eyes. To bind the three. To you I sing."

Syrax's head suddenly appeared out of the gloom, staring at you curiously as she approached.

How could Alicent be so scared of her? How could anyone look at something so majestic, so graceful and act like it was a monster? Your enemies, sure they would have many reasons to fear her, but Alicent was no enemy.

You wished your friend could see Syrax as you saw her.

"As one we gather. And with three heads," you sang the final lines of the song, "we shall fly as we were destined. Beautifully. Freely."

The words where more than just a song. They were a promise to the both of you.

Syrax leaned in close, her blue eyes filled with curiosity. You reached up and stroked the side of her face with your hand, urging her closer.

"We will rule together," you whispered promises as you pressed you head into hers. "Two queens we will be. My father may have made me heir but it is your strength that will keep me on the throne."

You ran your hand along her face, smooth scales gliding beneath your fingers as she cooed.

"They will hail me as their sovereign," you vowed. "While you will be held up alongside the likes of Balerion and Vermithor. A dragon among dragons. This I promise you Syrax. This I swear."

You wanted to be a knight. A warrior. A woman of blades, not honeyed words. To be that kind of Queen, you knew you needed Syrax to be part of your image. Her strength was seen as a reflection of yours and vice versa.

Syrax backed up, an awkward motion for a dragon. A feeling in the back of your head told you to back up as well.

With a triumphant roar, Syrax raised her head up and let out a stream of dragon fire. The light made your own torch look like nothing more than a guttering candle.

After her display, Syrax's gaze returned to you as she lowered herself and adjusted her wings. Her intent as obvious if she spoken to you directly.

You climbed on, chaining yourself to the saddle as Syrax climbed out of her den.

When you flew that day, you flew as one.

Your Bond with Syrax has Increased. New Status: Devoted

Your Dragon Riding has Improved.

You couldn't deny your curiosity, if nothing else. What did Gwayne Hightower want with you, a woman he had never really even properly met before?

You went out to the training yard the first solid day of clear skies you had, wearing your training armor and carrying a practice blade just in case he wanted to spar. But considering how miserably muddy things were still, you very much doubted he would be in the mood to fight you, regardless of his reasons for wanting to talk.

Thankfully, you only had to wait a short while.

"Hail, Princess, over here!" Ser Gwayne Hightower called out from across the yard, motioning you to come closer.

You walked over towards him, doing your best to avoid the worst of the mud, Ser Tarly following close behind you.

He cut a pretty figure, you couldn't deny. Red hair that reached to his neck, cool blue eyes, a boyish face without even a hint of hair on it, and with an easy smile across it.

His green outfit, richly detailed with the Hightower vigil of their name sake castle, made it quite clear the man had no interest in sparring at this moment.

Which you couldn't deny, was more than a bit frustrating. Why come out here if you didn't want to fight?

"Hail, Ser Gwayne," you bit back your frustration as you approached. "A pleasure to finally speak to you. Alicent has told me many good things of you."

"Greetings, Princess," he replied with a bow. "My sister says much about you as well."

You couldn't help but wonder just how much Alicent talked to her family about you, because that's twice now the Hightowers have made clear that you are something of a regular topic of conversation for her.

"I must ask, and apologies for being blunt Ser, why do you wish to speak to me?" You pressed.

He could have just tried to talk to you as you passed in the halls or something of that nature, instead he basically all but summoned you here. Quite the bold move for the son of a lord's second son.

"It concerns Alicent," Gwayne's expression grew more serious. "I know I cannot command a princess and I would be made to regret it if I tried, so I ask on your honor to please do not play games with my sister's affections."

"I beg your pardon," you replied, more confused then anything.

"Do you think me blind?" He questioned. "My sister holds a great deal of affection for you, something even my short time in King's Landing has made quite clear. The way she speaks about you. The way she watches you so. Something you must have realized considering you made her your handmaiden, and yet you danced with someone like Jeyne Arryn directly in front of her. You must know what you're doing."

You stared at Gwayne in bewilderment.

"I made Alicent my handmaiden because she's my friend and I knew she would be excel at the job," you explained. "Alicent is my oldest friend but she doesn't think of me like that."

You couldn't imagine the prim and proper Alicent thinking of you like that. Then again, she had been quiet affectionate before you took up the sword, and she utterly loathed the idea of marriage, much like Jeyne did. And she was always blushing around you.

No, that couldn't be possible. She couldn't, could she?

Gwayne laughed hard, holding his stomach as he tried to regain his composure.

"Are you mocking the Princess?" Ser Tarly said with a hand on his sword.

"No, no, I meant no offense," Gwayne said quickly as he recovered from his laughter. "I simply found myself bemused by the situation."

"Alicent has never once spoken of any such affection," you said defensively.

Then again Lady Arryn had mentioned how girls interested in other girls were so rare to make the first move.

"And yet she watches you almost every time you train," Gwayne observed. "My father has complained about that more than once in his letters. He has complained about you a fair deal as of late, as you have proven particularly confusing to my father. Which is quite novel, I must admit. He isn't the type to be confused by others. But you? You vex him."

Well that was something of an accomplishment. You've managed to bewilder the hand of the king.

"What do you want of me?" You asked. "I have never sought more than Alicent's friendship, if she wants more, that is not my doing."

Gwayne shook his head.

"I want to keep my sister safe," he said earnestly. "I would prefer you remove her as Handmaiden and make clear you don't return her affection."

"That would just hurt her," you snapped back.

"For a time, yes," he admitted, "but she would recover in time."

"Or find herself in a marriage she never wanted," you argued. "You are not the only one who wants to protect Alicent."

"Better a loveless marriage than to be thrust into a life of danger," Gwayne said, his voice growing more sad. "Do you not realize how difficult it will be for you to become Queen?"

"The Princess Rhaenyra is the King's chosen heir," your sworn shield warned. "If you know of any treasonous plots against the Princess you best speak up."

Gwayne held up his hands.

"I know of nothing beyond what everyone else knows," he replied. "Her uncle still resents being removed as heir and the new Queen is likely to have a son in time. Odds are good your succession will not be smooth or peaceful."

"And what does any of that have to do with Alicent?" You questioned.

"If Alicent remains your handmaiden, she will be right there when assassins and other threats come for you," he explained. "I worry she would be hurt. Or worse. "

He was speaking in vague terms. The vague notion of rebellion or treason against your rightful inheritance. The idea was largely absurd to you. Your father was hardly ancient and you had decades before you would become Queen. Plenty of time to secure your position as heir.

"The Red Keep is full of loyal guards and knights sworn to my family's service," you replied. "You would be hard pressed to find a safer place in the Seven Kingdoms."

"Those guards are all sworn to your family," he replied. "I very much doubt they will care much to protect the life of one handmaiden."

"I mean no disrespect," Gwayne's voice was sincere as he went on. "I bear you no ill and I make no demands. I simply am asking you to do what's best for my sister and my family."

There was some truth to his fears, even if he was largely being absurdly overprotective. You would be the first ruling Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. The lords of the realm had sworn oaths, but would they keep to them when the time came? And a war would have been messy. If Alicent was by your side, she could indeed have been hurt or worse.

Then there was the issue of Alicent's feelings. Did she really feel that way about you? You couldn't deny part of you very much hoped she did but another part was scared. You had no idea how to even approach the topic with her and if you screwed things up, you would have ruined the one friendship you had.

Of course, if you agreed to Gwayne's request, you were not sure how you would keep that friendship intact. She'd be safer for it, though not happier.

The very idea of doing that to Alicent made you feel sick to your stomach. You wanted her to have the kind of romance you desired, regardless if it was with you or anyone else.

Instead, you could have tried to reassure him that you would do everything in your power to protect her. Made it an oath even. But what would your words mean to him? You weren't a knight after all. Not yet at least.

You could have refused him outrightof course. Most of his worries were just that of a brother being overprotective of his sister, and he was a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Were it not for his father's status as hand, he would be little more than a knight with no lands to his name. But what would he do if you refused? what would he say to Alicent?

"What if you stayed in King's Landing?" You suggested. "If you're so concerned for your sister's well being, then stay here and protect her."

"I represent my father's interests back home," Gwayne explained. "My duty is at the High Tower in my uncle's court. The only way I could stay here is if I had a position here that was more important."

Part of you couldn't help but wonder if this had been Gwayne's goal the whole time, guilting you into giving him a prestigious position here at court. But his concern for his sister seemed sincere.

What could you offer him? The Kingsguard was full and he was too young for it regardless, being only four years your senior. Perhaps a position in the city watch? It would have given him plenty of reason to stay in King's Landing. It would also have given Otto Hightower considerable sway over the Gold Cloaks as well, for better or worse.

There was, of course another offer, you could make. One that upset you that it even popped into your head at all. You could have offered your hand in marriage. You hated it as much as you hated the offer of marrying Laenor, but even as much as the idea upset you, you knew there was merit to Gwayne as a consort.

With Gwayne as your consort, Otto Hightower would have had no choice but to be you ally. And Otto would make a powerful ally indeed. Plus, Gwayne seemed to have an understanding of Alicent's feelings. Not quite acceptance, but he didn't speak in disgust a least, only concern for what it could mean for her safety.

Of course, even if you forced yourself to make the offer, there was the matter of if he would even accept. And if your father would approve of such a match. Who you married was not exactly your choice after all, as much as you wished it was.

How do you respond to Gwayne Hightower's request?

[] Accept his Request. Remove Alicent as handmaiden and make it clear you simply wish to be friends.

[] Refuse him. Alicent will remain as your Handmaiden.

[] Swear an Oath to protect Alicent.

[] Offer him a position at court so that he can stay and watch out for her.
-[] Offer a Position in the city watch.
-[] Offer to marry him.

[] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval)

QM's Note: Dividing the results into two updates for a couple of reasons. First is because the Gwayne vote could radically effect how our conversation with Otto goes down if you make the big offer. Second is, well, this update was getting long as it was.

On other notes, if it seems sudden that Gwayne realized Alicent's feelings for Rhaenyra and acted like he did. In the show, everyone in her family knows Alicent holds a candle for Rhaenyra. Even her own sons talk about how Alicent holds too much affection for Rhaenyra. And Alicent's feelings for Rhaenyra in this are more clear than even canon. That plus the us making Alicent Handmaiden and the dance led him to believe something was going on. As for Viserys, Daemon in the show is canonically bi and it's pretty clear Viserys and Daemon had an adventurous youth and spent much time in the streets of silk, so, Viserys almost certainly knows. And there's some other vague implications in the show that he would be the type to look the other way.

This doesn't make him a wholesome progressive monarch and father, he still married a teenager, and he is still basically saying "If you're gonna do this, keep it private". So don't expect Viserys to allow Rhaenyra to marry a woman or anything like that.
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"I have seen Daemon chase after men and women alike," Viserys confessed. "It surprised me at first but I learned to accept it, and it would not be fair for me to treat you differently. My only concern is your reputation and how this could damage your standing. If this is where your interests lay, arrangements can be made. We-"
Glad to find out that he is supportive. Or about as supportive as we can expect anyone in this society to be.

As for the vote, there's only one real option:

[X] Swear an Oath to protect Alicent.
"It concerns Alicent," Gwayne's expression grew more serious. "I know I cannot command a princess and I would be made to regret it if I tried, so I ask on your honor to please do not play games with my sister's affections."

"I beg your pardon," you replied, more confused then anything.

"Do you think me blind?" He questioned. "My sister holds a great deal of affection for you, something even my short time in King's Landing has made quite clear. The way she speaks about you. The way she watches you so. Something you must have realized considering you made her your handmaiden, and yet you danced with someone like Jeyne Arryn directly in front of her. You must know what you're doing."

You stared at Gwayne in bewilderment.

"I made Alicent my handmaiden because she's my friend and I knew she would be excel at the job," you explained. "Alicent is my oldest friend but she doesn't think of me like that."

You couldn't imagine the prim and proper Alicent thinking of you like that. Then again, she had been quiet affectionate before you took up the sword, and she utterly loathed the idea of marriage, much like Jeyne did. And she was always blushing around you.

No, that couldn't be possible. She couldn't, could she?

Gwayne laughed hard, holding his stomach as he tried to regain his composure.

"Are you mocking the Princess?" Ser Tarly said with a hand on his sword.

"No, no, I meant no offense," Gwayne said quickly as he recovered from his laughter. "I simply found myself bemused by the situation."
Dammit, I love Gawayne's cracking up at this glorious "Rhaenryra you useless lesbian!!!" moment
"You don't care if the rumors are true?"

"I have seen Daemon chase after men and women alike," Viserys confessed. "It surprised me at first but I learned to accept it, and it would not be fair for me to treat you differently. My only concern is your reputation and how this could damage your standing. If this is where your interests lay, arrangements can be made. We-"

"Father, I beg you, stop,

One part of the book did catch your attention. The section on dragons. It was fairly basic, as it was clear they expected most of the work to be done by slaves and keepers, but there was an interesting bit on the importance of singing to their dragons and it even contained a few songs and their lyrics. You couldn't help but wonder how Syrax would have reacted to your singing.
Your Bond with Syrax has Increased. New Status: Devoted

Your Dragon Riding has Improved.
Ohhh that's a great synergy between the choices.

You couldn't imagine the prim and proper Alicent thinking of you like that. Then again, she had been quiet affectionate before you took up the sword, and she utterly loathed the idea of marriage, much like Jeyne did. And she was always blushing around you.

No, that couldn't be possible. She couldn't, could she?

Gwayne laughed hard, holding his stomach as he tried to regain his composure.
This is such a funny update loool

Gwayne does seem to be friendly with us so it may be to our advantage for him to have a position at court as well though, maybe?
Hmmm that's a good point, it would also help in the work of reducing Daemon's lingering influence over the City Watch.
[X] Offer him a position at court so that he can stay and watch out for her.
-[X] Offer a Position in the city watch.

Both the rewards and dangers of this choice are very very juicy.
"I have seen Daemon chase after men and women alike,"
Daemon the #problematic bisexual

[X] Swear an Oath to protect Alicent.

It's girlknight time !
[X] Offer him a position at court so that he can stay and watch out for her.
-[X] Offer a Position in the city watch.
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It's not head of the Gold Cloaks to be clear, just a command position within the Gold Cloaks. We can't promise the moon. Well we could but Gwayne wouldn't buy it.
[X] Offer him a position at court so that he can stay and watch out for her.
-[X] Offer a Position in the city watch.