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More complicated stuff like that is left under the remit of Priests of Gazul.
Is that a sarcastic remark or a genuine answer? Because the skills a mortician needs to make a body presentable has significant overlap with actual surgery and the hand-eye coordination needed for accurate small-scale suturing.
Is that a sarcastic remark or a genuine answer? Because the skills a mortician needs to make a body presentable has significant overlap with actual surgery and the hand-eye coordination needed for accurate small-scale suturing.

More dark humour than sarcasm. If you need more help than just keeping everything where it's supposed to be, then you better hope there's a bench waiting for you in the Underearth.
Nonsense, suturing blood vessels is just advanced skin-stitching beardling! But the mysteries of internal skins is far beyond your feeble mind and modest facial hair. Also your stitches are still too sloppy on simple lacerations, just shameful.
More dark humour than sarcasm. If you need more help than just keeping everything where it's supposed to be, then you better hope there's a bench waiting for you in the Underearth.
So Dwarven medicine genuinely doesn't have any solutions to organ wounds or reconnecting or closing off major blood vessels other than hoping and praying? That's a genuine shame, I'd thought, hoped rather, that if anyone could exhibit that level of surgical proficiency it would have been the Dwarves.
@Boney not sure if you were just planning to add this after the purchase round, but just in case it was missed since the action itself did pas:

This past turn we took this action

-[] KAU: Hire educators to teach a language or group of languages to your scribes (Old World Languages)

So the languages section for the library should probably be updated from:

Scribes recruited from the human and Halfling population of Karak Eight Peaks. Languages known: Reikspiel, Tilean.

On that note since I was looking at that for a reason, do you guys think we should grab Vlag with the next library action? I imagine they would not scoff at our +6 Demons, various other Chaos gribble books as well as other foes like Greenskins, vampires and the undead.
Yes, I think we should be negotiating with Vlag this coming turn to get access to its books.

After Vlag I'm happy to spend the next few turns chewing through our backlog of Nuln libraries, but Vlag's probably unique source of magic books is too valuable to us to leave.
So Dwarven medicine genuinely doesn't have any solutions to organ wounds or reconnecting or closing off major blood vessels other than hoping and praying?

Cauterization, then prayer.

That's a genuine shame, I'd thought, hoped rather, that if anyone could exhibit that level of surgical proficiency it would have been the Dwarves.

Creating and advancing the field of surgery tends to require a level of anatomical study that Dwarven culture objects to.
Yes. The various Elven cultures are much more willing to and comfortable with declaring individuals and groups to be outside of it, and therefore not entitled to its protections.
Would the Dwarfs be more willing to engage in those types of studies if they had a steady supply of Dawi-Zharr corpses, or does their cultural mores protect them as well?
Would the Dwarfs be more willing to engage in those types of studies if they had a steady supply of Dawi-Zharr corpses, or does their cultural mores protect them as well?
For that matter would they be willing to accept medical insights from humans and the Eonir haul? There are some biological differences but there are even more biological similarities, some of the knowledge should be cross-applicable. There's also that human biologist who conducted autopsies on Dwarven corpses and made notes on their biology until he was killed by Dwarves for desecrating Dwarven corpses. Would they be willing to use the knowledge gained from that to improve their medical practices or does it fall under the fruit of the poisoned tree? There's also that Skaven book on Dawn-Zharr anatomy we translated, would that be of any use to them or does that fall under the fruit of the poisoned tree doctrine again since its origin is both Dawi-Zharr and Skaven?
On that note since I was looking at that for a reason, do you guys think we should grab Vlag with the next library action? I imagine they would not scoff at our +6 Demons, various other Chaos gribble books as well as other foes like Greenskins, vampires and the undead.
The only thing that I could imagine delaying that is if we go on the Elfternship next turn, want to make contacts to buy books (which has been previously stated to be a thing that needs to be done in Lothern or Marienburg), and need to use a Library action to do so.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
I wonder if you could use magic to keep a dwarf alive during the process if they'd let you open different part of them up, like peeling away skin and looking at organs...probably not now that I say it aloud.
I wonder, for our library could we negotiate for all the Dwarven texts they have? They have been fighting against them for thousands of years and trying to decipher Queekish for almost as long so they should have a pretty extensive Skaven text collection.

Not only about, hmmm, more mundane topics but also above engineering which could be very useful to the Empire and maybe about magic and religion (although I think these last ones would be written in High Queekish).

Oh, also they might have some books about the We. Probably more as some sort of monster that kills them, but this would be more We books!
Outstanding post. Beautiful enough to make grown men weep.
One thing that is missing: it was not, in fact, safe to take the current org sheet as the final version of the eonir gains. Two more additions to the library happened:
-Arthropods got Extensive and Esoteric Eonir, going from +10 to +15
-Serpents, a new topic, got Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
For a total of +10 Eonir and 1 new subject in the Fauna category

I also found a small typo: in the Advanced Magic category, the bottom of the table says "Category Title" rather than "Category Total".
The truly cursed thing is that thats not even that the current org sheet wasn't up to date...somehow i just had the wrong version??? despite having, i thought, double checked at the time...maybe some issue with saved drafts or cached web pages cause i'm sure i had a couple tabs open from earlier in the week still? Thanks for the headsup either way, i'll update the diffchecker and fix those :)
Right, for some reason I had it in my head that that was more about the winds themselves than magic spells cast by friendlies....wait if that's the case wouldn't Mathilde's attempt to find Gotrek and heal him with the seed have been doomed to failure no matter what?

The turning to stone thing is a gradual process. Gotrek might have gotten lucky and only had his fingers petrify, which is preferable to being dead.

Or it could have hit a kidney or something important. Or maybe not affected him at all. It was a try it and find out moment. Either way, it was essential that we find his body and attempt it, even if it left him disabled in the long run. Because again, being partly transmuted to stone is better than being dead.
I wonder, for our library could we negotiate for all the Dwarven texts they have? They have been fighting against them for thousands of years and trying to decipher Queekish for almost as long so they should have a pretty extensive Skaven text collection.
Believe you meant 'Skaven' here.

Not only about, hmmm, more mundane topics but also above engineering which could be very useful to the Empire and maybe about magic and religion (although I think these last ones would be written in High Queekish).
Spoken Queekish has many dialects. Written Queekish does not. So we can read every sort of Skaven text.
Spoken Queekish has many dialects. Written Queekish does not. So we can read every sort of Skaven text.
...That we know of.

I wonder what's more likely: that the highest-security Skaven texts in the entire Under-Empire are in a written version of High Queekish, or whether they're normally-written texts in an extremely-high-security vault.
...That we know of.

I wonder what's more likely: that the highest-security Skaven texts in the entire Under-Empire are in a written version of High Queekish, or whether they're normally-written texts in an extremely-high-security vault.
You can also apply a cipher in any language. I suspect that at least the Skyr warlords all have their own cyphers.

That said, I think the highest security texts solve the issue by not existing, those things just don't get written down. Even serves as a security feature, can't kill me or that knowledge is lost, and if you do kill me I get some instant revenge. IIRC, the council of 13 members actually live pretty long.
Speaking on Engineering it is at +16, our second largest collection of works and beaten out only by Linguistics which is not just a random flex. We have both a radical dwarf engineer and the Gunnery School right there. Granted we selected for common sense, but even so it is worth keeping in mind that Hans the Engineer working in Nuln has a +5 to work with, which is a little more than a third than people with access to KAU books can say. Now granted to get the full benefit you either have to be readin on the Skaven... or be a local who just know about it.

We might see some really interesting engineering out of the Gunnery School eventually is the point
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You can also apply a cipher in any language. I suspect that at least the Skyr warlords all have their own cyphers.

That said, I think the highest security texts solve the issue by not existing, those things just don't get written down. Even serves as a security feature, can't kill me or that knowledge is lost, and if you do kill me I get some instant revenge. IIRC, the council of 13 members actually live pretty long.
While I imagine the Grey Order subscribes to the best secret being the one you never speak or write down, I'm not so sure Skaven necessarily think the same way.

Like, they might, but this is still Skaven we're talking about. It's just as possible that they keep their highest-security secrets in a super trapped vault - but instead of the traps destroying the contents of the vault, they destroy the one breaking in (and might only unintentionally destroy the records).
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