Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Whew, nice place we've found! It's going to need a lot of warding, of course, and a live in security detail, but those are just minor details.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the daimond business is under Thomas's name and managed by him with us just supplying the stock and using the money as needed. Molly doesn't have a job on paper that would explain the money spent on things like this flat. There's monetary inconsistencies either way, if there's aggro to be drawn by that which isn't being handled by those of the Gov in the know we already have it.
Yes, but if they want to they could track down every dollar against a real serial number. Our setup with Thomas is weird but not illegal unless you start digging into the potential fraud in our technology claims, which is a separate issue.

Not all irregularities are made equal in this situation anyway. Remember when the Library had to make a point about not turning a blind eye to tax evasion of all things when negotiating for a place in the Las Vegas agreement? Uncle Sam getting paid wasn't really high on the list of concerns, but they're a grey agency and the appearance of certain mundane conspiracy is way more harmful to them than it might seem by the numbers.

Counterfeiting is in a similar boat in my mind. The appearance they're facilitating that sort of thing is poison to their credibility.
This is true which means the fact that none of those things happened at all when they had the time and ability isn't doing your position any favors. They didn't need to know just how bad the subversion was to think of taking those precautions.
Give them two weeks instead of two hours and a clear look at the opposition. I think the wizards would surprise you.
[X] Dream versions of yourself that came alive and learned themselves to dream

We have to do this one. It just fits so well even if Molly doesn't fully realize it yet.
[X] Iterations on the theme that is Molly Carpenter, just with less power and insight
[x] We don't gotta explain jack. They are all Molly Carpenter. We are no longer confined to a single location.
Our setup with Thomas is weird but not illegal unless you start digging into the potential fraud in our technology claims, which is a separate issue.
Well, Molly can always make a thingamaging that creates diamonds and let people examine it. Good luck to them.

As for protections - on top of wards we need a security cyberdevil for overwatch and a water basin or something similar so Molly can just appear inside the apartment whenever needed.
We don't gotta explain jack. They are all Molly Carpenter. We are no longer confined to a single location.
My name is Legion, for we are many.
House Hunting​
2th of February 2007 A.D.
Finance dice *rolls* 0 successes

Real estate agent: *talks financing options and leasing details*
Molly: Money *flutters hand* I have people for that. Right, Amanda Lucia?
Baby Amanda:.......*sticks hand in mouth*

Penthouse flat on top of a 67-storey skyscraper. The neighbors are going to all be on the lower floors.

3600 sq ft, 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, plus garage space. 24 hour doorman.
Im guessing $10k-$12k a month in rent, so call that 60k-72k in rent for six months, not counting closing fees and security deposit. Molly's first card after setting up Chicago Synthesis had $450k on it, and her highest routine expense is upkeep for the Jade Dogs. She can afford it comfortably.

Moving day is going to be fun, though, since the parent customarily is around, and Rosie's mom is going to tag along to settle her in as any parent would.

Assuming it doesnt come prefurnished, they can probably go shopping in Sanctuary for furnishings, and simply bring them directly through from Sanctuary.
I dont think we've told Rosie about Sanctuary before. Today is going to be a day of surprises, isnt it?

I thought we could literally print money in the Five Courts? I remember it being shown earlier after we brought that suitcase full of money back from the airplane assault.
Also when do we vote on what gifts to give the clones? Right now they don't have a build.
Can we? Yes.

Do we? No. Counterfeiting is an attack on the economic basis of the country whose money you are forging, and its generally generally treated as worse than armed robbery. The US will give you up to 20 years for a charge of counterfeiting, and they're on the lower end of the scale for sentencing internationally.

We (or at least, I) have plans for establishing a financial trail to help further cover Molly's tracks.
The big lottery is next month, in March.
Didn't we kinda forgo a threshold picking a place like this? Not a deal breaker, but we should probably set some security stuff up while we're on the topic.
Maybe we could slip some low profile ghoul security into the area and add a few on site demon-robots?
We'll just bring in a keystone from Sanctuary that has wards anchored to it.
Its the kind of custom work that we have sorcerers for, and its something we know is possible OOC, since Dresden figured out how to do it by Turn Coat and made one to protect Molly from the naagloshii.

As for security, its a five bedroom penthouse apartment.
Molly can bring 1-2 live-in agents from Sanctuary to provide inhouse security and child assistance for Rosie.
As well as some demon roombas for house cleaning.

Plus, Molly could hit 1-3 Labrador/Golden Retrievers with IDU to make animal fomor as companions and final string.

At least after this turn, we can call the sorcerers from our world who have learned the path of protection and luck and create protective rituals for our home with them.

Even though I sincerely wanted a huge mansion to renovate to our liking and show the house of Raith what a true mix of frightening elegance and deadly potential in a single building, like Molly mocked theirs during Jupiter's Feast.
We wanted to move Rosie immediately, so we took an apartment on the market.
Post-lottery, she'll have the money to put down seven figures cash for a house with a yard inside Chicago, the time to find one in the appropriate location and baby-proof it, and the paperwork that would prevent any financial institution raising eyebrows.

Its just that doing so now would probably require a mortgage for the kind of house Molly would want, and with the subprime mortgage crisis starting, banks want a lot of paperwork for home loans, and at elevated interest rates.
And Molly would rather avoid having to provide paperwork and legal explanations where possible.

I dont think middle-class raised Molly is interested in trying to match the Raiths though.
They are old-money rich with everything that implies.

The Raiths are a large family (Thomas had nine sisters, plus cousins and others) whose Chicago home is a several square mile estate outside Chicago where the main house is like half a mile from the main road, with old growth forest, multiple small ponds, and a live-in security force.

8 or 9 figures to buy or build somewhere like that, and 7-8 figures a year in taxes and upkeep to live there with an entire crew of home staff.

That kind of estate is both exclusive and expensive; probably not even on the market, and we'd have better things to do with money than to dump it into something like that.
And this isnt their only place anyway, just the one in Chicago. Like I said, OLD money.

For comparison, Michael Jordan's old Chicago estate has been for sale since 2012.

2700 Point Ln, Highland Park, IL 60035 | MLS #09814087 | Zillow

This 32683 square feet Single Family home has 9 bedrooms and 19 bathrooms. It is located at 2700 Point Ln, Highland Park, IL.

7 acre estate, 9 bedrooms, 56,000 square feet of living space.
Original asking price $29 million, currently $14.8 million,
2022 property taxes $148k, not counting utility bills, maintenance costs and staffing costs

Yeah after we saw that I just assumed that we had fat stacks sitting in Sanctuary for later use since they could continue printing it without our input. Since the gov is aware of Molly's status on some level I'd expect them to just ignore or cover up the monetary inconsistency as they've done worse things for less. In any case if we were to trade in precious metals to Monoc it'd be a waste to ask for U.S. notes in exchange.
Counterfeiting pulls aggro from the US Secret Service.
Similarly, unexplained income pulls aggro from the Internal Revenue Service. Neither of them know Molly from Eve, and both have a reputation for humorless intensity at their jobs.

The Library isnt going to run interference for us with them. Certainly not for free.
We better handle our own business.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the daimond business is under Thomas's name and managed by him with us just supplying the stock and using the money as needed. Molly doesn't have a job on paper that would explain the money spent on things like this flat. There's monetary inconsistencies either way, if there's aggro to be drawn by that which isn't being handled by those of the Gov in the know we already have it.
The diamond business is run and fronted by Thomas, with cyberdevil help.
Molly owns it via a complicated background of shell holding companies, and is also on the books as an employee.
Her taxes for 2006 will be interesting, but to her relief she has SUTRAs and cyberdevils to handle the details.
I'm afraid to ask what this is for and the consequences of failing the roll.

Actually, shouldn't Rosie be able to do something like this at oneiromancy 5? Possibly while risking multiple personality disorder?
  1. Molly had no idea how to explain her money besides handing Monoc a bunch of fun rocks and asking for transfers
  2. Something like the simplified explication, not the full reality of SGI yes
I dont think middle-class raised Molly is interested in trying to match the Raiths though.
They are old-money rich with everything that implies.
The functionality of large estates starts and ends at large scale privacy and security. Ie you can probably turn a large estate into a magical fortress and private laboratory much easier than you can do a penthouse. You can't really build magical spacecraft, or orichalcium refineries in your penthouse.
The functionality of large estates starts and ends at large scale privacy and security. Ie you can probably turn a large estate into a magical fortress and private laboratory much easier than you can do a penthouse. You can't really build magical spacecraft, or orichalcium refineries in your penthouse.
You dont do that sort of thing at the estate where you live. At least, not if you have large estate money and the sense God gave a chihuahua. You do it in a separate location, preferably registered under the name of a nondescript corporate entity, so if shit goes wrong it doesnt end up coming up the drains in your shower or under your bedroom door.

And Molly has an entire Hell for a lot of that.

There's also two types of security in the Dresdenverse. Security by fortification, and security by exposure. At least in the supernatural. Most supernatural actors are a lot less likely to start shit in a public highly visible area than in said large private estate, where they can cut loose with the heavy artillery more comfortably.

When Molly and Rosie move from here, Im going to be suggesting another estate inside Chicago proper.
How do you explain Splintered Gale Incarnation?

[] Dream versions of yourself that came alive and learned themselves to dream
[] Iterations on the theme that is Molly Carpenter, just with less power and insight

[] Write in
Id be fine with either explanation.
But I suspect that the dream versions explanation might give Rosie the wrong impression about what she might be able to try, and how safe it might be. Plus, it might be easier to explain their mortality, or lack of it, if they are described as iterations.

So, tentatively

[X] Iterations on the theme that is Molly Carpenter, just with less power and insight
Good night guys, see you tomorrow with SGI theming and gifts. As a reminder the gifts do have to match what name you are giving them, these are demons and the descriptor attached to each clone is their nature. Not to say that someone like Pods cannot have combat gifts, but they have to be ones that fit the pursuit of knowledge, the idea of diligence etc...
[X] Dream versions of yourself that came alive and learned themselves to dream
You dont do that sort of thing at the estate where you live. At least, not if you have large estate money and the sense God gave a chihuahua. You do it in a separate location, preferably registered under the name of a nondescript corporate entity, so if shit goes wrong it doesnt end up coming up the drains in your shower or under your bedroom door.

And Molly has an entire Hell for a lot of that.

There's also two types of security in the Dresdenverse. Security by fortification, and security by exposure. At least in the supernatural. Most supernatural actors are a lot less likely to start shit in a public highly visible area than in said large private estate, where they can cut loose with the heavy artillery more comfortably.

When Molly and Rosie move from here, Im going to be suggesting another estate inside Chicago proper.
I am fairly sure it's easier to ward an estate to withstand nuke equivalents and army invasions than a penthouse.