[X] "Well... Damn. Good to know people could hurt you while your looking. Maybe you could use Dante as practice? Dodging attacks while you look and all that seems like a good skill for you to have."

] "I guess he prefers getting Yumi'd at than getting Oriko'd at!"
-[X] "Well... since everyone is doing their own things now, anyone want to practice magic with me after dinner? I was wanting to learn how to heat up water, cool down water, make some weak winds- I honestly feel like I skipped over the basic spell casting stuff and jumped right into chucking fire balls at stuff."
--[X] "Also I just really want to not worry about not having my drinks at the correct temperature."
---[X] If you get the chance while performing SCIENCE if you
do do it, see what Kirika's thoughts are about breaking her contract. You want to find a way to keep her powers so her level doesn't reset but also free her from the level lock she and the MG's are in.
----[X] If someone asks, explain that by your knowledge, the Contract messes up the ability for some to magically grow stronger (and explain why if everyone here is already in the know about witching
why). Your 80% sure since magic is magic they could just relearn the Magical Girl spells given time should you just break the contract normally- But you don't got time with everything that's going on.
------[X] Also... technically it should also be possible with lot of practice or getting Kamen rider like device to aid you to still get the transformations and cool uniforms... God maybe you should invest in that? Get all you matching uniforms? That's be rad as hell. M.A.G.E. would be a really club like thing then, uniforms and all!
"Come now, Kyoko! There's Grief Seeds to get~!" Mami calmly rises from her seat, and--
"Nah, I'm getting dinner!" Kyoko remains seated, "You save a few for me, okay?"
Mami blinks in surprise, "O-Oh, alright! Just save me some food!" She waves politely as she exits.
Oof, rejected. I guess Kyoko isn't completely back to being okay with being around Mami doing the things they used to do.
...or Grandma's food is
just that good.