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Remember how bitter and salty every discussion about diverting waystone juice flows between nations was?

[X] Do not ask

Perhaps if we vote this way, they won't happen as often. :V
We will eventually care about dividing the energy between polities. We will eventually care about what it's being used for. And I hope we'll care about it in a productive way, prioritizing things like "keep Ulthuan afloat" and "make sure the Runes that protect dwarven souls stay functional" etc etc etc, and whatever other largely positive and constructive projects with high energy demands might pop up.
The worry for Ulthuan (particularly, given their situation) and the KA isn't how Mathilde will use the knowledge, it's how the Empire will use it in a decade, a century, a millennium. They can't unring that bell.
[x] Empire to Empire

Empire to Empire would ensure that only the most vague explanation (ie tactical/existential relevance) is given because this is humans asking dwarfs for secrets so we can be assured no rune or magical secrets will be revealed.

We will want to have this on official record because it will this be a good source to point to as to the reason we should be given maximum leeway wherever we go (in the Empire), it being the potentially existential nature of our work. It will also be a good if minor test to see if the governing body of elves in the donut will want to be included in these developments more officialy, or if they'll keep things as is which would mean implicitly allowing the Empire to close off some of the Waystone loop for whatever reason (they'll never allow this if they can because floating mechanism lol), now that Waystone tech has reached a point that those goals are possible in either this or the next century.
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[X] Karak to Karak

[X] Okri to Okri

So did Tindomiel get to put Hekarti imagery on the stone? It'd be funny if they did on their bit and then it all got covered in the outer shell.
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The worry for Ulthuan (particularly, given their situation) and the KA isn't how Mathilde will use the knowledge, it's how the Empire will use it in a decade, a century, a millennium. They can't unring that bell.
That's what the 3. do not threaten or sabotage is meant to prevent! I know there's potential for good and bad, and I think that the bad can be mitigated enough, and the good is worth not fearing it.
[X] Guild to Guild
Now that Mathilde has a wonder from the good old days in her ballroom, I think she has good chance with just using her own status and rep - asking guild to guild.

[X] Empire to Empire
Kick the problem upstairs. The diplomats can't all be nepo babies , probably.
[X] Empire to Empire
[X] Karak to Karak

This is an issue on the entire Dwarven nation. Ask them representing your own or their own, or not at all.
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[X] Okri to Okri

Kragg is hidebound, obtuse and stubborn. But during the course of DL we have also seen him become exceedingly vigorous and dare I even say thaw considerably. As the conquest of K8P went on, he became positively radical in some regards.

I don't think this necessarily means he will tell us, but he might, and as such I think this is best in terms of risk and benefit ratio.
I was initially for empire to empire...
But popping the bubble of resentment that believed has is also a way I guess...
What I'm trying to say is
[X] Karak to Karak
I find very funny the fact that the 2 Colleges the Grey like the least are the ones whose magic counter them the hardest.
I mean, presumably that's part of why the Greys like them less, no?

Anyway, what a treat to wake up and see. I'm incredibly sick, and seeing a DL update made waking up at 3 AM ravenously hungry because my appetite at dinner wasn't doing so hot into a much more pleasant experience all around. I particularly liked the bit where Thorek said "Aye" at the start of a sentence and then Mathilde does the same thing a little bit later; she's either mirroring in order to subconsciously set him at ease in true Xeno-Affinity fashion or that's just genuinely her speech pattern now. I love the dwarf infection (it's way better than pneumonia) and am happy every time it comes up.

Since my brain is currently doing its best impression of a softboiled egg, I'm just going to proxyvote and hope everything works out.

[X] Parabola
[X] Okri to Okri

The big benefit here is that we can just have a quiet word without any official correspondence existing to indicate that the question was asked. If the answer is "too secret to tell you", then *no one else* will know we asked. Thorek will probably infer that we asked Kragg and didn't learn anything, but if we don't confirm it then he has plausible deniability for *knowing* we did.
Asking Kragg is a workable idea, because if we convince Kragg it's important and he doesn't know he can just go and ask the High King. And if the High King is likely to tell anyone, I think Kragg has a good shot at being the most likely option.

[X] Okri to Okri
Yep obviously it's insane how fast we got this far, though I'm pretty shaky on the final design, an expensive prestige piece with a bunch of interdependencies and requires very rare skills. I really wanted something more focused on immediate usability and cheapness, not trying to go to every expense to improve upon the original design. Countries not being willing or able to spend enough money to adequately Waystone their territory is a subtler but more significant danger than us not making a best possible product on the first try.

TBF, that specific problem doesn't seem to me much of a concern WRT Kislev, and since the storage method was specifically chosen to be improved on iteration it means we it's advantageous to try to rollout the new Waystones in Kislev both as a proof of concept and to try to get the ball rolling on storage improvement.
[ ] Empire to Empire
Ask the Karaz Ankor on behalf of the Empire.
Seems like something that would be shut down. It's a dwarf secret and none of your business.

[ ] Karak to Karak
Ask Karaz-a-Karak on behalf of Karak Eight Peaks.
Definitely complicated. Can't be said K8P doesn't deserve to know, but if the answer is we ain't telling then it'll exacerbate the sour relations.

[ ] Guild to Guild
Ask the Runesmiths Guilds on behalf of the Colleges of Magic.
Does the Runesmiths guild even know everything? Some of is likely High King only. Also seems like we'd likely get an answer of dwarf secret, none of your business.

[ ] Runesmith to Runesmith
Ask the Karaz-a-Karak Runesmiths Guild on behalf of the Karak Azul Runesmiths Guild.
If they don't answer this could cause issues, but I suspect this is probably one of the better options.

[ ] Okri to Okri
Ask Kragg on behalf of yourself.
Seems good. Utilizing that personal relationship, legendary reputation, and the fact that a denial won't cause immense issues on Mathilde's end.

[ ] Other (write in)
Probably some good ideas to be explored here.

[ ] Do not ask
No answers, but also no problems.

[X] Okri to Okri
I can't see any strong reasons to not go for it. Mathilde can be circumspect enough to not cause problems asking and has enough rep that she's probably got more chance of success than asking on behalf of the Empire or the Colleges.
...Sorry, but to be clear, does this mean we can place waystones in Praag despite not having examined their network yet, or does it only mean that we can try to do that despite possible difficulties arising from their network not being connected to the rest, and not knowing how that might interact with Caledor's leylines?

It means you would be able to Try It, and subsequently can expect to experience an unknown amount of Finding Out.
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