Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The Dammerlichtreiter option also gives eventual future generations of the grey college their own "mutter something about corvus the crow lord" when asked.

"You want to know how the Twilight Knight spell works? The Twilight Knight spell that was created by the actual historical Dammerlichtreiter? The Dammerlichtreiter that people in stirland still regard as a protective spirit the wreaks vengeance on Sylvania Nastyness? The actual Historical Dammerlichtreiter that even now arguments are happening about whether she's a Saint of Ranald or a Saint of Sigmar*?

How the hell do you think it works, doofus."

*'saint of sigmar' of course not going to be something that would please Mathilde at all but well, from your average stirland peasant's perspective it's likely to line up pretty well.
AND! And that works great for the Grey College now explaining it away: "A Lady Magister exploited a her own budding legend after viewing the Kislev Winged Lancer enchantment." Like unless you know, it sounds plausible enough.
Also, I note that the Mounted Wraiths seem to be making a comeback. I liked them too, but they are way way too close to a Hexwraith to be safe to use:
Umm, for people thinking that Hexwraiths look way to different from a shrouded rider on a misty horse:

This is asking for trouble. I was eventually convinced of this, in the same way I was convinced that dressing up as Mathilde is a bad idea.
The Dämmerlichtreiter is based on a figure based on a story based on Mathilde, rather than Mathilde trying to literally give the murder machine her face.

I find it less objectionable than trying to literally give the murder machine her face, but I still think its a... not very funny or charming level of self-aggrandizement.

The wooden figurine Mathilde picked up from Anton, which is what she'll be basing the look on, isn't very high fidelity
You take the lid off, and find yourself looking at a carved wooden figure on horseback. It's not very detailed and was obviously carved by hands unused to delicacy, but the robe, the hat, and the sword on its back make it clear who it's supposed to represent.

So I expect that a Dämmerlichtreiter Rider look is itself pretty indistinct
A mounted figure in robes and a hat, wielding a sword
But it lacks distinct features or maybe doesn't have a face entirely, its robes are a simple shroud without any adornments or identifying marks, and it is wreathed in shadows and/or mist that makes it seem indistinct and maybe a bit ethereal
A modified Ringwraith look essentially
@Boney is that more or less accurate?

Which is enough for people familiar with the Dämmerlichtreiter to make the connection, which makes for a cute nod to the legend she inspired
But the aesthetic fits well enough into the Grey Order in general that most people who see some Grey Wizard summon a squad of these onto the field won't really think twice about it, and plenty of Grey Wizards themselves won't really think twice about it

It's got Mathilde's mark on it
But I think it's a bit closer to the level of her Eight Rooms of Calamity that she commissioned for the Colleges, where someone has to be "in on the joke" so to speak

The minor changes to its appearance also make it a bit less likely to mistaken for a Hexwraith, for those who found that a concern
I personally don't think it would have been too big a deal

Also, I note that the Mounted Wraiths seem to be making a comeback. I liked them too, but they are way way too close to a Hexwraith to be safe to use:

This is asking for trouble. I was eventually convinced of this, in the same way I was convinced that dressing up as Mathilde is a bad idea.
Boney's gone on the record stating that anyone actually knowledgeable about the Undead would be able to confidently say that it was not, in fact, a Hexwraith
There are enough details that anyone knowledgeable about undead that gets a good look will be able to confidently state that it isn't a Hexwraith, but there's a lot of conceivable situations where a cloaked figure on a horse that is summoned from nowhere by a magic user is easily mistaken for a Hexwraith.
So Amethysts and Witch Hunters who know what they're doing aren't a huge concern
So basically all this means is that some soldiers might be a bit spooked
But they were probably already spooked by the Wizard to begin with, and that's a problem the Colleges are practiced at handling
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[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight
[X] [RIDER] Spider

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The Dammerlichtreiter option also gives eventual future generations of the grey college their own "mutter something about corvus the crow lord" when asked.

"You want to know how the Twilight Knight spell works? The Twilight Knight spell that was created by the actual historical Dammerlichtreiter? The Dammerlichtreiter that people in stirland still regard as a protective spirit the wreaks vengeance on Sylvania Nastyness? The actual Historical Dammerlichtreiter that even now arguments are happening about whether she's a Saint of Ranald or a Saint of Sigmar*?

How the hell do you think it works, doofus."

*'saint of sigmar' of course not going to be something that would please Mathilde at all but well, from your average stirland peasant's perspective it's likely to line up pretty well.

Yeah. Mathilde seems to be expressing her disdain for Sigmar in the form of... doing things he would approve heartily of. If you don't know she hates Sigmar then you couldn't tell from her actions.
I bet the Dämmerlichtreiter doesn't even have plaits! Harrumph. Cats and Nazguls are superior, grumble grumble.

...I think there's something very funny about the title overall, honestly. Mathilde did an overall good job as Spymaster, and she did ride all around the place, identified a bunch of people who would rather not pay taxes, shut down the Stirlandian League, and kidnapped one dude who had sold out to Countess von Carstein, but overall a huge chunk of what she did that made her valuable to Abelhelm was bureaucracy and management and working hard. She didn't have nearly as much personal power as people seemed to think she did, merely the authority and boldness. And that worked out, because people can be deeply mislead by appearances and rumors.

Before the Purge of the Haunted Hills and Drakenhof (where she did actually fight wights and the Singing King and took the reins of leadership), she fought like, what? Four or so times? Not as much as the people of Stirland probably imagined. There was...
  • The weird zombie hidden in Eagle Castle in Turn 1
  • The crypt with the ledgers in Turn 3, with the failed ambush from the so-called Countess von Carstein
  • The Dhar-Matrix-modified spy/assassin in Turn 5, which led to the Underwear Incident
  • Organizing the Greatswords against the Stirlandian League in Turn 7, though really they did most of the heavy lifting
Taking that into consideration, it's kinda funny that destroying Alkahast's College, one of Mathilde's best feats of personal martial prowess done to protect Stirland, happened after she left.

'The Dammerlichtreiter rides forth.'
'Strilands Shadow'
'summon the Twilight Rider'
'A Knight's Rebuttal'
I'm still partial to Bringer of Knight.
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The wooden figurine Mathilde picked up from Anton, which is what she'll be basing the look on, isn't very high fidelity

So I expect that a Dämmerlichtreiter Rider look is itself pretty indistinct
A mounted figure in robes and a hat, wielding a sword
But it lacks distinct features or maybe doesn't have a face entirely, its robes are a simple shroud without any adornments or identifying marks, and it is wreathed in shadows and/or mist that makes it seem indistinct and maybe a bit ethereal
A modified Ringwraith look essentially
@Boney is that more or less accurate?

Yes. The face would be visible but indistinct.
Boney's gone on the record stating that anyone actually knowledgeable about the Undead would be able to confidently say that it was not, in fact, a Hexwraith
But also gone on record saying this:
And this:
My "I do not summon Hexwraiths" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.
While the vote was near the top. It got close enough to an "are you sure?" that I dumped my vote for it.

I'm not worried about the higher ups anymore, more the lower people complaining.
[X] [RIDER] The Dämmerlichtreiter
I am partial to knights mounted on giant cats, it's so silly, Ranald would love it. but The Dämmerlichtreiter is a mathilde made legend, we can't pass on the chance to have it inmortalized as a spell.

wonder if there will be a mention of the cats if the option loses.
Absolutely none of it. If it's in a real WHF source, it's not one cited on the page.

  • Absolutely no tie to Morr or "the Death God" the way the wiki has it, that was just entirely made up
  • Wow these things sound like Apparitions for necromancers rather than general wizardry
  • They seem to have a lot of ties to flame specifically, so if we just avoid that then someone who has actually seen a hexwraith, rather than just heard about them, would probably not confuse them with a shadowy rider

I like this idea a lot, come up with a write-in wording for it and I'll vote for it.
On the one hand I like the ties to Morr angle

On the other hand wikiers (Wikiest? Wikirs) and pulling some shit straight out of nowhere, name a more iconic duo
[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight

Dämmerlichtreiter is cool, and I won't be unhappy if if wins, but I gotta go with the murder kitty.

Man, the [Seviroscope] vote is so much cleaner and nicer.

Also, I'm glad it settled on Seviroscope rather than the competing Sevirscope. The latter is probably more gramatically correct, but the former has a better flow.
Can you imagine being some Stirlandian soldier that grew up on stories about Dämmerlichtreiter protecting people from vampires, and suddenly there she is charging fearlessly against your enemies?

It's basically Stirlandian Green Knight.... Is Green Knight actually an apparition controlled by Lady of the Lake?