If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • Maybe.

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  • No.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 50.0%

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I feel we should be avoiding mentions of Fiends while Raido is driving. There are several levels of concerning events going on, and knowing The Fiends are after your niece is one of the most concerning.
That's assuming he even knows what they are, which granted is fair, he should be aware we have already killed at least one. I personally count 2 or 3 at this point.

Edit: No seriously, where did Raido and the Chief come from??
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Since no one else is voting, here are some other options:

[] "Sorry for dragging you into that Oriko. Objectively I knew it was comming, but I guess I thought I'd have more warning."

[] Stay quiet and rest.
OOC: I remember reading an offhand comment that, essentially, asked "What if Yumi was a Sayin?". I began to think about it, and decided to tackle this by taking a step backwards. "What if Takeshi was a Sayin?" I hope you enjoy this... Whatever this is.

You've known Takeshi for most of your life. You grew up with him, went to school with him, and even went to numerous school festivals with him at your side. He's your best friend!


...You want to be more. You've tried to subtlety, hinting at your feelings, and you even baked him some cookies, but nothing got through that thick skull of his!

He's very intelligent, there's no doubt about that, but he's an absolute idiot when it comes to picking up on your hints! It's like he's trying to be dense!

That's when you decided that you'd take a different approach. You told him to meet you in the gym after class. You have everything ready. Now, you just need to wait.

Fortunately, you don't wait long. Takeshi opens the double doors into the gym, and looks at you.

"Hey, Ryoko!" He waves, smiling a little, "What do you need?"

You swallow. Deep breaths, Ryoko. "I want to fight you." You slip on the practice gloves, "Right now. Right here."

"Really? Alright," Takeshi shrugs, taking a pair of gloves from a box between you, "I didn't know you were into boxing!"

You grimace. In truth, you aren't into boxing, or many martial arts. Unless kendo counts, you don't really take any P. E. Classes. You stare down Takeshi, mentally preparing to face him in battle.

"Whenever you're ready!" He says, taking his stance.


"Good form!" He yells over your attack, "Watch out, you're open!"

You block his blow just in time, backing off to breathe. You're both covered in bruises, and neither of you are backing down.

"Great block! You're just as strong as I hoped you were, and then some!" He seems happy. He's quick, hits hard, and you swear you saw an after image of his fist a few strikes ago. "What do you say we finish up?"

"Oh, after you." You grin, readying yourself for the end of this bout.

He closes the gap between you in the blink of an eye, and you're forced on the defensive. Then, while he's focused on keeping your guard up, you strike.

You both catch each other in the jaw, but only you stumble back. He catches your hands, and...

...Holds you upright. "That's that. I've decided."

"Decided...?" You huff, wiping away a small trickle of blood from your mouth.

"Yup. Ryoko..." Once you're standing on your own, Takeshi crosses his arms, "...You're my wife now!"

You feel your brain short circuit.
Tonight, on "PMMT":
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 22, 2023 at 12:38 AM, finished with 14 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "Wha's weird is how easy it was to use the magatsuhi like that. Never used it like dat before."
    [X] Stay quiet and rest.
    [x] "Sorry for dragging you into that Oriko. Objectively I knew it was comming, but I guess I thought I'd have more warning."
465: Emotional Escalation
[X] Stay quiet and rest.

...On second thought, you're pretty beat. That Magatsuhi thing you did took a ton out of you. Maybe you could catch a quick nap--

Nevermind. With how Raido's driving, you'll slam into poor Oriko. Speaking of Oriko, she looks lost in thought. Then, she looks up at the front of the car.

"Excuse me, Raido... Sir." She bounces her leg, "Is Yumi going to be okay?"

Raido remains quiet.

"Kuzunoha, the kid asked you a question." The Chief says, a little sternness in his voice.

"I don't know." He growls in frustration. He makes another turn.

"...I didn't mean to upset you--"

"No, I'm not upset." He replies, telling himself that more than Oriko, "Let me focus."

Oriko looks at her lap. "Sorry, sir."

"Look, Kuzunoha," The Chief begins, "I get it, emotions are high, but don't take it out on the kid."

"I'm not taking anything out on anyone." Another turn, "Let me drive."

"If you say so." The Chief looks at the road, "We're here. How's Konishi?"

Oriko looks over at you, timidly inspecting your face, "There's more color in her skin than before, but she has dark bags under her eyes. She, uh, her lips are dry, too."

Raido grunts in response, "Chief, help me get her up the stairs."

"On it." He opens your door, carefully helping you out, "Can you stand alright?"

[] ??????????????????????
[X] "Ye-yeah... Sorry I couldn't get you back to school Oriko. Could you drive her back Uncle? Chief and I got this handled." Hide how drained you actually are.
-[X] When Raido and Oriko are gone, ask the Chief to help you up the stairs, then fall on him intentionally to conserve what little stamina you have left.
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Jesus christ this thing really left us fucked up.

Ok so I say we use this as last resort on hard stuff and that we know there is no another battle coming up.

Like I don't doubt we could have gotten Matador killed without this, but so far this buff seems to be more of a drawback than a boon.
The way I see it, this is the "rampant first time" of it. The next time Yumi uses it, she keeps a throttle on the output which will be weaker but mitigating the downside.
This was my thoughts too yeah. Mostly cause the first time transformations have you going full throttle without control. 'More stats and more exhaustion get used to it' sort of thing.
This was my thoughts too yeah. Mostly cause the first time transformations have you going full throttle without control. 'More stats and more exhaustion get used to it' sort of thing.
Imagine doing a Kaio-ken + Super Sayin blue equivalent with the energy.

Also, cutting this bit out of your vote:
Because forcing these negative reactions tend to make it worse (looks back to the Error 404 actively making the situation worse). If it happens naturally its one thing, but I don't think it's wise to force it.

[X] "Ye-yeah... Sorry I couldn't get you back to school Oriko. Could you drive her back Uncle? Chief and I got this handled."
-[X] When Raido and Oriko are gone, ask the Chief to help you up the stairs
Because forcing these negative reactions tend to make it worse
Honestly, I put it like that cause I figured the Chief would effectively be carrying Yumi no matter what.

Having Yumi do it intentionally would save precious stamina on her part.

Yumi, while recovered slightly, has nowhere near enough left to stand, much less walk, on her own.

Edit: Original intent was for Yumi to portray herself as better off than she actually was to Raido and Oriko to get them to go, (Mostly cause idk if Raido would be willing to leave.) then collapse out of ego and stupidity.
Edit made to my vote to hopefully make things clearer.

Also, again, Oriko is still late and technically hooky? I think that's the term. I'm also under the impression this is Raido's car, so if it's the Chief's car than I'm swapping Raido and Chief's positions in my vote.
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Honestly, I put it like that cause I figured the Chief would effectively be carrying Yumi no matter what.

Having Yumi do it intentionally would save precious stamina on her part.

Yumi, while recovered slightly, has nowhere near enough left to stand, much less walk, on her own.

Edit: Original intent was for Yumi to portray herself as better off than she actually was to Raido and Oriko, then collapse out of ego and stupidity.
The problem is leaving that intention open to interpretation. If it's your intention for Yumi to do it on purpose, you have to spell it out to avoid the worst possible interpretation of your vote. *See again, the Error 404 debacle*
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