Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

[X] Tell Fordring about your call to the Light.

I have almost zero Warcraft knowledge outside of this quest so I'm with Nevill when I say that name-dropping these characters does nothing for me. It's the interactions with characters who we've established relationships with like Feldad, Sesk, Ishi, Vark, Thrall, and Fairbanks that I'm here for.

Also the political plays of the Horde and Orc relations. Grok is too enmeshed into the upper strata of Horde society not to play politics, even as an exile his exploits have repercussions. I know Thrall is the good guy while Neeru's a bad guy in the lore but I would still chop off Grok's right arm for Feldad and the Burning Blade Clan.
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He also has the prime component of the Ashbringer. A fitting cycle when it used to belong to an orc warlock. Keldran and others may have more to talk on that.
Yep. Who know what they can tell us about it? Just reforging Ashbringer (in an Orc katana form, even) is a valid choice, considering its might against the undead, but maybe there are some paths we're missing. Then again, the forging of Ashbringer couldn't happen without a communion of top-level paladins. We may need the Alliance's help for that.
It would be extremely awkward. Shameful really. An exile who was exiled for pretty political reasons, rather than for crimes etc, has found respect in a foreign nation. Thrall might even be thinking as Vark has been, about the potential for Grok to actually be a secret attempt at usurpation.
Feldad and those that grumble about Thrall's leadership would be smiling on the inside?
so we are going to alterac now which means maybe dealing with frostwolf clan, syndiate lead by Aliden, more ogres apart from our main objective
Was it that Kael'thas story from AO3 that had Eldin Sunstrider as his dying brother?
Nah its some harry potter cross. Was good at the start but the author had a real problem with showhorning people into particular roles where it wasn't appropirate.
There is a setup about Grok'mash being pushed for the role of Warchief (and characters like Thrall and Rend thus potentially considering him a rival), which I'm not so certain about. On the one hand, I do not think Grok is at the right time, place, or state of mind to consider challenging anyone for the leadership of the Horde. But if we persist in our partnership with the Alliance and continue to roam the lands with out band, then who knows?
These are all valid, but I'd also suggest that given the quest's themes, Grok,and therefore you, may not get a choice in it really. As Vark has noted, if a Chief leads more than one clan there's a specific name for that, and both Thrall and Rend would indeed perceive that as threatening. No one necessarily says there have to be only 1 orc polity, but it's certainly challenging.
For the current agenda, I think Grok should also concentrate on a couple of things:
Those are good points, I can certainly put a couple into the future chapters
How long has it been in-universe since we left Durotar?
About 2 years, perhaps slightly under that.
do wonder how the more evil races like neubrians, mantis and vrykul would be betrayed and did like the politics
One thing I do want to present is that there aren't really 'evil' races. They might be opposed to you, but if they're civilised they'll at least still talk to you etc. They might not have much to say, but you could walk into Zul Aman and have a chat with Zul'jin if you wanted.
people who might remind him and people grom and doomhammer said destroyed their people
While Thrall would be very concerned about that, I think he'd be more nuanced in his understanding. Grok represents a threat to be sure, but one which is different from the old demoney threats. Grok's is a relatively new tradition that's still forming, but one that fully engages with the warlike past of the Orcs, and if that's rewarded, Thrall's more pacifist tradition is in serious danger.
I am really inserted in the consequences of Grok having Light both in his relationships and politically/culturally. I do think Grok will try and sell it to the Orks as the Light just being another Element he can access, but humans and the ones who know him personally may look at Grok as the first of Ork paladins.
If engaged with, there will certainly be many consequences.
Feldad and those that grumble about Thrall's leadership would be smiling on the inside?
Depends really. Feldad sure, smiling on the outside too lol. However, others who generally support Thrall but have some gripes will be concerned really as any political schism can be damaging.
Depends really. Feldad sure, smiling on the outside too lol. However, others who generally support Thrall but have some gripes will be concerned really as any political schism can be damaging.
Politics is a very funny recipe. Thanks to your quest it made Thrall in opposition to the Burning Blade and was going to use them as the scapegoat for not being able to stop the elemental until Grok took the blame. Who's to say Thrall will consider assassins or something else to make sure Grok stays away?

But...... if he knows how to take it as an opportunity he may as well find some way for reconciliation to get Grok back from exile. Probably something like a suicide mission Grok will be honor bound to take for the good of the clan.
While Thrall would be very concerned about that, I think he'd be more nuanced in his understanding. Grok represents a threat to be sure, but one which is different from the old demoney threats. Grok's is a relatively new tradition that's still forming, but one that fully engages with the warlike past of the Orcs, and if that's rewarded, Thrall's more pacifist tradition is in serious danger.
These are all valid, but I'd also suggest that given the quest's themes, Grok,and therefore you, may not get a choice in it really. As Vark has noted, if a Chief leads more than one clan there's a specific name for that, and both Thrall and Rend would indeed perceive that as threatening. No one necessarily says there have to be only 1 orc polity, but it's certainly challenging.
This has given me consideration for another orc polity. It's not a bad thing but there's precedent drawing from the humans who used to belong to the empire of Arathor until they split.

If the orcs or bits of the horde must split because there's elements that think differently to the main horde why not? Better to split on amicable terms than start a civil war.
You felt the pure flame inside you. Did it desire peace? The fire of your soul had always revelled in battle, and you could feel some of that same battle-joy now, but there was something else behind it, something after battle, yes, perhaps it was the promise of peace.

View: https://youtu.be/kdy4GE4AgBk
Go Hakumen.
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I don't think Grok has enough orcs for the state.

He now has 600 of them, moreover, warriors and mostly men, well, he will find a couple of thousand more in prisons and roads somewhere who will agree to join him, but this is the limit. Migration from Kalimdor is unlikely to be noticeable, and the rest of the orcs in the region are clan-based, and most likely will not join us without extreme circumstances.

Here, it would be more likely to be some kind of independent city with suburbs, maybe as a member of the Alliance, maybe just as an ally.
You do a great job at world building and character writing. The politics of the horde from the magical arts in conflict with each other to the struggle between orc tribes makes for a gripping read. I particularly like how you convey that fell use isn't an evil stupid thing and was depicted in a way that makes sense for the orcs use while conversely shamanism was shown to have it's downsides. It makes the orcs seem far more understandable for why they use fell.

Then you have character work which is just great. Other people have said this but to reiterate you make your characters complex and interesting. They act depending on the situation not just according character archetypes or more accurately if they are 'good or bad' but like people with goals and agendas. Amoral but not alien which I like.
but this is the limit
Not if he keeps tallying more victories and achievements under his belt he won't.

As of now he's not a random schmuck anymore what with slaying more death knights especially the most famous of them who wielded the corrupt ashbringer. A fully accomplished blademaster who can tap into the powers of fire, earth and light. Recognised officially as a friend of the alliance to be given safe passage by big names. If he has a vision for the horde leftovers that didn't come to Kalimdor he now has connections to help make it a reality and they'll be more than willing if it helps them too.

Already the Warsong clan that chose to join him from Arathi will definitely draw others because of his success.
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I don't think Grok has enough orcs for the state.
This is certainly something Grok is aware of because of his experience in Hammerfall, but there's also a question of what he's trying to do. For the moment he's confident he can knock over the Syndicate with his force, but yes he'd need help from the Alliance, or Orcish reinforcements, to do mcuh more than that.
This is certainly something Grok is aware of because of his experience in Hammerfall, but there's also a question of what he's trying to do. For the moment he's confident he can knock over the Syndicate with his force, but yes he'd need help from the Alliance, or Orcish reinforcements, to do mcuh more than that.
I'm curious if he can start a schism with the shamans of the frostwolf in Alterac by suggesting adding light to shamanism. It's not fel.
I'm not talking about a "Newer Horde", just that our platform of a mercenary band supported by some land/city may end up working for the Alliance, as long as they keep pointing us at the right targets.
speaking of the forstwolves wonder how their shamans will react to our not so friendly spirit we have
Which spirit?

I'm not talking about a "Newer Horde", just that our platform of a mercenary band supported by some land/city may end up working for the Alliance, as long as they keep pointing us at the right targets.
More interesting is what others want Grok to be especially those of the Alliance who made him officially a friend of the Alliance. Some of them may see him to getting more friendlier orcs. Extending on that is people like Danrothan or Prestor who maybe going for "Newer Horde or some other orcish group to control and manage those orcs or remnant horde squatting or loitering in their vicinity" because it suits their own goals that includes undercutting the one at Kalimdor and the old one lead by Rend with a new one they support.

The possibility was low but now after Naxxramas and the official recognition of Grok, some new status for him and his warband in the eyes of the Alliance will be going up higher and higher.
Oh her. The exorcism might corrupt them in the process if their luck is bad.
I can understand Danrothan doing this but prestor is already working with the dark hoarde her brother
edit :though I guess it could be different tools different roles or just not trusting her brother
With Grok she has a more reliable pawn if she desires to upgrade their relationship....... that could've been worded better.
Depends on what the Black Dragonflight's current plans are, with Onyxia now consolidating power in Stormwind. In canon it was plain subversion of the realm for the most part (thus supporting Blackrock incursions into the southern Redridge region), but now that they control it, things may change. Onyxia and Nefarian have a bit varied perspectives and plans, but their goals at these times should be:
a) Organizing a comfortable realm for black dragons to inhabit and multiply
b) Ironically, doing there Earth Warder duties by keeping Ragnaros in check (at least until daddy comes back all N'Zoth-y)

The latter part requires them to have some strong presence at the Blackrock Spire one way or another, so it's unlikely that Nef moves or removes what works (a beneficial partnership with Rend and co., who are easily manageable and surprisingly loyal).
The former, however, can be achieved now without subverting Stormwind into disrepair:
a) The hard path is to work on improving black dragons' reputation in Stormwind itself now that Prestor controls the kingdom, pursuing edicts that prohibit hunting dragons etc.
b) The easier path is remembering about Prestor's "claim on Alterac" and gathering Stormwind forces to clean it up and set up a dragon realm there.

How can Grok feature into those plans? With Alterac it's already discussed and mostly obvious. With Ragnaros: not much, really, the Blackrock Legions (mostly renamed Black Tooth Grin clansmen) have been with Rend since the First War.
The hard path is to work on improving black dragons' reputation
well we did spot one reveal himself as a black dragon and even though sally is mute(I think this was before she got knocked out by morgraine) she could still write it down so onxyia could use that.
but I almost compelety forgot deathwings discuguise was a alterac noble during the second war. alright yeah their is more she could use us for
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b) Ironically, doing there Earth Warder duties by keeping Ragnaros in check (at least until daddy comes back all N'Zoth-y)
Somewhat, but also keep in mind that some of their emnity is because they're territorially opposed. Ultimately both the Blacks and the Elemental Lords serve the Old Gods, and should all know it. I've deployed that a bit in this quest with Prestor being very interested in the Forneus incident for example, because Deathwing wants to create as much damage and chaos as possible when he causes the Cataclysm later on. Forneus forcing his way out of the earth helped that a lot actually, so would potentially speed up Deathwing's plans.
Somewhat, but also keep in mind that some of their emnity is because they're territorially opposed. Ultimately both the Blacks and the Elemental Lords serve the Old Gods, and should all know it. I've deployed that a bit in this quest with Prestor being very interested in the Forneus incident for example, because Deathwing wants to create as much damage and chaos as possible when he causes the Cataclysm later on. Forneus forcing his way out of the earth helped that a lot actually, so would potentially speed up Deathwing's plans.
Honestly, to me N'Zoth's Cataclysm plans (along with changes to Deathwing's character) were too unsubtle in comparison with what the other Old Gods were doing (I'll say even that Y'Shaarj was more on the right track, until they threw his previously friendly supporters into the Garrosh raid, despite their charachterization of refusing to recognize Its remnants as the real Y'Shaarj, but for some reason they got enamored with some orc using pieces of Y'S as a weapon). I guess I just liked the idea of black dragons being egotistical and controlling on their own without the whole OG mind control plot (Neltharion hearing the voices in the past was enough of a setup, they shouldn't have chained the whole race to the OGs)
are we sure that wasn't just deathwings or the twlight hammers after all with how nzoth later acts and before it seems kind of weird to see the most subtle (ctthun charged out the first moment he could and while Yogg-Saron was a bit subtle he didn't make as many plans as nzoth did) of the old gods be so reckless
I don't know about the later WoW, but when Cata came out it was said DW's actions were masterminded by N'Zoth, and the whole idea about black dragons being mind controlled and "pure Wrathion" started back then too. That's the only thing that explains it, too, because whatever he tries to do in Cataclysm does not mesh up with Deathwing's previous characterization or plans at all.
C'Thun was first and foremost a god for a specific species, and was portrayed as such, and prior to the opening of the gates he had set up a whole series of nests. In any case, what I mean about C'Thun is he was firstmost portrayed as a "rival alien race" kind of threat, rather than a "crazy creature that wants to blow up the world" threat.
If I ever continue my own Warcraft game, I'm definitely removing most of the new stuff about OGs working to subvert titan souls for voidwalkers, believe me.