Alterac 1
When the situation had calmed enough that you were no longer deploying every day, you had chance to speak with Mirador.
The old paladin came to your little corner of the camp, halfway between the Plaguewood and the Crusade's supply base in Anderhol while you were receiving the rites.
In memory of Ishi you had commanded Sesk to give you the ancient marks. There wasn't time to tattoo them, but Sesk had mixed a viscous alchemic paste that would work as hard-wearing paint, dying your skin as Ishi's had, though only lasting a season with each application.
Sesk worked at you, drawing lines at first, then rubbing the paste in roughly afterward as you sat there. Some had gathered to watch the ritual, for as he applied it Sesk spoke chants and litanies.
In truth, your reputation had only grown after the battle. All knew now that you had bested Alexandros Mograine in single combat, as well as taking a significant part in slaying many of the others, and the first if not the second achievement had won you plaudits. Mograine had generally been acknowledged as one of the finest swordsmen in Lordaeron and your victory had been well spoken of, including among your Orcs.
But among your own folk tales grew of your spiritual prowess too. Stories had spread of how you'd walked the camp infirmaries healing wounds, and while throwing fire was a fairly common skill among shaman, healing was rarer. More unique still, you had gathered fiery spirits with the ancient Flamecaller's rites in the aftermath and grand cremations of the dead. The Crusaders had almost drawn swords at that, but Redpath's militia had spoken for you, as well as Dathrohan himself and the Crusaders now understood your rites to merely be a blessing upon the spirits. Benedictus Voss, the High Priest of the Scarlet Crusade, as well as the Apostle Fairbanks had come to give their own blessings over the mass graves, remarking on the spirits, yet judging them righteous, if unusual, and that had silenced any further criticism.
All the Orcs of the Crusade were now firmly under your command. Chiefs of lesser clans captured by Stormwind and shipped north to serve the Crusade, captains of warbands come down from the hills to take service in hope of reward rather than continue to raid poor human farms, even the resentful prisoners of Tagorr's like.
Mirador came to sit at your side, and even the sight of him seemed to inspire respect in your Orcs. Tirion Fordring's honour was well known, and as a human noble he was the equivalent of an Orcish chief. For one chief to visit another and receive his hospitality was easy diplomacy, and gave honour to both sides.
Six hundred thronged your camp, slightly outside the palisade of the Crusaders. You had no palisade yourself, you just posted sentries. You could have ordered ditches dug or walls erected but you had no wish to alarm the Crusaders, not when Orcs could now walk without dark looks being directed at them among humans.
Six hundred orcs. Your original warband had taken losses, perhaps only fifty were yet living of those who'd followed you from Durotar, while Vark's Ogres made up another fifty of so. The rest had joined up at various stages during your war in the Plaguelands, whether conscripted from Stormwind's prisons or volunteers from Hammerfall.
Yours was larger than some of the Kalimdor clans. Ishi's words returned to you.
What do they call a chief of more than one clan?
"Dathrohan would speak with you, now you are recovered." Mirador was saying.
"I will go to him today, when this dries." you replied.
In your hands you held leather and crystal.
It was custom for a blademaster to bind an ornament to the hilt of their sword. It had to have meaning, whether a braid from the mane of their first kill, or perhaps a trinket taken from a powerful foe. It didn't mean anything, it was just a reflection of the blademaster's own journey upon the sword-path. You hadn't bound anything to the Fireblade previously, you'd not felt anything to be right, but now you held a black crystal in your hand.
You'd not thought anything of it at the time, indeed you'd barely remembered picking it up.
But now it sat in your hand heavily.
It was said Mograine had taken it from an Orc warlock he'd slain in the Second War. You didn't know if that was true but you felt the power of it, and it seemed a worthy enough trophy.
"I think you mean to make for Alterac soon," Fordring continued, "Is it so?"
You nodded, "I've put it off, and the Crusade are secure. I'll lend my sword again if the Grand Crusader calls, and if I'm able to answer, but I came here to fight and now I must see to other matters."
Fordring claps you on the shoulder, then looks at his gloved hand and wipes some of the paste he's gotten on him off on his tunic, "None would fault you, indeed, I think you may have done more for relations between Orcs and Humans than I!"
"You made it possible." you denied, "Your treatment of Eitrigg was honourable, it is well known among my people."
Fordring accepted the praise gracefully, "Perhaps, but that was long ago. Your intercession into this war has been noted at every court in the Alliance, even the elves know of it. Indeed, that was why I've come today." and from beneath his cloak he draws forth a scroll case, handing it over.
The roaring lion of Stormwind is proud upon the leather, and with a few tugs you have the case open, fishing out a slender roll of vellum within.
The paper is well made, embroidered as any royal writ is, and seals fill the bottom half:
Let it be known that we guarantee the safety of the Blademaster, Grok'mash Fireblade, of the Burning Blade clan, and give him safe passage through the lands of the Alliance. Let it be known that he may come, with his companions or retainers, within any Alliance city for his own purposes, and is to be treated according to his rank, and thereafter to return to his own nation in our protection and defence, in our safe and secure conduct.
Signed below were the names of Varian Wrynn, his regent Bolvar Fordragon, as well as the monarchs Mangi Bronzebeard and Calia Menethil, though each were signed by representatives in the form of Dathrohan and Prince Brann.
"It was Bolvar's idea." Fordring said, "And he had it penned before the battle. He saw promise in you, something more than we've seen from any Orc, and I see it too." and the paladin looked gravely at you, "I hold no authority over you, and I know your honour would prevent you abusing this writ, but I counsel you most strongly, use this. Much can be achieved with unity. Even Dathrohan sees that. Your old teacher, Akinos Steelclaw, he travelled several times to Stormwind for diplomatic talks as I understand, but that was under Thrall, and even we're aware of his passivity… I don't have a specific plan for you, nor has Dathrohan spoken of any such thing to me. His mind is darker than it once was, more conniving than a paladins should be, but he still holds wisdom. This is a chance for something, I feel it."
Fordring's words had been rapid and quiet. Not a whisper, but meant to convey some element of subtlety you were sure. As he said though, where was the plan for… well what? Peace between the Horde and Alliance? There were many differences between your two peoples, and perhaps some of those were due to Thrall. Dealing with the Kul Tirans squatting in Kalimdor would certainly solve some of the tensions. Grok had once suggested it, two years ago now when you'd been sitting in Sen'jin.
You felt the pure flame inside you. Did it desire peace? The fire of your soul had always revelled in battle, and you could feel some of that same battle-joy now, but there was something else behind it, something after battle, yes, perhaps it was the promise of peace.
You looked to Fordring. You would go to Dathrohan soon, Sesk had finished his work and you felt the paste warm on your skin. You didn't trust Dathrohan, not like you trusted Fordring. Perhaps…
Choose 1:
[ ] Tell Fordring about your call to the Light.
[ ] Do not tell Fordring.
Voting will remain open for a week or so, and is immediately open.
We have almost concluded the 3rd arc of this Quest. We're 200k and 2 years into the Quest, so thanks everyone who's been about and reading. I'm going to do another mini-arc for your operations in Alterac, simialrly to the mini-arc for Arathi. This means more binary choices before we go back to the Plan voting.
Also, given the longevity of the Quest, I'd also like to take the opportunity to ask for feedback. For example, in a certain WoW story I've been following, various boss battles have come up, with the bosses shouting their lines from the games in a rather silly manner. I've attempted to add some banter to the Naxx fight without disrupting the tension of the battle, but I'd like to know if this has actually worked.
As such, what have you liked about this quest? What do you think works well? Conversely, what don't you like or think doesn't work so well. These can either be mechanics or plot elements, or characterisation, whatever really.
Equipment gained:
- Paste, an older Orcish decoration, these ancient marks denote your rank, clan and occupation, and inspire approval in more conservative members of Orcish society.
- Bolvar's Writ, a letter of safe conduct commanding all loyal citizens of the Alliance to treat you well.
- Strange Crystal, a fist sized stone taken as a trophy from Alexandros Mograine, this stone was said to have been taken from a warlock by the paladin, before being used as part of the Ashbringer, Mograine's mighty sword.
Spells gained:
Purefire: You called on the Light in Naxxramas and received felt benevolence. You can channel this power into a healing fire that sears wounds closed and burns away sickness.
Firecalling: Building on the rites learned in the caverns of Orgrimmar, you know the spells and rituals of Firecalling, an Orcish funerary tradition. You can summon up and dismiss feiry spirits of the recently dead, but mainly use this skill in performing funerals.
Elemental connection gained:
You have a connection to the Light. You know little about this currently, but you can feel it, a pure fire in your heart. You called on the Light at your death, and used it's strength to strike down Alexandros Mograine. The Light is traditionally used by human priests and paladins to heal, as well as protecting the weak or striking down evil foes.
Skills gained:
Battle Fury > War Joy: Not only do you control the battle fury of your kind, embracing but refusing to be controlled by the primal instincts of your clan, you hold joy in it, making battle simple for you.
Warsight +5%, now 80% to next level.
Slaying > Advanced Slaying
Expert Tactics +25%, 25% to next level for a capable assault against a powerful enemy position.
Master Weapon Competency +25%, 25% to next level for duelling and winning against two of the most skillful combatants in the Scourge.